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Research Studies

Center for Pediatric Inflammatory Bowel Disease Research Studies

Find research studies available to children cared for by the Center for Pediatric Inflammatory Bowel Disease team.

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Clinical Trial Phases

Pediatric Chronic Illness P3 Study

We are trying to learn more about the ways in which adolescents (12-17 years) are involved in decision making related to their chronic condition. We are hoping to partner with families who are planning to attend or recently attended a visit in the Comprehensive Sickle Cell Center, Diabetes Center for Children, Center for Inflammatory Bowel Disease, or the Division of Rheumatology at CHOP. 

If you and your child are able to help us, you will each be asked to complete a questionnaire about your experiences during a recent clinic visit.  Additionally, a random selection of parents and teens will be asked to complete an interview with our team.   All participants will be compensated for their participation in this study.

It is essential that we speak to families before or immediately following their scheduled visit at CHOP. 

Phase: N/A

Actively recruiting: Yes

Category: Adults, Children, Remote (Online / Phone Call Only) Studies

Pediatric IBD Fatigue Index, and the Pediatric IBD Disability Index Study

Kids with IBD (inflammatory bowel disease) often struggle with tiredness and difficulty doing everyday activities, which can make life harder, but there aren't good tools to measure these problems in children. This study aims to create special tools to measure fatigue and disability in kids aged 2-18. Researchers will talk to kids and their parents to find out what issues matter most and use this information, along with medical records, to design the tools. The goal is to help doctors track these problems better and improve care for children with IBD. This study is being done in collaboration with the Shaare Zedek Medical Center. Participants will be compensated for their time and effort, upon completion of the interview.

Phase: Phase I

Actively recruiting: Yes

Category: Adults, Children, One-Time Visit Studies, Remote (Online / Phone Call Only) Studies

RE-EEN Smoothie Study

The RE-EEN Smoothie Study is recruiting patients newly diagnosed with Crohn's Disease who are interested in using diet to help achieve disease remission. The purpose of the study is to evaluate the use of a whole-food based smoothie as Exclusive Enteral Nutrition for Crohn's Disease. In this study, participants will be randomly assigned to receive either a whole-food based smoothie, or formula as Exclusive Enteral Nutrition (EEN) therapy for Crohn's Disease. Participants will work closely with the study dietician to ensure that all of their nutritional needs are met during their participation in the study. 

Phase: Phase II

Actively recruiting: Yes

Category: Adults, Children

Studying the Clinical Course of Risankizumab

Risankizumab is a medication used for the treatment of Crohn's Disease in adults and children to limit symptoms of the disease. However, as children differ more than adults in their age/weight range and the way that drugs move around their body, more information is needed to understand the factors that might affect the response to the drug in children. 

Phase: N/A

Actively recruiting: Yes

Category: Children, Healthy Controls


This study aims to prospectively explore the real life short and longer term outcomes of Vedolizumab in pediatric inflammatory bowel disease and to develop a prediction model for treatment success based on Vedolizumab trough levels and other clinical and laboratory markers. Children under 18 years of age that have been diagnosed with IBD and their physician is starting treatment with Vedolizumab may be eligible.

Phase: N/A

Actively recruiting: No

Category: Children

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