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News Brief

How Will Genomics Enter Day-to-day Medicine?

Amid a cascade of DNA data, a CHOP genetics expert co-led a Think Tank that made recommendations to help families and clinicians understand and use this information.


Make the Diagnosis: Spring 2016

A previously healthy 3-year-old boy was brought to the Emergency Department (E.D.) because of a change in mental status and diarrhea. The child was born full-term and was healthy until 6 months prior to admission, when he started to gain weight rapidly.


Screening for Scoliosis

When is the right time to screen for scoliosis, what should you look for during an exam, and what actions should you take? John "Jack" Flynn, MD, chief of Orthopedics at The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia offers some guidance.


Infant Screening for Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip (DDH)

The American Academy of Pediatrics does not recommend routine ultrasounds for every infant, but it does support referral for ultrasound and/or pediatric orthopedic consultation for babies with an abnormal physical exam or major risk factors for DDH.

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