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Esophageal and Airway Treatment (EAT) Program News

Your child will be cared for by a team with exceptional knowledge and experience in the care of these specific esophageal and airway conditions from before birth throughout childhood.

Appointments and referrals

Improving Your Child’s Oral Hygiene Routine

Feb 11, 2020

So much of our family morning routines can be stressful with getting dressed, eating and getting out the door in a timely manner. This may sound very similar to the nighttime routine: eating, bathing, getting dressed and going to bed in a timely manner.

Friendship: Building a Good Life

Feb 11, 2020

All lives are enriched by relationships and interdependence, and the lives of children with disabilities are no different.

Researchers With the Center of Childhood Cancer Research Working Hard to Find a Cure for Ewing’s Sarcoma

Nov 19, 2019

Jake Orlick, an 11-year-old boy, is fighting a courageous battle against Ewing Sarcoma, a rare form of bone cancer. Our Patrick Grohar, MD, PhD, an attending physician with the Cancer Center and the Director of Translational Research with the Center of Childhood Cancer Research, may be on the verge of a breakthrough with a novel new experimental treatment for relapsed Ewing sarcoma.

CHOP on the Front Lines of New Treatments for a Rare Bone Cancer

Feb 7, 2020

Patrick Grohar, MD, PhD, an attending physician with the Cancer Center and the Director of Translational Research with the Center of Childhood Cancer Research, is set to launch a novel, experimental approach to treating relapsed Ewing sarcoma, as highlighted in this story in the Philadelphia Inquirer.

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