Parents PACK Newsletter Archive
Vaccine News & Notes — March 2025
Find info about the latest cases of measles and a video by Dr. Paul Offit providing a generational perspective on vaccines.
Feature Article: 4 Vaccine Considerations for Those with Chronic Medical Conditions, Including Disabilities
Find four considerations that can help those who have chronic or disabling medical conditions navigate vaccine decisions.
Vaccine News & Notes — February 2025
Find resources about how vaccine recommendations are made and the promise of mRNA technology beyond vaccines. Also, get 3 tips and additional resources to help with fact checking.
Feature Article — Making Vaccine Decisions During Pregnancy: What to Know
Find out why and when vaccines are recommended during pregnancy.
Vaccine News & Notes — January 2025
A report estimates that vaccines were directly responsible for a 40% decrease in infant deaths over the last 50 years. Find out more. You'll also learn about the rates of long COVID and about antibiotic-resistant bacteria in Ukraine.
Dr. Handy’s Corner: Can Adults Get a Booster Dose of Polio Vaccine If They’re Unsure about Their Immunity?
Watch as Dr. Handy discusses which adults might benefit from an additional dose of polio vaccine.
Feature Article: Getting Accurate Information in an Age of Misinformation
Unsure where to go to for trusted information about vaccines? Check out our list of resources. You'll also learn about why more information and access means more care when consuming that information.
Dr. Handy’s Corner: Why Do We See Measles Outbreaks?
Dr. Lori Handy discusses why measles outbreaks occur and what can be done to prevent them.
Vaccine News & Notes — December 2024
Find info about: VMP's essay contest for students, VEC's new YouTube channel and video series, a new critical thinking resource, and when politicization of science results in lack of access to healthcare resources.
Feature Article — Parents PACK 2024: The Year in Review
See how well you do answering questions about information shared in 2024 Parents PACK newsletter articles.