Victor Ho-Fung, MD
Locations: Main Building
About Victor Ho-Fung, MD
Victor Ho-Fung, MD, is the associate trauma director for Radiology - Trauma Service and an attending radiologist in the Department of Radiology at The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia and is a member of the Trauma Center team.
Associate Trauma Director for Radiology, Trauma Service
Assistant Professor of Radiology, Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania
Pediatric Radiology – American Board of Radiology
Awards and Honors
2020, John H. Moe Best Basic Research Poster Award - Scoliosis Research Society (SRS)
2018, Volunteer Service Award - American Board of Radiology Collaboration (ABR)
2017, Dr. Edward S. Cooper Society, Leadership Development Program, Perelman School of Medicine, Wharton Leadership Program Collaboration
2013, Second Runner-up, Best Oral Presentation at Asian & Oceanic Society for Paediatric Radiology Congress, "Evaluation of the Normal Sternal Development in Children: Classification and Potential Pitfalls on Routine Thoracic CT", Hong Kong, China
2007, Society of Interventional Radiology Resident-In-Training Scholarship, Society of Interventional Radiology Annual Meeting, Seattle, Washington
2006, RSNA/AUR/ARRS Introduction to Research Program Scholarship, Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) 92nd Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois
2002-2004, Alpha Omega Alpha - Chapter Officer at the University of Puerto Rico School Of Medicine
2001, First Annual Recipient of Ricky Martin's Academic Excellence Scholarship Award - University of Puerto Rico School of Medicine
Leadership and Memberships
Memberships in Professional Organizations
2011-present, Sociedad Latinoamericana de Radiología Pediátrica
2015-present, American College of Radiology
2013-present, American Board of Radiology
- 2016-present, Pediatric Core Examination Committee, Chair
2009-present, The Society for Pediatric Radiology
- 2019-present, Musculoskeletal Imaging Committee
- 2016-present, Emergency and Trauma Imaging Committee
2005-present, The American Roentgen Ray Society
- 2017-present, Consulting Editor-Question Review Task Force
- 2016-present, Item-Writing Subcommittee
2005-present, Radiological Society of North America
Editorial and Academic Positions
Editorial Positions
2021, Reviewer - Radiographics
2013-present, Pediatric Radiology, reviewer
2011-present, Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, reviewer
Academic and Institutional Committees
2020-present, Chair of Diversity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity Council of Radiology (DIECR)
2019-present, Member, Diversity and Inclusion Committee
2018-present, Education Committee, Radiology Department
2013-present, Osteochondritis Dissecans MRI Classification Committee for Research in Osteochondritis of the Knee (ROCK)
Education & training
Medical Degree
MD - University of Puerto Rico School of Medicine, San Juan, PR
General Surgery - University District Hospital, University of Puerto Rico School of Medicine, San Juan, Puerto Rico
Diagnostic Radiology - Pennsylvania Hospital, Philadelphia, PA
Pediatric Radiology - The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA
Post-Doctoral Research, Neuro Aids Research Program - University of Puerto Rico School of Medicine, San Juan, Puerto Rico
Additional Training
Post-doctoral research fellow - NeuroAIDS Research Program, University of Puerto Rico School of Medicine, San Juan, Puerto Rico
Nguyen J, Guariento A, Nicholson A, Nguyen M, Gendler L, Ho-Fung V, Zhu Z, Talwar D, Darge K, Flynn J, Cahill P: Hand Bone Age Radiography: Comparison Between Slot-scanning and Conventional Techniques. Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics 41(2): e167-e173, February 2021 Notes: Doi: 10.1097/BPO.0000000000001710.
Bedoya MA, Barrera CA, Bencardino JT, Ho-Fung V: Humeral lesser tuberosity avulsion fractures - magnetic resonance imaging characteristics in the pediatric population. Pediatric Radiology 51(8): 1421-1430, July 2021 Notes: doi: 10.1007/s00247-021-04988-y.
Back SJ, Chauvin NA, Ntoulia A, Ho-Fung VM, Calle Toro JS, Sridharan A, Morgan TA, Kozak B, Darge K, Sankar WN: Intraoperative Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasound Imaging of Femoral Head Perfusion in Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip: A Feasibility Study. Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine 39(2): 247-257, February 2020 Notes: doi: 10.1002/jum.15097.
Aguino MR, Maresky HS, Amirabadi A, Koberlein GC, Dinan D, Ho-Fung VM, John SD: After-hours radiology coverage in children's hospitals: a multi-center survey. Pediatric Radiology March 2020 Notes: Doi: 10.1007/s00247-020-04647-8. Epub ahead of print, as of May 2020.
Degnan A, Ho-Fung V, Wang D, Ficicoglu C, Jaramillo D: Gaucher disease status and treatment assessment: pilot study using magnetic resonance spectroscopy bone marrow fat fractions in pediatric patients. Clinical Imaging 63: 1-6, July 2020 Notes: Doi: 10.1016/j.clinimag.2020.02.009.
Pasha S, Hassanzadeh P, Ecker M, Ho-Fung VM: A hierarchical classification of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis: Identifying the distinguishing features in 3D spinal deformities. PLOS One March 2019 Notes: Published online, https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0213406
Bedoya MA, Barrera CA, Chauvin NA, Delgado J, Jaramillo D, Ho-Fung VM: Normal meniscal dimensions at different patient ages-MRI evaluation. Skeletal Radiology 48(4): 595-603, April 2019.
Rapp JB, Barrera CA, Ho-Fung VM: Morel-Lavellée lesions: MRI characteristics in the pediatric patient. Pediatric Radiology 49(4): 559-565, April 2019.
Degnan AJ, Ho-Fung VM, Nguyen JC, Barrera CA, Lawrence JTR, Kaplan SL: Proximal radius fractures in children: evaluation of associated elbow fractures. Pediatric Radiology 49(9): 1177-1184, August 2019.
Saade-Lemus S, Nguyen JC, Francavilla ML, Martin-Saavedra JS, Ho-Fung VM, Kaplan SL: Buckle fracture of the proximal tibia in children and frequency of association with trampoline and inflatable bouncer use. Pediatric Radiology 49(10): 1327-1334, September 2019
Bedoya MA, Barrera CA, Chauvin NA, Delgado J, Jaramillo D, Ho-Fung VM (2019 Apr). Normal Meniscal Dimensions at Different Patient Ages- MRI Evaluation. Skeletal Radiology, 48 (4): 595-603. Doi: 10.1007/s00256-018-3072-8. PMID: 30242447. Electronically published: 2018 Sep 22.
Degnan AJ, Ho-Fung VM (2018 Oct). More Than Epiphyseal Osteochondromas: Updated Understanding of Imaging Findings in Dysplasia Epiphysealis Hemimelica (Trevor Disease). American Journal of Roentgenology, 211(4): 910-919. PMID: 30160986. Doi: 10.2214/AJR.18.19712. Electronically published: 2018 Aug 30.
Bedoya MA, Barrera CA, Chauvin NA, Delgado J, Jaramillo D, Ho-Fung VM (2018 Sep 22). Normal meniscal dimensions at different patient ages-MRI evaluation. Skeletal Radiol. doi: 10.1007/s00256-018-3072-8. PMID: 30242447. Epub ahead of print.
Bedoya MA, Chauvin NA, Jaramillo D, Davidson R, Horn BD, Ho-Fung V: Common patterns of congenital lower extremity shortening: Diagnosis, classification, and follow-up. Radiographics 35(4): 1191-2017, July-August 2015.
Chauvin NA, Ho-Fung V, Jaramillo D, Edgar JC, Weiss PF: Ultrasound of the joints and entheses in healthy children. Pediatric Radiology March 2015 Notes: Epub ahead of print.
Shi-Cheung Chan S, Russell M, Ho-Fung VM: Not all radiopaque foreign bodies shadow on ultrasound: Unexpected sonographic appearance of a radiopaque magnet. Ultrasound Q 30(4): 306-9, December 2014.
Jaimes C, Berman JI, Delgado J, Ho-Fung V, Jaramillo D: Diffusion-tensor imaging of the growing ends of long bones: Pilot demonstration of columnar structure in the physes and metaphyses of the knee. Radiology 273(2): 491-501, November 2014 Notes: Epub 2014 Aug 1.
Gans I, Bedoya MA, Ho-Fung V, Ganley TJ: Diagnostic performance of magnetic resonance imaging and pre-surgical evaluation in the assessment of traumatic intra-articular knee disorders in children and adolescents: what conditions still pose diagnostic challenges? Pediatr Radiol August 2014 Notes: Epub ahead of print Aug 31.
Jaramillo D, Bedoya MA, Wang DJ, Pena AH, Delgado J, Jaimes C, Ho-Fung V, Kaplan P: Quantification of bone marrow involvement in treated Gaucher Disease with proton MR spectroscopy: Correlation with bone marrow MRI scores and clinical status. American Journal of Roentgenology 6: 1296-1302, June 2014. PMCID: 26001241
Delgado J, Jaramillo D, Ho-Fung V, Fisher MJ, Anupindi SA: MRI features of plexiform neurofibromas involving the liver and pancreas in children with neurofibromatosis type I. Clin Radiol 69(6): e280-284, June 2014.
Delgado J, Jaimes C, Gwal K, Jaramillo D, Ho-Fung V: Sternal development in the pediatric population: evaluation using computed tomography. Pediatr Radiol 44(4): 425-433, April 2014.
Chauvin NA, Jaimes C, Ho-Fung V, Wells L, Ganley T, Jaramillo D: Diagnostic performance of magnetic resonance arthrography of the shoulder in children. Pediatric Radiology 43(10): 1309-1315, October 2013.
Ho-Fung V, Jaimes C, Delgado J, Davidson RS, Jaramillo D: MRI evaluation of the knee in children with Infantile Blount Disease: Tibial and extra-tibial findings. Pediatric Radiology 43(10): 1316-1326, October 2013.
Jaimes C, Jimenez M, Marin D, Ho-Fung V, Jaramillo D: The Trochlear Pre-ossification Center: A normal developmental stage and potential pitfall on MR images. Pediatric Radiology 42(11): 1364-1371, November 2012.
Martínez-Cruzado JC, Toro-Labrador G, Ho-Fung V, Estévez-Montero MA, Lobaina-Manzanet A, Padovani-Claudio DA, Sánchez-Cruz H, Ortiz-Bermúdez P, Sánchez-Crespo A: Mitochondrial DNA analysis reveals substantial Native American ancestry in Puerto Rico. Human biology 73(4): 491-511, August 2001.
Abstracts (includes Posters and Scientific Presentations)
Henry K, Wood JN, Chen A, Darge K, Egbe T, Elsingergy M, Ho Fung V, Kaplan S, Kloss JY, Nance M, Scribano PV, Back SJ: Sensitivity of contrast-enhanced ultrasound versus CT in detection of solid organ injuries from blunt abdominal trauma in young children. International Pediatric Radiology Congress (IPR), Rome, Italy October 2021 Notes: Poster presentation.
Haddad S, Foran A, Ho Fung VM, Hwang M: Brain Ultrasound Using Microvascular Imaging Documents Reperfusion Injury in Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy. The Society for Pediatric Radiology, Annual Meeting & Postgraduate Course, Denver, CO April - May 2022 Notes: Case Report Poster (accepted December 2021_
Nguyen J, Bram JT, Ganley TJ, Lawrence JT, Patel N, Ho-Fung V: MRI Criteria for Ramp Lesions of the Knee in Children with Torn Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL). Society for Pediatric Radiology, Meeting 2020 Notes: accepted cancelled due to COVID-19.
Pasha S, Baldwin KD, Anari JB, Ho-Fung V: 3D Classification of the Right Thoracic Scoliotic Spine by the Means of Two View Spinal Radiographs: A Validation Stud. Scoliosis Research Society Annual Meeting 2020.
Degnan AJ, Ho-Fung VM, Nguyen JC, Lawrence JT, Kaplan SL: Underappreciated Elbow Fractures: Pediatric Radial Head and Neck Fractures and Additional Fracture Associations. Society for Pediatric Radiology, San Francisco, CA 49(Suppl 1): S97, April 2019 Notes: Scientific Session III-B: MSK, Annual Meeting & Postgraduate Course, Oral presentation
Lectures by Invitation
"Imaging of the Pediatric Knee - Traumatic Injuries". Argentine Congress fo Diagnostic Imaging (CADI) 2021, Virtual Presentation. Oct 2021.
"Imaging of the Child with a Soft Tissue Mass", American Roentgen Ray Society (ARRS) Annual Meeting, Pediatric MSK Common Indications Resident Track. Virtual Presentation. Apr 2021.
"MRI of the Pediatric Knee" Sociedad Latino Americana de Radiologia Pediatrica (SLARP) Webinar Series Virtual Presentation. Mar 2021.
"Musculoskeletal Imaging in Cerebral Palsy - Spine and Lower Extremities", Sociedad Latino Americana de Radiologia Pediatrica (SLARP) Annual Meeting, Cordoba, Argentina. Jun 2019.
Editorials, Reviews, Chapters
Ho-Fung V, Saptogino A, Cain T, Jaramillo D: Normal growth and development/congenital disorders. Pediatric Radiology Practical Imaging Evaluation of Infants and Children. Lee E (eds.). Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, October 2018 Notes: https://radiologykey.com/normal-growth-normal-development-and-congenital-disorders, First published online.
Goodbody C, Lee RJ, Ho-Fung V, Ganley T: Discoid meniscus: Overview, epidemiology, classification, and assessment. Pediatric and Adolescent Knee Surgery. Frank Cordasco and Daniel Green (eds.). Wolters Kluwer, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Page: 231-235, 2015.
Shiu-Cheung Chan S, Russel M, Ho-Fung V: Not all radiopaque foreign bodies shadow on ultrasound: Unexpected sonographic appearance of a radiopaque magnet. Ultrasound Quarterly 30(4): 306-309, December 2014.
Ho-Fung, V, Jaramillo D: Cartilage imaging in children: Current indications, magnetic resonance imaging techniques and imaging findings. Radiologic Clinics of North America 51(4): 689-702, July 2013.
Biko D M, Miller A L, Ho-Fung V, Jaramillo D: MRI of congenital and developmental abnormalities of the knee. Clinical Radiology 67(12): 1198-1206, December 2012.
Ho-Fung V, Jaimes C, Jaramillo D: Magnetic resonance imaging assessment of sports-related musculoskeletal injury in children: Current techniques and clinical applications. Seminars in Roentgenology 47(2): 171-181, April 2012.
Ho-Fung Victor M, Jaimes Camilo, Jaramillo Diego: MR imaging of ACL injuries in pediatric and adolescent patients. Clinics in Sports Medicine 30(4): 707-726, October 2011.
Ho-Fung V, Jaimes C, Pollock A: Peritoneal inclusion cyst. Pediatric Emergency Care 27(5): 430-431, May 2011.
Ho-Fung Victor, Jaimes Camilo, Pollock Avrum N: Third ventricular colloid cyst. Pediatric Emergency Care 27(3): 242-243, March 2011.
Ho-Fung V, Pollock A: Triplane fracture. Pediatric Emergency Care 27(1): 70-72, January 2011.