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Parents PACK Newsletter

Parents PACK Newsletter

Parents PACK is a monthly e-newsletter for anyone who wants information about vaccines and vaccine-preventable diseases. Each issue provides timely vaccine information, a feature article, vaccine questions and answers, information about immunizations around the world and a trivia question.

Current issue of Parents PACK

Check out the September 2024 issue: 

Feature Article

People Are Asking, “Should I Get a COVID-19 Vaccine This Fall?”

Read the article.

Dr. Handy's Corner

Why Should Kids Get the Influenza and COVID-19 Vaccines If the Diseases Aren’t That Serious?

Watch the video.

News & Notes

  • Website redesign!
  • New book to help families navigate vaccine decisions
  • Updates related to RSV vaccine use in adults

Explore each topic.

Just the Vax Trivia Corner

Which vaccinologist is buried in Arlington National Cemetery?

Find out.

Past issues of Parents PACK newsletter

Read 2024 issues online

  • September | PDF
    People Are Asking, “Should I Get a COVID-19 Vaccine This Fall?”
  • August | PDF
    Update on Long COVID
  • July | PDF
    JN-what? KP-what? Unscrambling the COVID-19 vaccine story
  • June | PDF
    Empty chairs at dinner tables
  • May | PDF
    Do vaccines cause chronic diseases?
  • April | PDF
    Are mRNA vaccines a type of gene therapy?
  • March | PDF
    Getting vaccinated as an adult: What should I know?
  • February | PDF
    Deadly decisions?
  • January | PDF
    Vaccines during pregnancy: The history and reasons behind the recommendations

Read 2023 issues online

  • September | PDF
    A new vaccine … and it’s for adults! Find out more about RSV and the vaccine.
  • June | PDF
    COVID-19 vaccine: What’s in the vial?
  • April | PDF
    How many trivia questions about vaccine ingredients can you answer?
  • March | PDF
    Does my child benefit from a COVID-19 vaccine?

For other 2023 issues of Parents PACK, please check our archive.

Read 2022 issues online

  • November | PDF
    Flu vaccine: What’s in the vial?
  • May | PDF
    No. This study does not prove what you think it does: Part III
  • April | PDF
    No. This study does not prove what you think it does: Part II
  • March | PDF
    No. This study does not prove what you think it does: Part I

For other 2022 issues of Parents PACK, please check our archive.

Read 2021 issues online

For other 2021 issues of Parents PACK, please check our archive.

Online archive

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