Carolyn Karpiak, CRNP
About Carolyn Karpiak, CRNP
Carolyn Karpiak, CRNP, attended the University of Pittsburgh, where she received her Bachelor of Science in Nursing. Subsequently, she attended the University of Pennsylvania, where she received her Master of Science in Nursing-Acute/Chronic Concentration.
Carolyn started her career at CHOP as an ICU Nurse Resident rotating through the NICU, PICU and the CICU. After one year in residency, she selected to join the CICU nursing team in 2018. She did not waste any time and quickly became involved in harm prevention, precepting, QI and the local cardiac newsletter. In 2022, Carolyn created a “Little Free Library” where you give a book, take a book within the CICU staff lounge. From a professional development standpoint, she achieved PEAK 1 in September 2019 and in April 2022 achieved PEAK 2 status. This past May 2022, she submitted a manuscript for publication “Sedation Considerations: “The impact of benzodiazepine exposure on critically ill pediatric patients” to Critical Care Nurse.
Nurse Practitioner
Certified Registered Nurse Practitioner - Acute Care (CRNP-AC)
Education & training
Undergraduate Degree
BSN - University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA
Graduate Degree
MSN, Acute/Chronic Concentration - University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA