Mark Weber, MSN, CRNP, BSN
Areas of expertise: Arterial Line Injury, Vascular access, Ultrasound
Locations: Main Building, Middleman Family Pavilion
About Mark Weber, MSN, CRNP, BSN
Hospital Provider – Nurse Practitioner
Clinical Instructor, University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing
Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support (ACLS)
Basic Life Support (BLS)
Certified Pediatric Nurse Practitioner - Acute Care (CPNP-AC)
Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS)
Awards and Honors
2014, Sonosite Ultrasound Equipment Grant
2011, Presidential Citation, Society of Critical Care Medicine
2001, Nursing Service Grant, University of Pennsylvania
2001, Best Clinical Preceptor, Messiah College
Leadership and Memberships
Memberships in Professional Organizations
2012-present, American College of Critical Care Medicine, Fellow
2011-present, Ultrasound Education for Society of Critical Care Medicine
American Association of Critical Care Nurses
Society of Critical Care Medicine
Editorial and Academic Positions
Academic and Institutional Committees
2016-present, Ultrasound Review Committee
Education & training
Undergraduate Degree
BSN - Messiah College, Mechanicsburg, PA
Graduate Degree
MSN, Pediatric Critical Care - University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
Weber MD. Contributing Author/ Item Writer. Pediatric Acute Care Certification Review. Kline-Tilford, Haut. (2015)
Su E, Pustavoitau A, Hirshberg EL, Nishisaki A, Conlon T, Kantor DB, Weber MD, Godshall AJ, Burzynski JH, Thompson AE. Establishing intensivist-driven ultrasound at eh PICU bedside- it’s about time. Pediatric Critical Care Medicine. 15 (7): 649-52, 2014.
Weber MD Critical Appraisal of: Lazaridis C, Neyens R, Bodle J, Desantis SM. Crit Care Med 2013 May;41(5):1353-60 2013 Found in Online Journal Club of Pediatric Critical Care Medicine.
Weber MD. Pediatric Respiratory Infectious Diseases Chapter. Pediatric Acute Care Textbook. Reuter-Rice, Bolick. (2012)
Thammasitboon S, Weber MD, et. al. An institutional experience with epidural analgesia in children and young adults undergoing cardiac surgery. Pediatric Anesthesia. 20(8): 720-726, 2010.
Weber MD. Family Presence Protocols: A Nurse’s Perspective. Critical Connections. December 2008.
2007 Evidence Based Practice Resource Workgroup. Dysrhythmia Monitoring Practice Alert. Critical Care Nurse. 28(5): 90-91, 2008.
2007 Evidence Based Practice Resource Workgroup. ST- Segment Monitoring Practice Alert. Critical Care Nurse. 28(4): 70-72, 2008.
Weber MD, Thammasitboon S, Rosen DA. Acute Discontinuation Syndrome from Dexmedetomidine after Protracted Use in a Pediatric Patient. Pediatr Anesth.18(1): 87-8, 2008
Weber MD, Thammasitboon S. Critical Appraisal of : Mentec H, May-Michelangeli L, Rabbat A, Varon E, Le Turdu F, Bleichner G. Blind and bronchoscopic sampling methods in suspected ventilator-associated pneumonia: A multicenter prospective study. Intensive Care Med. 30. 1319-1326, 2004. Found in: Pediatr Crit Care Med. 8(3):272-5, 2007
Weber MD. Critical Appraisal of: Fineman LD, Labrecque MA, Shih M-C, Curley MA. Prone positioning can be safely performed in critically ill infants and children. Pediatric Critical Care Medicine. 7 (5) 413-422, 2006. Found in Online Journal Club of Pediatric Critical Care Medicine.
Phipps LM, Weber MD, Ginder BR, Hulse MA, Thomas NJ: A Randomized Controlled Trial Comparing Three Different Techniques of Nasojejunal Feeding Tube Placement in Critically Ill Children, Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition. 29(6) 420-424, 2005
Weber MD, Sparks JD: Use of a Catheter-Securement Device in Pediatric Patients with Decreased Skin Integrity. Journal of Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nursing. 33 (4) 269- 271, 2005.
Weber MD. Critical Appraisal of : Mentec H, May-Michelangeli L, Rabbat A, Varon E, Le Turdu F, Bleichner G. Blind and bronchoscopic sampling methods in suspected ventilator-associated pneumonia: A multicenter prospective study. Intensive Care Med. 30. 1319-1326, 2004. Found in Online Journal Club of Pediatric Critical Care Medicine.
Weber MD. Critical Appraisal of: Levy RL, Chiavacci RM, Nicolson SC et al.: An Evaluation of a Noninvasive Cardiac Output Measurement Using Partial Carbon Dioxide Rebreathing in Children Anesthesia and Analgesia. 99 1642-1647, 2004. Found in Online Journal Club of Pediatric Critical Care Medicine.
Weber MD, Romano MJ: A Quick and Simple Method to Provide Transtracheal Jet Ventilation. Anesthesia and Analgesia. 99 (4) 1271-1272, 2004.
Weber MD, Slusher T: A Nasal Bridle for Securing Nasotracheal Tubes. Anesthesia and Analgesia. 99(2) 629, 2004.
Romano MJ, Weber MD, Weisse ME, Siu BL: Pertussis Pneumonia, Hypoxemia, Hyperleukocytosis, and Pulmonary Hypertension: Improvement in Oxygenation After a Double Volume Exchange Transfusion. Pediatrics. 114(2) e264-266, 2004.
Weber, M: Pulsus Alternans: A Case Study. Critical Care Nurse. 23: 51-54, 2003.