Meet your Focused Ultrasound Education (FUSED) Program team
The FUSED Program was developed through collaboration between leaders in imaging and specialists in emergency medicine, anesthesiology, critical care and neonatology. It brings this advanced technology to the point-of-care management of sick children.

Elaina E. Lin, MD

Meryl S. Cohen, MD, MSEd

Shobha S. Natarajan, MD

Michael D. Quartermain, MD

Lindsay S. Rogers, MD
Critical Care

Thomas Conlon, MD

Christie Glau, MD

Adam S. Himebauch, MD, MSCE

Akira Nishisaki, MD, MSCE

Samuel Rosenblatt, MD, MSEd

Mark Weber, MSN, CRNP, BSN
Emergency Medicine

Aaron E. Chen, MD

Michael T. McWay, MD

Rachel G. Rempell, MD
General Pediatrics

Beryl M. Greywoode, MD
Global Health

Keri A. Cohn, MD, MPH, DTM&H

Hansel J. Otero, MD