Meet your Suzi and Scott Lustgarten Center for GI Motility team
Gastroenterologists with special expertise in motility diseases will evaluate and direct your child's care. They work with the assistance of nurses, nutritionists and physicians from other divisions of the hospital.
Appointments and referrals
Clinical Director

Hayat Mousa, MD
Director of Clinical Research

Alain J. Benitez, MD, MSTR
Gastroenterology Faculty

Lindsey G. Albenberg, DO

Máire Abraham Conrad, MD, MS

Melissa A. Crawford, MD

Patricia DeRusso, MD, MS

Gayle H. Diamond, MD

Lisa Fahey

Samantha H. Fish, MD

Jonathan A. Flick, MD

Steven J. Fusillo, MD

Bridget C. Godwin, MD

Andrew B. Grossman, MD

Janice A. Kelly, MD, FAGA

Kevin J. Kelly, MD

Chris A. Liacouras, MD

Kathleen M. Loomes, MD

Vera De Matos Maillard, MD

Petar Mamula, MD

Asim Maqbool, MD

Maria R. Mascarenhas, MBBS

Elizabeth Clabby Maxwell, MD, MS

Jamie Merves, MD

Amanda Muir, MD, MTR

Jennifer Panganiban, MD

Matthew J. Ryan, MD

Nina N. Sainath, MD

Edisio J. Semeao, MD

Arunjot Singh

Raman Sreedharan, MBBS, DCH, MRCPCH

Ronen Stein, MD

Jessica W. Wen, MD
Inpatient Frontline Ordering Clinicians for Gastroenterology

Taylor McLaughlin, MS, PA-C

Roshani Patel, PA-C

Jackie Vincent, MSN, RN, CRNP-AC

Jacqueline Vincent

Laura White, MMS, PA-C
Cecilia Woodward
Motility Faculty

Prasanna K. Kapavarapu, MD
Adam Paul, DO

David A. Piccoli, MD

Jennifer Webster, DO
Gastroenterology Advanced Practices Nurses

Kerry Ashcroft, BSN, MSN, CPNP
Motility Advanced Practice Nurses

Millie Boettcher, MSN, CRNP

Kirsten Walaski, MSN, CRNP

Lauren M. Wolverton
Gastroenterology Suite Motility Nurses
Sarah Angelone
Sherri Dayton
Chanda Floyd
Erica Kleinhans
Caitlin Kuntz
Greta Roper

Nicole Stanley, BSN, RN

Kari F. Baber, PhD

Christina E. Holbein, PhD

Sarah Mayer-Brown, PhD

Kelly A. O'Neil Rodriguez, PhD

Margo M. Szabo, PhD

Elizabeth Turner, PhD
Gastroenterology Social Workers

Muzna Gulamali

Meghan F. Miano, MSW, LSW
Gastroenterology Dietitians

Margaret M. Girten, RD, LDN, FAND

Rebecca Rogers, MA, RD, LDN

Natalie L. Stoner, RD, LDN
Renee Trout

Sarah Weston, RD, CSP, LDN
Motility Dietitians

Janel Steinhoff, RD, LDN
Nurse Coordinators

Isabel Cruz, RN
Research Staff