Michael L. O'Byrne
About Michael L. O'Byrne
Michael L. O’Byrne, MD, MSCE, is an interventional cardiologist in the Cardiac Center at Children’s Hospital Philadelphia (CHOP). He is a magna cum laude graduate of Harvard University who earned his MD from Columbia University’s College of Physicians and Surgeons. In 2014, he completed his Master of Science in Clinical Epidemiology at the University of Pennsylvania.
Dr. O’Byrne’s primary clinical focus is on performing cardiac catheterization procedures for children with congenital heart disease, a treatment option that’s less invasive than open heart surgery. He combines his clinical practice with work as a clinical epidemiologist, doing research aimed at understanding how to improve quality of care for children with cardiac disease and their families.
“I think this is a natural combination,” he explained. “My research is grounded by my clinical work, which helps identify and articulate questions that are important to our patients and their families. At the same time, my research informs my clinical care, helping me identify an approach based on the best possible evidence.”
As a researcher, Dr. O’ Byrne receives funding from the NIH/NHLBI. He has authored and peer-reviewed dozens of research papers and abstracts. He was honored in 2017 with the Christopher J White, MD, Early Career Reviewer Award, and was a 2018 AHA Council for Cardiovascular Disease in the Young, Young Investigator Award Finalist.
The collaborative nature of the team at CHOP’s Cardiac Center is a source of inspiration for Dr. O’Byrne. “As interventional cardiologists, we are constantly moving forward together to develop new techniques and ways to help children and their families,” he says. “That means using cutting-edge technology and adapting existing techniques to new applications, both on our own in the cath lab and in cooperation with our surgical colleagues and other cardiologists.”
Attending Interventional Cardiologist
Assistant Professor of Pediatrics (CE track), Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania
Pediatric Cardiology – American Board of Pediatrics
Pediatrics – American Board of Pediatrics
Awards and Honors
2019, Young Physician-Scientists Award, American Society for Clinical Investigation
2018, Young Investigator Award Finalist, American Heart Association Council on Cardiovascular Disease in the Young
2017, The Christopher J White, MD, Early Career Reviewer Award
2010, Senior Resident Clinician Award (The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia graduation award for excellence in clinical care)
2007, Marie Nercessian Award for Compassionate Care of Patients (Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons)|
2007, Rebecca Schwartz Prize in Pediatric Cardiology (Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons)
2007, Arnold P. Gold Humanism Honor Society
2006, AOA Debbie Glaser Medical Student Essay Contest: Honorable Mention
Leadership and Memberships
Memberships in Professional Organizations
2019-present, Congenital Cardiac Catheterization Project on Outcomes (C3PO) collaborative
- 2020-present, Steering Committee
2018-present, International Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation
2013-present, Society for Cardiac Angiography and Intervention
- 2018-present, Fellow
2018-present, Society for Pediatric Research
2018-present, American Thoracic Society
2010-present, American College of Cardiology
- 2015-present, Associate Fellow
2005-present, American Heart Association
Editorial and Academic Positions
2020-present, Editorial Board, American Heart Journal
2020-present, Editorial Board, Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes
2019-present, Reviewer, Heart
2019-present, Reviewer, Canadian Journal of Cardiology
2019-present, Reviewer, European Respiratory Journal
2017-present, Reviewer, World Journal of Pediatric and Congenital Cardiac Surgery
2017-present, Reviewer, Pediatric Emergency Care
2015-Present, Circulation: CV Intervention
2015-Present, Circulation: CV Quality and Outcomes
2015-Present, JAMA: Pediatrics
2014-Present, Catheterization and Cardiovascular Intervention
2014-Present, American Heart Journal
2013-Present, Annals of Thoracic Surgery
2010-Present, Pediatric Emergency Care
Academic and Institutional Committees
2018-present, Catheterization Laboratory Representative, Hospital Sedation Committee
2017-present, Catheterization Laboratory Database Committee
Education & training
Graduate Degree
Master of Science in Clinical Epidemiology (MSCE) - University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
Medical Degree
MD - Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, NY
Pediatrics - The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA
Pediatrics - The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA
Advanced Fellow in Interventional Cardiology - Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA
Advanced Fellow in Cardiovascular Research and Interventional Cardiology - Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA
Pediatric Cardiology - Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA
O'Byrne ML, Kennedy KF, Steven J, Hill KD, Chamberlain RC, Millenson ME, Dori Y, Gillespie MJ, Rome JJ, Glatz AC: Outcomes of Operator-Directed Sedation and Anesthesiologist Care in the Pediatric/Congenital Catheterization Laboratory: A Study Utilizing Data From the IMPACT Registry JACC Cardiovasc Interventions 14(4): 401-413, February 2021.
O'Byrne ML, Song L, Huang J, Goldberg D, Gardner MM, Ravishankar C, Rome JJ, Glatz AC: Trends in Discharge Prescription of Digoxin After Norwood Operation: An Analysis of Data fromthe Pediatric Health Information System (PHIS) Database. Pediatr Cardiol (e-published ahead of print) February 2021.
Ghosh RM, Griffis HM, Glatz AC, Rome JJ, Smith CL, Gillespie MJ, Whitehead KK, O'Byrne ML, Biko DM, Ravishankar C, Dewitt AG, Dori Y.: Prevalence and Cause of Early Fontan Complications: Does the Lymphatic Circulation Play a Role? J Am Heart Assoc 9: e015318, Apr 2020.
Nam HH, Herz C, Lasso A, Drouin S, Posada A, Morray B, O'Byrne ML, Paniagua B, Joffe D, Mackensen B, Rogers L, Fichtinger G, Jolley MA.: Simulation of Transcatheter Atrial and Ventricular Septal Defect Device Closure Within Three-Dimensional Echocardiography-Derived Heart Models on Screen and in Virtual Reality. J Am Soc Echocardiogr 33: 641-644, May 2020.
O'Byrne ML, DeCost G, Katcoff H, Savla JJ, Chang J, Goldmuntz E, Groeneveld PW, Rossano JW, Faerber JA, Mercer-Rosa L.: Resource Utilization in the First 2 Years Following Operative Correction for Tetralogy of Fallot: Study Using Data From the Optum's De-Identified Clinformatics® Data Mart Insurance Claims Database. J Am Heart Assoc 9: e016581, Aug 2020.
Berger JH, Chen F, Faerber JA, *O'Byrne ML, *Brothers JA.: Adherence with lipid screening guidelines in standard- and high-risk children and adolescents. Am Heart J 232: 39-46, Oct 2020 Notes: * co-senior authorse-published ahead of print.
Tomasulo CE, Gillespie MJ, Munson D, Demkin T, O'Byrne ML, Dori Y, Smith CL, Rome JJ, Glatz AC.: Incidence and fate of device-related left pulmonary artery stenosis and aortic coarctation in small infants undergoing transcatheter patent ductus arteriosus closure. Catheter Cardiovasc Interv 96: 889-897, Oct 2020.
Bhatt SM, O'Byrne ML, McBride M, Paridon S, Goldmuntz E, Mercer-Rosa L: Chronotropic Response and Pulmonary Function are Associated with Exercise Performance in Children and Adolescents with Repaired Tetralogy of Fallot Independent of Cardiac Function. Cong Heart Dis (in press) 2020 Notes: In press.
Ghosh RM, Griffis H, Glatz AC, Rome JJ, Smith CL, Gillespie MJ, Whitehead KK, O'Byrne ML, Biko DM, Ravishankar C, Dewitt AG, Dori Y: Prevalence and Etiology of Early Fontan Complications: Does the Lymphatic Circulation Play a Role. J Am Heart Assoc 9(7): e015318, 2020.
Ghosh RM, Mascio CE, Silvestri E, O'Byrne ML, Whitehead KK: A Road-Map for Collaterals: Use of 3D Techniques in Tetralogy of Fallot Pulmonary Atresia With MAPCAs. JTCVS Tech 1: 82-85, 2020.
O'Byrne ML, Faerber JA, Katcoff H, Frank DB, Davidson A, Giglia TM, Avitabile CM: Variation in the use of pulmonary vasodilators in children and adolescents with pulmonary hypertension: A study using data from the Marketscan® Insurance Claims Database. Pulm Circ 10(3): 1-9, 2020.
O'Byrne ML, Huang J, Asztalos I, Smith CL, Dori Y, Gillespie MJ, Rome JJ, Glatz AC.: Pediatric/Congenital Cardiac Catheterization Quality: An Analysis of Existing Metrics. JACC Cardiovasc Interv 13: 2853-2864, Dec 2020.
Tomasulo CE, Gillespie MJ, Munson D, Demkin T, O'Byrne ML, Dori Y, Smith CL, Rome JJ, Glatz AC: Outcomes Following Transcatheter Closure of Patent Ductus Arteriosus in Small Infants: a Focus on the Fate of Device-Related Left Pulmonary Artery Stenosis and Aortic Coarctation. Catheter Cardiovasc Intervent 96(4): 889-897, 2020.
O'Byrne ML, McBride M, Pardion S, Goldmuntz E: Association of Habitual Activity and Body Mass Index in Survivors of Congenital Heart Surgery: A study of children and adolescents with tetralogy of Fallot, transposition of the great Arteries, and Fontan palliation. W J Pediatr Congen Heart Surg 9(2): 177-184, 2018.
Fuller S, Ramchandran A, Awh K, Faerber JA, Nicolson SC, O'Byrne ML, Mascio CE, Kim YY: Comparison of Outcomes of Pulmonary Valve Replacement in Adult vs. Pediatric Hospitals: Institutional Influence. Eur J Cardio Surg 56(5): 891-897, April 2019.
Goldstein BH, O'Byrne ML, Petit CJ, Qureshi AM, Griffis HM, France A, Kelleman MS, McCracken CE, Mascio CE, Shashidharan S, Ligon RA, Whiteside W, Wallen WJ, Agrawal H, Aggarwal V, Glatz AC: Differences in Cost of Care by Palliation Strategy for Infants With Ductal-Dependent Pulmonary Blood Flow. Circulation: Cardiovascular Intervention 12(4): e007232, April 2019.
O'Byrne ML, Millenson ME, Steven JM, Gillespie MJ, Dori Y, Glatz AC, Rome JJ: Operator-directed procedural sedation in the congenital cardiac catheterization laboratory. JACC CV Intervent 12(9): 835-843, April 2019.
Grant EK, Kanter JP, Olivieri LJ, Cross RJ, Cronin I, Campbell-Washburn A, Faranesh AZ, Hamann KS, O'Byrne ML, Slack MC, Lederman RJ, Ratnayaka K: X-Ray Fused with MRI (XFM) Guidance of Pre-selected Transcatheter Congenital Heart Disease Interventions. Catheter Cardiovasc Intervent Page: doi: 10.1002, May 2019 Notes: epub ahead of print.
O'Byrne ML, Glatz AC, Faerber JA, Seshadri R, Millenson M, Mi L, Shinohara RT, Dori Y, Gillespie MJ, Rome JJ, Kawut SM, Groeneveld PW: Inter-hospital variation in the costs of pediatric/congenital cardiac catheterization procedures: An analysis of data from the Pediatric Health Information Systems Database. Journal of American Heart Association 8(9): doi: 10.1161, May 2019 Notes: e-published ahead of print.
O'Byrne ML, Kennedy KF, Jayaram N, Bergersen LJ, Gillespie MJ, Dori Y, Silber JH, Kawut SM, Rome JJ, Glatz AC: Failure to rescue as an outcome metric for pediatric and congenital cardiac catheterization programs: An analysis of data from the IMProving Adult and Congenital Treatment ® (IMPACT) Registry. Journal of the American Heart Association 8(21): e013151, October 2019.
O'Byrne ML, Millenson ME, Grady CB, Huang J, Bamat NA, Munson DA, Song L, Dori Y, Gillespie MJ, Rome JJ, Glatz AC: Trends in transcatheter and operative closure of patent ductus arteriosus in neonatal intensive care units: Analysis of data from the Pediatric Health Information Systems Database. American Heart Journal Page: doi.org/10.1016, 2019 Notes: e-published ahead of print.
O'Byrne ML and Schidlow DN: Durable benefit of particle occlusion of systemic to pulmonary collaterals in select patients after superior cavopulmonary connection. Pediatr Cardiol 39(2): 245-253, Feb 2018.
O'Byrne ML, Kennedy KF, Rome JJ, Glatz AC: Variation in practice patterns in device closure of atrial septal defects and patent ductus arteriosus: An analysis of data from the IMproving Pediatric and Adult Congenital Treatment (IMPACT) registry. American Heart Journal 196: 119-130, February 2018.
O'Byrne ML, Scidlow DN: Durable Benefit of Particle Occlusion of Systemic to Pulmonary Collaterals in Select Patients After Superior Cavopulmonary Connection. Pediatric Cardiology 39(2): 245-253, February 2018.
O'Byrne ML, Kennedy KF, Berger JT, Kanter JP, Glatz AC: Risk factors for major early adverse events related to cardiac catheterization in children and young adults with pulmonary hypertension: An analysis of data from the Improving Adult and Congenital Treatment® (IMPACT®) Registry. Journal of the American Heart Association 7(5): e008142, Feb 2018.
Glatz AC, Kennedy KF, Rome JJ, O'Byrne ML: Variations in practice patterns and consistency with published guidelines for balloon aortic and pulmonary valvuloplasty: An analysis of data from the IMPACT® Registry. JACC Cardiovascular Intervention 1(6): 529-538, 2018.
O'Byrne ML, Glatz AC, Song L, Griffis HM, Millenson ME, Gillespie MJ, Dori Y, DeWitt AG, Mascio CE, and Rome JJ: Association between variation in preoperative care before arterial switch operation and outcomes in patients with transposition of the great arteries: An Analysis of Data from the Pediatric Health Information Systems Database. Circulation 138: 2119-2129, 2018.
O'Byrne ML, Kim S, Hornik CP, Yerokun BA, Matsouaka RA, Jacobs JP, Jacobs ML, Jonas RA: Effect of Obesity and Underweight Status on Perioperative Outcomes of Congenital Heart Operations in Children, Adolescents, and Young Adults: An Analysis of Data from the Society of Thoracic Surgeons Database. Circulation 136(8): 704-718, 2018.
Jayaram N, Spertus JA, O'Byrne ML, Chan PS, Kennedy KF, Bergersen L, Glatz AC: Relationship between hospital procedure volume and complications following congenital cardiac catheterization: A report from the IMproving Pediatric and Adult Congenital Treatment (IMPACT) registry. American Heart Journal 183: 118-128, Jan 2017.
O'Byrne ML, Gillespie MJ, Kennedy KF, Dori Y, Rome JJ, Glatz AC: The influence of deficient retro-aortic rim on technical success and early adverse events following device closure of secundum atrial septal defects: An Analysis of the IMPACT Registry(®). Catheterization and cardiovascular interventions : official journal of the Society for Cardiac Angiography & Interventions 89(1): 102-111, Jan 2017.
O'Byrne ML, Desai S, Lane M, McBride M, Paridon S, Goldmuntz E: Relationship Between Habitual Exercise and Performance on Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing Differs Between Children With Single and Biventricular Circulations. Pediatric Cardiology 38(3): 472-483, Mar 2017.
Goldberg DJ, Surrey LF, Glatz AC, Dodds K, O'Byrne ML, Lin HC, Fogel M, Rome JJ, Rand EB, Russo P, Rychik J: Hepatic Fibrosis is Universal Following Fontan Operation and Severity is Associated with Time from Surgery: A Liver Biopsy and Hemodynamic Study. Journal of the American Heart Association 6(5): e004809, April 2017.
Giaccone A, Zuppa AF, Sood Ba, Cohen MS, O'Byrne ML, Moorthy G, Mathur A, Kirpalani H: Milrinone Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics in Neonates with Persistent Pulmonary Hypertension of the Newborn. American Journal of Perinatology 34(8): 749-758, Jul 2017.
O'Byrne ML, Kim S, Hornik CP, Yerokun BA, Matsouaka RA, Jacobs JP, Jacobs ML, Jonas RA: Effect of Obesity and Underweight Status on Perioperative Outcomes of Congenital Heart Operations in Children, Adolescents, and Young Adults: An Analysis of Data From the Society of Thoracic Surgeons Database. Circulation 136(8): 704-718, August 2017.
O'Byrne ML, Shinohara RT, Grant EK, Kanter JP, Gillespie MJ, Dori Y, Rome JJ, Glatz AC: Increasing propensity to pursue operative closure of atrial septal defects following changes in the instructions for use of the Amplatzer Septal Occluder device: An observational study using data from the Pediatric Health Information Systems database. American Heart Journal 192: 85-97, October 2017.
Harahsheh AS, O'Byrne ML, Pastor B, Graham DA, Fulton DR: Pediatric Chest Pain-Low-Probability Referral. Clinical Pediatrics 56(13): 1201-1208, Nov 2017.
Surrey LF, Russo P, Rychik J, Goldberg DJ, Dodds K, O’Byrne ML, et al. 2016. Prevalence and characterization of fibrosis in surveillance liver biopsies of patients with Fontan circulation. Human Pathology. 57:106-115.
O’Byrne ML, et al. 2016. Outcomes of patients with pulmonary atresia and major aortopulmonary collaterals without intervention in infancy. Pediatric Cardiology, 37(7): 1380-1391.
O’Byrne ML, et al. 2016. The Influence of Deficient Retro-Aortic Rim on Technical Success and Early Adverse Events Following Device Closure of Secundum Atrial Septal Defects: An Analysis of the IMPACT Registry ®. Catheterization Cardiovascular Intervention,37(7):1380-91.
Patel JK, O’Byrne M, et al. 2016. Diagnostic Electrophysiology Study Has Limited Value in Risk Stratification of Children and Young Adults With and Without Congenital Heart Disease. Journal of Innovations in Cardiac Rhythm Management. 7(2016):2257-2264.
O’Byrne ML, et al. 2016. Cost comparison of Transcatheter and Operative Pulmonary Valve Replacement (from the Pediatric Health Information Systems Database). American Journal of Cardiology, 117(1):121-126.
O’Byrne ML, et al. 2015. Intra-procedural Bronchoscopy to Prevent Bronchial Compression During Pulmonary Artery Stent Angioplasty. Pediatric Cardiology, 37(3):433-441.
O’Byrne ML, et al. 2015. Predictors of catastrophic adverse outcomes in children with pulmonary hypertension undergoing cardiac catheterization. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 66(11):1261-1269.
O’Byrne ML, et al. 2015. Effect of center catheterization volume on risk of catastrophic adverse event after cardiac catheterization in children. American Heart Journal, 169(6):823-832.
O’Byrne ML, et al. 2015. Cost-comparison of trans-catheter and operative closure of ostium secundum atrial septal defects. American Heart Journal, 169(5):727-735.
O’Byrne ML, et al. 2015. Middle-term results of trans-catheter creation of atrial communication in patients receiving mechanical circulatory support. Catheterization Cardiovascular Intervention, 85(7):1189-95.
O’Byrne ML, et al. 2015. Trends in Pulmonary Valve Replacement In Children and Adults with Tetralogy of Fallot. American Journal of Cardiology, 115(1):118-124.
O’Byrne ML, et al. 2015. Accuracy of transthoracic echocardiography in assessing retro-aortic rim prior to device closure of atrial septal defects. Congenital Heart Disease,10(4):E146-154.
O'Byrne ML, Mercer-Rosa L, Zhao H, Zhang X, Yang W, Tanel RE, Marino BS, Cassedy A, Fogel MA, Rychik J, Paridon S, Goldmuntz E: Morbidity in children and adolescents after surgical correction of interrupted aortic arch. Pediatric Cardiology 35(3): 386-92, Mar 2014.
O'Byrne ML, Glatz AC, Sunderji S, Mathew AE, Goldberg DJ, Dori Y, Rome JJ, Gillespie MJ: Prevalence of deficient retro-aortic rim and its effects on outcomes in device closure of atrial septal defects. Pediatric Cardiology 35(7): 1181-90, Oct 2014.
O'Byrne ML, Yang W, Mercer-Rosa L, Parnell AS, Oster ME, Levenbrown Y, Tanel RE, Goldmuntz E: 22q11.2 Deletion syndrome is associated with increased perioperative events and more complicated postoperative course in infants undergoing infant operative correction of truncus arteriosus communis or interrupted aortic arch. The Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 148(4): 1597-605, Oct 2014.
O'Byrne ML, Mercer-Rosa L, Ingall E, McBride MG, Paridon S, Goldmuntz E: Habitual exercise correlates with exercise performance in patients with conotruncal abnormalities. Pediatric Cardiology 34(4): 853-60, Apr 2013.
O'Byrne ML, Mercer-Rosa L, Zhao H, Zhang X, Yang W, Cassedy A, Fogel MA, Rychik J, Tanel RE, Marino BS, Paridon S, Goldmuntz E: Morbidity in children and adolescents after surgical correction of truncus arteriosus communis. American Heart Journal 166(3): 512-8, Sep 2013.
Eckhauser AW, O'Byrne ML, Weinberg PM, Ravishankar C, Spray TL, Gaynor JW: Hypoplastic left ventricle and scimitar syndrome. The Annals of Thoracic Surgery 96(6): 2232-4, Dec 2013.
Ofori-Amanfo G, Hsu D, Lamour JM, Mital S, O'Byrne ML, Smerling AJ, Chen JM, Mosca R, Addonizio LJ: Heart transplantation in children with markedly elevated pulmonary vascular resistance: impact of right ventricular failure on outcome. The Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation : the official publication of the International Society for Heart Transplantation 30(6): 659-66, Jun 2011.
Davies RR, Russo MJ, Hong KN, O'Byrne ML, Cork DP, Moskowitz AJ, Gelijns AC, Mital S, Mosca RS, Chen JM: The use of mechanical circulatory support as a bridge to transplantation in pediatric patients: an analysis of the United Network for Organ Sharing database. The Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 135(2): 421-7, 427.e1, Feb 2008.
O'Byrne ML, Ognibene KM, Morris MC: Nesiritide in Treatment Refractory Pediatric Patients with Congestive Heart Failure. Clinical Intensive Care 17(4): 101-107, 2008.
O'Byrne ML, Berman-Rosenzweig ES, Barst RJ: The effect of atrial septostomy on the concentration of brain-type natriuretic peptide in patients with idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension. Cardiology in the Young 17(5): 557-9, Oct 2007.
Burrone J, O'Byrne M, Murthy VN: Multiple forms of synaptic plasticity triggered by selective suppression of activity in individual neurons. Nature 420: 414-418, November 2002.
Abstracts (includes Posters and Scientific Presentations)
O'Byrne ML, Glatz AC, Huang YV, Kelleman MS, Petit CJ, Qureshi AM, Shahanavaz S, Nicolson GT, Batlivala S, Meadows JJ, Zampi JD, Law MA, Romano JC, Mascio CE, Chai PJ, Maskatia S, Asztalos I, Beshish A, Pettus J, Pajk AL, Healan SJ, Eilers LF, Merritt T, McCracken C, Goldstein B: Primary repair for symptomatic neonates with tetralogy of Fallot is associated with reduced 18-month costs: A study combining data from the Congenital Cardiac Research Collaborative (CCRC) Infant Tetralogy of Fallot (iTOF) and Pediatric Health Information Systems (PHIS) Database. Poster Presentation: 2021 American College of Cardiology Scientific Sessions. Atlanta, GA. May 15-17, 2021. (Delivered remotely due to COVID-19 travel restrictions) May 2021.
Chaszczewski KJ, Huang J, Fuller S, Smith CL, Dori Y, Glatz AC, Gillespie MJ, Rome JJ, O'Byrne ML: Impact of Transcatheter Pulmonary Artery Intervention Following Superior Cavopulmonary Connection. Poster Presentation: American College of Cardiology Scientific Sessions, Chicago, IL (presented remotely due to COVID). March 2020.
Lemley B, Biko D, Dewitt A, Gillespie MJ, Glatz AC, O'Byrne ML, Pinto EM, Ravishankar C, Rome JJ, Smith CL, Dori Y: A potential imaging signature for protein-losing enteropathy on intrahepatic dynamic contrast-enhanced MR lymphangiography in pediatric patients with congenital heart disease. Moderated Poster: American College of Cardiology Scientific Sessions 2020, Chicago, IL March 2020.
Lemley B, Biko D, Dewitt, A, Gillespie MJ, Glatz AC, O'Byrne ML, Pinto E, Ravishankar C, Rome JJ, Smith, CL, Dori, Y: A potential imaging signature for protein-losing enteropathy on intrahepatic dynamic contrast-enhanced MR lymphangiography in pediatric patients with congenital heart disease. Moderated Poster Presentation: American College of Cardiology Scientific Sessions 2020, Chicago, IL(presented remotely due to COVID). March 2020.
O'Byrne ML, Kennedy KF, Steven J, Hill KD, Chamberlain RC, Millenson ME, Dori Y, Gillespie MJ, Rome JJ, Glatz AC: Outcomes of operator directed sedation and general anesthesia in the pediatric/congenital catheterization laboratory: A study utilizing data from the IMproving Pediatric And Congenital Treatment® (IMPACT) Registry. Poster Presentation: American College of Cardiology Scientific Sessions 2020, Chicago, IL (presented remotely due to COVID) March 2020.
Janson CM, Shah MJ, Kennedy KF, Iyer VR, Behere SP, Sweeten T, O'Byrne ML: Association of Weight With Ablation Outcomes in Pediatric Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome: An Analysis of the NCDR IMPACT® Registry. Poster Presentation: American Heart Association Scientific Sessions 2020, Dallas, TX (presented remotely due to COVID) November 2020.
Nash D, Katcoff H, Faerber J, Iyer VR, Shah M, O'Byrne ML*, Janson CM*: Impact of Device Miniaturization on the Implantable Loop Recorder Utilization in the Pediatric Population: An analysis of the MarketScan database. Poster Presentation: American Heart Association Scientific Sessions 2020, Dallas, TX (presented remotely due to COVID) November 2020 Notes: * co-senior authors.
O'Byrne ML, Faerber J, Katcoff H, Huang J, Edelson J, Finkelstein D, Avitabile C, Glatz AC, Goldberg DJ: Prevalent Pharmacotherapy in United States Children and Adolescents After Fontan Completion. Poster Presentation: American Heart Association Scientific Sessions 2020, Dallas, TX (presented remotely due to COVID) November 2020.
O'Byrne ML, Song L, Huang J, Goldberg DJ, Gardner MM, Ravishankar C, Rome JJ, Glatz AC: Trends in discharge prescription of digoxin after Norwood operation: An anlaysis of data from the Pediatric Health Information Systems (PHIS) database. Poster Presentation: American Heart Association Scientific Sessions 2020, Dallas, TX (presented remotely due to COVID) November 2020.
Dietzman T, DePaolo, Soria S, Gillespie MJ, Mascio CE, Dori Y, O'Byrne ML, Rome JJ, Glatz AC: Comparison of Short-Term Outcomes After Superior Cavopulmonary Connection With and Without Elimination of Antegrade Pulmonary Blood Flow. Poster Presentation: 2019 American College of Cardiology Scientific Sessions . New Orleans, LA. March 16-18, 2019. March 2019.
Grady CB, Glatz AC, Millenson ME, Song L, Dori Y, Gillespie MJ, Rome JJ, O'Byrne ML: Trends in transcatheter and operative closure of patent ductus arteriosus in United States neonatal intensive care units. Poster Presentation: 2019 American College of Cardiology Scientific Sessions. New Orleans, LA. March 16-18, 2019 March 2019.
Kesman R, Naim M, Rychik J, O'Byrne ML, Ades A, Rintoul N: Transposition of the Great Arteries: A Description of Delivery Room Management and Short Term Outcomes. NeoHeart 2019 (Huntington Beach, CA) March 2019 Notes: poster.
Leahy RA, Zampi J, Ali F, Armstrong A, Batlivala S, Callahan RM, Gudausky T, Hainstock M, Nicholson G, O'Byrne ML, Quinn B, Shahanavaz S, Trucco SM, Bergersen: Early Post-Operative Cathterizations Following Congenital Heart Surgery Are Not Associated with an Increased Risk of Acute Adverse Events: A Report from the Congenital Cardiac Catheterization Outcomes Project Working Group. Poster Presentation: American College of Cardiology Scientific Sessions. New Orleans, LA. March 16-18, 2019 March 2019.
O'Byrne ML, Millenson ME, Grady CB, Song L, Dori Y, Gillespie MJ, Rome JJ, Glatz AC: Trends in transcatehter and operative closure of patent ductus arteriosus in United States neonatal intensive care units. AAP/APSA/ASCI/SPR Joint Meeting, Chicago, IL April 2019 Notes: Feature poster.
Ghosh RM, Macio CE, Silvestro E, O'Byrne ML, Whitehead KK: Use of 3D Techniques in Tetralogy of Fallot/Pulmonary Atresia with MAPCA's. 6th International Conference on Clinical and Engineering Frontiers in Pediatric and Congenital Heart Disease (Philadelphia, PA) May 2019 Notes: poster.
Tomasulo CE, Gillespie MJ, Munson D, Demkin T, O'Byrne ML, Dori Y, Rome JJ, Glatz AC: Outcomes following transcatheter closure of patent ductus arteriosus in small infants: a focus on the fate of device-related left pulmonary artery stenosis and aortic coarctation. 2019 PICS-AICS Meeting (San Diego, CA) September 2019 Notes: poster.
33.Nam HH, Harz C, Posada A, Lasso A, Drouin S, Paniagua B, Morray B, O'Byrne ML, Joffe D, Mackenson GB, Rogers L, Fichtinger G, Jolley MA: Simulated Transcatheter Device Closure of Atrial and Ventricular Septal Defects Using 3D Echocardiogram Derived Models in Virtual Reality. American Heart Association Scientific Sessions (Philadelphia, PA) November 2019 Notes: (poster).
Berger JH, Chen F, Faerber JA, O'Byrne ML, Brothers JA: Poor Lipid Screening Rates in United States Children and Adolescents: A Call to Action for Pediatric Health Care Providers. American Heart Association Scientific Sessions (Philadelphia, PA) November 2019 Notes: Poster.
Faerber J, Huang J, Zhang Z, Song L, O'Byrne ML, Goldmuntz E, Mascio CE, Ravishankar C, McGowan FX, Mercer-Rosa L: A Machine Learning Approach to Identify Risk Factors for Post-Operative Complications After Tetralogy of Fallot Repair. American Heart Association Scientific Sessions (Philadelphia, PA) November 2019 Notes: Poster.
O'Byrne ML, Faerber JA, Katcoff H, Frank DB, Davidson A, Giglia TM, Avitabile CM: Variation in the use of pulmonary vasodilators in children and adolescents with pulmonary hypertension: A study using data from the Marketscan® Insurance Claims Database. American Heart Association Scientific Sessions (Philadelphia, PA) November 2019 Notes: Poster.
Lectures by Invitation
O'Byrne M. Unintended Consequences of Pediatric Catheterization Guidelines, American Heart Association Scientific Sessions, Dallas, Texas, Delivered remotely because of COVID-19 precautions. Nov 2020.
O'Byrne M. "Using Marketscan Claims Data for Health Services Research" Invited lecture as part of CHOP Center for Pediatric Clinical Effectiveness Seminar Series, The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia PA. June 2020.
O'Byrne M. "Treatment of Pulmonary Vein Stenosis", Pulmonary Vein Stenosis Symposium, Atlanta GA (canceled due to COVID-19). May 2020.
O'Byrne M. "Defining Quality Metrics in the Pediatric/Congenital Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory", Congenital Cardiac Catheterization Research Consortium, Atlanta, GA (lecture given remotely due to COVID). Apr 2020.
O'Byrne M. "How to decipher cardiac catheterization data: The Basics.", Congenital Heart Disease and Postoperative Management: A Comprehensive Review for Nursing and Front-line Providers (preconference), CHOP Cardiology 2020, Orlando FL. Feb 2020.
O'Byrne M. "Preoperative Variability in Management Prior to Arterial Switch in the Newborn with Transposition of the Great Arteries", CHOP Cardiology 2020, Orlando FL. Feb 2020.
O'Byrne M. "The Child with a Secundum Atrial Septal Defect", CHOP Cardiology 2020, Orlando FL. Feb 2020.
O'Byrne M. "Improving outcomes in children with heart disease", CHOP Center for Pediatric Clinical Effectiveness Seminar Series, The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia: Philadelphia, PA. Oct 2019.
O'Byrne M. "Value of intra-procedural bronchoscopy," International Symposium on 3D Imaging For Interventional Catheterization in Congenital Heart Disease, Columbus, OH. Oct 2019.
O'Byrne M. "Variation in preoperative care of neonates with transposition of the great arteries", CHOP Cardiac Intensive Care Unit Research Conference, The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia: Philadelphia, PA. Sept 2019.
O'Byrne M. "Measuring quality of care in pediatric/congenital cardiac catheterization laboratory", Pediatric Cardiology Research Lecture Series, The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia: Philadelphia, PA. Sept 2019.
O'Byrne M. "Economic Considerations: Device closure of PDA", PDA symposium, Memphis TN. May 2019.
O'Byrne M. "Effect of Under- or Over-weight on Outcomes in Congenital Heart Disease", American Heart Association Scientific Sessions, Chicago, IL. Nov 2018.
O'Byrne M. "Imaging Atrial Septal Defects" Gore Cardioform Septal Occluder Workshop, Newark DE. May 2018.
O'Byrne M. "Cost comparison of Norwood shunt strategies", Pediatric Heart Network iCARD breakout session, Bethesda, MD. Apr 2018.
O'Byrne M. "Unique Pediatric Differences from Adult Guidelines: Interventional Cardiology", American College of Cardiology, New Orleans, LA. Mar 2018.
Editorials, Reviews, Chapters
O'Byrne ML, Rome JJ: Assessment of heart failure by invasive methods. Heart Failure in the Child and Young Adult: From Bench to Bedside 2017 Notes: book chapter.
O’Byrne ML, Gillespie MJ. Melody Valve and Transcatheter Pulmonary Valve Replacement. In: Ailawadi G and Kron IL, editors. Catheter Based Valvular and Aortic Surgery. New York: Springer; 2016. p. 266-282.
O’Byrne ML, Shaddy RE. 2012. Pediatric heart failure and adult congenital heart disease. Advances in Heart Failure Management. 116-127
O’Byrne ML, Collins RT. Hypertension. In: Florin TA, Ludwig SL, editors. Netter Pediatrics. Philadelphia: Saunders; 2011. Chapter 47, p. 289-293.
O’Byrne ML, John A. Cyanotic Heart Disease. In: Florin TA, Ludwig SL, editors. Netter Pediatrics. Philadelphia: Saunders; 2011. Chapter 44, p. 269-277.