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Research Studies

Autism Integrated Care Program Research Studies

Find research studies available to children cared for by the Autism Integrated Care Program team.

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SOAR Studying Outcomes of Autistic Individuals Transitioning to Adulthood

Children's Hospital of Philadelphia and Childrens National Hospital are studying daily living skills like cooking, cleaning, and money management and their impact on quality of life for autistic individuals. This study is funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and is led by Ben Yerys, PhD and Lauren Kenworthy, PhD.

Phase: Phase I

Actively recruiting: Yes

Category: Adults, Children

Conditions: Autism Spectrum Disorder

Social Coordination

The Social Coordination study aims to explore how people express themselves through facial expressions and body movements. We need help from adolescents ages 12 to 17 who have an Autism diagnosis or those who may be seeking a professional Autism evaluation to better understand behaviors they experience. We also need help from children and adolescents ages 8-17 who are typically developing. By utilizing new technology, researchers hope to identify differences in these expressions and movements. This information could lead to better methods for recognizing and understanding Autism and other behavioral conditions.

Phase: N/A

Actively recruiting: Yes

Category: Children, Healthy Controls, Remote (Online / Phone Call Only) Studies

SPARK: Simons Foundation Powering Autism Research for Knowledge

The mission of SPARK is to ignite research at an unprecedented scale to improve lives by advancing our understanding of autism. To join this national autism research cohort, individuals with a professional diagnosis of autism and their biological family members will be asked to share information about their medical and family history, as well as provide a DNA sample.

Phase: N/A

Actively recruiting: Yes

Category: Adults, Children, Remote (Online / Phone Call Only) Studies

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