Christopher J. Long, MD
Areas of expertise: Hypospadias, Neurogenic bladder and spina bifida, Minimally invasive surgery including robotic and laparoscopic surgery, Pediatric urologic oncology, Complex genitourinary reconstruction, Disorders of sexual development
Locations: Main Building, Buerger Center for Advanced Pediatric Care, Specialty Care, Atlantic County, Specialty Care & Surgery Center, Voorhees
About Christopher J. Long, MD
In the Division of Urology, Christopher Long, MD, takes a personalized approach to patient care. He believes treatment starts with an understanding of each patient’s needs and goals.
“I try to spend time in the visit getting to know the family and making this more than a doctor's visit for a specific diagnosis,” he explains. “Since we are specialists, patients typically present with a very focused and specific problem. As part of the visit, I want each patient, regardless of the number of times I have to see them or what I have to do for them, to feel as though we've impacted their life in a positive and meaningful way.”
Dr. Long became interested in pediatric urology during his residency training, which was focused primarily on treating adult patients.
“Having the ability to treat and help patients across a very diverse set of medical problems, from infancy through adulthood, was very appealing to me,” he explains. “I really enjoy the challenge of such a diverse patient population and find it rewarding to help so many people live better lives. The impact of our intervention lasts a lifetime!”
One of Dr. Long’s areas of expertise is the treatment of hypospadias, a condition in which the penis has not formed normally. He has been selected to participate on a national committee designed to improve the care of boys with this condition. Much of Dr. Long’s current research focuses on hypospadias surgery and improving the experience of boys and men who have this condition.
“Our studies have identified the best approach towards treating boys with the most severe forms of hypospadias. Our studies have the largest number of patients from a single hospital in the world, and this experience will continue to improve the outcomes for our patients,” he explains. “We continue to raise the bar by improving the care delivered to our patients. This has spanned over many years and includes how patients are assessed in the office, standardizing our efforts across surgeons in order to decrease the variability in care delivery, and the duration of follow up. We are always pushing to improve the outcomes for our patients.”
Dr. Long’s research and experience treating hypospadias has led him to share the work being done at CHOP in presentations at several national and international meetings, including Moscow, Cairo and Frankfurt. In 2019, CHOP hosted the international meeting in Philadelphia, with over 250 guests discussing the latest trends in hypospadias management.
The international efforts extended beyond meetings. Dr. Long has led an annual surgical trip to Trinidad, where there is a large number of boys with uncorrected hypospadias.”
“Because there are so few pediatric urologists in the world, there is a great need for our services as well as an opportunity to share our experiences with other surgeons,” he says.
He also treats patients with neurogenic bladder related to spina bifida or other disorders of the spine. These patients are seen at birth and followed through adulthood.
“I really enjoy the lasting relationships I can develop with these families,” says Dr. Long. “I first meet them as newborns and get to see them grow into adults, working to make sure their kidneys are safe and they achieve urinary continence. A special bond is formed with families whose children have spina bifida.”
Dr. Long has been active in other areas of pediatric urology including complex reconstruction, minimally invasive surgery and oncology. He performs minimally invasive procedures using laparoscopic and robotic surgery.
“I really enjoy seeing the benefits my patients receive from an operation performed through smaller incisions,” he notes. “We are one of the few centers in the U.S. able to perform these complex operations through incisions as small as a half a centimeter. This provides us with a unique view of the child’s anatomy which really allows us to achieve a successful operation. It also results in a smoother recovery.”
“At CHOP, we dedicate a lot of our time and resources towards constantly improving the care we deliver to patients and their families,” he says, noting that the future of pediatric urology continues to evolve and improve. “As a national leader, we set the bar for patient improvement.”
Advances in personalized medicine will continue to push the envelope in patient care and improve outcomes. Individualized medicine and personal care are part of an approach that connects Dr. Long with patients and families and helps them reach the best possible health outcomes.
”I think patients will undergo very focused blood and urine tests, genetic screening, and possibly even new imaging tests that will identify anatomic concerns for a unique course of action and improve the outcome of their disease,” he says. “We are already using images from MRI scans to print 3-D models to personalize and improve our surgical approach for several procedures in patients with very abnormal anatomy. I expect this will be applied across even more diagnoses over time and will help to further individualize care.”
“As we continue to push toward discovering better approaches to our patients we also are driven towards education,” he says. “As an academic center, we are driven to objectively record the art of surgery into elements that allow for comparison across patients. Monitoring trends in these variables in our surgical techniques and anatomic variations that may be modified to ensure a more successful operation. This is how we push to deliver groundbreaking care for hypospadias, urologic oncology, neurogenic bladder, and our minimally invasive techniques. This does create extra work as we monitor not only our own individual progress but our entire group. It also facilitates transition of knowledge to our resident and fellow teams as we train the next generation of surgeons, a core element of our mission at CHOP urology.”
Attending Urologist
Assistant Professor of Urology in Surgery, Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania
Pediatric Urology – American Board of Urology
Urology – American Board of Urology
Awards and Honors
2019, Hannah Clinical Prize, Hypospadias International Society Meeting (for “Quantifying Glans Width Changes With and Without Testosterone in Patients Undergoing Hypospadias Repair”)
2018, Top Physicians, South Jersey Magazine
2014, Basic Science Prize, Society for Pediatric Urology Fall Congress, Miami, FL (for “Treatment of Socially Stressed Mice with Cyclosporine A Prevents Voiding Dysfunction in Spite of CRG mRNA Upregulation in Barrington’s Nucleus”).
2012, Urologic Care Foundation (formerly AUA Foundation) Research Scholar Program, CHOP (“Calcineurin and NFAT Modulate CTGF Following Partial Bladder Outlet Obstruction and Offer Potential Therapeutic Targets”).
2008, Third Place, Resident Prize Essay Competition, Philadelphia Urological Society (for “Percutaneous vs. Surgical Cryoablation of the Small Renal Mass: Is Efficacy Compromised?).
Leadership and Memberships
Memberships in Professional Organizations
2012-present, Society for Pediatric Urology (candidate member)
2007-present, American Urological Association
Editorial and Academic Positions
Editorial Positions
2016, Journal of Urology
2015, Journal of Pediatric Urology
Academic and Institutional Committees
2016, CHOP quality improvement project in hypospadias looking at the utilization of the 2 stage repair in proximal hypospadias and pre-operative testosterone administration in patients with a small glans with prior to surgical repair
2014-present, Member, Operative and Invasive/Non-Invasive Procedure Committee
Research Interests
Bladder remodeling Impact of social stress upon voiding phenotype
Education & training
Medical Degree
MD - Rutgers New Jersey Medical School, Newark, NJ
General Surgery - Temple University Hospital, Philadelphia PA
General Surgery - Temple University Hospital, Philadelphia, PA
Urology - Temple University Hospital, Philadelphia, PA
Pediatric Urology - The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA
Weiss DA, Lee AS, Flanders TM, Long CJ, Van Batavia JP, Zderic SA , Heuer GH. Neurological dysfunction of the bladder from myelomeningocele. Neurosurg Focus. 2019 Oct 1;47 (4):E7. Read the abstract.
Weiss DA, Long CJ. Editorial comment ‘Hyperbaric oxygen therapy improves oral graft take in hypospadias staged tubularized autograft reoperations’. Journal of Urology, 2019 Sep;202(3):621.
Long CJ, Weiss DA. Commentary to ‘Topical estradiol increases epidermal thickness and dermal collagen of foreskin prior to hypospadias surgery- randomized double blinded controlled trial’. Journal of Pediatric Urology, 2019 Aug;15(4): 353.
Zaontz MR, Long CJ. Reverse pedicle flap as a barrier layer for circumcised patients with megameatus hypospadias. Journal of Pediatric Urology 2019 May;15(3):286.
Sahadev R, Spencer K, Srinivasan AK, Long CJ, Shukla AR. The robot-assisted extravesical anti-reflux surgery: How we overcame the learning curve. Frontiers Pediatrics, 2019 Mar 29;7:93.
Long CJ. Hypospadias as a chronic illness. Journal of Urology, 2018 Dec;200(6):1172.
Van Batavia JP, Weiss DA, Long CJ, Madison J, McCarthy G, Plachter N, Zderic SA. Using structured data entry systems in the electronic medical record to collect clinical data for quality and research: Can we efficiently serve multiple needs for complex patients with spina bifida? Journal Pediatric Rehabilitation Medicine, 2018; 11(4):303.
Chu DI, Shrivastava D, Van Batavia JP, Bowen DK, Tong CC, Long CJ, Weiss DA, Shukla AR, Srinivasan AK. Outcomes of externalized pyeloureteral versus internal ureteral stent in pediatric robotic-assisted laparoscopic pyeloplasty. Journal Pediatric Urology, 2018 Oct; 14(5):405.
Bown DK, Long CJ, Balis FM, Kolon TF. Case report: Nephron-sparing surgery in a patient with bilateral multifocal Wilms tumor. Urology, Sep;119:146.
Weiss DA, Long CJ, Frazier JR, Shukla AR, Srinivasan AK, Kolon TF, DiCarlo H, Gearhart JP, Canning DA. Back to the future: The Cecil-Culp technique for salvage penile reconstructive procedures. Journal Pediatric Urology, 2018 Aug;14(4):328.
Morrison JC, Van Batavia JP, Darge K, Long CJ, Shukla AR, Srinivsan AK. Ultrasound guided ureteroscopy in children: Safety and success. Journal of Pediatric Urology, 2017 Oct Epub ahead of print.
Long CJ, Chu DI, Tenney RW, Morris AR, Weiss DA, Shukla AR, Srinivasan AK, Zderic SA, Kolon TF, Canning DA. Intermediate-term follow up of proximal hypospadias repair reveals high complication rate. Journal of Urology, 2017 Mar; 197:852-858.
Srinivasan AK, Maass D, Shrivastava D, Long CJ, Shukla AR. Is robot-assisted laparoscopic bilateral extravesical ureteral reimplantation associated with greater morbidity than unilateral surgery? A comparative analysis. Journal of Pediatric Urology, 2017 Mar; 17: 88-8.
Chu DI, Zderic SA, Shukla AR, Srinivasan AK, Tasian GE, Weiss DA, Long CJ, Canning DA, Kolon TF. The natural history of semen parameters in untreated asymptomatic adolescent varicocele patients: A retrospective cohort study. Journal of Pediatric Urology, 2017 Feb;13:77.e1-77.
Chu DI, Zderic SA, Shukla AR, Srinivasan AK, Tasian GE, Weiss DA, Long CJ, Canning DA, Kolon TF. Does varicocelectomy improve semen analysis outcomes in adolescents without testicular asymmetry? Journal of Pediatric Urology, 2017 Feb;13:76.e1-76.
Van Batavia JP, Chu DI, Long CJ, Jen M, Canning DA, Weiss DA. Genitourinary involvement and management in children with Stevens-Johnson syndrome and toxic epidermal necrolysis. Journal of Pediatric Urology, 2017 Feb; 17:82-7.
Srinivasan AK, Shrivastava D, Kurzweil RE, Weiss DA, Long CJ, Shukla AR. Port site local anesthetic infiltration vs single-dose intrathecal opioid injection to control perioperative Pain in children undergoing minimal invasive surgery: A comparative analysis. Urology, 2016 Nov;97:179-183.
Long CJ, Canning DA. Proximal hypospadias: we aren’t always keeping our promises. F1000Res, 2016 Sep;26:5.
Long CJ, Canning DA. Hypospadias: Are we as good as we think when we correct proximal hypospadias. Journal of Pediatric Urology, 2016 Aug; 12; 196.e1-196.e5.
Gor RA, Long CJ, Shukla AR, Kirsch AJ, Perez-Grayfield M, Srinivasan AK. Multi-institutional experience in laparoendoscopic single-site surgery (LESS): For major extirpative and reconstructive procedures in pediatric urology. Urology, 2016 Feb; 88:173-8.
Deutsch SA, Long CJ, Srinivasan AK, Wood JN. Child abuse mimic: Avulsion injury in a child with penoscrotal webbing. Pediatric Emergency Care. Pediatric Emergency Care Epub October 1, 2015.
Long CJ, Weiss DA, Kolon TF, Srinivasan AK, Shukla AR. Pediatric calyceal diverticulum treatment: An experience with endoscopic and laparoscopic approaches. Journal of Pediatric Urology, Epub May 21 2015.
Weiss DA, Butler SJ, Fesi J, Long CJ, Valentino RJ, Canning DA, Zderic SA. Putting the past behind us: Social stress-induced urinary retention can be overcome. Journal of Pediatric Urology, Epub May 27 2015.
Sterling ME, Long CJ, Bosse KR, Bagatell R, Shukla AR. A rapid progression of disease after surgical excision of a malignant rhabdoid tumor of the bladder. Urology Epub Jan. 9, 2015.
Long CJ, Butler S, Fesi J, Frank C, Canning DA, Zderic SA. Genetic or pharmacologic disruption of the calcineurin-NFAT axis prevents social stress induced voiding dysfunction in a murine model. Journal of Pediatric Urology Epub S1477, Apr. 14, 2014.
Partridge EA, Canning DA, Long CJ, Peranteau WH, Hedrick JL, Adzick NS, Flake AW. Urologic and anorectal complications of sacrococcygeal teratomas: Prenatal and postnatal predictors. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 49(1):139-142, Jan. 2014 (Epub Oct. 8, 2014).
Abstracts (includes Posters and Scientific Presentations)
Long CJ. Time to Complication Development. Presented at the 3rd Hypospadias World Congress, Philadelphia, PA. October 2019
Ko JS, Corbett C, Berry A, Weiss DA, Long CJ, Zderic SA, Van Batavia JP. Impact of Race, Gender, and Socioeconomic Status on the Severity of Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms at the Time of Presentation to a Pediatric Urologist. Presented at the Society for Pediatric Urology Fall meeting, Scottsdale Arizona, September 2019.
Lee AS, Viseshsingh W, Long CJ, Frazier JF, Moran M, Zderic SA, Weiss DA: How Early is Early? Effect of oxybutynin on bladder dynamics within the first year of life in patients with spina bifida. Presented at the American Urological Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL. May 2019.
Lucas J, Hightower T, Weiss DA, Van Batavia JP, Srinivasan AK, Shukla AR, Kolon TF, Zaontz MR, Canning DA, Long CJ. Duration of Followup is an Important Factor in Complication Detection after Pediatric Hypospadias Repair. Presented at the Society for Pediatric Urology Annual meeting, Chicago, Illinois, May 2019.
Ko JS, Van Batavia JP, Siu Sharmayne, Frazier J, Zderic SA, Zaontz MR, Shukla AR, Weiss DA, Long CJ, Canning DA, Kolon TF. Adolescents with Severe Oligoasthenospermia Can Benefit from Varicocelectomy. Presented at the Society for Pediatric Urology Annual meeting, Chicago, Illinois, May 2019.
Bowen DK, Sahadev R, Long CJ, Shukla AR, Srinivasan AK. Does Low Preoperative Renal Function Predict Failure in Robotic Pyeloplasty? Presented at the Society for Pediatric Urology Fall meeting, Atlanta, Georgia, September 2018.
Sahadev R, Weiss DA, Long CJ, Tasian GE, Kolon TF, Shukla AR, Srinivasan AK. Surgeon Preference Drives Prescription of Post-Operative Opioids, Not Patients Needs, After Minimally Invasive Pediatric Urology Procedures. Presented at the Society for Pediatric Urology Fall meeting, Atlanta, Georgia, September 2018.
Zaontz MR, Long CJ, Kolon TF, Ben-Meir D. Harmonic Scalpel Technique in Adolescent with Non Communicating Hydrocele. Presented at the Society for Pediatric Urology Fall meeting, Atlanta, Georgia, September 2018.
Van Batavia JP, Lawton E, Frazier J, Zderic SA, Zaontz MR, Shukla AR, Long CJ, Canning DA, Kolon TF. Total Motile Sperm Count in Adolescent Boys with Varicocele is Associated with Hormone Levels and Total Testicular Volume. Presented at the American Urological Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA. May 2018.
Van Batavia JP, Weiss DA, Long CJ, Madison J, McCarthy G, Plachter N, Zderic SA. Using Structured Data Entry Systems in the Electronic Medical Record to Collect Clinical Data for Quality and Research: Can We Efficiently Serve Multiple Needs for Complex Patients? Presented at the American Urological Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA. May 2018.
Van Batavia JP, Kawal T, Chu DI, Bowen D, Long CJ, Weiss DA, Shukla AR, Srinivasan AK. Are All Pediatric Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy Patients Created Equally? Outcomes in Pediatric Patients with Spina Bifida and/or Non-Ambulatory Status. Presented at the American Urological Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA. May 2018.
Long CJ, Chu DI, Weiss DA, Shukla AR, Srinivasan AK, Kolon TF, Zaontz MR, Canning DA. Utilization of the Single Stage Repair for Proximal Hypospadias is More Likely to Result in a Hypospadias Cripple. Presented at the American Urological Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA. May 2018.
Bowen DK, Back SJ, Van Batavia JP, Long CJ, Maya C, Darge K, Weiss DA: Contrast enhanced ultrasound (CEUS) of the pediatric kidney: preliminary experience and role in patient care. Presented at the American Urological Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA. May 2018.
Long CJ, Kawal T, Van Batavia J, Weiss DA, Shukla AR, Srinivasan AK. Passive ureteral dilation with pre-ureteroscopy stenting results in decreased complication rate in pediatric stone removal. Presented at the Society for Pediatric Urology Fall meeting, Montreal Canada, September 2017.
Kawal T, Srinivasan AK, Chu D, Van Batavia J, Long CJ, Shukla AR. Robotic assisted laparoscopic ureteral re-implant: Can post-operative urinary retention be predicted. Presented at the Society for Pediatric Urology Fall meeting, Montreal Canada, September 2017.
Weiss DA, Long CJ, Frazier JR, Shukla AR, Srinivasan AK, Kolon TF, Gearhart JP, Canning DA. Back to the future: The Cecil-Culp technique for salvage penile reconstructive procedures. Presented at the Society for Pediatric Urology Fall meeting, Montreal Canada, September 2017.
Kawal T, Srinivasan AK, Shrivastava D, Weiss DA, Long CJ, Chu DI, Shukla AR. Pediatric robotic assisted laparoscopic pyeloplasty: Does age matter? Presented at the Society for Pediatric Urology Annual meeting, Boston, MA, May 2017
Kawal T, Shukla AR, Weiss DA, Long CJ, Chu DI, Srinivasan AK. Pediatric robotic assisted laparoscopic ipsilateral ureteroureterostomy: A preferred alternative for the lower tract approach for ectopia and ureterocele? Presented at the Society for Pediatric Urology Annual meeting, Boston, MA, May 2017
Lectures by Invitation
Long CJ. “Evaluation of Hydronephrosis in the Pediatric Patient” Live Surgery Mission Trip, Trinidad and Tobago. Nov 2019.
Long CJ. Live Hypospadias Surgery Mission Trip, Trinidad and Tobago. Nov 2019.
Long CJ. “Placing HIS on the Map: Online Educational Materials for Families and Surgeons” 3rd Hypospadias World Congress, Philadelphia, PA. Oct 2019.
Long CJ. “Hypospadias International Classification, Assessment, and Long Term Follow-up” 3rd Hypospadias World Congress, Philadelphia, PA. Oct 2019.
Long CJ. “How we correct penile curvature” 3rd Hypospadias World Congress, Philadelphia, PA. Oct 2019.
Long CJ. “The current theories for urethral development and pathogenesis of hypospadias. How to correlate basic science research with clinical research?” (Moderator) 3rd Hypospadias World Congress, Philadelphia, PA. Oct 2019.
Long CJ. “Scientific Session I: Hypospadias and Penile Surgery” (Moderator) Society for Pediatric Urology Annual meeting, Chicago, Illinois, May 2019.
Long CJ. “Newborn Urology Issues” CHOP Talks CME Event, Advocare Gloucester County Pediatrics, Deptford, New Jersey. May 2019.
Long CJ. Live Surgical Workshop, Pediatric and Adolescent Urology Workshop, Lucknow, India. Mar 2019.
Long CJ. “Urinary Diversion in Posterior Urethral Valves: When and What?” Pediatric and Adolescent Urology Workshop, Lucknow, India. Mar 2019.
Long CJ. “Urotherapy and Biofeedback Therapy” Pediatric and Adolescent Urology Workshop, Lucknow, India. Mar 2019.
Long CJ. “Anatomic Reconstruction in Feminizing Genitoplasty: When and How?” Pediatric and Adolescent Urology Workshop, Lucknow, India. Mar 2019.
Long CJ. Live Hypospadias Surgery Mission Trip, Trinidad and Tobago. Nov. 2018.
Long CJ. Live Surgery for Proximal Hypospadias, 2nd Hypospadias World Congress, Frankfurt Germany. Oct 2018.
Long CJ. “Long term follow up of hypospadias: why we need to meet the challenge” 2nd Hypospadias World Congress, Frankfurt Germany. Oct 2018.
Long CJ. “Management of Chordee in Hypospadias” 2nd Hypospadias World Congress, Frankfurt Germany. Oct 2018.
Long CJ. “Complicated Hypospadias: Integrated Management” (panel discussion) International Pediatric Congress for Hypospadias, Cairo, Egypt. Sept 2018.
Long CJ. “Long term follow up of hypospadias” International Pediatric Congress for Hypospadias, Cairo, Egypt. Sept 2018.
Long CJ. “UTI Guidelines” Atlanticare Grand Rounds, Galloway, NJ. Aug 2018.
Long CJ. “Utilization of the single stage repair for proximal hypospadias is more likely to result in the generation of the hypospadias cripple.” Society for Pediatric Urology, AUA Annual Meeting. San Francisco, CA. May 2018.
Long CJ. “Pediatric urologic concerns for the Pediatrician.” CHOP Podcast, Philadelphia, PA. May 2018.
Long CJ. “Common pediatric urologic issues.” CHOP talks, CHOP Care Network, South Philadelphia location, Philadelphia, PA. May 2018.
Long CJ. “How to present a clinical case.” CHOP Seminar in Pediatric Urology. Open Medical Institute, Salzburg Austria. Apr 2018.
Long CJ. “Prune Belly Syndrome.” CHOP Seminar in Pediatric Urology. Open Medical Institute, Salzburg Austria. Apr 2018.
Long CJ. “Posterior Urethral Valves.” CHOP Seminar in Pediatric Urology. Open Medical Institute, Salzburg Austria. Apr 2018.
Long CJ. “Management of the Wet Child.” CHOP Seminar in Pediatric Urology. Open Medical Institute, Salzburg Austria. Apr 2018.
Long CJ. “Management of Bladder and Cloacal Exstrophy.” CHOP Seminar in Pediatric Urology. Open Medical Institute, Salzburg Austria. Apr 2018.
Long CJ. “The Neuropathic Bladder and Myelomeningocele.” CHOP Seminar in Pediatric Urology. Open Medical institute, Salzburg Austria. Apr 2018.
Long CJ. “Questions in hypospadias treatment: Re-do hypospadias.” The Hendren Project, current controversies in reconstructive pediatric urology. International online webinar. Nov 2017.
Long CJ. “Proximal hypospadias: meeting the promise to our patients.” Hypospadias World Congress, Moscow, Russia. Sept 2017.
Long CJ. “Current management of distal hypospadias in the USA.” Hypospadias World Congress, Moscow, Russia. Sept 2017.
Long CJ. “Management of Chordee: How we do it.” Hypospadias World Congress, Moscow, Russia. Sept 2017.
Long CJ.“Urologic challenges in the pediatric patient.” Grand Rounds at Atlanticare Hospital, Pomona, NJ. Jun 2017.
Long CJ. “Urologic considerations in the pediatric patient.” CHOP Talks: Surgical aspects of patient care for the primary provider, Philadelphia, PA. May 2017.
Long CJ. “Urologic challenges in the newborn and pediatric patient.” Grand Rounds at Our Lady of Lourdes Medical Center, Camden, NJ. May 2017.
Long CJ. “Questions in hypospadias treatment: Correction of penile curvature.” The Hendren Project, current controversies in reconstructive pediatric urology. International online webinar. May 2017.
Long CJ. “Urologic considerations in the pediatric patient.” CME CHOP Talks, Mount Laurel Pediatrics, Marlton NJ. May 2017.
Editorials, Reviews, Chapters
Zaontz, M.R., Long, C.J. (2022). Penile Anomalies and Circumcision. In: Mattei, P. (eds) Fundamentals of Pediatric Surgery. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-07524-7_102
Long, C.J., Kolon, T.F. (2022). Testicular Tumors. In: Mattei, P. (eds) Fundamentals of Pediatric Surgery. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-07524-7_119
Long CJ, Zaontz MR. Two-stage repair of proximal hypospadias. Operative Manual of Pediatric and Adolescent Reconstruction, 2018.
Long CJ, Canning DA. Complications of hypospadias repair. Taneja’s Complications of Urologic Surgery, 5th edition. Elsevier, 2017.
Long CJ, Austin C, Canning DA. Megaureter. In: Graham SD, Keane TE, editors. Glenn’s Urologic Surgery, 8th ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins/Wolters Kluwer, 2015.
Zaontz MR, Long CJ. Vesicoureteral reflux. In: Graham SD, Keane TE, editors. Glenn’s Urologic Surgery, 8th ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins/Wolters Kluwer, 2015.
Long CJ, Canning DA. Complex UTI in the pediatric patient. Chap. in Gomella LG (ed.): 5 Minute Urology Consult, Third Edition. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins/Wolters Kluwer, 2014