Michael D. Quartermain, MD
Locations: Main Building, Specialty Care, Bryn Mawr
About Michael D. Quartermain, MD
Michael D. Quartermain, MD, is an attending cardiologist and Medical Director of the Echocardiography Laboratory in the Cardiac Center at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia.
Attending Cardiologist
Associate Professor of Clinical Pediatrics, Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania
Pediatric Cardiology – American Board of Pediatrics
Pediatrics – American Board of Pediatrics
Awards and Honors
2013, Wake Forest University School of Medicine, Department of Maternal Fetal Medicine Faculty Teaching Award
2011, Faculty Honor Roll for Teaching Pediatrics Residency Program, The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
2009, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia 12th Annual Update of Pediatric Cardiovascular Disease, Young Investigator Abstract Finalist. “Cardiopulmonary Bypass Does Not Cause Neurocognitive Decline in Children and Adolescents."
2008, Arthur E. Weyman Young Investigator's Award Finalist, American Society of Echocardiography Scientific Sessions 2008. Presentation of "Left Ventricle to Right Ventricle Size Discrepancy in the Fetus: Can We Reliably Predict the Presence of Critical Congenital Heart Disease?"
2008, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Research Day Abstract Winner, "Left Ventricle to Right Ventricle Size Discrepancy in the Fetus: Can We Reliably Predict the Presence of Critical Congenital Heart Disease."
2004-2005, Ann Newman Fellow for Clinical Excellence in Pediatric Cardiology. The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine.
2000, Alpha Omega Alpha. Wake Forest University School of Medicine
Leadership and Memberships
Memberships in Professional Organizations
2014-present, American Society of Echocardiography
- 2018-present, Pediatric Representative, Finance Committee
- 2014-present, Guidelines and Standards Committee
- 2014-present, FASE American Advisory Committee
2004-present, American College of Cardiology
Editorial and Academic Positions
Editorial Positions
2020-present, Journal Reviewer, Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography
2020-present, Journal Reviewer, World Journal for Pediatric and Congenital Heart Surgery
2019-present, Journal Reviewer, Fetal Diagnosis and Therapy
2009-present, Journal Reviewer, Echocardiography
2009-present, Journal Reviewer, Cardiology in the Young
2008-present, Journal Reviewer, Pediatrics
2008-present, Journal Reviewer, Pediatric Cardiology
Institutional and Academic Committees
2019-present, Echocardiography Lab, Fellows Education Committee
2018-present, Periop Neonatal Guidelines QI Team
2018-present, Cardiac Center Operations Committee
2017-present, Cardiac Center Outpatient Clinic-Echo Lab Operations Committee
2017-present, Echocardiography Lab Quality Improvement Committee
2017-present, Intern Interview Committee, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine
Education & training
Medical Degree
MD - Wake Forest University School of Medicine, Winston-Salem, NC.
Pediatrics - Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA
Pediatrics - Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA
Advanced Cardiac Imaging Fellow, Pediatric Echocardiography and Fetal Echocardiography - Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania
Pediatric Cardiology - Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA
Campbell M, Quartermain MD, Cohen MS, Wang Y, Capone v, Mercer-Rosa L, Goldberg DJ,: Longitudinal Changes in Echocardiographic Measures of Ventricular Function after Fontan operation. Echocardiography 37(9): 1443-1448, July 2020.
Perry S Choi, Hannah H Nam, Andras Lasso, Christian Herz, Simon Drouin, David M Harrild, Michael Quartermain , Gabor Fichtinger, Christopher E Mascio, Sitaram Emani, Matthew A Jolley : Three-Dimensional Modeling of Surgically Implanted Stent-Based Valves in the Mitral Position in Children. Ann Thoracic Surgery 110(2): 670-675, Aug 2020.
Matsubara D, Kauffman HL, Wang Y, Calderon-Anyosa R, Nadaraj S, Elias MD, White TJ, Torowicz DL, Yubbu P, Giglia TM, Hogarty AN, Rossano JW, Quartermain MD, Banerjee A.: Echocardiographic Findings in Pediatric Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome Associated with COVID-19 in the United States. Journal of American College of Cardiology 76(17): 1947-1961, Oct 2020.
Avitabile C, Wang Y, Zhang X, Griffins H, Adams S, Herkert L, Frank D, Quartermain MD, Rintoul N, Hedrick HL, Mercer-Rosa LM.: Right Heart Strain, Brain Natriuretic Peptide, and Mortality in Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia. Annals of American Thoracic Surgery 17(11): 1431-1439, Nov 2020.
Campbell MJ, Lorch S, Rychik J, Quartermain MD, Groeneveld PW.: Socioeconomic Barriers to Prenatal Diagnosis of Critical Congenital Heart Disease. Prenatal Diagnosis Nov 2020.
Kauffmann H, Ahrens-Nicklas R, Calderon-Anyosa R, Lin K, Rossano JW, Quartermain MD, Banerjee A. : Genotype-Phenotype Association by Echocardiography Offers Incremental Value in Patients with Noonan Syndrome with Multiple Lentigines Pediatr Research Dec 2020.
Meza James M, Devlin Paul J, Overman David M, Gremmels David, Baffa Gina, Cohen Meryl S, Quartermain Michael D, Caldarone Christopher A, Pourmoghadam Kamal, DeCampli William M, Fackoury Cheryl T, Mertens Luc: The Congenital Heart Surgeon's Society Complete Atrioventricular Septal Defect Cohort: Baseline, Preintervention Echocardiographic Characteristics. Seminars in thoracic and cardiovascular surgery 31(1): 80-86, Jan 2019.
James M. Meza, Luc Mertens, Gina Baffa, Meryl S. Cohen, Michael D. Quartermain, David Gremmels, Cheryl Fackoury, Christopher A. Caldarone, William G. Williams, William M. DeCampli, David M. Overman: The CHSS Complete Atrioventricular Septal Defect Inception Cohort: pre-intervention echocardiographic characteristics. Seminar Thoracic Cardiovascular Surgery 31(1): 80-86, Feb 2019.
Quartermain Michael D, Hill Kevin D, Goldberg David J, Jacobs Jeffrey P, Jacobs Marshall L, Pasquali Sara K, Verghese George R, Wallace Amelia S, Ungerleider Ross M: Prenatal Diagnosis Influences Preoperative Status in Neonates with Congenital Heart Disease: An Analysis of the Society of Thoracic Surgeons Congenital Heart Surgery Database. Pediatric cardiology 40(3): 489-496, Mar 2019.
Ootaki Y, Quartermain MD, Walsh MJ, Williams D, Ungerleider RM: Medium-Term Outcomes after Implantation of expanded-Polytetrafluoroethylene Valved Conduit The Annals of Thoracic Surgery 105(3): 843-850, Mar 2018.
Walsh Michael J, Verghese George R, Ferguson M Eric, Fino Nora F, Goldberg David J, Owens Sonal T, Pinto Nelangi, Zyblewski Sinai C, Quartermain Michael D: Counseling Practices for Fetal Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome. Pediatric cardiology 38(5): 946-958, Jun 2017.
Chen K, Ugochi A, Anderson A, Mertz H, Quartermain MD: Prenatally diagnosed single umbilical artery: The role and relationship of additional risk factors in the fetus for congenital heart disease. J Clin Ultrasound 44(2): 113-7, Feb 2016.
McElhinney DB, Quartermain MD, Kenny, Alboliras E, Amin Z: Relative risk factors for cardiac erosion following transcatheter closure of atrial septal defects: A case-control study. Circulation 133(18): 1738-46, May 2016.
Margossian Renee, Sleeper Lynn A, Pearson Gail D, Barker Piers C, Mertens Luc, Quartermain Michael D, Su Jason T, Shirali Girish, Chen Shan, Colan Steven D: Assessment of Diastolic Function in Single-Ventricle Patients After the Fontan Procedure. Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography : official publication of the American Society of Echocardiography 29(11): 1066-1073, Nov 2016.
Quartermain MD, Pasquali SK, Hill KD, Goldberg DJ, Huhta JC, Jacobs JP, Jacobs ML, Kim S. National Variation in Prenatal Diagnosis of Congenital Heart Disease by State and Lesion Type: An analysis of the Society of Thoracic Surgeons Congenital Heart Surgery (STS-CHS) Database. Pediatrics 2015. Aug;136(2):e378-85.
Quartermain MD, Glatz AC, Goldberg DJ, Cohen MS, Elias MD, Tian Z, Rychik J: Pulmonary outflow tract obstruction in fetuses with complex congenital heart disease: predicting the need for neonatal intervention. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 41(1): 47-53, Jan 2013.
Ungerleider RM, Pasquali SK, Welke KF, Wallace AS, Ootaki Y, Quartermain MD, Williams DA, Jacobs JP: Contemporary patterns of surgery and outcomes for aortic coarctation: an analysis of the Society of Thoracic Surgeons Congenital Heart Surgery Database. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 145(1): 150-7; discussion 157-8, Jan 2013.
Di Maria MV, Glatz AC, Ravishankar C, Quartermain MD, Rush CH, Nance M, Gaynor WJ, Goldberg DJ: Supplemental tube feeding does not mitigate weight loss in infants with shunt-dependent single-ventricle physiology. Pediatr Cardiol 34(6): 1350-6, Aug 2013.
Kirsch RE, Dimaria M, Quartermain MD, Meaney PA, Fuller S: Repair of anomalous left coronary artery from pulmonary artery in an infant with respiratory syncytial virus bronchiolitis. World J Pediatr Congenit Heart Surg 3(2): 267-70, Apr 2012.
O'Connor MJ, Elias MD, Cohen MS, Quartermain MD: Outcomes of infants undergoing superior cavopulmonary connection in the presence of ventricular dysfunction. Pediatr Cardiol 33(4): 547-53, Apr 2012.
Vossler JD, Entrikin DW, Quartermain MD, Kon ND, Ungerleider RM, Ootaki Y: Anomalous left coronary artery from the pulmonary arteryin an adult. The Heart Surgery Forum 15(5): E284-5, Oct 2012.
Williams DA, Ootaki Y, Quartermain MD: Coronary anomaly preventing transcatheter closure of an atrial septal defect. Circ Cardiovasc interv 5(5): e61-2, Oct 2012.
Rychik J, Zeng S, Bebbington M, Szwast A, Quartermain M, Natarajan S, Johnson M, Tian Z: Speckle tracking-derived myocardial tissue deformation imaging in twin-twin transfusion syndrome: differences in strain and strain rate between donor and recipient twins. Fetal Diagn Ther 32(1-2): 131-7, 2012.
Hall EK, Glatz AC, Quartermain MD, Ravishankar C, Kaufman B, Cohen MS, Hanna BD, Goldberg DJ: Brain-type natriuretic peptide correlates with right heart pressures in a cross section of pediatric heart transplant patients. Pediatr Tansplant 15(1): 70-4, Feb 2011.
Atz AM, Travison TG, McCrindle BW, Mahony L, Quartermain M, Williams RV, Breitbart RE, Lu M, Radojewski E, Margossian R, Covitz W, Gersony WM: Late status of Fontan patients with persistent surgical fenestration. J Am Coll Cardiol 57(24): 2437-43, Jun 2011.
Peterson AL, Quartermain MD, Ades A, Khalek N, Johnson MP, Rychik J: Impact of mode of delivery on markers of perinatal hemodynamics in infants with hypoplastic left heart syndrome. J Pediatr 159(1): 64-9, Jul 2011.
Goldberg DJ, Quartermain MD, Glatz AC, Hall EK, Davis E, Kren SA, Hanna BD, Cohen MS: Doppler tissue imaging in children following cardiac transplantation: a comparison to catheter derived hemodynamics. Pediatr Transplant 15(5): 488-94, Aug 2011.
Quartermain MD, Ittenbach RF, Flynn TB, Gaynor JW, Zhang X, Licht DJ, Ichord RN, Nance ML, Wernovsky G: Neuropsychological status in children after repair of acyanotic congenital heart disease. Pediatrics 126(2): e351-9, Aug 2010.
Rychik J, Szwast A, Natarajan S, Quartermain M, Donaghue DD, Combs J, Gaynor JW, Gruber PJ, Spray TL, Bebbington M, Johnson MP: Perinatal and early surgical outcome for the fetus with hypoplastic left heart syndrome: a 5-year single institutional experience. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 36(4): 465-70, Oct 2010.
Quartermain MD, Rychik J, Cohen MS: The influence of extracardiac anomalies of the fetal cardiovascular system. Pediatric Ultrasound Today 15: 1-20, 2010.2
Quartermain MD, Cohen MS, Dominguez TE, Tian Z, Donaghue DD, Rychik J: Left ventricle to right ventricle size discrepancy in the fetus: the presence of critical congenital heart disease can be reliably predicted. J Am Soc Echocardiogr 22(11): 1296-301, Nov 2009.
Abstracts (includes Posters and Scientific Presentations)
Himebach, A, Quartermain M, Wang, Y Mercer-Rosa, L: Abstract: New Pulmonary Hypertension is Associated With worse Outcomes in Pediatric ARDS, poster presentation. Society of Critical Care Medicine. Orlando, FL February 2020.
Somya Shankar, BS; Jill J. Savla, MD, MSCE; Amanda J. Shillingford, MD; Christine Falkensammer, MD; Karl Degenhardt, MD, PhD; Shobha Natarajan, MD; Michael Quartermain, MD; Zhiyun Tian, MD; Anita L. Szwast, MD; Jack Rychik, MD: Abstract: Clinical Characteristics of Absent Ductus Venosus in the Fetus and Associated Postnatal Outcomes, poster presentation. CHOP Cardiology 2020. Orlando, FL February 2020.
Campbell, M, Rychik, J, Quartermain, M, Lorch, S: Abstract: Socioeconomic Barriers to Prenatal Diagnosis of Critical Congenital Heart Disease, oral presentation. American College of Cardiology (Virtual) March 2020.
Kasey J. Chaszczewski, MD, Jenna M. DiFrancesco, RDCS, Christine Pascua, RDCS, Anirban Banerjee, MD, Christine B. Falkensammer, MD, Matthew A. Jolley, MD, Laura Mercer-Rosa, MD, MSCE, Lindsay S. Rogers, MD, Jill J. Savla, MD, MSCE, Michael D. Quartermain MD, and Shobha S. Natarajan MD: Abstract: Implementing a Quality Improvement Tool to Systematically Identify Discrepancies between Preoperative Echocardiographic Findings and Intraoperative Inspection in Pediatric Patients Undergoing Repair for Congenital Heart Defects, poster presentation. American Society of Echocardiography Scientific Sessions (Virtual) June 2020.
Kauffman H, O'Connor M, Convery M, Quartermain MD, Banerjee A.: Abstract: Fully Automated "Hands off" Evaluation of Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction in Children, poster presentation. American Heart Association Scientific Sessions (Virtual) November 2020.
Kaufman H, O'Connor M, Convery M, Quartermain MD, Banerjee A.: Abstract: Fully Automated Evaluation of Left Atrial Volume in Children, poster presentation. American Heart Association Scientific Session (Virtual) November 2020.
Ghosh RM, Jolley MA, Cohen MS, Griffis H, Mascio CE, Quartermain MD: Abstract: Intraoperative Transesophageal Echocardiography For the Assessment of Residual Atrioventricular Valve Regurgitation in Children, poster presentation. American Society of Echocardiography Scientific Sessions. Portland,OR. June 2019.
Tang, J., Quartermain M., Rogers L.: Abstract: Impact of a New Echocardiography Orientation Course on Number and Quality of Echocardiograms Performed by First-Year Pediatric Cardiology Fellows, poster presentation. American Society of Echocardiography Scientific Sessions. Portland, OR. June 2019.
Himebach, A, Quartermain, M, Wang, Y, Mercer-Rosa, L: Abstract: The Prevalence of Right and Left Ventricular Systolic Dysfunction in Pediatric ARDS Using Strain Echocardiography, poster presentation. 2020 Critical Care Congress. Austin, TX. October 2019.
Lectures by Invitation
Quartermain MD. Echocardiography for Biventricular Repairs for Straddling AV Valve. American Society of Echocardiography Scientific Sessions. July 2020.
Quartermain MD. "How to Best Optimize Operational Processes, Education and Research in the Academic Pediatric Echo Lab". CHOP 2020 Annual Update on Pediatric and Congenital Heart Disease. Orlando, FL. Feb 2020.
Quartermain MD. "Echocardiography for Thrombosis Diagnosis: an algorithm for truth". CHOP Cardiology 2020 Sessions. Annual Update on Pediatric and Congenital Heart Disease. Orlando,FL. Feb 2020.
Quartermain MD. Fetal Diagnosis and Management of Transposition of the Great Arteries focus on the Fetus 2019: Diagnosis of Fetal Anomalies. Philadelphia, PA. Nov 2019.
Quartermain MD. Echocardiography of Ventricular-Arterial Anomalies in CHD Advanced Congenital Cardiac Morphology Course. Philadelphia, PA. Nov 2019.
Quartermain MD. "Case Studies in Echocardiography". CHOP Cardiology 2019 Sessions: Annual Update on Pediatric and Congenital Heart Disease. Huntington Beach, CA. Feb 2019.
Quartermain MD. "Challenges of Echocardiography for ECMO and Mechanical Support". CHOP Cardiology 2019 Sessions. Annual Update on Pediatric and Congenital Heart Disease. Huntington Beach, CA. Feb 2019.
Editorials, Reviews, Chapters
Quartermain MD. Echocardiography. In: Alboliras E, Hijazi Z, Lopez C, Hagler D, editors. Atlas of Neonatal Cardiology. Blackwell Publishing; 2015.
Quartermain MD. In: Congenital Heart Disease Presenting in the Infant and Young Child. Atlas of Cardiovascular Emergencies. New York: McGraw Hill; 2013.
Goff D, Quartermain MD, Szwast A. Fetal Cardiology for the Practitioner. In: Gleason MM, Shaddy RE, Rychik J. Pediatric Practice: Cardiology. New York: McGraw Hill; 2012. p. 98-110.
Quartermain MD. Coarctation of the Aorta. In: Rychik J, Tian Z. Fetal Cardiovascular Imaging: A Disease Based Approach. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier (Saunders); 2011. p. 181-118.
Quartermain MD. Double-Outlet Right Ventricle. In: Rychik J, Tian Z. Fetal Cardiovascular Imaging: A Disease Based Approach. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier (Saunders); 2011. p. 115-124.