Applying for Pennsylvania Medical Assistance (PAMA)
This resource from Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia describes how to apply for PA medical assistance as secondary insurance.
The Department of Social Work at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia helps families cope with the emotional and practical challenges of new or ongoing illness.
This resource from Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia describes how to apply for PA medical assistance as secondary insurance.
CAP4Kids helps you find many community agencies that exist to improve or enhance the lives of children, teens and families.
The Family Justice Partnership provides free legal services to patient families in select locations whose health and well-being may be negatively affected by a legal barrier.
This resource from Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia provides information on 504 plans, which ensure reasonable accommodations for children who qualify.
Philadelphia DHS provides services and resources that promote safety, permanency, and well-being for children and youth at risk of abuse, neglect and delinquency.
This resource provides how to contact the Philadelphia Domestic Violence Hotline and resources the hotline can offer.
Resource Connects is a free website you can use to find community services and programs to support you, your child and family.
Sibshops is a fun and rewarding program for brothers and sisters of children with special health or developmental needs to gain peer support and education through facilitator led discussions, activities and games.