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Vaccine Considerations for Adoptees

Vaccine Considerations for Adoptees


For children who have received vaccines outside of the United States, you should be aware that doses are often missed and records may or may not be accurate, even when written. Therefore, your child's doctor might suggest beginning all immunizations again or testing for immunity if a blood test is available. Even if your child received some vaccines before arriving in the U.S., repeat doses are not dangerous.

The American Academy of Pediatrics offers a helpful brochure, A Healthy Beginning: Important Information for Parents of Internationally Adopted Children.

Families of adoptees

Adopting a child is an exciting time for a family; however, amid all of the preparations, one aspect of preparation should not be overlooked.

Prospective parents should talk with their healthcare provider before it is time to get the child because anyone traveling to pick up the child is likely to need certain vaccines, and some family members at home may also need vaccines, such as the hepatitis A vaccine.

Reviewed by Paul A. Offit, MD on September 06, 2022

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