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Urology Team Shares Expertise Far and Wide

Urology Team Shares Expertise Far and Wide
January 26, 2021

Members of the Division of Urology at CHOP have been busy advancing pediatric urology through research activities as well as through unique educational opportunities.

Given the travel restrictions and lack of in-person meetings due to the COVID-19 pandemic, several organizations and collaborations were developed to provide online lectures and learning opportunities to all levels of learners from medical students to residents/fellows to nurses and other practice providers. CHOP’s status as a top-tier pediatric urology program was apparent from the inclusion of many CHOP physicians in these lecture activities.

The Urology Collaborative Online Video Didactics (COViD)

Webinar screen shot of Dr. Christopher Long

This series of adult and pediatric urology lectures was organized by the University of California San Francisco. It mainly focused on providing educational training to urology residents and fellows throughout the United States and Canada and involved 1-hour virtual lectures followed by a Q-and-A period. Several didactics were given by CHOP faculty including:

The lecture series got rave reviews from residents. Videos of the lectures are available for free on

American Academy of Pediatrics Section on Urology Pediatric Urology Webinar Series

This new webinar series from the American Academy of Pediatrics Section on Urology is designed to be a quarterly online educational series that tackles common pediatric urology diseases and provides CME credit for attendees. The expected audience is fellows, residents, nurses, students, and other healthcare professionals. Each session features 5 to 6 international experts who present virtually on various topics related to the main topic.

CHOP faculty have been a part of each of the first two sessions. The first session on “Diagnosis and Evaluation of Bladder and Bowel Dysfunction” took place October 21, 2020, and features Jason Van Batavia, MD, presenting on treatment options for bladder and bowel dysfunction.

The second session in the series will feature CHOP Urology Surgeon-in-Chief Douglas Canning, MD, and is titled, “Proximal Hypospadias: An Interactive Discussion.” This session will be live on Wednesday, Feb. 24 from 8 to 10 p.m. EST.

Hypospadias International Society Webinar: Controversies in Hypospadias

Screen shot of Dr. Mark Zaontz webinar

On Oct. 17, 2020, the Hypospadias International Society (HIS) hosted a webinar on hypospadias, a common pediatric urologic condition.

CHOP Urologist Mark Zaontz, MD, the current president of HIS, gave a presentation at the October webinar on management of proximal hypospadias. Christopher Long, MD, was also featured at the webinar as a panelist and presenter.

Overall, the webinar is considered to be the most widely attended meeting on hypospadias ever, with approximately 1,000 participants.

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