Philadelphia Domestic Violence Hotline
The Domestic Violence Hotline allows victims and survivors of domestic abuse in Philadelphia to find a safe place to live. This hotline is confidential. The hotline is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We are here to listen and to help you.
How to contact the hotline in Philadelphia:
- Domestic Violence Hotline Number: 1-866-723-3014
- Domestic Violence Website:
Victims and survivors outside of the Philadelphia area call:
- National Domestic Violence Hotline Number: 1-800-799-7233
Questions the hotline will ask you:
- Your name
- Is it safe to talk?
- If your abuser is present, the hotline will ask you to call back later or call 911.
- If you tell them, the hotline will call 911. The hotline will never call 911 unless instructed by you.
- You can talk to the hotline with your abuser present. This is your choice.
- Details about your situation.
You do not need to answer any questions if you do not want to. The hotline is here to help you.
Resources the hotline can offer:
- Create a safety plan.
- Keep yourself and your children safe while:
- living with an abuser
- preparing to leave your abuser
- in the process of leaving your abuser
- after leaving your abuser
- Plans include:
- a list of emergency phone numbers
- identifying a “safe” place to go if violence is increasing
- Provide referrals for:
- Legal assistance
- Sexual violence
- Mental health services
- Domestic violence shelters
- beds are assigned by the hotline
- shelters may not have space
- Call the police
- Provide counseling