Matthew J. O'Connor, MD
Areas of expertise: Heart failure, Heart transplant medicine
Locations: Main Building, Specialty Care, Lancaster
About Matthew J. O'Connor, MD
As a board-certified attending cardiologist and Medical Director of the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia’s Heart Failure and Transplant Program, Matthew J. O'Connor, MD, sees firsthand the effect heart failure has on patients and their families. “The impact is significant,” he says, “and so too is the potential to make lasting improvements on our patients’ quality of life. I treat patients of all ages and strive to provide the highest possible level of care to them and their families through compassion, attention to detail, and thorough knowledge of all available treatment options.”
Dr. O’Connor is focused on the immunological aspects of heart transplantation in children, specifically the impact of anti-HLA antibodies. Anti-HLA antibodies are a major source of rejection following heart transplantation. Although these antibodies are absent in many patients, their presence can complicate or even prevent a transplant from happening; therefore, reducing or eliminating them before transplant is very important in order for the patient to receive a heart that is compatible with his or her immune system.
He is also involved in the ACTION network, a nationwide collaboration of centers who use ventricular assist devices (VAD) in children with heart failure. A VAD is a mechanical pump a cardiac surgeon can place in a patient’s heart to increase the amount of blood that flows through the body. According to Dr. O’Connor, “There has been rapid development in this area, which is giving many children with heart failure a greater opportunity for survival and an improved quality of life.”
Attending Cardiologist
Associate Professor of Clinical Pediatrics, Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania
Pediatric Cardiology – American Board of Pediatrics
Pediatrics – American Board of Pediatrics
Awards and Honors
2019-2020, 2022, Philadelphia Magazine's Top Doctors in Pediatric Cardiology
2015-2016, Resident Teaching Honor Roll, The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
2012, Dean's Educational Excellence Award, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
2007, Andy Ford Award for Excellence in Pediatric Cardiology, University of Virginia Health System
2002, Alpha Omega Alpha
1999, Phi Beta Kappa
Leadership and Memberships
Memberships in Professional Organizations
2012-present, International Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation
2019-present, United Network for Organ Sharing
- 2019-present, At-Large Representative, Membership and Professional Standards Committee
2017-present, Advanced Cardiac Therapies Improving Outcomes Network (ACTION)
- 2020-present, Co-Leader, Telehealth Project
- 2018-present, Co-Leader, Utilization/Value Committee
- 2018-present, Co-Leader, Research/QI Committee
2012-present, American Heart Association
Editorial and Academic Positions
Editorial Positions
2020-present, Abstract Reviewer, International Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation Annual Meeting and Scientific Sessions
2010-present, Ad-Hoc Reviewer, J Heart Lung Transplant
2010-present, Ad-Hoc Reviewer, Circ Heart Fail
2010-present, Ad-Hoc Reviewer, Circ Cardiovas Imaging
2010-present, Ad-Hoc Reviewer, Cardiol Young
2010-present, Ad-Hoc Reviewer, J Pediatr
2010-present, Ad-Hoc Reviewer, J Heart Valve Dis
2010-present, Ad-Hoc Reviewer, Int J Artif Organs
2010-present, Ad-Hoc Reviewer, J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg
2010-present, Ad-Hoc Reviewer, J Neonatal Perinatal Med
2010-present, Ad-Hoc Reviewer, J Clin Anesth
2010-present, Ad-Hoc Reviewer, Am Heart J
2010-present, Ad-Hoc Reviewer, Exp Rev Cardiovasc Ther
2010-present, Ad-Hoc Reviewer, World J Pediatr
2010-present, Ad-Hoc Reviewer, Am J Cardiol
2010-present, Ad-Hoc Reviewer, Pediatr Transplant
2010-present, Ad-Hoc Reviewer, Am J Transplant
Academic and Institutional Committees
2020-present, CHOP Claims Committee
2018-present, Cardiac Center Operations Committee
2016-present, Review of Heart Transplant Morbidity and Mortality, Transplant Program Quality Improvement
2016-present, Member, Echocardiography Laboratory Quality Improvement Core
2014-present, Cardiology Fellowship Program Improvement Committee
2014-present, Intern Selection Committee, Pediatric Residency Program
2013-present, Pediatric Residency Program Interviewer
2013-present, Cardiology Fellowship Program Selection Committee
Education & training
Medical Degree
MD - University of Virginia School of Medicine, Charlottesville, VA
Pediatrics - University of Virginia Health System, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA
Pediatrics - University of Virginia Health System, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA
Pediatric Cardiology - The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA
Non-invasive Cardiac Imaging - The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA
Zafar F, Conway J, Bleiweis MS, Al-Aklabi M, Ameduri R, Barnes A, Bearl DW, Buchholz H, Church S, Do NL, Duffy V, Dykes JC, Eghtesady P, Fisher L, Friedland-Little J, Fuller S, Fynn-Thompson F, George K, Gossett JG, Griffiths ER, Griselli M, Hawkins B, Honjo O, Jeewa A, Joong A, Kindel S, Kouretas P, Lorts A, Machado D, Maeda K, Maurich A, May LJ, McConnell P, Mehegan M, Mongé M, Morales DLS, Murray J, Niebler RA, O'Connor M, Peng DM, Phelps C, Philip J, Ploutz M, Profsky M, Reichhold A, Rosenthal DN, Said AS, Schumacher KR, Si MS, Simpson KE, Sparks J, Louis JS, Steiner ME, VanderPluym C, Villa C: Berlin heart EXCOR and ACTION post-approval surveillance study report. J Heart Lung Transplant Jan 2021.
Auerbach SR, Simpson KE, ACTION Learning Network Investigators (Absi M, Bearl DW, Boston U, Conway J, Do NL, Dykes KC, Friedland-Little J, Hawkins B, Honjo O, Jeewa A, Kim JS, Kindel S, Kwiatowski DM, Lantz J, Lorts A, Machado D, Mao CY, Mascio CE, May LJ, Mehegan M, Michell MB, Morales DLS, Niebler RA, O'Connor MJ, Peng DM, Ploutz M, Rosenthal DN, Si M, Sparks J, Sutcliffe D, VanderPluym C, Thrush P, Zafar F, Zinn MD): HVAD usage and outcomes in the current pediatric ventricular assist device field: an advanced cardiac therapies improving outcomes network analysis. ASAIO J Feb 2021.
Edelson JB, Edwards JJ, Katcoff H, Mondal A, Reza N, Hanff TC, Griffis H, Mazurek JA, Wald J, Owens AT, Burstein DS, Atluri P, O'Connor MJ, Goldberg LR, Zamani P, Groeneveld PW, Rossano JW, Lin KY, Birati EY: An increasing burden of disease: emergency department visits among patients with ventricular assist devices from 2010 to 2017. J Am Heart Assoc Feb 2021.
Edelson JB, Rossano JW, Griffis H, Quarshie WO, Ravishankar C, O'Connor MJ, Mascio CE, Mercer-Rosa L, Glatz AC, Lin KY: Resource use and outcomes of pediatric congenital heart disease admissions: 2003 to 2016. J Am Heart Assoc Feb 2021.
Ginsburg S, Conlon T, Himebauch A, Glau C, Weiss S, Weber MD, O'Connor MJ, Nishisaki A: Left ventricular diastolic dysfunction in pediatric sepsis: outcomes in a single-center retrospective cohort study. Pediatr Crit Care Med Feb 2021.
O'Connor MJ, Lorts A, Davies RR, Fynn-Thompson F, Joong A, Maeda K, Mascio CE, McConnell PI, Monge M, Nandi D, Peng DM, Rosenthal DN, Si M, Sutcliffe DL, VanderPluym CJ, Viegas M, Zafar F, Zinn M, Morales DLS: Early experience with the Heartmate 3 continuous-flow ventricular assist device in pediatric and congenital heart disease patients - a multicenter registry analysis. J Heart Lung Transplant Feb 2020.
White BR, Savla JJ, Burstein DS, Mascio CE, O'Connor MJ, Szwast AL, Rogers LS: Interventricular septal hematoma complicating placement of a ventricular assist device in an infant and support with bi-atrial cannulation. JTCVS Techniques 1: 90-92, Mar 2020.
Lorts A, Smyth L, Gajarski RJ, VanderPluym CJ, Mehegan M, Villa CR, Murray JM, Niebler RA, Almond CS, Thrush P, O'Connor MJ, Conway J, Sutcliffe DL, Lantz JE, Zafar F, Morales DLS, Peng DM, Rosenthal DN: The creation of a pediatric health care learning network: the ACTION quality improvement collaborative. ASAIO J 66: 441-446, Apr 2020.
Edelson JB, Griffis H, Burstein DS, Zhang X, Rossano JW, Lin KY, O'Connor MJ: The impact of syndromic genetic disorders on medical management and mortality in pediatric hypertrophic cardiomyopathy patients. Pediatric Cardiol May 2020.
Burstein DS, Mcbride MG, Rossano JW, O'Connor MJ, Lin KY, Mascio CE, White R, Iacobellis K, Rosenthal T, Paridon SM: Increasing pump speed during exercise training improves exercise capacity in children with ventricular assist devices. ASAO J Jul 2020.
Vaiyani D, Edelson JB, Gmuca S, O'Connor MJ, Mille FK: Juvenile dermatomyositis: a rare but treatable cause of acute myocardial dysfunction. J Clin Rheumatol Jul 2020.
Geoffrion T, Lawrence K, O'Connor MJ, Chen JM: Off pump explant of a left ventricular assist device using a recovery plug in a pediatric patient. Ann Thorac Surg Sep 2020.
Villa CR, Vanderpluym CJ, ACTION investigators (Lorts A, Morales DLS, Zafar F, Krack P, Smyth L, Fields K, Rosenthal DN, Murray J, Hawkins B, Peng DM, Sutcliffe DL, Lantz J, Auerbach SR, Williams M, O'Connor M, White R, Niebler RA, Pearce FB, Hubbard M, Zinn M, Reichhold A, Joong A, Bearl D, Nandi D, Gajarski R, Ploutz M, May LJ, Mehegan M, Simpson K, Conway J, Dubyk N, Tunuguntla H, Elias B, Jeewa A, Gossett JG, Gowen M): ABCs of stroke prevention: improving stroke outcomes in children supported with a ventricular assist device in a quality improvement network. Circ Cardiovasc Qual Outcomes Dec 2020.
Achuff BJ, Elias MD, Ittenbach RF, Ravishankar C, Nicolson SC, Spray TL, Fuller S, Gaynor JW, O'Connor MJ: Risk factors for mortality in paediatric cardiac ICU patients managed with extracorporeal membrane oxygenation. Cardiol Young 29: 40-47, Jan 2019.
Burstein DS, Li Y, Getz KD, Huang YV, Rossano JW, O'Connor MJ, Lin KY, Aplenc R.: Mortality, Resource Utilization And Inpatient Costs Vary Among Pediatric Heart Transplant Indications: A Merged Data Set Analysis From The United Network For Organ Sharing And The Pediatric Health Information Systems (UNOS-PHIS) Databases. J Card Fail 25: 27-35, Jan 2019.
Burstein DS, Shamszad P, Dai D, Almond CS, Price JF, Lin KY, O'Connor MJ, Shaddy RE, Mascio CE, Rossano JW: Significant mortality, morbidity, and resource utilization associated with advanced heart failure in congenital heart disease in children and young adults. Am Heart J 209: 9-19, Mar 2019.
Ritter A, Cudddapah S, Degenhardt K, Kasperski S, Johnson MP, O'Connor MJ, Ahrens-Nicklas R: Fetal cardiomyopathy in neurofibromatosis type I: novel phenotype and review of the literature. Am J Med Genet A Mar 2019.
VanderPluym CJ, Adachi I, Niebler R, Griffiths E, Fynn-Thompson F, Chen S, O'Connor MJ, Machado D, Hawkins B, Bleiweis MS, Koehl DA, Cantor RS, Morales D, Lorts A: Outcomes of children supported with an intracorporeal continuous-flow left ventricular assist device. J Heart Lung Transplant 38: 385-393, Apr 2019.
White BR, Katcoff H, Faerber JA, Lin KY, Rossano JW, Mercer-RosaL, O'Connor MJ.: Echocardiographic assessment of right ventricular function in clinically well pediatric heart transplantation recipients and comparison with normal control subjects. J Am Soc Echocardiogr Apr 2019.
Edwards JJ, Seliktar N, White R, Heron SD, Lin K, Rossano J, Monos D,Sesok-Pizzini D, O'Connor MJ: Impact and predictors of positive response todesensitization in pediatric heart transplant candidates. J Heart Lung Transplant 38: 1206-1213, Nov 2019.
Mejia EJ, O'Connor MJ, Lin KY, Song L, Griffis H, Mascio CE, Shamszad P, Donoghue A, Ravishankar C, Shaddy RE, Rossano JW: Characteristics and outcomes of pediatric heart failure-related emergency department visits in the United States: a population-based study. J Pediatr 193: 114-118, Feb 2018.
O'Connor MJ, Miller K, Shaddy RE, Lin KY, Hanna BD, Ravishankar C, Rossano JW.: Disopyramide use in infants and children with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Cardiol Young 28: 530-535, Apr 2018.
Nawaytou HM, Montero AE, Yubbu P, Calderón-Anyosa RJC, Sato T, O'Connor MJ, Miller KD, Ursell PC, Hoffman JIE, Banerjee A: A Preliminary Study of Left Ventricular Rotational Mechanics in Children with Noncompaction Cardiomyopathy: Do They Influence Ventricular Function? J Am Soc Echocardiogr 31: 951-961, Aug 2018.
O'Connor MJ, Glatz AC, Rossano JW, Shaddy RE, Ryan R, Ravishankar C, Fuller S, Mascio CE, Gaynor JW, Lin KY.: Cumulative Effect of Preoperative Risk Factors on Mortality After Pediatric Heart Transplantation. Ann Thorac Surg 106: 561-566, Aug 2018.
Butto A, Rossano JW, Nandi D, Ravishankar C, Lin KY, O'Connor MJ, Shaddy RE, Shamszad P: Elevated Troponin in the First 72 h of Hospitalization for Pediatric Viral Myocarditis is Associated with ECMO: An Analysis of the PHIS+ Database. Pediatr Cardiol 39: 1139-1143, 2018.
Elias MD, Glatz AC, O'Connor MJ, Schachtner S, Ravishankar C, Mascio CE, Cohen MS: Prevalence and Risk Factors for Pericardial Effusions Requiring Readmission After Pediatric Cardiac Surgery. Pediatr Cardiol 38(3): 484-494, Mar 2017.
Wittlieb-Weber CA, Rossano JW, Weber DR, Lin KY, Ravishankar C, Mascio CE, Shaddy RE, O'Connor MJ: Emergency department utilization in pediatric heart transplant recipients. Pediatr Transplant 21(4): doi: 10.1111, June 2017.
Elias MD, Achuff B, Ittenbach RF, Ravishankar C, Spray TL, Fuller S, Montenegro LM, Gaynor JW, O'Connor MJ: Long-term outcomes of pediatric cardiac patients supported by extracorporeal membrane oxygenation. Ped Crit Care Med 18(8): 787-794, Aug 2017.
Keeshan BC, O'Connor MJ, Lin KY, Monos D, Lind C, Mascio CE,Rame JE, Spray TL, Shaddy RE, Rossano JW.: Value of a flow cytometry cross-match in the setting of a negative complement-dependent cytotoxicity cross-match in heart transplant recipients. Clin Transplant 31, Oct 2017.
Johnson JN, Barrett CS, Franklin WH, Graham EM, Halnon NJ, Hattendorf BA, Krawczeski CD, McGovern JJ, O'Connor MJ, Schultz AH, Vinocur JM, Chowdhury D, Anderson JB: Development of quality metrics for ambulatory pediatric cardiology: infection prevention. Cong Heart Dis 12: 756-761, Dec 2017.
Butto A, Nandi D, O'Connor MJ: Clinical Characteristics of Children with Eosinophilic Cardiac Disease. Circ Heart Fail 9(6): 3172, June 2016.
Nawaytou HM, Yubbu P, Montero AE, Nandi D, O'Connor MJ, Shaddy RE, Banerjee A: Left ventricular rotational mechanics in children after heart transplantation. Circ Cardiovasc Imaging 9(9): 4848, Sep 2016.
Lin AE, Michot C, Cormier-Daire V, L'Ecuyer TJ, Matherne GP, Barnes BH, Humberson JB, Edmondson AC, Zackai E, O'Connor MJ, Kaplan JD, Ebeid MR, Krier J, Krieg E, Ghoshhajra B, Lindsay ME: Gain-of-function mutations in SMAD4 cause a distinctive repertoire of cardiovascular phenotypes in patients with Myhre syndrome. Am J Med Genet A 170(10): 2617-2631, Oct 2016.
Wittlieb-Weber CA, Lin KY, Zaoutis TE, O'Connor MJ, Gerald K, Paridon SM, Shaddy RE, Rossano JW.: Pediatric versus adult cardiomyopathy and heart failure-related hospitalizations: a value-based analysis. J Card Fail 21(1): 76-82, Jan 2015.
Nandi D, Lin KY, O'Connor MJ, Elci OU, Kim JJ, Decker JA, Price JF, Zafar F, Morales DL, Denfield SW, Dreyer WJ, Jefferies JL, Rossano JW: Hospital charges for pediatric heart failure-related hospitalizations from 2000 to 2009. Pediatr Cardiol 37(3): 512-18, Mar 2015.
Zakaria D, Sachdeva R, Gossett JM, Tang X, O'Connor MJ.: Tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion is reduced in infants with pulmonary hypertension. Echocardiography 32(5): 834-8, May 2015.
O'Connor MJ1 Keeshan BC, Lin KY, Monos D, Lind C, Paridon SM, Mascio CE, Shaddy RE, Rossano JW.: Changes in the methodology of pre-heart transplant human leukocyte antibody assessment: an analysis of the United Network for Organ Sharing database. Clin Transplant 29(9): 842-50, Sept 2015.
O'Connor MJ, Lind C, Tang X, Gossett JC, Weber J, Monos D, Shaddy RE.: Persistence of anti-human leukocyte antibodies in congenital heart disease late following surgery utilizing allografts and whole blood. J Heart Lung Transplant 4(32): 390-7, Apr 2013.
O'Connor MJ, Harville TO, Rhodes-Clark B, Pye SE, Knecht KR, Imamura M, Frazier EA, Morrow WR. : Quantification, identification, and relevance of anti-human leukocyte antibodies formed in association with the Berlin Heart ventricular assist device in children. Transplantation 95(12): 1542-1547, Jun 2013.
O'Connor MJ, Elias MD, Cohen MS, Quartermain MD.: Outcomes of infants undergoing superior cavopulmonary connection in the presence of ventricular dysfunction. Pediat Cardiol 33(4): 547-553, Apr 2012.
O'Connor MJ, Rider NL, Collins RT, Hanna BD, Morton DH, Strauss KA: Contemporary management of congenital malformations of the heart in infants with Ellis - van Creveld syndrome: a report of nine cases. Cardiol Young 21(2): 145-152, Apr 2011.
O'Connor, Matthew J; Ravishankar, Chitra; Ballweg, Jean A; Gillespie, Matthew J; Gaynor, J William; Tabbutt, Sarah; Dominguez, Troy E.: Early systemic-to-pulmonary artery shunt intervention in neonates with congenital heart disease. Journal of Thoracic & Cardiovascular Surgery 142(1): 106-12, Jul 2011.
O'Connor MJ, Menteer JD, Chrisant MRK, Monos D, Lind C, Levine S, Gaynor JW, Hanna BD, Paridon SM, Ravishankar C, Kaufman BD.: Ventricular assist device-associated anti-HLA antibody sensitization in pediatric patients bridged to heart transplantation. J Heart Lung Transplant 29(1): 109-116, Jan 2010.
Calland, J Forrest; Adams, Reid B; Benjamin, Daniel K Jr; O'Connor, Matthew J; Chandrasekhara, Vinay; Guerlain, Stephanie; Jones, Rayford Scott.: Thirty-day postoperative death rate at an academic medical center. Annals of Surgery 235(5): 690-6; discussion 696-8, May 2002.
O'Connor, Matthew J; Rembold, Christopher M.: Heat-induced force suppression and HSP20 phosphorylation in swine carotid media. Journal of Applied Physiology 93(2): 484-8, Aug 2002.
Rembold, C M; O'Connor, M.: Caldesmon and heat shock protein 20 phosphorylation in nitroglycerin- and magnesium-induced relaxation of swine carotid artery. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1500(3): 257-64, Mar 2000.
Lectures by Invitation
O'Connor, M. "HeartMate 3 in Pediatric Patients," ACTION Network Virtual Learning Session [virtual meeting to national audience]. Mar 2021.
O'Connor, M. "The HeartMate 3 LVAS: Full MagLev Technology for Pediatric Use" CHOP Cardiology 2021 Meeting (virtual). Feb 2021.
O'Connor, M. "Optimizing Anticoagulation for Mechanical Circulatory Support: Is There a One Size Fits All Strategy?" CHOP Cardiology 2021 Meeting (virtual). Feb 2021.
O'Connor, M. "Pediatric experience with HeartMate 3," International Pediatric VAD and Heart Failure Summit, Children's Hospital St. Louis, St. Louis, MO [cancelled due to COVID-19 pandemic]. Sept 2020.
O'Connor, M. "Supporting the Failing Fontan Circulation: Lessons Learned," 16th International Conference on Pediatric Mechanical Circulatory Support Systems & Pediatric Cardiopulmonary Perfusion, Cincinnati OH [cancelled due to COVID-19 pandemic]. May 2020.
O'Connor, M. When the "Failing" Fontan Patient Needs Mechanical Circulatory Support, International Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation Master Class in Pediatric Mechanical Circulatory Support, International Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation 2020 Annual Meeting, Montreal, QC, Canada [cancelled due to COVID-19 pandemic]. Apr 2020.
O'Connor, M. "Quality of Life after Pediatric Heart Transplantation," 23rd Annual Update on Pediatric Cardiovascular Disease, Orlando, FL. Feb 2020.
O'Connor, M. "Characterization of Disease Severity and Imaging in Cardiomyopathy," 23rd Annual Update on Pediatric Cardiovascular Disease, Orlando, Florida. Feb 2020.
O'Connor, M. "Medical and Surgical Management of Heart Failure," Living with Cardiomyopathy Conference, Philadelphia PA. Oct 2019.
O'Connor, M. "Ventricular Assist Devices in Pediatric Patients: A Clinician's Perspective", 6th International Conference on Clinical and Engineering Frontiers in Pediatric and Congenital Heart Disease, Philadelphia PA. May 2019.
O'Connor, M. "Real World Data from the ACTION Quality Improvement Network - Preliminary Experience with a Magnetically Levitated Ventricular Assist Device in US Pediatric Centers," International Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation 39th Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL. Apr 2019.
Editorials, Reviews, Chapters
O'Connor MJ, Rossano JW: Heart Transplantation in Special Populations. ISHLT Monograph Series: Pediatric Heart Transplantation. Canter C, Everitt MD, Burch M, St Louis JD (eds.). 13: 129-142, 2019.
Ryan TD, Kindel SJ, O'Connor MJ: Heart Failure in the Neonate. Heart Failure in the Child and Young Adult: From Bench to Bedside. Jefferies JL, Chang AC, Rossano JW, Shaddy RE, Towbin JA (eds.). Academic Press (Elsevier), Page: 393-399, 2017.
O'Connor MJ, Shaddy RE: Chronic Heart Failure in Children. Moss and Adams' Heart Disease in Infants, Children, and Adolescents, Including the Fetus and Young Adult. Allen HD, Shaddy RE, Penny DJ, Feltes TF, Cetta F (eds.). Wolters Kluwer, 2016.
O'Connor MJ, Mahle WT: Anemia in pediatric heart failure. International Society of Heart and Lung Transplantation Guidelines for the Management of Pediatric Heart Failure. Kirk R, Dipchand AI, Rosenthal DN, Kirklin JK (eds.). UAB Printing, 8, 2014.
O'Connor MJ, Goldberg DJ, Rychik J. : Single ventricle congenital heart disease. In: Pediatric Practice: Cardiology. New York: McGraw Hill. Gleason MM, Rychik J, Shaddy R, (eds.). 2012.
O'Connor MJ, Shah M: Arrhythmias in the Fetus. In: Fetal Cardiovascular Imaging: A Disease Based Approach. Elsevier Saunders. Rychik J, Tian Z (eds.). 2011.