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Congenital Hyperinsulinism Center News

Our team of pediatric endocrinologists, surgeons, radiologists, pathologists, anesthesiologists, advanced practice nurses, nurses, social workers, genetic counselors, psychologists, researchers, speech and feeding therapists, and dietitians work together to provide specialized and seamless care.


Guidelines for Managing HI in School

Nov 6, 2023

Both medical management and neurodevelopmental conditions may require accommodations for your child with hyperinsulinism at school.

Welcome Emily Wilkinson!

Oct 26, 2023

Nurse practitioner Emily Wilkinson, MSN, CRNP, CPNP-PC, is the newest member of the Congenital Hyperinsulinism Center team. Get to know Emily. [short teaser] Meet nurse practitioner Emily Wilkinson, MSN, who will see children in CHOP’s Congenital Hyperinsulinism Center.

When Hyperinsulinism is a Family Affair

Apr 3, 2023

Inactivating mutations in the beta cell KATP channels are the most common cause of congenital hyperinsulinism (HI), accounting for approximately 60% of all cases with known genotype. The beta cell KATP channels play a very important role in the regulation of insulin secretion by coupling the metabolic state of the cell to membrane potential.

Neurodevelopmental Outcomes in HI

Apr 3, 2023

Unrecognized or inadequately treated hyperinsulinism (HI) poses a high risk of adverse neurodevelopmental outcomes due to the combined insult of hypoglycemia and lack of alternate brain fuels.

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