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Parents PACK Newsletter Archive

Parents PACK Newsletter Archive

Download and read past issues of our Parents PACK e-newsletter in HTML and PDF format. Each monthly issue contains interesting and useful information about vaccines and vaccine-preventable diseases.

Read 2023 issues online

  • December | PDF
    RRPF – “While We Breathe, We Hope”
  • November | PDF
    Born almost deaf, Karen did not let rubella define her
  • October | PDF
    RSV and babies — A bit of hope
  • September | PDF
    A new vaccine … and it’s for adults! Find out more about RSV and the vaccine.
  • August | PDF
    Pneumococcal Vaccines for Adults (Part 2): The Latest News
  • July | PDF
    Pneumococcal Vaccines for Kids (Part 1): The Latest News
  • June | PDF
    COVID-19 vaccine: What’s in the vial?
  • May | PDF
    3 practical matters regarding COVID-19 in May 2023
  • April | PDF
    How many trivia questions about vaccine ingredients can you answer?
  • March | PDF
    Does my child benefit from a COVID-19 vaccine?
  • February | PDF
    Adult vaccine recommendations? What should I know?
  • January | PDF
    Science Made Easy: Viral Transmission, Human Immunity & the Gap Called “Immunity Debt”

Select articles from previous years







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