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Death of an Autistic Child From Chelation Therapy - Op-ed

In his op-ed, Dr. Offit gives a brief summary of a family's experience with autism and their desperate attempt to treat their son that ended in a tragedy. He then addresses why mercury in vaccines is not the cause of autism and why this myth has been so prevalent.


Asthma Myths and Facts

Is asthma a psychological condition? Are asthma medications addictive? The experts at CHOP give you the facts about asthma and how it's treated.


The Backbone of Our Program

CHOP's Spine Program provides comprehensive evaluation and treatment to thousands of children with spinal deformities, trauma-related spinal conditions, musculoskeletal tumors, genetic cervical spine conditions, and other conditions that affect the spine.


Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Researchers Find White Children from Wealthier Socioeconomic Regions are More Likely to be Prescribed Opioids

Researchers in the Orthopedic Center at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) found that white youth from wealthier socioeconomic areas were more likely to be prescribed opioids in the emergency room for supracondylar humerus (SCH) fractures, a broken elbow, compared with their same-age, non-white, peers from disadvantaged regions. The authors will present their abstract at the 2024 American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) National Conference & Exhibition in Orlando, Florida.

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