Matthew J. Gillespie, MD
Areas of expertise: Interventional cardiology, Transcatheter treatment of heart disease
Locations: Main Building
About Matthew J. Gillespie, MD
Attending Cardiologist
Professor of Pediatrics, Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania
Adult Congenital Heart Disease – American Board of Internal Medicine
Pediatric Cardiology – American Board of Pediatrics
Pediatrics – American Board of Pediatrics
Awards and Honors
2019, Children's Heart Foundation, Philadelphia Sweet Heart's Ball 2019 Honoree / Children's Heart Foundation
2018, Best of The Best Abstract Finalist, Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions 2018 Scientific Sessions
2017, Biomedical Device of the Year 2016-17,Penn Center for Innovation, University of Pennsylvania
2016, "Best of the Best Abstract" Award, SCAI Scientific Sessions 2016
2013, "Most Important Papers in Congenital Heart Disease" / Circulation: Cardiovascular Interventions Editor's Choice (Circ Cardiovasc Interv. 2011 Feb 1;4(1):80-7)
2013, "Most Important Papers in Congenital Heart Disease" / Circulation: Cardiovascular Interventions Editor's Choice (Circ Cardiovasc Interv. 2012 Dec;5(6):862-70)
2012, Fellow, Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions
2010, Smart Heart Award, The Children's Heart Foundation
2009-2011, Beginning Grant In Aid, American Heart Association
2007-2008, Foerderer-Murray Award
1998-present, Alpha Omega Alpha, Medical Honor Society
Leadership and Memberships
Memberships in Professional Organizations
2014-present, Medtronic Harmony Transcatheter Pulmonary Valve Pivotal Trial
- 2015-present, Screening Committee Member
- 2014-present, Steering Committee Member
2005-present, Society Cardiac Angiography and Intervention
- 2015-present, Mentor, "Emerging Leaders in Medicine Committee"
- 2014-present, Executive Committee Member, Congenital Heart Disease Council
2005-present, American Heart Association
2001-present, American College of Cardiology
Editorial and Academic Positions
Editorial positions
2013-present, Editorial Board, The Journal of Structural heart Disease
2011-present, Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine
2010-present, Journal of the American College of Cardiology
2010-present, American Heart Journal
2010-present, The American Journal of Cardiology
2009-present, Circulation: Cardiovascular Interventions
2008-present, Circulation
2007-present, Congenital Heart Disease: Clinical Studies from Fetus to Adulthood
2005-present, Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions
2005-present, Pediatric Cardiology
Academic committees
2019-present, Co-Director, PICS-AICS Foundation
2015-present, National Co-Primary Investigator, Gore ASSURED Pivotal Trial
2012-present, CTSA Consortium Child Health Oversight Committee (CC-CHOC), Pediatric Therapeutics Development Committee
2007-present, Pediatric Cardiology Fellowship Committee
2005-present, Catheterization Lab CQI Committee
Education & training
Medical Degree
MD - Temple University School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA
Pediatrics - The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA
Pediatrics - The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA
Interventional Cardiology - The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA
Pediatric Cardiology - The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA
Shyam K Sathanandam, Dan Gutfinger, Laura O'Brien, Thomas J Forbes, Matthew J Gillespie, Darren P Berman, Aimee K Armstrong, Shabana Shahanavaz, Thomas K Jones, Brian H Morray, Toby A Rockefeller, Henri Justino, David G Nykanen, Evan M Zahn: Amplatzer Piccolo Occluder clinical trial for percutaneous closure of the patent ductus arteriosus in patients ≥700 grams. Catheter Cardiovasc Interv 10, May 2020.
Shahanavaz S, Zahn EM, Levi DS, Aboulhousn JA, Hascoet S, Qureshi AM, Porras D, Morgan GJ, Bauser Heaton H, Martin MH, Keeshan B, Asnes JD, Kenny D, Ringewald JM, Zablah JE, Ivy M, Morray BH, Torres AJ, Berman DP, Gillespie MJ, Chaszczewski K, Zampi JD, Walsh KP, Julien P, Goldstein BH, Sathanandam SK, Karsenty C, Balzer DT, McElhinney DB.: Transcatheter Pulmonary Valve Replacement With the Sapien Prosthesis. J Am Coll Cardiol 76(24): 2847-2858, Dec 2020.
Ghosh Reena M, Griffis Heather M, Glatz Andrew C, Rome Jonathan J, Smith Christopher L, Gillespie Matthew J, Whitehead Kevin K, O'Byrne Michael L, Biko David M, Ravishankar Chitra, Dewitt Aaron G, Dori Yoav: Prevalence and Cause of Early Fontan Complications: Does the Lymphatic Circulation Play a Role? Journal of the American Heart Association 9(7): e015318, Apr 2020.
Gillespie Matthew J, Javois Alexander J, Moore Phillip, Forbes Thomas, Paolillo Joseph A: Use of the GORE® CARDIOFORM Septal Occluder for percutaneous closure of secundum atrial septal defects: Results of the multicenter U.S. IDE trial. Catheterization and cardiovascular interventions : official journal of the Society for Cardiac Angiography & Interventions Feb 2020.
Sommer Robert J, Love Barry A, Paolillo Joseph A, Gray Robert G, Goldstein Bryan H, Morgan Gareth J, Gillespie Matthew J: ASSURED clinical study: New GORE® CARDIOFORM ASD occluder for transcatheter closure of atrial septal defect. Catheterization and cardiovascular interventions : official journal of the Society for Cardiac Angiography & Interventions Jan 2020.
Boorman Sophie, Douglas Hope, Driessen Bernd, Gillespie Matthew J, Schaer Thomas P: Fatal Ovarian Hemorrhage Associated With Anticoagulation Therapy in a Yucatan Mini-Pig Following Venous Stent Implantation. Frontiers in veterinary science 7: 18, Jan 2020. PMCID: PMC7002391
O'Byrne Michael L, Millenson Marisa E, Grady Connor B, Huang Jing, Bamat Nicolas A, Munson David A, Song Lihai, Dori Yoav, Gillespie Matthew J, Rome Jonathan J, Glatz Andrew C: Trends in transcatheter and operative closure of patent ductus arteriosus in neonatal intensive care units: Analysis of data from the Pediatric Health Information Systems Database. American heart journal 217: 121-130, Nov 2019. PMCID: PMC6861695
O'Byrne Michael L, Kennedy Kevin F, Jayaram Natalie, Bergersen Lisa J, Gillespie Matthew J, Dori Yoav, Silber Jeffrey H, Kawut Steven M, Rome Jonathan J, Glatz Andrew C: Failure to Rescue as an Outcome Metric for Pediatric and Congenital Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory Programs: Analysis of Data From the IMPACT Registry. Journal of the American Heart Association 8(21): e013151, Nov 2019. PMCID: PMC6898805
Merrill Thomas L, Mitchell Jennifer E, Merrill Denise R, Gorman Joseph H, Gorman Robert C, Gillespie Matthew J: Myocardial tissue salvage is correlated with ischemic border region temperature at reperfusion. Catheterization and cardiovascular interventions : official journal of the Society for Cardiac Angiography & Interventions Sep 2019.
O'Byrne Michael L, Millenson Marisa E, Steven James M, Gillespie Matthew J, Dori Yoav, Glatz Andrew C, Rome Jonathan J: Operator-Directed Procedural Sedation in the Congenital Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory. JACC. Cardiovascular interventions 12(9): 835-843, May 2019. PMCID: PMC6510628
O'Byrne Michael L, Glatz Andrew C, Faerber Jennifer A, Seshadri Roopa, Millenson Marisa E, Mi Lanyu, Shinohara Russell T, Dori Yoav, Gillespie Matthew J, Rome Jonathan J, Kawut Steven M, Groeneveld Peter W: Interhospital Variation in the Costs of Pediatric/Congenital Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory Procedures: Analysis of Data From the Pediatric Health Information Systems Database. Journal of the American Heart Association 8(9): e011543, May 2019.
Biko David M, DeWitt Aaron G, Pinto Erin M, Morrison Rodney E, Johnstone Jordan A, Griffis Heather, O'Byrne Michael L, Fogel Mark A, Harris Matthew A, Partington Sara L, Whitehead Kevin K, Saul David, Goldberg David J, Rychik Jack, Glatz Andrew C, Gillespie Matthew J, Rome Jonathan J, Dori Yoav: MRI Evaluation of Lymphatic Abnormalities in the Neck and Thorax after Fontan Surgery: Relationship with Outcome. Radiology Page: 180877, Apr 2019.
Kobayashi Daisuke, Salem Morris M, Forbes Thomas J, Gordon Brent M, Soriano Brian D, Dimas Vivian, Goldstein Bryan H, Owada Carl, Javois Alexander, Bass John, Jones Thomas K, Berman Darren P, Gillespie Matthew J, Moore John W, Levi Daniel S: Results of the combined U.S. multicenter postapproval study of the Nit-Occlud PDA device for percutaneous closure of patent ductus arteriosus. Catheterization and cardiovascular interventions : official journal of the Society for Cardiac Angiography & Interventions Dec 2018.
O'Byrne Michael L, Glatz Andrew C, Song Lihai, Griffis Heather M, Millenson Marisa E, Gillespie Matthew J, Dori Yoav, DeWitt Aaron G, Mascio Christopher E, Rome Jonathan J: Association Between Variation in Preoperative Care Before Arterial Switch Operation and Outcomes in Patients With Transposition of the Great Arteries. Circulation 138(19): 2119-2129, Nov 2018. PMCID: PMC6261315
Jolley Matthew A, Lasso Andras, Nam Hannah H, Dinh Patrick V, Scanlan Adam B, Nguyen Alex V, Ilina Anna, Morray Brian, Glatz Andrew C, McGowan Francis X, Whitehead Kevin, Dori Yoav, Gorman Joseph H, Gorman Robert C, Fichtinger Gabor, Gillespie Matthew J: Toward predictive modeling of catheter-based pulmonary valve replacement into native right ventricular outflow tracts. Catheterization and cardiovascular interventions : official journal of the Society for Cardiac Angiography & Interventions Nov 2018.
Martin Mary Hunt, Meadows Jeffery, McElhinney Doff B, Goldstein Bryan H, Bergersen Lisa, Qureshi Athar M, Shahanavaz Shabana, Aboulhosn Jamil, Berman Darren, Peng Lynn, Gillespie Matthew, Armstrong Aimee, Weng Cindy, Minich L LuAnn, Gray Robert G: Safety and Feasibility of Melody Transcatheter Pulmonary Valve Replacement in the Native Right Ventricular Outflow Tract: A Multicenter Pediatric Heart Network Scholar Study. JACC. Cardiovascular interventions 11(16): 1642-1650, Aug 2018.
Shabana Shahanavaz, Jeremy D. Asnes, Jochen Grohmann, Athar M. Qureshi, Jonathan J. Rome, Daniel Tanase, Matthew A. Crystal, Larry A. Latson, Brian H. Morray, William Hellenbrand, David T. Balzer, Marc Gewillig, Jon C. Love, Farhouch Berdjis, Matthew J. Gillespie, Doff B. McElhinney, : Intentional Fracture of Bioprosthetic Valve Frames in Patients Undergoing Valve-in-Valve Transcatheter Pulmonary Valve Replacement. Circ Cardiovasc Interv 11(e006453): 1-12, July 2018.
Levin Mark D, Saitta Sulagna C, Gripp Karen W, Wenger Tara L, Ganesh Jaya, Kalish Jennifer M, Epstein Michael R, Smith Rosemarie, Czosek Richard J, Ware Stephanie M, Goldenberg Paula, Myers Angela, Chatfield Kathryn C, Gillespie Matthew J, Zackai Elaine H, Lin Angela E: Nonreentrant atrial tachycardia occurs independently of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy in RASopathy patients. American journal of medical genetics. Part A Jul 2018.
Avitabile Catherine M, Harris Matthew A, Doddasomayajula Ravi S, Chopski Steven G, Gillespie Matthew J, Dori Yoav, Glatz Andrew C, Fogel Mark A, Whitehead Kevin K: Accuracy of Phase-Contrast Velocity Mapping Proximal and Distal to Stent Artifact During Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging. The American journal of cardiology 121(12): 1634-1638, Jun 2018.
Cabalka Allison K, Asnes Jeremy D, Balzer David T, Cheatham John P, Gillespie Matthew J, Jones Thomas K, Justino Henri, Kim Dennis W, Lung Te-Hsin, Turner Daniel R, McElhinney Doff B: Transcatheter pulmonary valve replacement using the melody valve for treatment of dysfunctional surgical bioprosthesis: A multicenter study. The Journal of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery 155(4): 1712-1724, Apr 2018.
Mozumdar Namrita, Burke Edmund, Schweizer Melissa, Gillespie Matthew J, Dori Yoav, Narayan Hari K, Rome Jonathan J, Glatz Andrew C: A Comparison of Anterograde Versus Retrograde Approaches for Neonatal Balloon Aortic Valvuloplasty. Pediatric cardiology 39(3): 450-458, Mar 2018.
Athar M. Qureshi, Neha Bansal, Doff B. McElhinney, Younes Boudjemline, Tom J. Forbes, Nicola Maschietto, Shabana Shahanawaz, John P. Cheatham, Richard Krasuski, Luke Lamers, Massimo Chessa, Brian H. Morray, Bryan H. Goldstein, Cory V. Noel, Yunfei Wang, Matthew J. Gillespie, : Branch Pulmonary Artery Valve Implantation Reduces Pulmonary Regurgitation and Improves Right Ventricular Size/Function in Patients with Large Right Ventricular Outflow Tracts. JACC, Cardiovascular Interventions. Elsevier, 11(6): 541-50, Mar 2018.
Stephan J. Wu, Tacy Downing, Christopher Mascio, Matthew J. Gillespie, Yoav Dori, Jonathan J. Rome Andrew C. Glatz: Reintervention Burden and Vessel Growth After Surgical Reimplantation of a Pulmonary Artery During Childhood. Pediatr Cardiol 39(2): 390-397, Feb 2018.
Taggart Nathaniel W, Cabalka Allison K, Eicken Andreas, Aboulhosn Jamil A, Thomson John D R, Whisenant Brian, Bocks Martin L, Schubert Stephan, Jones Thomas K, Asnes Jeremy D, Fagan Thomas E, Meadows Jeffery, Hoyer Mark, Martin Mary H, Ing Frank F, Turner Daniel R, Latib Azeem, Tzifa Aphrodite, Windecker Stephan, Goldstein Bryan H, Delaney Jeffrey W, Kuo James A, Foerster Susan, Gillespie Matthew, Butera Gianfranco, Shahanavaz Shabana, Horlick Eric, Boudjemline Younes, Dvir Daniel, McElhinney Doff B: Outcomes of Transcatheter Tricuspid Valve-in-Valve Implantation in Patients With Ebstein Anomaly. The American journal of cardiology 121(2): 262-268, Jan 2018.
Stephan J. Wu, Tacy Downing, Christopher Mascio, Matthew J. Gillespie, Yoav Dori, Jonathan J. Rome Andrew C. Glatz: Reintervention Burden and Vessel Growth After Surgical Reimplantation of a Pulmonary Artery During Childhood. Pediatr Cardiol Nov 2017.
Mozumdar Namrita, Burke Edmund, Schweizer Melissa, Gillespie Matthew J, Dori Yoav, Narayan Hari K, Rome Jonathan J, Glatz Andrew C: A Comparison of Anterograde Versus Retrograde Approaches for Neonatal Balloon Aortic Valvuloplasty. Pediatric cardiology Nov 2017.
O'Byrne Michael L, Shinohara Russell T, Grant Elena K, Kanter Joshua P, Gillespie Matthew J, Dori Yoav, Rome Jonathan J, Glatz Andrew C: Increasing propensity to pursue operative closure of atrial septal defects following changes in the instructions for use of the Amplatzer Septal Occluder device: An observational study using data from the Pediatric Health Information Systems database. American heart journal 192: 85-97, Oct 2017.
Whiteside Wendy, Tretter Justin T, Aboulhosn Jamil, Aldoss Osamah, Armstrong Aimee K, Bocks Martin L, Gillespie Matthew J, Jones Thomas K, Martin Mary Hunt, Meadows Jeffrey J, Metcalf Christina M, Turner Mariel E, Zellers Thomas, Goldstein Bryan H: Acute and Midterm Outcomes of Transcatheter Pulmonary Valve Replacement for Treatment of Dysfunctional Left Ventricular Outflow Tract Conduits in Patients With Aortopulmonary Transposition and a Systemic Right Ventricle. Circulation. Cardiovascular interventions 10(9), Sep 2017.
Downing Tacy E, Allen Kiona Y, Goldberg David J, Rogers Lindsay S, Ravishankar Chitra, Rychik Jack, Fuller Stephanie, Montenegro Lisa M, Steven James M, Gillespie Matthew J, Rome Jonathan J, Spray Thomas L, Nicolson Susan C, Gaynor J William, Glatz Andrew C: Surgical and Catheter-Based Reinterventions Are Common in Long-Term Survivors of the Fontan Operation. Circulation. Cardiovascular interventions 10(9), Sep 2017.
Bergersen Lisa, Benson Lee N, Gillespie Matthew J, Cheatham Sharon L, Crean Andrew M, Hor Kan N, Horlick Eric M, Lung Te-Hsin, McHenry Brian T, Osten Mark D, Powell Andrew J, Cheatham John P: Harmony Feasibility Trial: Acute and Short-Term Outcomes With a Self-Expanding Transcatheter Pulmonary Valve. JACC. Cardiovascular interventions 10(17): 1763-1773, Sep 2017.
Gillespie Matthew J, Benson Lee N, Bergersen Lisa, Bacha Emile A, Cheatham Sharon L, Crean Andrew M, Eicken Andreas, Ewert Peter, Geva Tal, Hellenbrand William E, Hor Kan N, Horlick Eric M, Jones Thomas K, Mayer John, McHenry Brian T, Osten Mark D, Powell Andrew J, Zahn Evan M, Cheatham John P: Patient Selection Process for the Harmony Transcatheter Pulmonary Valve Early Feasibility Study. The American journal of cardiology Jul 2017.
Schoonbeek Rosanne C, Takebayashi Satoshi, Aoki Chikashi, Shimaoka Toru, Harris Matthew A, Fu Gregory L, Kim Timothy S, Dori Yoav, McGarvey Jeremy, Litt Harold, Bouma Wobbe, Zsido Gerald, Glatz Andrew C, Rome Jonathan J, Gorman Robert C, Gorman Joseph H, Gillespie Matthew J: Implantation of the Medtronic Harmony Transcatheter Pulmonary Valve Improves Right Ventricular Size and Function in an Ovine Model of Postoperative Chronic Pulmonary Insufficiency. Circulation. Cardiovascular interventions 9(10), Oct 2016.
Wijdh-den Hamer Inez J, Bouma Wobbe, Lai Eric K, Levack Melissa M, Shang Eric K, Pouch Alison M, Eperjesi Thomas J, Plappert Theodore J, Yushkevich Paul A, Hung Judy, Mariani Massimo A, Khabbaz Kamal R, Gleason Thomas G, Mahmood Feroze, Acker Michael A, Woo Y Joseph, Cheung Albert T, Gillespie Matthew J, Jackson Benjamin M, Gorman Joseph H, Gorman Robert C: The value of preoperative 3-dimensional over 2-dimensional valve analysis in predicting recurrent ischemic mitral regurgitation after mitral annuloplasty. The Journal of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery 152(3): 847-59, Sep 2016.
O'Byrne Michael L, Gillespie Matthew J, Kennedy Kevin F, Dori Yoav, Rome Jonathan J, Glatz Andrew C: The influence of deficient retro-aortic rim on technical success and early adverse events following device closure of secundum atrial septal defects: An Analysis of the IMPACT Registry(®). Catheterization and cardiovascular interventions : official journal of the Society for Cardiac Angiography & Interventions May 2016.
Pierce Eric L, Siefert Andrew W, Paul Deborah M, Wells Sarah K, Bloodworth Charles H, Takebayashi Satoshi, Aoki Chikashi, Jensen Morten O, Gillespie Matthew J, Gorman Robert C, Gorman Joseph H, Yoganathan Ajit P: How Local Annular Force and Collagen Density Govern Mitral Annuloplasty Ring Dehiscence Risk. The Annals of thoracic surgery Apr 2016.
Matthew J. Gillespie, MD, Robert C. Gorman, MD, Joseph H. Gorman III, MD: Transcatheter Mitral Valve Replacement: Update on New Devices. Journal of Structural Heart Disease. Science International Corp. ISSN 2326-4004, 2(2): 44, April 2016.
Harris Matthew A, Avitabile Catherine M, Fu Gregory L, Kim Daniel W, Kim Timothy S, Gillespie Matthew J, Keller Marc S, Fogel Mark A, Whitehead Kevin K: Accuracy and Internal Consistency of Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Measuring Branch Pulmonary Artery Flows in Patients With Conotruncal Anomalies and Branch Pulmonary Artery Stents. The American journal of cardiology 117(7): 1160-6, Apr 2016.
Dori Yoav, Keller Marc S, Rome Jonathan J, Gillespie Matthew J, Glatz Andrew C, Dodds Kathryn, Goldberg David J, Goldfarb Samuel, Rychik Jack, Itkin Maxim: Percutaneous Lymphatic Embolization of Abnormal Pulmonary Lymphatic Flow as Treatment of Plastic Bronchitis in Patients With Congenital Heart Disease. Circulation 133(12): 1160-70, Feb 2016.
Eric L. Pierce, Andrew W. Seifert, Deborah M Paul, Sarah K Wells, Charles Bloodworth, Satoshi Takebayashi, Chikashi Aoki, Morten O Jensen, Matthew J. Gillespie, Robert C. Gorman, Joseph H. Gorman III, Ajit P. Yoganathan: How Local Annular Force and Collagen Density Govern Mitral Annuloplasty Ring Dehiscence Risk. The Annals of thoracic surgery Jan 2016.
O'Byrne ML, Rome N, Santamaria RW, Hallbergson A, Glatz AC, Dori Y, Gillespie MJ, Goldfarb S, Haas AR, Rome JJ. Intra-procedural Bronchoscopy to Prevent Bronchial Compression During Pulmonary Artery Stent Angioplasty. Pediatr Cardiol. 2016 Mar;37(3):433-41. doi: 10.1007/s00246-015-1296-0. Epub 2015 Nov 6.
Abstracts (includes Posters and Scientific Presentations)
Matthew MJ. Gillespie, Robert Sommer: The GORE ASSURED Clinical Study: Initial Look at Primary Endpoint & Safety Data of the GORE® CARDIOFORM ASD Occluder. Podium Presentation, CSI 2018, Frankfurt, Germany June 2018.
Lectures by Invitation
Gillespie MJ. "Premie PDA Closure Procedure and Piccolo Device Trial Results", SCAI Fall Fellows 2020, Miami, FL. (VIRTUAL CONFERENCE - COVID-19). Dec 2020.
Gillespie MJ. "Catheter-Based VSD Closure", SCAI Fall Fellows 2020, Miami, FL, (VIRTUAL CONFERENCE - COVID-19). Dec 2020.
Gillespie MJ. "Management of PDA In the Premature Infant: The Challenge of Building Consensus", PDA Symposium 2020, [VIRTUAL CONFERENCE DUE TO COVID-19]. Oct 2020.
Gillespie MJ. "Gore CARDIOFORM ASD Occluder: Clinical Experience: WL Gore ASD Virtual Symposium. Sept 2020.
Gillespie MJ. "Update on the Medtronic Harmony Valve" Congenital Heart Academy Webinar Series 2020. June 2020
Gillespie MJ. "Results from the Gore Assured Continued Access Study", CSI Frankfurt 2020, Frankfurt Germany. June 2020.
Gillespie MJ. "Results from the Harmony TPV Pivotal Trial", CSI Frankfurt 2020, Frankfurt, Germany [COVID-19]. June 2020.
Gillespie MJ. "Screening for Harmony TPV25; What Has It Taught Us?", PICS-AICS Webinar Series. May 2020.
Gillespie MJ. "One-Year Results from the Gore ASSURED Pivotal and Continued Access Trials" AEPC 2020, Gothenburg, Sweden [COVID-19]. May 2020.
Gillespie MJ. "Pulmonic Valve Interventional Therapy: Is this the New Forgotten Valve?", ACC 2020, Chicago, IL [COVID-19]. Mar 2020.
Gillespie MJ. "Innovation in Catheter-Based Therapies", Cardiology 2020, Orlando, FL. Feb, 2020
Gillespie MJ. "Complications Associated With PA Interventions", SCAI Fall Fellows Course, Las Vegas, NV. Dec, 2019.
Gillespie MJ. "3-Year Outcomes from Harmony TPV Early Feasibility Study", SCAI Fall Fellows Course 2019, LAs Vegas, NV. Dec, 2019.
Gillespie MJ. "Pulmonary AVMs and VenoVenous Collateral Embolization", SCAI Fall Fellows Course 2019, Las Vegas, NV. Dec, 2019.
Gillespie MJ. "PDA Closure in Small Infants", SCAI Fall Fellows Course 2019, Las Vegas, NV. Dec, 2019.
Gillespie MJ. "Transcatheter VSD Closure", SCAI Fall Fellows Course 2019, Las Vegas, NV. Dec, 2019.
Gillespie MJ. "Strategic Approaches - Vascular Access, Device Selection, Tools of the Trade", Advanced Imaging and Procedural Workshop for ASD/PFO Closure, Minneapolis, MN. Oct, 2019.
Gillespie MJ. "Embryology of the Atrial Septum", Advanced Imaging and Procedural Workshop for ASD/PFO Closure, Minneapolis, MN. Oct, 2019.
Gillespie MJ. "Device Retrieval", Advanced Imaging and Procedural Workshop for ASD/PFO Closure, Minneapolis, MN. Oct, 2019.
Gillespie MJ. "Challenging ASD Cases", Advanced Imaging and Procedural Workshop for ASD/PFO Closure, Minneapolis, MN. Oct, 2019.
Gillespie MJ. "Management of The PDA in ELBW Premature Infants - A Cardiologist's Perspective", Advances in Neonatology, Philadelphia, PA. Oct, 2019.
Gillespie MJ. "Industry Collaboration for CHD Innovation: Advancing Technologies and Procedures", PICES Session at PICS-AICS 2019, San Diego, CA. Sep, 2019.
Gillespie MJ. "TAPED CASE Presentation: Secundum ASD Closure Using the Gore Cardioform Atrial Septal Occluder", PICS-AICS 2019, San Diego, CA. Sep, 2019.
Gillespie MJ. "My BEST and My WORST Harmony TPV Cases", PICS-AICS 2019, San Diego, CA. Sep, 2019.
Gillespie MJ. "The GORE ASSURED _Clinical Study: _12-month Follow-up _Data of the _GORE® CARDIOFORM _ASD Occluder" PICS-AICS 2019, San Diego, CA. Sep, 2019.
Gillespie MJ. "Predictive Modeling for Interventions: What Needs to Improve?", PICS-AICS 2019, San Diego, CA. Sep, 2019.
Gillespie MJ. "Transcatheter Pulmonary Valve Device Parade: The Medtronic Harmony Valve", CSI-Frankfurt 2019, Frankfurt, Germany. Jun, 2019.
Gillespie MJ. "Initial Experience with the Medtronic Harmony Transcatheter Pulmonary Valve", CSI-Frankfurt 2019, Frankfurt, Germany. Jun, 2019.
Gillespie MJ. "Results from the Amplatzer Piccolo Occluder IDE and CAP Studies", CSI-Frankfurt 2019, Frankfurt, Germany. Jun, 2019.
Gillespie MJ. "The Gore ASSURED Clinical Study: 12-month follow-up Data of the Gore Cardioform ASD Occluder", CSI-Frankfurt 2019, Frankfurt, Germany. Jun, 2019.
Gillespie MJ. "Update on Outcomes of The Gore ASSURED Trial", Structural Academic Fellows Course Gore CARDIOFORM Septal Occluder Workshop, Philadelphia, PA. May, 2019.
Gillespie MJ. "Complex PDA Closure Cases in Premature Infants <2Kg", Abbott Premie PDA Training Course, Minneapolis, MN. Apr, 2019.
Gillespie MJ. "Why? When? and How? to use Angiography in Premie PDA Closure Procedures," Abbott Premie PDA Training Course, Minneapolis, MN. Apr, 2019.
Gillespie MJ. "Piccolo Device Overview", Abbott Premie PDA Training Course, Minneapolis, MN. Apr, 2019.
Gillespie MJ. "Management of PDA in The Premature Infant: How Do We Integrate All PDA Therapies?", PDA Symposium 2019, Memphis, TN. Apr, 2019.
Gillespie MJ. "Introduction to Transcatheter PDA Closure in ELBW Infants: How'd We Get here?", PDA Symposium 2019, Memphis, TN. Apr, 2019.
Gillespie MJ. "Transcatheter Pulmonary Valve Replacement: Congenital Specialist's Perspective", ACC 2019. Mar, 2019.
Gillespie MJ. "Description and Case Examples of the Harmony TPV22 and TPV25 Devices", Medtronic Congenital Summit, Galway, Ireland. Feb, 2019.
Gillespie MJ. "The Medtronic Harmony Transcatheter Pulmonary Valve", CSI Asia-Pacific, Guangzhou, China. Feb, 2019.
Gillespie MJ. "PDA Management in Premature Infants: Changing Times!", Abbott Faculty Dinner, CSI Asia-Pacific, Guangzhou, China. Feb, 2019.
Gillespie MJ. "Update on Outcomes from the Native Outflow Tract Early Feasibility Study", CSI Asia-Pacific, Guangzhou, China. Feb, 2019.
Gillespie MJ. "PDA Stenting in Complex Anatomies" CSI Asia-Pacific, Guangzhou, China. Feb, 2019.
Gillespie MJ. "Complications and Other Unwanted Outcomes of Atrial Septal Interventions", SCAI Fall Fellows Course 2018, Las Vegas, NV. Dec, 2018.
Gillespie MJ. "Catheter-Based Management of Arterio-Pulmonary and Veno-venous Collaterals" SCAI Fall Fellows Course 2018, Las Vegas, NV. Dec, 2018.
Gillespie MJ. "The Medtronic Harmony Transcatheter Pulmonary Valve: Screening Process, 2-Year Outcome Dat and case Presentations", SCAI Fall Fellows Course 2018, Las Vegas, NV. Dec, 2018.
Gillespie MJ. "Radiofrequency Energy Perforation of The Pulmonary Valve in Pulmonary Atresia with Intact Ventricular Septum: Tips and Tricks", SCAI Fall Fellows Course 2018, Las Vegas, NV. Dec, 2018.
Gillespie MJ. "Management of Patent Ductus Arteriosus in Extremely Low Birth Weight Premature Infants", SCAI Fall Fellows Course 2018, Las Vegas, NV. Dec, 2018.
Gillespie MJ. "Complications Associated With Interventions on The Branch Pulmonary Arteries", SCAI Fall Fellows 2018, Las Vegas, NV. Dec, 2018.
Gillespie MJ. "Advances in ACHD Management: Interventional Cardiology; Rebuilding The Heart From The Inside", CHOP-Penn ACHD Transition Conference, Philadelphia, PA.Oct, 2018.
Gillespie MJ. "Initial Clinical Experience Using The Harmony TPV25", Harmony TPV Trial Implanters Meeting, Las Vegas, NV. Sep, 2018.
Gillespie MJ. "Challenges Bringing A Device To Market - Where Do I Start!?", Pediatric and Adult Interventional Cardiac Symposium, PICS-AICS 2018, Las Vegas, NV. Sep, 2018.
Gillespie MJ. "Debate: Surgical PVR is Time Tested and Superior to Transcatheter PVR...Stop Wasting Our Time!; Con Position," Pediatric and Adult Interventional Cardiac Symposium, PICS-AICS 2018,Las Vegas, NV. Sep, 2018.
Gillespie MJ. "Assessing the Surgically Repaired RVOT for Transcatheter Pulmonary Valve Replacement (TPVR)", Pediatric and Adult Interventional Cardiac Symposium, PICS-AICS 2018, Las Vegas, NV. Sep, 2018.
Gillespie MJ. The GORE ASSURED Clinical Study: Primary and Secondary Endpoint Data from the GORE® CARDIOFORM ASD Occluder", Pediatric and Adult Interventional Cardiac Symposium, PICS-AICS 2018,Las Vegas, NV> Sep, 2018.
Gillespie MJ. "The GORE ASSURED Clinical Study: Initial Look at Primary Endpoint & Safety Data of the GORE® CARDIOFORM ASD Occluder", CSI 2018, Frankfurt, Germany. Jun, 2018.
Gillespie MJ. "Management of PDA in the Premature Infant: The Cardiologist's Perspective",The International PDA Symposium, Memphis, TN. May, 2018.
Gillespie MJ. "Gore ASSURED Trial Update", Gore Cardioform Septal Workshop, Newark, DE. May, 2018.
Gillespie MJ. "Two-Year Outcomes from The Native Outflow Tract Early Feasibility Study", Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions (SCAI), 2018 Scientific Sessions, San Diego, CA. Apr, 2018.
Gillespie MJ. "Advanced Techniques in Transseptal Puncture: "NonSeptal Puncture", SCAI 2018 Scientific Sessions, San Diego, CA. Apr, 2018.
Gillespie MJ. "What to Expect Over the Next Decade: Transcatheter Heart Valves = Plastics!", Cardiology 2018, Scottsdale, AZ. Feb, 2018.
Gillespie MJ. "Future Innovations and Applications in the Catheterization Lab", Cardiology 2018, Scottsdale, AZ. Feb, 2018.
Gillespie MJ. "Diagnostic Cardiac Catheterization in Congenital Heart Disease", SCAI Fall Fellows Course 2017, Las Vegas, NV. Dec, 2017.
Gillespie MJ. "Debate: The Gore Cardioform Septal Occluder is Superior to the Amplatzer Septal Occluder" Pro, SCAI Fall Fellows Course 2017, Las Vegas, NV. Dec, 2017.
Gillespie MJ. "Pulmonary Arteriovenous Malformations and Veno-venous Collaterals", SCAI Fall Fellows Course 2017, Las Vegas, NV. Dec, 2017.
Gillespie MJ. "PDA Stenting: Which Cases to Start With?", SCAI Fall Fellows 2017, Las Vegas, NV. Dec, 2017.
Gillespie MJ. "Interventions Outside of The Heart", SCAI Fall Fellows Course 2017, Las Vegas NV. Dec, 2017.
Gillespie MJ. "Harmony TPV Screening Process and Case Examples", SCAI Fall Fellows 2017, Las Vegas, NV. Dec, 2017.
Gillespie MJ. "Early Experience Using the ADO II AS Device for PDA closure in Premature Infants" Abbott/St Jude Investigators WEBEX Meeting. Aug, 2017.
Gillespie MJ. "Securing Ideas: How to File for Patents", SCAI Scientific Sessions 2017, New Orleans, LA. May, 2017.
Gillespie MJ. "Physician Perspective on the Novel Gore Cardioform ASD Occluder", Gore ASSURED Investigator Meeting, Dallas, TX. Feb, 2017.
Gillespie MJ. "Use of Intraprocedural Bronchoscopy to Assess for Airway Compression During Interventions", PICS-AICS 2017, Miami, FL. Jan, 2017.
Gillespie MJ. "The Great ASD Debate: Why Using the St Jude Amplatzer Septal Occluder Device is Better than Using the Gore Device(s)", SCAI Fall Fellows Course, 2016, Las Vegas. Dec, 2016.
Gillespie MJ. "Postoperative BADNESS: Cardiac Catheterization in an Acute Postoperative Patient with Low Cardiac Output of Unclear Etiology", SCAI Fall Fellows Course 2016, Las Vegas, NV. Dec, 2016.
Gillespie MJ. "Cardiac Catheterization Pre-Glenn and Pre-Fontan: Setting the Stage for Successful Surgery" SCAI Fall Fellows Course 2016, Las Vegas, NV. Dec, 2016.
Gillespie MJ. "Transcatheter Pulmonary Valve Replacement: The Melody Valve and Beyond. Where Have We Been and Where are We Going?", SCAI Fall Fellows 2016, Las Vegas, NV. Dec, 2016.
Gillespie MJ. "Embolization Therapy: Treatment of Pulmonary AVMs and Veno-Venous Collaterals in Congenital Heart Disease", SCAI Fall Fellows Course 2016, Las Vegas, NV. Dec, 2016.
Gillespie MJ. "Transcather Pulmonary Valve Replacement Using The Melody Valve: Indications, Techniques, and Current Outcomes", SCAI Fall Fellows Course, 2016, Las Vegas. Dec, 2016.
Gillespie MJ. "PDA Stenting: When and How", SCAI Fall Fellows Course 2016, Las Vegas. Dec, 2016.
Gillespie MJ. "Creating a New Device: Navigating The Pathway", PICES-SCAI 2016 Scientific Sessions, Orlando, FL. May, 2016.
Gillespie MJ. "I Have an Idea - What Should I Do?", SCAI 2016 Scientific Sessions, Orlando, FL. May, 2016.
Gillespie MJ. "Retrieval of Embolized Devices", Procedural and Advanced Imaging Animal Lab For Congenital and Structural Heart Defects, Minneapolis, MN. May, 2016.
Gillespie MJ. "Indications for ASD Closure in Pediatrics and Adults", Procedural and Advanced Imaging Animal Lab For Congenital and Structural Heart Defects, Minneapolis, MN. May, 2016.
Gillespie MJ. "Complications of ASD Closure - Procedural and Post-Procedural", Procedural and Advanced Imaging Animal Lab For Congenital and Structural Heart Defects, Minneapolis, MN. May, 2016.
Gillespie MJ. "Percutaneous Heart Valve Replacement: What's Next for Pulmonary and Mitral Valves?" Grand Rounds, The Cardiac Center at The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. Mar, 2016.
Editorials, Reviews, Chapters
Matthew C. Schwartz MD, Andrew C. Glatz MD, Matthew J. Gillespie MD: Valvular Insufficiency and Heart Failure. Heart Failure in the Child and Young Adult: From Bench to Bedside. John Jeffries MD, Joseph W. Rossano MD, Anthony C. Chang MD MBA, MPH, Jeffrey A. Towbin MD, Robert E. Shaddy MD (eds.). Elsevier, Dec 2017.
Michael L. O'Byrne MD MSCE, Matthew J. Gillespie MD: Pulmonary Insufficiency - Melody Valve Transcatheter Pulmonary Valve Therapy for the Dysfunctional Right Ventricular Outflow Tract. Catheter Based Valve and Aortic Surgery. Gorav AIawadi MD, Irving L. Kron MD (eds.). Springer, 1(1): 267-281, Dec 2015.
Matthew J. Gillespie MD and Jonathan J. Rome MD: Hemodynamic Assessment and Transcatheter Therapy for Congenital Heart Disease. Mastery of Cardiothoracic Surgery. Larry R. Kaiser MD, Irvin L. Kron MD, and Thomas L. Spray MD (eds.). Lippincott - Raven, 3rd edition, Dec 2013.
Shyam K. Sathanandam MD, Stephanie Fuller MD, and Matthew J. Gillespie MD: Evaluation and Therapy: Neonatal Critical Heart Disease. Pediatric Practice: Cardiology. Marie M. Gleason MD, Jack Rychik MD, and Robert Shaddy MD (eds.). May 2012.
Gillespie MJ, Schneider H, Rome JJ. The use of cardiac catheterization to diagnose and treat heart disease in pediatric patients. In: Vetter VL, editor. The requisites in pediatrics - pediatric cardiology. Philadelphia: Elsevier Mosby; 2006. p. 195 - 221.