Wilms Tumor: Donors Help Power Abbie’s Fight Against Cancer
Having to tell her siblings and classmates she has cancer was tough for Abbie, but she and her family have received incredible support and comfort at CHOP.
Your child will be cared for by one of the most accomplished teams of childhood cancer experts in the world. We provide medical care, emotional counseling and much more. We make sure your child, you and every family member get the highest level of support.
Having to tell her siblings and classmates she has cancer was tough for Abbie, but she and her family have received incredible support and comfort at CHOP.
Desi, 3, has made it through the bad side effects of leukemia treatment. His mature and independent personality is again shining through.
CHOP’s Cancer Center helps families manage the extreme emotions elicited by a child’s cancer diagnosis through its world-class, comprehensive, innovative psychosocial services.
A unique program at CHOP allowed 7-year-old Isabella to attend school at the hospital while also getting radiation treatment for cancer.
Chemo is tough on cancer patients with Down syndrome like Steven, so when his leukemia came back, he traveled to CHOP for an experimental cell therapy.
To remove a cancerous tumor, Liam had a surgical procedure that removed only the middle portion of his leg and let him remain active.
When her benign brain tumor came back, Elena and her family traveled from Ohio to CHOP for 39 rounds of proton therapy.
Harry was diagnosed with hepatoblastoma in his home country of Panama and traveled to CHOP for a life-saving treatment.
A year and a half following her B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia diagnosis, Keira, 9, is singing, dancing and playing sports.
Kayla’s experience with cancer treatment is influencing her future choices — she wants to become a child life specialist.