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Esophageal and Airway Treatment (EAT) Program News

Your child will be cared for by a team with exceptional knowledge and experience in the care of these specific esophageal and airway conditions from before birth throughout childhood.

Appointments and referrals

Q-and-A With Thomas F. Kolon, MD

May 23, 2023

The new Chief of CHOP's Division of Urology is world-renowned for his expertise in care for patients with undescended testis and varicocele and fertility preservation in oncology patients, and he has helped develop creative 3-D printing models for planning safe organ-sparing surgery.

Vaccine Resources: Profound Autism and VIS Updates

May 23, 2023

Read about the CDC’s recently published statistics distinguishing a subgroup of autistic individuals as profoundly affected. Check out the updated VISs for hepatitis B and pneumococcal conjugate vaccines.

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