Victoria L. Vetter, MD, FAAP, FACC
Areas of expertise: Autonomic nervous system dysfunction, Long QT syndrome, Radiofrequency ablation of cardiac arrhythmias, Postoperative arrhythmias, Sudden cardiac death, Autonomic dysfunction
Locations: Main Building
About Victoria L. Vetter, MD, FAAP, FACC
Victoria L. Vetter, MD, is an attending Cardiologist and Cardiac Electrophysiologist in the Division of Cardiology at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP), where she has cared for patients for over 37 years.
Dr. Vetter is recognized as a leader in pediatric electrophysiology with special expertise in long QT syndrome and other conditions associated with sudden cardiac death in children and young adults. She serves as medical director of Youth Heart Watch and maintains a special interest in cardiac arrhythmias in children and the prevention of sudden cardiac death. She is the Chair of the Medical Advisory Board of Parent Heart Watch, a national organization of parents who aim to prevent SCA, and is on the Advisory Committee of the NIH/CDC Sudden Death in Youth Registry new pilot study.
Dr. Vetter established and directed the Pediatric Cardiology Electrophysiology section at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. She served as Chief of the Division of Pediatric Cardiology from 1993 to 2007.
A graduate of the University of Kentucky College of Medicine, Dr. Vetter completed a residency in pediatrics at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, MD, and Vanderbilt University Hospital in Nashville, TN. She then completed her post-graduate training with a pediatric cardiology fellowship at The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, and spent her sabbatical obtaining a Master’s degrees in Public Health, Health Policy and Health Services Research at the University of Pennsylvania.
Dr. Vetter has served in leadership positions in every national cardiovascular and pediatric cardiology organization. Her work has been supported by extensive extramural funding including the American Heart Association, Health Resources and Services Administration, and the National Institutes of Health.
From 2001 to 2011, she served as the principal investigator of a National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute grant studying congenital or acquired heart disease in children. Dr. Vetter was also the co-investigator of a National Institute of Nursing Research grant on feeding behaviors and energy balance in infants with congenital heart disease.
In addition to her patient care responsibilities, Dr. Vetter participates in the clinical teaching of medical students, pediatric residents and cardiology fellows, and is a Professor of Pediatrics at the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania.
Dr. Vetter has presented her work and spoken nationally and internationally on topics related to abnormal heart rhythms and sudden cardiac arrest in children. She has published numerous articles and book chapters on these topics, and has edited books on Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Electrophysiology.
Dr. Vetter has received numerous awards for her work in pediatric cardiology, including the Young Investigator Award from the American Academy of Pediatrics, and the Heart of the Child Award from the CARE Foundation in 1996. In 2002, she was awarded the Distinguished Alumnus Award from the University of Kentucky Medical Alumni Association, and in 2003, she received the Evelyn Rome Tabas Endowed Chair in Pediatric Cardiology. In 2012, she received CHOP’s Cardiac Center’s Distinguished Achievement Award, presented at Cardiology 2012, Orlando, FL.
Dr. Vetter is also the recipient of the 2013 Edward S. Cooper M.D. Award from the American Heart Association of Southeastern Pennsylvania, recognizing her humanitarian service and significant contributions to the greater Philadelphia area.
Attending Cardiologist
Professor of Pediatrics, Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania
Pediatric Cardiology – American Board of Pediatrics
Pediatrics – American Board of Pediatrics
Awards and Honors
2015, Parent Heart Watch (PHW) "Heroes for Young Heart" 2015 Founder's Award
2014, Program of Excellence Award, Hospital Charitable Services Awards sponsored by Jackson Healthcare
2013, American Heart Association of Southeastern Pennsylvania Edward S. Cooper, MD Award
2012, Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania MyHeartMap Challenge Award
2012, CHOP's Cardiac Center Distinguished Achievement Award presented at Cardiology 2012, Orlando, FL
2010, Top Five Public Service Announcement at Emergency Cardiovascular Care Update 2010 Conference
2007, Bright Star Award, Daniel E. Rumph II Foundation
2005, Evelyn Rome Tabas Endowed Chair in Pediatric Cardiology
2002, Distinguished Alumnus Award - University of Kentucky Medical Alumni Association
1996, Heart of the Child Award, Cardiac Arrhythmias Research and Education Foundation, Inc. (CARE)
1978-1979, Post-doctoral Fellow of Southeastern Pennsylvania Chapter of American Heart Association
1977, Young Investigator Award, Section on Cardiology American Academy of Pediatrics
1976-1977, Post-doctoral Fellow of Southeastern Pennsylvania Chapter of American Heart Association
1972, Janet M. Glasgow AWMA Award
1972, John H. Githens Pediatric Award
1971, Alpha Omega Alpha
1967, Phi Beta Kappa
Leadership and Memberships
Memberships in Professional Organizations
1996-present, International Registry for Drug-Induced Arrhythmias
- 1996-present, Scientific Advisory Committee
1982-present, Pediatric Electrophysiology Society/PACES: Pediatric and Congenital Electrophysiology Society
- 1982-present, Co-Founder
1978-present, North American Society of Pacing and Electrophysiology
2012-present, Citizen CPR Foundation SCA in Youth Task Force
2010-present, FDA and Cardiac Safety Research Consortium Pediatric Think Tank
2005-present, Parent Heart Watch
- 2005-present, Chair, Medical Advisory Board
2004-present, Heart Rhythm Society
- 2010-present, Fellow
1993-present, American Heart Association, Council on Cardiovascular Disease in the Young
1992-present, National Institutes of Health
1992-present, American College of Cardiology
- 2012-present, Writing Committee Section Lead Think Tank White Paper/Proceedings
- 2012-present, Think Tank
- 2012-present, Council on Sports and Exercise
- 2008-present, Women in Cardiology
1989-present, American Academy of Pediatrics
- 1989-present, Pediatric Cardiology Subsection, Executive Committee
Editorial and Academic Positions
Editorial Positions
Scientific Reviewer
American Journal of Cardiology
Journal of American College of Cardiology
Pediatric Cardiology
Pacing and Clinical Electrophysiology
Pediatric Research
Clinical Pediatrics
Annals of Internal Medicine
New England Journal of Medicine
Journal of Cardiovascular Electrophysiology
The Journal of Pediatrics
American Journal of Diseases of Children
Pediatric Emergency Care
Academic and Institutional Committees
Ad Hoc Member of the Academic Committee for Appointments and Promotions
Chair, Internal Advisory Committee Training Grant in Pediatric Cardiology
Search Committee for Endowed Chair in Pediatric Cardiothoracic Surgery
Executive Committee, Cardiac Care Center
Search Committee Rashkind Chair
Children's Physician Organization
2014-present, Search Committee Cardiothoracic Surgeon
Education & training
Graduate Degree
Master’s degrees in Public Health, Health Policy and Health Services Research - University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
Medical Degree
MD - University of Kentucky School of Medicine, Lexington, KY
Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, MD
Vanderbilt University Hospital, Nashville, TN
Pediatric Cardiology - The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA
Khanna Sahil, Iyer V Ramesh, Vetter Victoria L: Can Pediatric Practitioners Correctly Interpret Electrocardiograms? The Journal of pediatrics 206: 113-118, Mar 2019.
Janson Christopher M, Tan Reina Bianca, Iyer V Ramesh, Vogel R Lee, Vetter Victoria L, Shah Maully J: Ivabradine for treatment of tachyarrhythmias in children and young adults. HeartRhythm case reports 5(6): 333-337, Jun 2019.
Vetter Victoria L, Khanna Sahil, Iyer V Ramesh: Reply. The Journal of pediatrics Nov 2019.
Sharma Sanjay, Drezner Jonathan A, Baggish Aaron, Papadakis Michael, Wilson Mathew G, Prutkin Jordan M, La Gerche Andre, Ackerman Michael J, Borjesson Mats, Salerno Jack C, Asif Irfan M, Owens David S, Chung Eugene H, Emery Michael S, Froelicher Victor F, Heidbuchel Hein, Adamuz Carmen, Asplund Chad A, Cohen Gordon, Harmon Kimberly G, Marek Joseph C, Molossi Silvana, Niebauer Josef, Pelto Hank F, Perez Marco V, Riding Nathan R, Saarel Tess, Schmied Christian M, Shipon David M, Stein Ricardo, Vetter Victoria L, Pelliccia Antonio, Corrado Domenico: International recommendations for electrocardiographic interpretation in athletes. European heart journal 16: 1466-1480, Apr 2018.
Peter F. Aziz MD, FHRS a, o, Stuart Berger MD, FAAP, FACC, FHRS b, Peter Kowey MD c, Mitchell Krucoff MD, FACC, FAHA, FSCAL d, Martha Lopez-Anderson e, Eric Michelson MD, FACC f, Silvana Molossi MD, PhD, FACC g, Valarie Morrow MD h, Ignacio Rodriguez MD i, Tess (Elizabeth) Saarel MD, FAAP, FACC, FHRS j, Colette Strnadova PhD k, Victoria Vetter MD, MPH, FAAP, FACC, FAHA, FHRS l, Theressa J. Wright MD m, Salim F. Idriss MD, PhD, FHRS, FACC n: The 2nd annual think tank on prevention of sudden cardiac death in the young: Developing a rational, reliable and sustainable National Health Care Resource. A report from the cardiac safety research consortium. American Heart Journal May 23 epub 2018 Notes: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ahj.2018.05.011.
Saarel Elizabeth V, Granger Suzanne, Kaltman Jonathan R, Minich L LuAnn, Tristani-Firouzi Martin, Kim Jeffrey J, Ash Kathleen, Tsao Sabrina S, Berul Charles I, Stephenson Elizabeth A, Gamboa David G, Trachtenberg Felicia, Fischbach Peter, Vetter Victoria L, Czosek Richard J, Johnson Tiffanie R, Salerno Jack C, Cain Nicole B, Pass Robert H, Zeltser Ilana, Silver Eric S, Kovach Joshua R, Alexander Mark E: Electrocardiograms in Healthy North American Children in the Digital Age. Circulation. Arrhythmia and electrophysiology 11(7): e005808, Jul 2018.
Sarrell T, ... Vetter VL... et al: Electrocardiograms in Healthy North American Children in the Digital Age. Circulation: Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology July 2018
Sharma Sanjay, Drezner Jonathan A, Baggish Aaron, Papadakis Michael, Wilson Mathew G, Prutkin Jordan M, La Gerche Andre, Ackerman Michael J, Borjesson Mats, Salerno Jack C, Asif Irfan M, Owens David S, Chung Eugene H, Emery Michael S, Froelicher Victor F, Heidbuchel Hein, Adamuz Carmen, Asplund Chad A, Cohen Gordon, Harmon Kimberly G, Marek Joseph C, Molossi Silvana, Niebauer Josef, Pelto Hank F, Perez Marco V, Riding Nathan R, Saarel Tess, Schmied Christian M, Shipon David M, Stein Ricardo, Vetter Victoria L, Pelliccia Antonio, Corrado Domenico: International Recommendations for Electrocardiographic Interpretation in Athletes. Journal of the American College of Cardiology 69(8): 1057-1075, Feb 2017.
Drezner Jonathan A, Sharma Sanjay, Baggish Aaron, Papadakis Michael, Wilson Mathew G, Prutkin Jordan M, Gerche Andre La, Ackerman Michael J, Borjesson Mats, Salerno Jack C, Asif Irfan M, Owens David S, Chung Eugene H, Emery Michael S, Froelicher Victor F, Heidbuchel Hein, Adamuz Carmen, Asplund Chad A, Cohen Gordon, Harmon Kimberly G, Marek Joseph C, Molossi Silvana, Niebauer Josef, Pelto Hank F, Perez Marco V, Riding Nathan R, Saarel Tess, Schmied Christian M, Shipon David M, Stein Ricardo, Vetter Victoria L, Pelliccia Antonio, Corrado Domenico: International criteria for electrocardiographic interpretation in athletes. British journal of sports medicine Mar 2017.
Czosek Richard J, Kaltman Jonathan R, Cassedy Amy E, Shah Maully J, Vetter Victoria L, Tanel Ronn E, Wernovksy Gil, Wray Jo, Marino Bradley S: Quality of Life of Pediatric Patients With Long QT Syndrome. The American journal of cardiology 117(4): 605-10, Feb 2016.
Poole Sabrina A, Pecoraro Anna, Subramaniam Geetha, Woody George, Vetter Victoria L: Presence or Absence of QTc Prolongation in Buprenorphine-Naloxone Among Youth With Opioid Dependence. Journal of addiction medicine 10(1): 26-33, Feb 2016.
Banerjee Maalika M, Ramesh Iyer V, Nandi Deipanjan, Vetter Victoria L, Banerjee Anirban: Reliability of Left Ventricular Hypertrophy by ECG Criteria in Children with Syncope: Do the Criteria Need to be Revised? Pediatric cardiology 37(4): 722-7, Apr 2016.
Vetter Victoria L, Haley Danielle M, Dugan Noreen P, Iyer V Ramesh, Shults Justine: Innovative cardiopulmonary resuscitation and automated external defibrillator programs in schools: Results from the Student Program for Olympic Resuscitation Training in Schools (SPORTS) study. Resuscitation. Joseph Ornato MD (eds.). Elesvier, 104: 46-52, July 2016 Notes: Epub ahead of prin April 17 2016.
Vetter Victoria L, Covington Theresa M, Dugan Noreen P, Haley Danielle Main, Dykstra Heather, Overpeck Mary, Iyer V Ramesh, Shults Justine: Cardiovascular deaths in children: general overview from the National Center for the Review and Prevention of Child Deaths. American heart journal 169(3): 426-437.e23, Mar 2015.
Vetter Victoria L: Best practices for ECG screening in children. Journal of electrocardiology 48(3): 316-323, May-Jun 2015.
Li MH, Brunton J, Vijayakumar J, Haley D, Dugan N, Dulik MC, Abrudan J, Rajagopalan R, Sasson A, DeChene ET, Sarmady M, Conlin L, White P, Spinner N, Krantz ID, Vetter V. : Utility and Limitations of Exome Sequencing as a Genetic Diagnostic Tool for Pediatric Disorders: Sudden Cardiac Arrest/Sudden Cardiac Death as a Model. Hum Genomics 9, July 2015 Notes: Presented at the 2014 ACMG Annual Clinical Genetics Meeting, March 27, 2014, Nashville, TN.
Vetter VL, Haley DM: Secondary prevention of sudden cardiac death: does it work in children? Curr Opin Cardiol 29(1): 68-75, Jan 2014.
Anderson BR, McElligott S, Polsky D, Vetter VL : Electrocardiographic Screening for Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy and Long QT Syndrome: The Drivers of Cost-Effectiveness for the Prevention of Sudden Cardiac Death. Pediatr Cardiol 35(2): 323-31, Feb 2014.
McCrindle BW, Zak V, Pemberton VL, Lambert LM, Vetter VL, Lai WW, Uzark K, Margossian R, Atz AM, Cook A, Newburger JW: Functional health status in children and adolescents after Fontan: comparison of generic and disease-specific assessments Cardiol Young 24(3): 469-477, June 2014.
Vetter VL: Electrocardiographic screening of all infants, children, and teenagers should be performed. Circulation 130(8): 688-97, August 2014.
Villafañe J, Lantin-Hermoso MR, Bhatt AB, Tweddell JS, Geva T, Nathan M, Elliott MJ, Vetter VL, Paridon SM, Kochilas L, Jenkins KJ, Beekman RH 3rd, Wernovsky G, Towbin JA; American College of Cardiology's Adult Congenital and Pediatric Cardiology Council. : D-Transposition of the Great Arteries: The Current Era of the Arterial Switch Operation. J Am Coll Cardiol. 64(5): 498-511, August 2014.
Vetter Victoria L, Dugan Noreen P, Haley Danielle Main, Covington Theresa M, Dykstra Heather, Overpeck Mary, Iyer V Ramesh, Shults Justine: Development of a data set of national cardiovascular deaths in the young. American heart journal 168(4): 568-576.e3, Oct 2014.
Lawless Christine E, Asplund Chad, Asif Irfan M, Courson Ron, Emery Michael S, Fuisz Anthon, Kovacs Richard J, Lawrence Silvana M, Levine Benjamin D, Link Mark S, Martinez Matthew W, Matherne G Paul, Olshansky Brian, Roberts William O, Salberg Lisa, Vetter Victoria L, Vogel Robert A, Whitehead Jim: Protecting the heart of the American athlete: proceedings of the American College of Cardiology Sports and Exercise Cardiology Think Tank October 18, 2012, Washington, DC. Journal of the American College of Cardiology 64(20): 2146-71, Nov 18-25 2014.
Vetter VL, Dugan NP: A Discussion of Electrocardiographic Screening and Sudden Cardiac Death Prevention: Evidence and Consensus. Curr Opin Cardiol 2(28): 139-51, January 2013.
Drezner JA, Ackerman MJ, Anderson J, Ashley E, Asplund CA, Baggish AL, BÈrjesson M, Cannon BC, Corrado D, DiFiori JP, Fischbach P, Froelicher V, Harmon K, Heidbuchel H, Marek J, Owens DS, Paul S, Pelliccia A, Prukin JM, Salerno JC, Schmied CM, Sharma S, Stein R, Vetter VL, Wilson MG.: Electrocardiographic Interpretation in Athletes: The 'Seattle Criteria'. Br J Sports Med 47(3): 122-124, Feb 2013.
Drezner JA, Ackerman MJ, Cannon BC, Corrado D, Heidbuchel H, A, Prukin JM, Salerno JC, Anderson J, Ashley E, Asplund CA, Baggish AL, Borjesson M, DiFiori JP, Fischbach P, Froelicher V, Harmon K, Marek J, Owens DS, Paul S, Pelliccia A, Schmied CM, Sharma S, Stein R, Vetter VL, Wilson MG.: Abnormal Electrocardiographic Findings in Athletes: Recognising Changes Suggestive of Primary Electrical Disease. Br J Sports Med 47(3): 153-167, Feb 2013.
Drezner JA, Ashley E, Baggish AL, BÈrjesson M, Corrado D, Owens DS, Patel A, Pelliccia A, Vetter VL, Ackerman MJ, Anderson J, Asplund CA, Cannon BC, DiFiori JP, Fischbach P, Froelicher V, Harmon K, Heidbuchel H, Marek J, Paul S, Prukin JM, Salerno JC, Schmied CM, Sharma S, Stein R, Wilson MG: Abnormal Electrocardiographic Findings in Athletes: Recognising Changes Suggestive of Cardiomyopathy. Br J Sports Med 47(3): 137-152, Feb 2013.
Drezner JA, Fischbach P, Froelicher V, Marek J, Pelliccia A, Prukin JM, Schmied CM, Sharma S, Wilson MG, Ackerman MJ, Anderson J, Ashley E, Asplund CA, Baggish AL, BÈrjesson M, Cannon BC, Corrado D, DiFiori JP, Harmon K, Heidbuchel H, Owens DS, Paul S, Salerno JC, Stein R, Vetter VL.: Normal Electrocardiographic Findings: Recognising Physiological Adaptations in Athletes. Br J Sports Med 47(3): 125-136. Feb 2013.
Dresner JA, Levine BD, Vetter VL. : Reframing the Debate: Screening Athletes to Prevent Sudden Cardiac Death. Heart Rhythm. 10(3): 454-5. March 2013.
Walsh EP, Bar-Cohen Y, Batra AS, Dick M 2nd, Erickson C, Fish F, Hamilton RM, Kanter RJ, Reed JH, Van Hare GF, Vetter VL, Webster G, Walsh EP, Bar-Cohen Y, Hamilton RM, Reed JH, Van Hare GF.: Recommendations for advanced fellowship training in clinical pediatric and congenital electrophysiology: a report from the training and credentialing committee of the pediatric and congenital electrophysiology society. Heart Rhythm. 10(5): 775-81, May 2013.
Sharma S, Estes NA 3rd, Vetter VL, Corrado D: Clinical decisions. Cardiac screening before participation in sports. N Engl J Med 369(21): 2049-53 Nov 2013.
Nathan AT, Naim M, Montenegro LM, Vetter VL.: A Neonate With Long QT Syndrome, Refractory Ventricular Arrhythmias, and Lidocaine Toxicity. Anesth Analg. 114(2): 407-9, Feb 2012.
Vetter VL. : Editorial: The New Pediatric Cardiology Paradigm: Prevention and Evidence. Curr Opin Cardiol. 27(2): 67-9, March 2012.
Drezner JA, Fudge J, Harmon KG, Berger S, Campbell RM, Vetter VL. : Warning Symptoms and Family History in Children and Young Adults with Sudden Cardiac Arrest. J Am Board Fam Med. 25(4): 408-15, July 2012.
Williams RV, Travison T, Kaltman JR, Cecchin F, Colan SD, Idriss SF, Lu M, Margossian R, Reed JH, Silver ES, Stephenson EA, Vetter VL : The Pediatric Heart Network Investigators. Comparison of Fontan Survivors with and without Pacemakers: A Report from the Pediatric Heart Network Fontan Cross-sectional Study. Congenit Heart Dis. July 2012.
Bates KE, Vetter VL, Li JS, Cummins S, Aguel F, Almond C, Dubin AM, Elia J, Finkle J, Hausner EA, Joseph F, Karkowsky AM, Killeen M, Lemacks J, Mathis L, McMahon AW, Pinnow E, Rodriguez I, Stockbridge NL, Stockwell M, Tassinari M, Krucoff MW. : Pediatric Cardiovascular Safety: Challenges in Drug and Device Development and Clinical Application. AM Heart J. 164(4): 481-92. October 2012.
Nathan AT, Antzelevitch C, Montenegro LM, Vetter VL.: Case Scenario: Anesthesia-related Cardiac Arrest in a Child with Timothy Syndrome. Anesthesiology. 117(5): 1117-1126, November 2012.
Lai WW, Vetter VL (co-first author), Richmond M, Li JS, Saul JP, Mital S, Colan SD, Newburger JW, Sleeper LA, McCrindle BW, Minich LL, Goldmuntz E, Marino BS, Williams IA, Pearson GD, Evans F, Scott JD, Cohen MS. : Clinical Research Careers: Reports From A NHLBI Pediatric Heart Network Clinical Research Skills Development Conference. Am Heart J. 161(1): 13-67, January 2011.
Kaltman JR, Thompson PD, Paul, Lantos J, Berul CI, Cohen J, Cook N, Drezner J, Frick KD, Kannankeril PJ, Leslie L, Priori S, Saul PJ, Sharpiro-Mendoza C, Siscovick, D, Vetter VL., Botkin J, Corrado D, Goldman S, Hlatky M,, Boineau R, Burns K, Friedman R. : Screening for Sudden Cardiac Death in the Young: Report from a National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute Working Group. Circulation 123(17): 1911-1918, May 2011.
Nathan AT., Berkowitz DH, Montenegro LM, Nicolson SC., Vetter, VL, Jobes DR : Implications of Anesthesia in Children with Long QT Syndrome. Anesth Analg 112(5): 1163-8, May 2011.
Vetter VL, Dugan N, Guo R, Mercer-Rosa L, Gleason M, Cohen M, Vogel RL, Iyer R.: A Pilot Study of the Feasibility of Heart Screening for Sudden Cardiac Arrest in Healthy Children. Am Heart J. 161(5): 1000-1006, May 2011.
Aziz PF, Wieand TS, Ganley J, Henderson J, Patel AR, Iyer VR, Vogel RL, McBride M, Vetter VL, Shah MJ.: Genotype- and Mutation Site-Specific QT Adaptation During Exercise, Recovery, and Postural Changes in Children With long-QT Syndrome. Circ Arrhythm Electrophysiol. 4(6): 867-73, December 2011.
Aziz PF, Tanel RE, Zelster IJ, Pass RH, Wieand TS, Vetter VL, Vogel RL, Shah MJ.: Congenital Long QT Syndrome And 2:1 Atrioventricular Block: An Optimistic Outcome In The Current Era. Heart Rhythm. 78: 1-5, June 2010.
Elia J, Vetter VL: Cardiovascular Effects Of Medications For The Treatment Of Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: What Is Known And How Should It Influence Prescribing In Children? Paediatr Drugs 12(3): 165-75, Jun 2010.
Elia J, Vetter VL.: Cardiovascular Effects Of Medications For The Treatment Of Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: What Is Known And How Should It Influence Prescribing In Children? Paediatr Drugs. 12(3): 165-75, June 2010.
Stephenson EA, Lu M, Berul CI, Etheridge SP, Idriss SF, Margossian R, Reed JH, Prakash A, Sleeper LA, Vetter VL, Blaufox AD; Pediatric Heart Network Investigators.: Arrhythmias In A Contemporary Fontan Cohort: Prevalence And Clinical Associations In A Multicenter Cross-Sectional Study. J Am Coll Cardiol. 56(11): 890-6, September 2010.
Anderson BR, Vetter VL. : Arrhythmogenic Causes Of Chest Pain In Children. Pediatr Clin North Am. 57(6): 1305-29. December 2010.
Levin MD, Stephens P, Tanel RE, Vetter VL, Rhodes LA. : Ventricular Tachycardia In Infants With Structurally Normal Heart: A Benign Disorder. Cardiol Young. 20(6): 641-7. December 2010.
Sleeper LA, Minich LL, McCrindle BM, Li JS, Mason W, Colan SD, Atz AM, Printz BF, Baker A, Vetter VL, Newburger JW; Pediatric Heart Network Investigators.: Evaluation Of Kawasaki Disease Risk-Scoring Systems For Intravenous Immunoglobulin Resistance. J Pediatr. December 2010.
Woody GE, Poole SA, Subramaniam G, Dugosh K, Bogenschutz M, Abbott P, Patkar A., Publicker M, McCain K, Potter JS, Forman R, Vetter VL, McNicholas L, Blaine J, Lynch KG, Fudala P: Extended Vs Short-Term Buprenorphine-Naloxone For Treatment Of Opioid-Addicted Youth: A Randomized Trial. JAMA 300(17): 2003-11, November 2008.
Baker AL, Lu M, Minich LL, Atz AM, Klein GL, Korsin R, Lambert L, Li JS, Mason W,Radojewski E, Vetter VL, Newburger JW: Pediatric Heart Network Investigators. Associated Symptoms In The Ten Days Before Diagnosis Of Kawasaki Disease. J Pediatr 154(4): 592-595, April 2009.
Vetter VL: The Role Of ECG Screening In The Evaluation Of Risk Of Sudden Cardiac Arrest In The Young. Pacing Clin Electrophysiol 32(Suppl 2): S6-14, July 2009.
Anderson BR, Vetter VL: Practical Considerations For Young Athletes With Cardiovascular Disease. BJSM 43(9): 690-5, September 2009.
Kaltman JR, Tanel RE, Wegrzynowicz B, Kozodoy E, Wieand T, Ennis J, Vetter VL, Shah MJ. : Time And Temperature Profile Of Catheter Cryoablation Of Right Septal And Free Wall Accessory Pathways In Children. J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol 19(4): 343-7, Apr 2008.
Vetter VL, Elia J, Erickson C, Berger S, Blum N, Uzark K, Webb CL. : Cardiovascular Monitoring Of Children And Adolescents With Heart Disease Receiving Stimulant Drugs. A scientific statement from the American Heart Association Council on Cardiovascular Disease in the Young Congenital Cardiac Defects Committee and the Council on Cardiovascular Nursing. Circulation 117: 2407-2423, May 2008.
Saul JP, Epstein AE, Silka MJ, Berul CI, Dick M 2nd, Dimarco JP, Friedman RA, Rosenthal E, Stephenson EA, Vetter VL: American College of Cardiology; American Heart Association; Heart Rhythm Society; Pediatric and Congenital Electrophysiology Society. Heart Rhythm Society/Pediatric and Congenital Electrophysiology Society Clinical Competency Statement: Training Pathways For Implementation Of Cardioverter-Defibrillators And Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy Devices In Pediatric And Congenital Heart Patients Heart Rhythm 5(6): 926-33, June 2008.
Blaufox AD, Sleeper LA, Bradley DJ, Breitbart RE, Hordof A, Kanter RJ, Stephenson EA, Stylianou M, Vetter VL, Saul JP: Pediatric Heart Network Investigators. Functional Status, Heart Rate, And Rhythm Abnormalities Of 521 Fontan Patients 6 To 18 Years Of Age. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 136(1): 100-7, July 2008.
Glatz AC, Gaynor JW, Rhodes LA, Rychik J, Tanel RE, Vetter VL, Kaltman JR, Nicolson SC, Montenegro L, Shah MJ.: Outcome Of High-Risk Neonates With Congenital Complete Heart Block Paced In The First 24 Hours After Birth. J Thor Cardiovasc Surg 136(3): 767-73, September 2008.
Kaltman JR, Ro PS, Zimmerman F, Moak JP, Epstein M, Zeltser IJ, Shah MJ, Buck K, Vetter VL, Tanel RE: Managed Ventricular Pacing In Pediatric Patients And Patients With Congenital Heart Disease. Am J Cardiol. 102(7): 875-8, Oct 2008.
Newburger JW, Sleeper LA, McCrindle BW, Minich LL, Gersony W, Vetter VL, Atz AM, Li, JS, Takahaski M, Baker AL, Colan SD, Mitchell PD, Klein G, Sundel RP: Randomized Trial Of Pulsed Corticosteroid Therapy For Primary Treatment Of Kawasaki Disease. N Engl J Med 356(7): 663-75, Feb 2007.
Kaltman JR, Gaynor JW, Rhodes LA, Buck K, Shah MJ, Vetter VL, Madan N, Tanel, RE. : Subcutaneous Array With Active Can Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator Configuration: A Follow-Up Study. Congenit Heart Dis 2(2): 125-9, Mar-Apr 2007.
Vetter VL: Clues Or Miscues? How To Make The Right Interpretation And Correctly Diagnose Long-QT Syndrome. Circulation 115(20): 2595-2598, May 2007.
McCrindle BW, Li JS, Minich LL, Colan SD, Atz AM, Takahashi M, Vetter VL, Gersony WM, Mitchell PD, Newburger JW: Coronary Artery Involvement In Children With Kawawaki Disease: Risk Factors From Analysis Of Serial Normalized Measurements. Circulation 116(2): 174-179, Jul 2007.
Shah MJ, Wieand T, Vetter VL: Cryoablation Of Congenital Familial Ectopic Tachycardia With Preservation Of Atrioventricular Nodal Function In An Infant. J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol 18(7): 773-776, Jul 2007.
Kaltman JR, Gillespie MJ, Seymour T, Khan A, Zeltser IJ, Rhodes LA, Tanel RE, Vetter VL, Gaynor JW, Shah MJ: Substrate Characterization Of Ventricular Tachycardia In A Porcine Model Of Tetratology Of Fallot Using Noncontact Mapping. Pacing Clin Electrophysiol 30(11): 1316-22, Nov 2007.
Myerberg RJ, Vetter VL: Electrocardiograms Should Be Included In Preparticipation Screening Of Athletes. Circulation 116: 2616-2626, Nov 2007.
Minich LL, Sleeper LA, Atz AM, McCrindle BW, Minmin L, Colan SD, Printz BF, Klein GL, Sundel RP, Masato T, Li JS, Vetter VL, Newburger JW: Delayed Diagnosis Of Kawasaki Disease: What Are The Risk Factors? Pediatrics 120(6): e1434-e1440, Dec 2007.
Wernovsky G, Rome, JJ, Tabbutt S, Rychik J, Cohen, MS, Paridon SM, Webb G, Dodds K, Gallagher M, Fleck DA, Spray TL, Vetter VL, Gleason MM: Guidelines For The Outpatient Management Of Complex Congenital Heart Disease. Congenital Heart Dis 1(1-2): 10-26, Jan 2006.
Kaltman JR, Tanel RE, Shah MJ, Vetter VL, Rhodes LA. Induction Of Atrial Fibrillation After The Routine Use Of Adenosine: Induction Of Atrial Fibrillation After The Routine Use Of Adenosine Pediatr Emerg Care 22(2): 113-115, Feb 2006.
Kaltman JR, Hanna BD, Gaynor JW, Godinez RI, Tanel RE, Shah MJ, Vetter VL, Rhodes LA : Heart Rate Variability Following Neonatal Heart Surgery For Complex Congenital Heart Disease. Pacing Clin Electrophysiol 29(5): 471-478, May 2006.
Kaltman JR, Schultz JR, Wieand TS, Tanel RE, Vetter VL, Shah MJ: Mapping The Critical Diastolic Pathway In Intra-Atrial Reentrant Tachycardia Using An Automated Voltage Mapping Program. Cardiovasc Electrophysiol 17(7): 786-788, Jul 2006.
Breur JM, Udink ten Cate FE, Kapusta L, Boramanad N, Cohen MI, Crosson JE, Lubbers LJ, Friedman AH, Brenner JI, Vetter VL, Meijboom EJ: Potential Additional Indicators For Pacemaker Requirement In Isolated Congenital Atrioventricular Block. Pediatr Cardiol 27(5): 564-568, Sep-Oct 2006.
Graham TP Jr, Beekman RD 3rd, Allen HD, Bricker JT, Freed MD, Hurwitz RA, McQuinn TC, Schieken RM, Strong WB, Zahka KG, Sanders SP, Colan SD, Cordes TM, Donofrio MT, Ensing GJ, Geva T, Kimball TR, Sahn DJ, Silverman NH, Sklansky MS, Weinberg PM, Hellenbrand WE, Lloyd TR, Lock JE, Mullins CE, Rome JJ, Teitel DF, Vetter VL, Silka MJ, Van Hare GF, Walsh EP, Kulik T, Giglia TM, Kocis KC, Mahoney LT, Schwartz SM, Wernovsky G, Wessel DL, Murphy D Jr, Foster E, Benson DW Jr, Baldwin HS, Hirshfeld JW Jr, Kugler JD, Moskowitz WB, Creager MA, Lorell BH, Merli G, Rodgers GP, Rutherford JD, Tracy CM, Weitz HH; American College of Cardiology Foundation; American Heart Association; American College of Physicians Task Force on Clinical Competence: Writing Committee to Develop Training Recommendations for Pediatric Cardiology. Circulation 112(16): 2555-2580, October 2005.
Vetter VL, Silka MJ, Van Hare GF, Walsh EP; Heart Rhythm Society; American College of Cardiology Foundation; American Heart Association; American College of Physicians Task Force on Clinical Competence (ACC/AHA/AAP Writing Committee to Develop Training Recommendations for Pediatric Cardiology. ACCF/AHA/AAP Recommendations For Training In Pediatric Cardiology. : Task force 4: recommendations for training guidelines in pediatric cardiac electrophysiology endorsed by the Heart Rhythm Society. J Am Coll Cardiol 46(7): 1391-1395, October 2005.
Allen HD, Bricker JT, Freed MD, Hurwitz RA, McQuinn TC, Schieken RM, Strong WB, Zahka KG, Sanders SP, Colan SD, Cordes TM, Donofrio MT, Ensing GJ, Geva T, Kimball TR, Sahn DJ, Silverman NH, Sklansky MS, Weinberg PM, Beekman RH 3rd, Hellenbrand WE, Lloyd TR, Lock JE, Mullins CE, Rome JJ, Teitel DF, Vetter VL, Silka MJ, Van Hare GF, Walsh EP, Kulik T, Giglia TM, Kocis KC, Mahoney LT, Schwartz SM, Wernovsky G, Wessel DL, Murphy DJ Jr, Foster E, Benson DW Jr, Baldwin HS, Mahoney LT, McQuinn TC; American College of Cardiology Foundation; American Heart Association; American Academy of Pediatrics: ACC/AHA/AAP Recommendations For Training In Pediatric Cardiology Pediatrics 116(6): 1574-1596, Dec 2005.
Dubin AM, Janousek J. Rhee E, Strieper MJ, Cecchin F, Law IH, Shannon KM, Temple J, Rosenthal E, Zimmerman FJ, Davis A, Karpawich PP, Al Ahmad A, Vetter VL, Kertesz NJ, Shah MJ, Snyder C, Stephenson E, Emmel M, Sanatani S, Kanter R, Batra A, Collins KK : Resynchronization Therapy In Pediatric And Congenital Heart Disease Patients: An International Multicenter Study J Am Coll Cardiol 46(12): 2277-2283, December 2005.
Kaltman JR, Tanel RE, Vetter VL, Shah MJ, Rhodes LA : Junctional Rhythm In Association With Neuroborreliosis Pediatr Emerg Care 21(12): 850-853, December 2005.
Zeltser I, Gaynor JW, Petko M, Myung RJ, Birbach M, Waibel R, Ittenbach RF, Tanel RE, Vetter VL, Rhodes LA : The Roles Of Chronic Pressure And Volume Overload States In Induction Of Arrhythmias: An Animal Model Of Physiologic Sequelae After Repair Of Tetralogy Of Fallot J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 130(6): 1542-1548, Dec 2005.
Cohen MI, Buck K, Tanel RE, Vetter VL, Rhodes LA, Cox J, Sheldon T, Ruetz L. : Capture Management Efficacy In Children And Young Adults With Endocardial And Unipolar Epicardial Systems. Europace 6(3): 248-255, May 2004.
Kaltman JR, Rhodes LA, Wieand TS, Ennis JE, Vetter VL, Tanel RE. : Slow Pathway Modification For Atrioventricular Nodal Reentrant Tachycardia. Am J Cardiol 94(10): 1316-1319, November 2004.
Zeltser I, Rhodes LA, Tanel RE, Vetter VL, Gaynor JW, Spray TL, Cohen Mi. : Postpericardiotomy Syndrome After Permanent Pacemaker Implantation In Children And Young Adults. Ann Thorac Surg 78(5), November 2004.
Kaltman JR, Ro PS, Stephens P, McBride MG, Cohen MI, Tanel RE, Vetter VL, Rhodes LA : Effects Of Beta-Adrenergic Antagonists On The QT Measurements From Exercise Stress Tests In Pediatric Patients With Long QT Syndrome. Pediatr Cardiol 24(6): 553-558, November 2003.
Madan N, Gaynor JW, Tanel R, Cohen M, Nicholson S, Vetter VL, Rhodes, L. : Single-Finger Subcutaneous Defibrillation Lead And "Active Can": A Novel Minimally Invasive Defibrillation Configuration For Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillator Implantation In A Young Child. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 126(5): 1657-1659, Nov 2003.
Schwartz PJ, Garson A Jr, Paul T, Stramba-Badiale M, Vetter VL, Wren C. : Guidelines For The Interpretation Of The Neonatal Electrocardiogram. A Task Force Of The European Society Of Cardiology. Eur Heart J 23(17): 1329-1344, Sep 2002.
Cohen MI, Bush DM, Gaynor JW, Vetter VL, Tanel RE, Rhodes LA: Pediatric Pacemaker Infections: 20 Years Of Experience. Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 124(4): 821-827, Oct 2002.
Hoffman TM, Wernovsky G, Wiend TS, Cohen MI, Jennings A, Vetter VL,Gaynor JW, Spray TL, Rhodes LA: The Incidence of Arrhythmias in A Pediatric Cardiac Intensive Care Unit. Pediatr Cardiol 23(6): 598-604, Nov-Dec 2002.
Schwartz PJ, Paul AG Jr, Stramba-Badiale M, Vetter VL, Villain E, Wren C. : Report From The Task Force Of The European Society Of Cardiology For The Interpretation Of The Neonatal Electrocardiogram. Cardiol Young 12(6): 592-608, Dec 2002.
Breur JM, Udink ten Cate FE, Kapusta L, Cohen MI, Crosson JE, Boramanand N, Lubbers LJ, Friedman AH, Brenner JI, Vetter VL, Sreeram N, Meijboom EJ : Pacemaker Therapy In Isolated Congenital Complete Atrioventricular Block. Pacing Clin Electrophysiol 25(12): 1685-1691, Dec 2002.
Cohen MI, Vetter VL, Wernovsky G, Bush DM, Gaynor JW, Ramesh-Iyer V, Spray TL, Tanel TE, Rhodes LA: Epicardial Pacemaker Implantation and Follow-up in Patients wtih Single Ventricle after the Fontan Operation. Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 121(4): 804-811, Apr 2001.
Cohen, MI, Bush DM, Vetter VL, Tanel RE, Wieand TS, Gaynor JW, Rhodes LA: Permanent Epicardial Pacing In Pediatric Patients: 17 Years Of Experience And 1,200 Outpatient Visits Circulation 103(21): 2585-2590, May 2001.
Cohen, MI, Bush DM, Ferry, RG, Spray, TL, Moshang, T, Wernovsky, G, Vetter, VL: Somatic Growth failure after the Fontan Operation. Cardiology in the Young 10: 447-457, September 2000.
Cohen MI, Bridges ND, Gaynor JW, Hoffman TM, Wernovsky G, Vetter VL, Spray TL, Rhodes LA: Modifications to the cavopulmonary anastomosis do not eliminate early sinus node dysfunction. Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 120(5): 1-11, Nov 2000.
Rhodes LA, Wieand TS, Vetter VL: Low Temperature And Low Energy Radiofrequency Modification Of Atrioventricular Node Slow Pathway In Pediatric Patients. Pacing and Clinical Electrophysiology Pacing and Clinical Electrophysiology 22: 1071-78, July 1999.
Ramesh V, Gaynor WJ, Shah MJ, Wieand TS, Spray TL, Vetter VL, Rhodes LA : Comparison Of Left And Right Atrial Epicardial Pacing In Patients With Congenital Heart Disease The Annals of Thoracic Surgery 68: 2314-2319, December 1999.
Berul CI, Sweeten TL, Hill SL, Vetter VL: Provocative Testing In Children With Suspect Congenital Long QT Syndrome. A.N.E. 3: 3-11, 1998.
Bockoven JR, Wernovsky G, Vetter VL, Wieand TS, Spray TL, Rhodes LA. : Peri-Operative Conduction And Rhythm Disturbances After The Ross Procedure In Children And Young Adults. The Annals of Thoracic Surgery 66: 1383-1388, 1998.
Cohen MI, Wernovsky G, Wieand TS, Vetter VL, Spray TL, Rhodes LA, Jacobs ML, Gaynor JW: Sinus Node Function After A Systematically Staged Fontan Procedure. Circulation 98: 352-359, 1998.
Berul CI, Sweeten TL, Vetter VL, Morad M.: Lack Of Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Regulator-Type Chloride Current In Pediatric Human Atrial Myocytes. Life Sciences 60: 189-197, 1997.
Cohen MI, Wieand TS, Rhodes LA, Vetter VL: Electrophysiologic Properties Of The Atrioventricular Node In Pediatric Patients. J Am Coll Cardiol 29: 403-407, 1997.
Shah MJ, Sweeten TL, Berul CI, Vetter VL: QT And JT Dispersion In Children With Long QT Syndrome. J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol 8: 642-648, 1997.
Rychik J, Marchlinski F, Sweeten TL, Berul CI, Vetter VL: Transcatheter Radiofrequency Ablation Of Congenital Junctional Ectopic Tachycardia In A Neonate. Peds Cardiology 17: 220-222, 1996.
Taubman B, Vetter VL: Slipping Rib Syndrome As A Cause Of Chest Pain In Children. Clinical Pediatrics 35(8): 403-405, 1996.
Hatem SN, Sweeten TL, Vetter, VL, Morad M: Evidence For Presence Of Ca2 Channel-Gated Ca2stores In Neonatal Human Atrial Myocytes. Am J Physiol 268: H1195-H1201, 1995.
Berul CI, Sweeten TL, Dubin A, Shah MJ, Vetter VL : Use Of The Rate-Corrected JT Interval As Predictor Of Repolarization Abnormalities. Am J Cardiol 74: 1254-1257, 1994.
Garson A, Jr, Dick M, Fournier A, Gillette PC, Hamilton R, Kugler JD, Van Hare GF, Vetter VL, Vick GW: The Long QT Syndrome In Children: An International Study Of 287 Patients. Circulation 87: 1866-1872, 1993.
Vetter VL : Postoperative Arrhythmias After Surgery For Congenital Heart Defects. Cardiology in Review 2: 83-97, 1993.
Larsen RL, Jackacki RI, Vetter VL, Meadows AT, Silber JH: Electrocardiographic Changes And Arrhythmias After Cancer Therapy In Children And Young Adults Am J Cardiol 70: 73-77, 1992.
Vetter VL: Ventricular Arrhythmias In Patients With Congenital Heart Disease. Cardiovasc Clin 22(1): 255-73, 1992.
Kürer CC, Tanner CS, Vetter VL: Electrophysiologic Findings After Fontan Repair Of Functional Single Ventricle. J Am Coll Cardiol 17: 174-81, 1991.
Vetter VL: Electrophysiologic Residua And Sequelae. J Am Coll Cardiol 18(2): 331-333, 1991.
Vetter VL: What Every Pediatrician Needs To Know About Arrhythmias In Children Who Have Had Cardiac Surgery. Pediatr Ann 20(7): 378-83, 1991.
Kürer CC, Tanner CS, Norwood WI, Vetter VL: Perioperative Arrhythmias After Fontan Repair. Circulation 82 (suppl IV): 190-4, 1990.
Villain E, Vetter VL, Garcia JM, Herke J, Cifarelli A, Garson A, Jr: Evolving Concepts In The Management Of Congenital Junctional Ectopic Tachycardia: A Multicenter Study. Circulation 81: 1544-1559, 1990.
Romano A, Weinberg PM, Woolf PK, Vetter VL: Pulmonary Venous Obstruction From Left Atrial Thrombus In Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome Pediatr Cardiol 10: 105-107, 1989.
Vetter VL, Tanner CS, Hardy CE: Electrophysiologic Consequences Of Arterial Switch Repair Of D-Transposition Of The Great Arteries. J Am Coll Cardiol 12: 229-37, 1988.
Vetter VL, Tanner CS, Horowitz LN. : Inducible Atrial Flutter After The Mustard Repair Of Complete Transposition Of The Great Arteries. Am J Cardiol 61: 428-435, 1988.
Vetter VL, Rashkind WJ, Waldhausen JA: Ascending Aorta-Right Pulmonary Artery Anastomosis: Long-Term Results In 137 Patients With Cyanotic Congenital Heart Disease. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 76: 115-125, 1987.
Vetter VL, Tanner CS, Horowitz LN. : Electrophysiologic Consequences Of The Mustard Repair Of D-Transposition Of The Great Arteries. J Am Coll Cardiol 10: 1265-73, 1987.
Gutgesell HP, Gessne IH, Vetter VL, Yabek SM, Norton JB Jr: Recreational And Occupational Recommendations For Young Patients With Heart Disease. A Statement for Physicians by the Committee on Congenital Cardiac Heart Defects of the Council on Cardiovascular Disease in the Young, American Heart Association. Circulation 74(5): 1195A-1198A, 1986.
Garson A, Bink-Boelkins M, Hesslein P, Hordoff AJ, Keane JF, Neches WH, Porter C, Vetter VL, et al. : Atrial Flutter In The Young: A Collaborative Study Of 380 Cases. J Am Coll Cardiol 6: 871-8, 1985.
Vetter VL: Management Of Arrhythmias In Children-Unusual Features. Cardiovasc Clin 16(1): 329-358, 1985.
Vetter VL: Sudden Death In Infants, Children, And Adolescents. Cardiovasc Clin 15(3): 301-313, 1985.
Horowitz LN, Vetter VL: Right Bundle Branch Block Updated. Inter J Cardiol 5: 113-118, 1984.
Vetter VL and Rashkind WJ: Congenital Complete Heart Block And Connective-Tissue Disease. N Engl J Med 309(4): 236-238, 1983.
Wolff GS, Mehta AV, Garson A, Gillette PC, Berson DW, Vetter VL et al.: Topic: Premature Ventricular Contractions And Ventricular Tachycardia. Ped Cardiol 4: 65-68, 1983.
Vetter VL, Horowitz LN: Electrophysiologic Residua And Sequelae Of Surgery For Congenital Heart Disease. Am J Cardiol 50: 588-604, 1982.
Vetter VL, Josephson ME, Horowitz LN: Idiopathic Recurrent Sustained Ventricular Tachycardia In Children And Adolescents. Am J Cardiol 47: 315-322, 1981.
Horowitz LN, Vetter VL, Harken AH, Josephson ME : Electrophysiologic Characteristics Of Sustained Ventricular Tachycardia Occurring After Repair Of Tetralogy Of Fallot. Am J Cardiol 46: 446-452, 1980.
Horowitz LN, Vetter VL, Harken AH, Josephson ME : Electrophysiologic Characteristics Of Sustained Ventricular Tachycardia Occurring After Repair Of Tetralogy Of Fallot. Am J Cardiol 46: 446-452, 1980.
Lectures by Invitation
Vetter VL. "Staying Alive, Staying Heart-Safe: Advocacy During the Pandemic", Grand Rounds, UPMC Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh. Oct 2020.
Vetter VL. "Women in PACES Virtual Fireside Chat Panelist", WOMEN in PACES. July 2020.
Vetter VL. "Best Practices for Screenings" , Victoria Vetter, MD, MPH and Ronald J. Kanter, MD, Parent Hearth Watch 15th Annual Heart To Heart National Meeting, Tampa, FL. Jan 2020.
Vetter VL. "Sudden Cardiac Death in Our Youth: Task Force and More", Stuart Berger, MD, Allison Thompson, CHES, MBA, English Flack, MD, Jeff Ranous, Jonathan Drezner,MD, Martha Lopez-Anderson, Richard Lamphier, RN, Victoria Vetter, MD, MPH, Cardiac Arrest Survival Summit 2019 (CASS 2019), Seattle, WA. Dec 2019.
Vetter VL. "Transforming the Public's Perception to Create a Culture of Action Sudden Cardiac Death in the Young Task Force - Committee 2", Victoria L. Vetter, M.D., MPH and Martha Lopez-Anderson, Cardiac Arrest Survival Summit 2019 (CASS 2019), Seattle, WA. Dec 2019.
Vetter VL. "Task Force on SCD in Youth Town Hall Implementation of "CPR and AED Education Laws", Cardiac Arrest Survival Summit 2019 (CASS 2019), Seattle, WA. Dec 2019.
Vetter VL. "Task Force on SCD in Youth Town Hall: AEDs and CERPs in Southeastern PA and Philadelphia", Cardiac Arrest Survival Summit 2019 (CASS 2019), Seattle, WA. Dec 2019.
Vetter VL. "Shock Advised!", Project ADAM National Meeting, CS Mott Children's Hospital, Ann Arbor, MI. June 2019.
Vetter VL. "What I Learned from My Worst Case", Chair/Moderator, 40th Annual Heart Rhythm Society Scientific Sessions, San Francisco, CA. May 2019.
Vetter VL. "A Public Health Model I: Youth Heart Watch", Cardiology 2019, Long Beach, CA. Feb 2019.
Vetter VL. "Prepare to Meet Your AED", Parent Heart Watch Heart to Heart National Meeting, Houston, TX. Jan 2019.
Saksena S and Camm J (Eds).Vetter (Associate Ed).: Evaluation And Management Of Arrhythmias In A Pediatric Population Electrophysiologic Disorders of the Heart, 4th Ed. 2012. 2012.
Vetter VL, ed. : Pediatric Cardiology: The Requisites in Pediatrics. Philadelphia: Mosby, 2005. 2005.
Editorials, Reviews, Chapters
Vetter VL. : Evaluation And Management Of Arrhythmias In A Pediatric Population. Electrophysiologic Disorders of the Heart. 4th Ed. Saksena S and Camm J (eds) (eds.). 2011.
Vetter VL: Arrhythmias in Congenital Heart Disease. Cardiology. Crawford MH, DiMarco JP (eds) (eds.). Mosby: London, UK, 2009.
Vetter VL: Kawasaki Disease. The Requisites in Pediatrics:Cardiology. Philadelphia: Mosby, 2005.
Kaltman JR, Madan N, Vetter VL, Rhodes LA: Arrhythmias and Sudden Death. The Requisites in Pediatrics: Cardiology. Vetter VL, ed. (eds.). Philadelphia:Mosby, 2005.
Moller JH, Hoffman JI (eds): Arrhythmias. Pediatric Cardiovascular Medicine. Churchill Livingstone Inc., New York, NY, 2000.
Crawford MH, DiMarco JP (eds): Arrhythmias. Cardiology. Mosby, London, UK, 2000.
Cohen MI, Vetter VL: AV Conduction Defects. Cardiac Arrhythmias After Surgery for Congenital Heart Disease. Balaji S, Case CL (eds) (eds.). Chapman & Hall, 2000.