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Pediatric Headache Program News

At CHOP's Pediatric Headache Program, you have access to a dedicated team of experts who work in close collaboration to help improve your child’s headaches and quality of life.

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Why Well-Child Visits Matter

May 2, 2023

Don't fall behind on your child's routine care — a minor issue today could become a major problem tomorrow.

Make the Diagnosis: Spring 2020

May 27, 2020

A 15-year-old female presents with mild dyspnea with exertion, and frequent wet cough and throat-clearing. On physical exam, vital signs are normal. She has forced expiratory wheezes in both upper lobes, and no digital clubbing.

When Nursing is Your Passion, You Never Work a Day!

May 18, 2020

“Whether it’s in the home or the clinic, the United States or abroad, nurses are the masters of care coordination,” says Dr. Irving. “They ensure the best possible care is provided to patients and families according to their situations.”

Alumni Notes: Spring 2020

May 18, 2020

After 46 years of consummate pediatric practice at CHOP, Steve Ludwig, MD is set to retire from clinical practice this July.

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