Healthy Weight Toolkit
The Healthy Weight Toolkit is a resource for families that want to learn to eat healthier and be more active. Download each sheet and print it out!
Our Youth Heart Watch experts have created this list of resources to help you keep your child safe and well.
The Healthy Weight Toolkit is a resource for families that want to learn to eat healthier and be more active. Download each sheet and print it out!
The HeartRescue Project is designed to improve how SCA is recognized, treated and measured in the United States. HeartRescue Partners work to improve SCA survival rates by expanding and replicating successful cardiac arrest response programs.
Youth Heart Watch demonstrates how to respond and use an automated external defibrillator (AED) on an adult, child, or infant who is experiencing a sudden cardiac arrest (SCA). Learn how to use an AED to help save the life of a family member, friend, or even a stranger.
Youth Heart Watch is an affiliate of Project ADAM®, which offers a variety of resources to help schools implement programs to make automated external defibrillators (AEDs) available. These programs also help schools prepare for a cardiac emergency through CPR and AED training and education for students and staff, fundraising support, and sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) awareness education.
The Red Cross offers First Aid/CPR/AED courses with an emphasis on hands-on learning to give you the skills to save a life in the case of a cardiac, breathing or first aid emergency. Course options include those designed specifically for high school and college students.
Smokefree Teen is a website run by the National Cancer Institute dedicated to helping teens take control of their health with a focus on making the right decisions — especially the decision to quit smoking. Find information about how smoking will impact other areas of your life and how to change those patterns if you want to.
The Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) Foundation aims to prevent death and disability from sudden cardiac arrest by increasing awareness about sudden cardiac arrest and influencing attitudinal and behavioral changes that will reduce mortality and morbidity from SCA.
Being physically active can improve your health. Everybody, no matter your age, size or abilities, can benefit from more physical activity. Find information and tips to help you learn ways to add physical activity to your life.
Youth Heart Watch works with schools to help them obtain and maintain automated external defibrillators (AED).