Meet your General Diagnostic Gastroenterology (GI) Program team
Our program is staffed by more than 30 pediatric gastroenterologists who are experts at diagnosing and treating children with common GI-related problems.
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Faculty Physicians

Lindsey G. Albenberg, DO

Robert N. Baldassano, MD

Christina B. Bales, MD

Diane L. Barsky, MD

Melissa A. Crawford, MD

Patricia DeRusso, MD, MS

Gayle H. Diamond, MD

Issy C. Esangbedo, MD, MPH, FAAP

Lisa Fahey

Samantha H. Fish, MD

Jonathan A. Flick, MD

Bridget C. Godwin, MD

Andrew B. Grossman, MD

Robert O. Heuckeroth, MD, PhD

Binita M. Kamath, MBBChir

Janice A. Kelly, MD, FAGA

Kevin J. Kelly, MD

Judith R. Kelsen, MD

Chris A. Liacouras, MD

Kathleen M. Loomes, MD

Vera De Matos Maillard, MD

Petar Mamula, MD

Asim Maqbool, MD

Maria R. Mascarenhas, MBBS

Jamie Merves, MD

Amanda Muir, MD, MTR

Kim Olthoff, MD, FACS

David A. Piccoli, MD

Elizabeth Parks Prout, MD, MSCE

Elizabeth B. Rand, MD

Matthew J. Ryan, MD

Edisio J. Semeao, MD

Abraham Shaked, MD, PhD

Arunjot Singh

Raman Sreedharan, MBBS, DCH, MRCPCH

Ari Weintraub, MD