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Program for Precision Diagnosis and Therapy for Pediatric Motility Disorders Resources

Our Program for Precision Diagnosis and Therapy for Pediatric Motility Disorders experts have created this list of resources to help you keep your child safe and well.

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Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics

Is committed to improving the nation's health and advancing the profession of dietetics through research, education and advocacy.



Constipation occurs when stools move too slowly through the colon and fluid is absorbed by the body. This makes stool hard.

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GIKids provides easy to understand information about the treatment and management of these pediatric digestive conditions for children and parents.

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Guided Relaxation Exercises

This guided video recording can help create a more peaceful and restful state of mind for parents, caregivers, and adolescent/young adult patients.

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How Anorectal Manometry Is Performed

In this video for parents and caregivers, you'll learn about prep instructions for an anorectal manometry exam, what to expect during the procedure and what your child will need to do during the test.

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How Esophageal Manometry Is Performed

Esophageal manometry is a procedure that measures pressure, sensation and coordination of the esophageal muscles. In this video for parents and caregivers, you'll learn about what you and your child can expect during this procedure and watch as it's performed on a medical mannequin

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How to Give an Enema to a Child

Learn how to administer a saline, mineral oil or Bisacodyl enema to a child. This video offers parents and caregivers step-by-step instructions. 

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