Meet your Pediatric Primary Care, Cobbs Creek Team
Our team of experienced, board-certified pediatricians offer the best available primary care services to your child.
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Jacquelyn Aveta, MD

McKenzie Bourque, PhD

Meghan B. Bullock, MD

George Dalembert, MD, MSHP

Colette Desrochers, MD
Carmelita S. Foster, PhD

Nicole Jaffe, MD

Jenny Joslin, MD

Miriam Katz, MD

Andrea McGeary, MD

Natalie Minto, MD

Jacqueline Owusu McKenzie, MD

Alice Reich, MD

Rachel Simon, DO

Sharon B. Sutherland, MD
Roy Wade, Jr., MD, PhD, MPH, MSHP
Advanced Practice Provider

Geraldine O'Hare, MSN, CRNP
Dawn M. Riddle, MSN, CRNP
Sue Spachmann, MSN, CRNP

Lori Worthy, MSN, CRNP, CPNP-PC
Clinical Staff

Nora J. Ahern, LCSW

Jennifer Mautone, PhD, ABPP
Administrative Staff