Summer L. Kaplan, MD
Locations: Main Building
About Summer L. Kaplan, MD
Summer L. Kaplan, MD, is a pediatric radiologist in the Department of Radiology at The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia.
Pediatric Radiologist
Diagnostic Radiology – American Board of Radiology
Pediatric Radiology – American Board of Radiology
Awards and Honors
2015, Caffey Award for Best Basic Science Research Paper, Society for Pediatric Radiology, “Gonad Shields: Good or Bad for Patient Radiation Exposure?”
Leadership and Memberships
Memberships in Professional Organizations
2014 - present, Society for Pediatric Radiology
- 2015-present, Informatics Committee
- 2014-2015, Public Policy Committee
- 2014-present, Physician Resources Committee
2014-present, Radiological Society of North America
2014-present, American Roentgen Ray Society
2014-present, American College of Radiology
Editorial and Academic Positions
Editorial Positions
2013-2014, American Journal of Neuroradiology, reviewer
Academic and Institutional Committees
2015-present, Clinical Information Technology Advisory Committee, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
2014-present, Education Committee, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Department of Radiology
2013 - present, Quality and Safety Committee, Department of Radiology, The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
Education & training
Graduate Degree
MS - University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
Medical Degree
MD - University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
Pediatrics - St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children, Philadelphia, PA
Radiology: Diagnostic - Temple University Hospital, Philadelphia, PA
Pediatric Radiology - The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA
Otero HJ, Cardillo F, Duffy E, Kaplan SL (2018 Sep 15). The Cost-Estimation Department: A Step Toward Cost Transparency in Radiology. J Am Coll Radiol., pii: S1546-1440(18)30981-5. doi: 10.1016/j.jacr.2018.07.033. PMID: 30227950. Epub ahead of print.
Anupindi SA. Kaplan SL. Back SJ, Fung-Ho V, Reid JR. "Dark Side of Radiology: Imaging the Child with Abdominal Pain". ARRS Categorical Course Book. Accepted for publication in 2015.
Bai X, Codreanu I, Kaplan SL, Servaes S, Zhuang H: Non-Hodgkin lymphoma dominated by multiple organ extranodal disease revealed on FDG PET/CT. Clinical nuclear medicine 40(4): 360-3, Apr 2015.
Liu B, Kaplan SL, Zhuang H: Suspected urine leak in a pediatric renal transplant patient with Prune Belly syndrome. Clinical Nuclear Medicine 2015 Notes: Accepted for publication.
Zhang W, Kaplan SL, Servaes S, Zhuang H: Limbus vertebra on bone scintigraphy in a pediatric patient. Clinical Nuclear Medicine 2015 Notes: Accepted for publication.
Ali S, Kaplan SL, Kaufman T, Fenerty S, Kozin S, Zlotolow D : Madelung deformity and Madelung-type deformities: a review of the clinical and radiological characteristics. Pediatric Radiology July 2015 Notes: Epub ahead of print.
Liu B, Kaplan SL, Yang H, Codreanu I, Zhuang H: Constipation causing elevated iodine activity in the rectum mimicking thyroid cancer metastases. Clinical nuclear medicine 40(5): 442-5, May 2015.
Abstracts (includes Posters and Scientific Presentations)
Kaplan SL, Magill D, Felice MA, Ali S, Zhu X. Do Gonad Shields Increase Patient Radiation? Radiologic Society of North America Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL Dec 2015 Notes: Poster presentation, alternate for oral presentation.
Neal JT, Woodford AL, Kaplan SL, Chen AE: The Effect of Bedside Ultrasound (US) Assistance on the Proportion of Successful Infant Lumbar Punctures in a Pediatric Emergency Department: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Society for Academic Emergency Medicine, Annual Meeting, San Diego, California May 2015 Notes: Oral presentation.
Neal JT, Woodford AL, Kaplan SL, Chen AE. T: The Effect of Bedside Ultrasound (US) Assistance on the Proportion of Successful Infant Lumbar Punctures in a Pediatric Emergency Department: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Pediatric Academic Societies Annual Meeting, San Diego, California April 2015 Notes: Poster presentation.
Kaplan SL, Magill D, Felice MA, Ali S, Zhu X. Gonad Shields: Good or Bad for Patient Radiation Exposure? Society for Pediatric Radiology Annual Meeting, Bellevue, Washington April-May 2015 Notes: Oral presentation - Winner of John Caffey Award for Best Basic Science Paper.
Kaplan SL, Darge K: Key Imaging Findings in Median Arcuate Ligament Syndrome. Society for Pediatric Radiology Annual Meeting, Bellevue, Washington April 2015 Notes: Poster presentation.
Neal JT, Woodford AL, Kaplan SL, Chen AE: The Effect of Bedside Ultrasound (US) Assistance on the Proportion of Successful Infant Lumbar Punctures in a Pediatric Emergency Department: A Randomized Controlled Trial American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine Annual Meeting, Lake Buena Vista, Florida March 2015 Notes: Oral presentation.
Neal JT, Woodford AL, Kaplan SL, Chen AE: The Effect of Bedside Ultrasound (US) Assistance on the Proportion of Successful Infant Lumbar Punctures in a Pediatric Emergency Department: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Society for Academic Emergency Medicine, Annual Mid-Atlantic Regional Meeting, Washington, DC February 2015 Notes: Oral presentation.
Neal JT, Woodford AL, Kaplan SL, Chen AE: The Effect of Bedside Ultrasound (US) Assistance on the Proportion of Successful Infant Lumbar Punctures in a Pediatric Emergency Department: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Children's Hospital of Philadelphia Research Poster Day, February 2015 Notes: Poster presentation - Winner of Research Award.
Ali S, Zlotolow D, Kaufman T, Syed AB, Kaplan SL, Ling S: A Review of the Clinical and Radiological Features of Madelung's Deformity and Madelung-type Deformities. International Skeletal Society, 41st Annual Meeting and Musculoskeletal Imaging Course, Edinburgh, Scotland October 2014 Notes: Poster presentation.
Ali S, Yang J, Verma R, Syed AB, Nankoo S, Kaplan SL, Ling S: Florid Osseous Dysplasia: An Uncommon "Do Not Touch" Entity International Skeletal Society, 41st Annual Meeting and Musculoskeletal Imaging Course, Edinburgh, Scotland October 2014 Notes: Poster presentation.
Ali S, Kaplan SL, Griffin N: Posteromedial Corner Injury: An Under-recognized Entity in Cruciate Ligament Tears. International Skeletal Society, 41st Annual Meeting and Musculoskeletal Imaging Course, Edinburgh, Scotland October 2014 Notes: Poster presentation.
Ali S, Kaplan SL, Griffin N: Tendinous Sharing Between the Long Flexors of the Foot: Implications for the Spread of Infection and for Tendon Transfer Surgery. International Skeletal Society, 41st Annual Meeting and Musculoskeletal Imaging Course, Edinburgh, Scotland October 2014 Notes: Poster presentation.
Ali S, Gold J, Mohamed F, Kaplan SL, Barbe M: Serum and MRI Biomarkers in Mobile Device Texting. International Skeletal Society, 41st Annual Meeting and Musculoskeletal Imaging Course, Edinburgh, Scotland October 2014 Notes: Oral presentation.
Ali S, Crane E, Lambi A, Popoff S, Kaplan SL : The Effect of Automatic Exposure Control on Radiation Dose. International Skeletal Society, 41st Annual Meeting and Musculoskeletal Imaging Course, Edinburgh, Scotland October 2014 Notes: Oral presentation.
Lectures by Invitation
"Imaging in Pediatric Trauma", Trauma Symposium, AtlantiCare, Atlantic City, NJ, May 2015.
"Gonad Shields: Good or Bad for Patient Radiation Exposure?" Society for Pediatric Radiology Annual Meeting, Bellevue, Washington. Note: Winner of Caffey Award, April 2015.
"Imaging in Pediatric Trauma", Imaging Pathways in Pediatric Trauma, AtlantiCare, Department of Surgery Lecture Series, Atlantic City, NJ, December 2014.
"Serum and MRI Biomarkers in Mobile Device Texting", International Skeletal Society 41st Annual Meeting, Edinburgh, Scotland, October 2014.
"The Effect of Automatic Exposure Control on Radiation Dose", International Skeletal Society 41st Annual Meeting, Edinburgh, Scotland, October 2014.
Editorials, Reviews, Chapters
Loevner LA, Kaplan SL, Cunnane ME, Moonis G: Cross-sectional imaging of the thyroid gland. Neuroimaging Clinics of North America 18(3): 445-61, 2008.
Mazzulli JR, Hodara R, Lind S, Ischiropoulos H. Oxidative stress and protein deposition diseases. In: Uversky VN, Fink AL, eds. Protein Misfolding, Aggregation, and Conformational Diseases Vol. 1. 2006; 123-136, Springer Publishers. New York, New York.
Mazzulli JR, Lind S, Ischriopoulos H. Reactive oxygen and nitrogen species: Weapons of neuronal destruction. In: Luo Y, Packer L, eds. Oxidative Stress and Age-Related Neurodegeneration. 2006; 107–119, CRC Publishers. Boca Raton, Florida.