Therese M. Giglia, MD, FAHA
Locations: Main Building
About Therese M. Giglia, MD, FAHA
Therese M. Giglia, MD, FAHA, is an attending cardiologist, Director of the Center on Cardiac Anticoagulation and Thrombosis and Director of the Infant Single Ventricle Monitoring Program at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia.
Dr. Giglia is Professor of Clinical Pediatrics at the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania and Senior Attending in Cardiology at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. She is Director of CHOP’s Center on Cardiac Anticoagulation and Thrombosis, established in 2013 as a joint initiative of the Divisions of Cardiology, Hematology and Department of Nursing as one of the country’s first multidisciplinary inpatient and outpatient consultative program dedicated to the prevention, assessment and management of thrombosis in children with congenital and acquired heart disease. She is Director of the Infant Single Ventricle Monitoring Program overseeing the outpatient management of frail infants between the neonatal and second operations in staged palliation. In addition, Dr. Giglia attends frequently in the Cardiac Care Unit, the Pulmonary Hypertension Program and sees general cardiology outpatients.
Dr. Giglia’s clinical and research interests include prevention, diagnosis, treatment of thrombosis in children with heart disease and the care of critically ill infants and children with cardiovascular disease especially those with single ventricle physiology. Her research has culminated in scientific statements, peer-reviewed articles, book chapters, multicenter trials and invited lectureships in the US and abroad.
She chaired the Working Group for the American Heart Association Scientific Statement on Prevention and Treatment of Thrombosis in Pediatric and Congenital Heart Disease published in 2013. She has been an active participant in the NHLBI/NIH Working Group on Thrombosis in Pediatric Cardiology and Congenital Heart Disease, the National Pediatric Cardiology Quality Improvement Collaborative (NPC-QIC), the Pediatric Cardiac Stroke Focus Group, the International Kawasaki Disease Registry and most recently, the Cardiac Safety Research Consortium (Duke University) on the use of direct oral anticoagulants in pediatric heart disease as an advisor to the FDA.
Dr. Giglia has been actively involved as a leader in the Pediatric Cardiology Intensive Care Society since its inception in 1996, as member of the Founding Board of Directors, PCICS Secretary for 10 years and current member of the Connections Committee focusing on national and international membership. She is a Fellow of the American Heart Association and has been active in the AHA Council on Cardiovascular Disease in the Young as Congenital Heart Defects Committee member, Liaison to the Council on Clinical Cardiology, Women in Cardiology Committee, CVDY Leadership Council member and Chair, CVDY Early Career and Mentoring Committee.
Dr. Giglia attended The Johns Hopkins University and The Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences at the University at Buffalo. She did residency and was Chief Resident at the Children’s Hospital of Buffalo and completed cardiology fellowship and a year as an advanced clinical fellow at The Children’s Hospital, Boston, Harvard Medical School. She was a cardiology attending at The Children’s Hospital, Boston, the Children’s National Hospital (Washington, DC) and Cohen Children’s Medical Center of New York before joining CHOP in 2009.
Attending Cardiologist
Professor of Clinical Pediatrics, Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania
Pediatric Cardiology – American Board of Pediatrics
Pediatrics – American Board of Pediatrics
Awards and Honors
2013, Elected Fellow of the American Heart Association (for scientific achievement and life-long service to the AHA)
2012, President's Award for Distinguished Service to the Pediatric Cardiac Intensive Care Society. Presented at the PCICS 9th International Conference, Miami, FL
2012-2015, Awarded The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia Chair's Initiative: "Thrombosis Prevention and Treatment in Cardiac Patients"
2007, Awarded "Champion of Children's Health", 44th Annual American Heart Association (AHA) Gala, Long Island, NY
1996, Elected Fellow of the American College of Cardiology
1983, Frederick B. Wilks Pediatric Award (Graduation Award, State University of NY at Buffalo School of Medicine)
1979, The Johns Hopkins University Graduation Departmental Honors in Biology
Leadership and Memberships
Memberships in Professional Organizations
2014-present, Pediatric Cardiac Stroke Focus Group
2014-present, International Kawasaki Disease Registry
- 2020-present, Steering Committee
- 2018-present, Chair, IRB/REB Committee
2012-present, NHLBI/NIH Working Group on Thrombosis in Pediatric Cardiology and Congenital Heart Disease
2006-present, Pediatric Cardiac Intensive Care Foundation
2002-present, Friends of Fondation de France
1999-present, Pediatric Cardiac Intensive Care Society
- 2016-present, Appointed Member of the Connections Committee (Chairperson, Membership)
1987-present, American Heart Association
2020-present, Pediatric Cardiac Critical Care Consortium (PC4)
2019-present, Cardiac Safety Research Consortium, Duke University
2015-present, PAC3, Pediatric Acute Cardiology Care Collaborative
2012-present, National Pediatric Cardiology Quality Improvement Collaborative (NPC-QIC)
- 2014-present, CHOP Lead Physician
- 2012-present, Mortality Committee
Editorial and Academic Positions
Editorial Positions
2016-present, World Journal for Pediatric and Congenital Heart Surgery, Manuscript Reviewer
2015-present, Pediatric Critical Care Medicine, Manuscript Reviewer
2015-present, The Journal of Pediatrics, Manuscript Reviewer
2014-present, Cardiology in the Young, Manuscript Reviewer
2013-present, Clinical and Applied Thrombosis/Hemostasis, Manuscript Reviewer
2012-present, European Journal of Heart Failure, Manuscript Reviewer
2010-present, Invited editor-in-chief, Pediatric Critical Care Medicine: Critical Treatment Strategies for Acute Pulmonary Hypertension in Infants and Children
Academic and Institutional Committees
2017-present, Department of Pediatrics Development Committee
2016-present, Director, Cardiac Center Anticoagulation and Thrombosis Program and Chair, Steering Committee
2016-present, Education Workgroup of the Cardiac Center Strategic Planning Committee, Chair, On-line Education Platform Sub-committee
2015-present, Scholarship Oversight Committee (SOC) for cardiology fellows
2014-present, Cardiology Fellowship Program Evaluation Committee (PEC)
2013-present, Stroke Conference (Cardiology Representative)
2012-present, Infection Prevention and Control/ HAI Steering Committee
2012-present, Nosocomial Viral Prevention/Hand Hygiene Working Group
2011-present, Infant Single Ventricle Monitoring Program, Director
2011-present, Infant Single Ventricle Monitoring Program, Steering Committee, Director
2011-present, Cardiac Center Nursing Infection Prevention Committee
2010-present, Pediatric Cardiology Fellowship Program Selection Committee, Auxiliary Interviewer
2010-present, Cardiac Care Unit (CCU) Continuous Quality Improvement Committee
Education & training
Medical Degree
MD - The Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences at the University at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY
Pediatrics - Children's Hospital of Buffalo, NY (Chief Resident)
Pediatric Cardiology - Boston Children's Hospital, Boston, MA (Chief Fellow, Senior Clinical Fellow)
Manlhiot C, Newburger JW, Low T, Dahdah N, Mackie AS, Raghuveer G, Giglia TM, Dallaire F, Mathew M, Runeckles K, Pahl E, Harahsheh AS, Norozi K, de Ferranti SD, Friedman K, Yetman AT, Kutty S, Mondal T, McCrindle BW; International Kawasaki Disease Registry: Low-Molecular-Weight Heparin vs Warfarin for Thromboprophylaxis in Children with Coronary Artery Aneurysms After Kawasaki Disease: A Pragmatic Registry Trial Can J Cardiol Jul 2020.
Natarajan SS, Stagg A, Taylor AM, Griffis HM, Bosler CK, Cates M, Dewitt AG, Giglia TM, Mascio CE, Ravishankar C, Rossano JW, Taylor LC, Ware EP, Nicolson SC, Rome JJ: Standardization of the Perioperative Management for Neonates Undergoing the Norwood Operation for Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome and Related Heart Defects Pediatr Crit Care Med Jul 2020.
McCrindle BW, Manlhiot C, Newburger JW, Harahsheh AS, Giglia TM, Dallaire F, Friedman K, Low T, Runeckles K, Mathew M, Mackie AS, Choueiter NF, Jone PN, Kutty S, Yetman AT, Raghuveer G, Pahl E, Norozi K, McHugh KE, Li JS, De Ferranti SD, Dahdah N; International Kawasaki Disease Registry : Medium-Term Complications Associated With Coronary Artery Aneurysms After Kawasaki Disease: A Study From the International Kawasaki Disease Registry. J Am Heart Assoc 9(15), Aug 2020.
Caroline Diorio MD, Kevin O. McNerney MD, Michele Lambert, Michele Paessler, Elizabeth E. Anderson, Sarah E. Henrickson MD, Julie Chase MD PhD, Emily Liebling, Chakkapong Burudpakdee BS, Jessica Lee BS, Fran Balamuth MD PhD, Allison M Blatz MD, Kathleen Chiotos MD MSCE, Julie C. Fitzgerald MD PhD MSCE, Therese M. Giglia MD, Kandace Gollomp MD1, Audrey R. Odom John MD PhD, Christina Jasen, Tomas Leng1,, Whitney Petrosa CPNP-AC, Laura A. Vella MD PhD, Char Witmer MD MSCE, Kathleen E. Sullivan MD PhD, Benjamin L. Laskin MD, Scott E. Hensley PhD, Hamid Bassiri MD PhD, Edward M. Behrens MD, David T. Teachey MD: Evidence of Thrombotic Microangiopathy in Children with SARS-CoV-2 across the Spectrum of Clinical Presentations. Blood 2020 Notes: submitted.
Daisuke Matsubara, MD, PhD, Hunter Kauffman, BS, Yan Wang, RDMS, Renzo Calderon Anyosa, MD, Sumekula Nadaraj, MD, Matthew D. Elias, MD, Travus White, MD, Deborah L. Torowicz, NP, Putri Yubbu, MBBS, Therese M. Giglia, MD, Alexa Hogarty, MD, Joseph W. Rossano, MD, FACC, Michael D. Quartermain, MD,FASE, Anirban Banerjee, MD, FACC: Echocardiographic Findings in Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children (MIS-C) Associated with COVID-19 Infections: Experience from a Tertiary Care Children's Hospital in the United States. JACC 2020 Notes: in press.
Emmanuelle Favilla, Marin Jacobwitz, Amisha Patel, Therese M. Giglia, Kimberly Tiang, Chitra Ravishankar, J. William Gaynor, Daniel J. Licht, Jennifer L. McGuire MD, Lauren A. Beslow, MD : Neurologic Complications of Infective Endocarditis in Children Pediatrics 2020 Notes: submitted.
Giglia TM. Keashen R, Petrosa W, Pappas J, Veneziale K, Murphy K, Linder J, Winser K, Luan X, Raffini L, : Creation and Implementation of a Multidisciplinary Cardiac Anticoagulation and Thrombosis Program. Circulation Quality 2020 Notes: in progress.
Kaplinski M, Ittenbach RF, Irons ML, Stephan D, Natarajan SS, Ravishankar C, Giglia TM, Rychik J, Rome JJ, Mahle M, Kennedy AT, Stevens JM, Fuller SM, Nicolson SC, Spray TL, Gaynor JW, Mascio : Decreasing Interstage Mortality after the Norwood Procedure: A 30 Year Experience J Am Heart Assoc 2020 Notes: in press.
Linder J, Petrosa W, Keashen R, Veneziale K, Murphy K, Min J, Griffins H, Lambert MP, Witmer C, Raffini L, Giglia TM: Assessment of a Clinical Practice Pathway for the Management of Acute Catheter-Related Venous Thromboembolism in Pediatric Cardiology Patients Pediatr Crit Care Med 2020 Notes: in progress.
Matthew D. Elias, MD,1 Brian W. McCrindle, MD, MPH,2 Guillermo Larios, MD,3 Nadine F. Choueiter, MD,4 Nagib Dahdah, MD, FRCPC, FACC,5 Ashraf S. Harahsheh, MD, FACC, FAAP,6 Supriya Jain, MD,7 Cedric Manlhiot, PhD,8 Michael A. Portman, MD,9 Geetha Raghuveer, MD, MPH,10 Therese M. Giglia, MD,1 Audrey Dionne, MD,11 on behalf of the International Kawasaki Disease Registry: Management of Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children Associated with COVID-19: A Survey from the International Kawasaki Disease Registry. Can J Cardiol 2020 Notes: submitted.
Bates KE, Glatz AC, Giglia TM, Natarajan SS, Ravishankar C, Stagg A, Rome JJ.: Evaluating the utility of routine screening catheterisation before interstage discharge of infants with single-ventricle physiology. Cardiol Young 29(5): 660-666, May 2019.
Gardner MM, Mercer-Rosa L, Faerber J, DiLorenzo MP, Bates KE, Stagg A, Natarajan SS, Szwast A, Fuller S, Mascio CE, Fleck D, Torowicz DL, Giglia TM, Rome JJ, Ravishankar C: Association of a Home Monitoring Program With Interstage and Stage 2 Outcomes. J Am Heart Assoc 8(10): e010783, May 2019.
Glatz AC, Keashen R, Chang J, Balsama LA, Dori Y, Gillespie MJ, Giglia TM, Raffini L, Rome JJ: Outcomes using a clinical pathway for the management of pulse loss following pediatric cardiac catheterization. Catheter Cardiovasc Interv 85(1): 111-7, Jan 2015 Notes: PMID 25257828.
Gentles TL, Colan SD, Giglia TM, Mandell VS, Mayer JE, Sanders SP: Right ventricular decompression and left ventricular function in pulmonary atresia with intact ventricular septum. The influence of less extensive coronary anomalies. Circulation 88(5 Pt 2): II183-8, Nov 1993 Notes: PMID 8222152.
Giglia TM, Jenkins KJ, Matitiau A, Mandell VS, Sanders SP, Mayer JE, Lock JE: Influence of right heart size on outcome in pulmonary atresia with intact ventricular septum. Circulation 88(5 Pt 1): 2248-56, Nov 1993 Notes: PMID 8222119.
Wessel DL, Adatia I, Giglia TM, Thompson JE, Kulik TJ: Use of inhaled nitric oxide and acetylcholine in the evaluation of pulmonary hypertension and endothelial function after cardiopulmonary bypass. Circulation 88(5 Pt 1): 2128-38, Nov 1993 Notes: PMID 8222107.
Giglia TM, Mandell VS, Connor AR, Mayer JE, Lock JE: Diagnosis and management of right ventricle-dependent coronary circulation in pulmonary atresia with intact ventricular septum. Circulation 86(5): 1516-28, Nov 1992 Notes: PMID 1423965.
Wernovsky G, Giglia TM, Jonas RA, Mone SM, Colan SD, Wessel DL: Course in the intensive care unit after 'preparatory' pulmonary artery banding and aortopulmonary shunt placement for transposition of the great arteries with low left ventricular pressure. Circulation 86(5 Suppl): II133-9, Nov 1992 Notes: PMID 1385008.
DiDonato RM, Jonas RA, Giglia TM, Mayer JE, Castaneda AR: Rapid two-stage arterial switch operation for TGA. Nihon Kyobu Geka Gakkai Zasshi 37 Suppl: 98, Sep 1989 Notes: PMID 2584802.
Jonas RA, Giglia TM, Sanders SP, Wernovsky G, Nadal-Ginard B, Mayer JE, Castaneda AR: Rapid, two-stage arterial switch for transposition of the great arteries and intact ventricular septum beyond the neonatal period. Circulation 80(3 Pt 1): I203-8, Sep 1989 Notes: PMID 2766528.
Abstracts (includes Posters and Scientific Presentations)
Stagg A, Giglia TM, Fuller K, Offit B, Natarajan S, Preminger TJ.: Cardiac Center Uses Telehealth to Optimize Outcomes and Reduce Utilization for Infant Single Ventricle Monitoring Program (ISVMP) Patients. CHOP Quality and Safety Day 2020 Oct 2020 Notes: accepted for presentation.
Stagg A, Giglia TM, Fuller K, Offit B,Natarajan S, Preminger TJ: Initial Experience with Telemedicine for Interstage Monitoring in Infants with Palliated Congenital Heart Disease. AHA20: American Heart Association Scientific Sessions 2020 Nov 2020 Notes: accepted for presnetation.
Jarrett Linder, Whitney Petrosa, Rachel Keashen, Kelly Veneziale, Karen Murphy, Jungwon Min, Heather Griffis, Michele P. Lambert, Char Witmer, Leslie Raffini, nd Therese M. Giglia: Evaluation of a Clinical Practice Pathway for the Management of Acute Catheter-Related Venous Thromboembolism in Pediatric Cardiology Patients with Single Ventricle Physiology Presented at the 22nd Annual Update on Pediatric and Congenital Cardiovascular Disease February 2019.
Jarrett Linder, Whitney Petrosa, Rachel Keashen, Kelly Veneziale, Karen Murphy, Jungwon Min, Heather Griffis, Michele P. Lambert, Char Witmer, Leslie Raffini, and Therese M. Giglia: Evaluation of a Clinical Practice Pathway for the Management of Acute Catheter-Related Venous Thromboembolism in Pediatric Cardiology Patients: Year Four Evaluation. Presented at the 68th Annual Scientific Sessions of the American College of Cardiology, New Orleans, LA, Journal of the American College of Cardiology March 2019.
Jarrett Linder MD MS, Brian White MD PhD, Therese M. Giglia MD,Andrew C. Glatz MD MSCE, Benjamin W. Kozyak MD: Site-Directed Thrombolysis in Single Ventricle Heart Disease: An Institutional Experience Presented at Cardiology 2018, Scottsdale AZ February 2018 Notes: poster.
Therese M. Giglia, Xianqun Luan, Rachel Keashen, Karen Murphy, Janine Pappas, Kelly Veneziale, Andrew Glatz, Leslie Raffini: Predictive Model for Hospital-acquired thrombosis in pediatric cardiac patients under one year of age Presented at the 67th Annual Scientific Sessions of the American College of Cardiology, Orlando FL, Journal of the American College of Cardiology 71(11 supplement): A636, March 2018 Notes: poster.
Stagg A, Cook A, Bellissimo E, Bernard N, Cecere L, Chen J, Dewitt A, Donnelly R, Kennedy K, Khor L, Long M, Natarajan S, Oliver A, Schachtner S, Shustak R, Turnbull A, Winser K, Giglia T, Levinson K: Improving Transfer Process from the CICU to the CCU for Neonates Undergoing the Norwood Operation Presented at 2018 CHOP Quality and Patient Safety Symposium May 2018 Notes: poster.
Rachel Keashen, Whitney Petrosa, Janine Pappas, Kelly Veneziale, Karen Murphy, Jarrett Linder, Kyle Winser, Xianqun Luan, Leslie Raffini, Therese Giglia: Creation and Implementation of a Multidisciplinary Cardiac Anticoagulation and Thrombosis Program. Presented at the 14th Annual International Meeting of the Pediatric Cardiac Intensive Care Society December 2018.
Lectures by Invitation
Giglia TM. "One mo old transferred from outside hospital in extremis with HUGH right atrial thrombus", Cardiology 2020: 23nd Annual Update on Pediatric and Congenital Cardiovascular Disease, Lake Buena Vista, FL. Feb 2020.
Giglia TM. "Implementation of a Clinical Program to Diagnose, Treat and Prevent Clots in Children with heart Disease ", Cardiology 2020: 23nd Annual Update on Pediatric and Congenital Cardiovascular Disease, Lake Buena Vista, FL. Feb 2020.
Giglia TM. "The Challenges of Thrombosis in Pediatric and Congenital Heart Disease", 6th International Conference on Clinical and Engineering Frontiers in Pediatric and Congenital Heart Disease, Philadelphia, PA. May 2019.
Giglia TM. "Altered Vasculature _and Thrombosis Impact _of Thromboembolism and Stroke on Outcomes _Following Fontan_'Burden of Thrombosis in Single Ventricle Patients'", Stanford, CA.Apr 2019.
Giglia TM. "Interstage Monitoring: Yes, it Makes a Difference!", Cardiology 2019: 22nd Annual Update on Pediatric and Congenital Cardiovascular Disease, Huntington Beach, CA. Feb 2019.
Editorials, Reviews, Chapters
Giglia TM, Witmer C: Hematologic Aspects of Pediatric and Adolescent Heart Disease: Bleeding, Clotting and Blood Component Abnormalities. Moss and Adams' Heart Disease in Infants, Children and Adolescents Including the Fetus and Young Adult 10th Edition Wolters Kluwer Health, 2020 Notes: in press.
Therese M. Giglia MD, Char M. Witmer MD, Yuli Y Kim MD: Thrombosis and Modern Anticoagulation Options for the Adult with Congenital Heart Disease. Cardiac Intensive Care of the Adult with Congenital Heart Disease. 1st Edition. Eduardo da Cruz, Duncan Macrae, Gary Webb Eds. (eds.). Springer-Verlag London Ltd, London, August 2018.
Therese M. Giglia and Char Witmer: Hematologic Aspects of Pediatric and Adolescent Heart Disease: Bleeding, Clotting and Blood Component Abnormalities Moss and Adams' Heart Disease in Infants, Children and Adolescents Including the Fetus and Young Adult 9th Edition. Hugh D. Allen, Robert E. Shaddy, Daniel J. Penny, Timothy F. Feltes and Frank Cetta (eds.). Wolters Kluwer, 2016 Notes: invited chapter.
Giglia TM, Witmer CM: Hematologic aspects of pediatric cardiology. Moss and Adams' Heart Disease in Infants, Children and Adolescents. 8th ed. Allen HD, Driscoll DJ, Shaddy RE, Feltes TF (eds.). 2013.
Lodono-Obregon C, Giglia TM, Montenegro L, Farrell PE: Pediatric issues for the patient with congenital heart disease. Pediatric Practice: Cardiology. Gleason, MM (eds.). McGraw-Hill Medical Publications, New York, NY. 2012.
Schwartz MC, Turek, JW, Giglia TM, Fuller S, Glatz A: Acyanotic heart disease: valves, outflow tracts and vasculature. Pediatric Practice: Cardiology. Gleason MM (eds.). McGraw-Hill Medical Publications, New York, NY, 2012.