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Care of the Surgical Neonate

To help prepare the obstetric and neonatal surgery teams for deliveries of high-risk fetuses, the Garbose Family Special Delivery Unit at CHOP has developed a program using simulation, a powerful educational tool that uses manikins to mimic real-life situations.


Comprehensive Care for Twin Pregnancies

Successful diagnosis and treatment of fetal complications in twin pregnancies require an experienced team with cutting-edge diagnostic techniques, advanced surgical skill and a comprehensive approach to care.


Sonography of Complicated Monochorionic Twin Pregnancies

Twin pregnancies are associated with an increased perinatal morbidity and mortality compared with singleton pregnancies, with the risk three to 10 times greater in twins that have a single placenta as compared with two separate placentas.


Death of an Autistic Child From Chelation Therapy - Op-ed

In his op-ed, Dr. Offit gives a brief summary of a family's experience with autism and their desperate attempt to treat their son that ended in a tragedy. He then addresses why mercury in vaccines is not the cause of autism and why this myth has been so prevalent.


Asthma Myths and Facts

Is asthma a psychological condition? Are asthma medications addictive? The experts at CHOP give you the facts about asthma and how it's treated.

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