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Michael Hoffman, PhD

Michael Hoffman, PhD

Michael Hoffman, PhD

Michael Hoffman, PhD, is a psychologist with the Department of Center for Childhood Communication, CCC Integrated Psychosocial Program, and the Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia.

Areas of expertise: Providing culturally informed, patient-centered consultation and therapy services to children and families who are deaf and hard of hearing, including those who identify as culturally Deaf and for whom American Sign Language is their primary language

Locations: Main Building


About Michael Hoffman, PhD

Michael Hoffman, PhD, is a psychologist with the Department of Center for Childhood Communication, CCC Integrated Psychosocial Program, and the Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia.



Awards and Honors

2022, Abstract Award, Society of Ear Nose and Throat Advancement in Children Annual Conference, Society of Ear Nose and Throat Advancement in Children
2019, Best Poster Award, Cardiac Special Interest Group, Society of Pediatric Psychology, $100 
2019, Honorable Mention for Best Poster, Medical Traumatic Stress Special Interest Group, Society of Pediatric Psychology

Research Interests

Integrating psychological services into Audiology/ENT clinics to provide patient-centered, collaborative care and improve quality of life in children and adolescents with hearing differences.

Education & training

Undergraduate Degree

BA in Psychology and Philosophy - University of Maryland, College Park, MD

Graduate Degree

MS and PhD in Clinical Psychology - University of Miami, Coral Gables, FL


Pediatric Psychology Track - Nemours Children’s Health, Wilmington, DE


Pediatric Psychology Track - Nemours Children’s Health, Wilmington, DE
Emphases: Cardiology, Craniofacial, and Audiology/ENT

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