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Technology Dependence Center News

The multidisciplinary team at the Technology Dependence Center includes physicians, advanced practice nurses, nutritionists and social workers who can help coordinate equipment and home nursing needs and communicate frequently with your primary physician and other consulting doctors.

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Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Researchers Find Hemophilia A Drug May Be Effective for Select People with Hemophilia B

Oct 29, 2024

Researchers at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) found that emicizumab, a widely used drug for hemophilia A, could also improve blood clotting for select people with hemophilia B depending on their genes. The preclinical study, recently published in Blood, offers proof that this class of hemophilia A drug could potentially be used to treat hemophilia B.

Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Researchers Find Ultrasound Offers a Dynamic and Non-Invasive Solution for Evaluating Kneecap Impairment in Children and Adolescents

Oct 28, 2024

The rapid rise of youth sports has led to increased prevalence of repeat knee-related injuries among children and adolescents, notably those ages 10- to 17. In fact, patellar (kneecap) instability is one of the most common causes of physical trauma in this age group – six times higher than adults. Currently, most clinicians rely on advanced imaging to guide their treatment approach, which can be costly and is not usually available in a clinic. However, researchers at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, revealed that ultrasound technology offers a transformative solution since it’s inexpensive and portable, compared to MRI and CT scans, and clinicians can track knee injuries and their response to treatment over time within a clinic.

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