Endocrine Late Effects After Cancer Treatment: Raine’s Story
Treatment for childhood leukemia has had several long-term effects on Raine’s health, but this successful college graduate is pursuing her dream.
Your child will be cared for by one of the most accomplished teams of childhood cancer experts in the world. We provide medical care, emotional counseling and much more. We make sure your child, you and every family member get the highest level of support.
Treatment for childhood leukemia has had several long-term effects on Raine’s health, but this successful college graduate is pursuing her dream.
"CHOP is so great because they support the whole family," says Gabby's dad, Paul.
Brenna first came to CHOP with a lymphatics condition so severe she could hardly function. A collaboration between lymphatics, genetics and oncology changed her life.
After Jack was diagnosed with cancer, his family was impressed how everyone at CHOP, from the check-in team to the world-class doctors, made them feel special.
A rare, fast-growing cancer was clogging the drainage system in Lucas’ body. After a short, intense round of treatment, he’s set to play soccer in the fall.
Chemotherapy damaged the bone tissue in Michael’s legs, requiring surgery and the use of a wheelchair for several months.
Five-year-old Mia has spent a great amount of time isolated because of her weakened immune system. Now she can’t wait to ride roller coasters.
After Nicholas, 14, received a diagnosis of Hodgkin lymphoma, his care team supported the entire family’s well being in every possible way.
When Thomas was 2 and being treated for leukemia, he was terrified. When the cancer returned, he faced it bravely.
The side effects of cancer treatment challenged 10-year-old Lizzy’s identity as athletic and strong. Now in remission, she’s bouncing back.