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Jennifer Mautone, PhD, ABPP

Jennifer Mautone, PhD, ABPP

Jennifer Mautone, PhD, ABPP

Jennifer Mautone, PhD, ABPP,  is a psychologist in the Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences and the Associate Director of Primary Care Behavioral Health Research at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia.

Areas of expertise: Improving equitable access to high quality behavioral health care, Integrating behavioral health services into primary care, School mental health, Family-school collaboration, Assessment and treatment of ADHD

Locations: Pediatric Primary Care, Cobbs Creek


About Jennifer Mautone, PhD, ABPP

Jennifer Mautone, PhD, ABPP, is associate professor of School Psychology in Psychiatry at the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania. She has been involved in research, teaching and clinical practice at the Center for Management of ADHD and in the Healthy Minds, Healthy Kids program at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia since 2007. Dr. Mautone has been a Principal Investigator and Co-Investigator on multiple externally-funded projects to develop and evaluate interventions for youth with ADHD and to improve access to and utilization of high quality behavioral health services. She was involved in the development and evaluation of the Family School Success program, which is now offered as a clinical service through the Center for Management of ADHD.

Dr. Mautone has particular expertise in family-school-health system collaboration, classroom consultation, and integrated behavioral health in primary care settings. She also has a special interest in increasing access to high-quality, culturally responsive care for children and families. Her research has been published in multiple peer-reviewed journals, including School Psychology Review, Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, School Mental Health, Pediatrics, and Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology.



Director of Primary Care Behavioral Health Research, DCAPBS

Associate Director of the CHOP Pediatric Research Consortium (PeRC)

Associate Professor of Psychiatry, Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania


Nationally Certified School Psychologist (NCSP)

School Psychology - American Board of Professional Psychology (ABPP)

Awards and Honors

2016-2018, Pathways: A two-year career development and leadership program for STEM assistant professors at the University of Pennsylvania (competitive selection)
2007, Early Career Scholar, Society for the Study of School Psychology
2007-2012, Pediatric Research Loan Repayment Program (LRP), National Institutes of Health
1999-2000, Graduate Student Provost's Fellowship, Lehigh University
1999, Magna Cum Laude, Cornell University

Leadership and Memberships

Memberships in Professional Organizations


2017-present, International Society for Research in Child and Adolescent Psychopathology


2018-present, Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies
2014-present, American Academy of School Psychology, Fellow
2005-present, American Psychological Association
 - 2014-present, Special Interest Group, Integrated Primary Care, Division 54 (Pediatric Psychology)
 - 2013-present, Division 54 (Pediatric Psychology)
 - 2005-present, Division 16 (School Psychology)
2005-present, National Association of School Psychologists

Editorial and Academic Positions

Editorial positions

2023-present, Ad hoc reviewer, Academic Pediatrics
2021-present, Children's Health Care, Editorial Board
2019-present, School Mental Health, Editorial Board
2018-present, Journal of School Psychology, Editorial Board
2013-present, Clinical Practice in Pediatric Psychology, Ad Hoc Reviewer

Academic and Institutional Committees

2022-present, Research Advisory Council, Department of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences
2021-present, Behavioral Health Curriculum Advisory Board, Pediatrics Residency Program
2019-present, Workgroup to support Trainee and Faculty Diversity and Inclusion, Psychology Internship Training Program, Department of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences
2019-present, Behavioral Health/Population Health Workgroup
2007-present, Training Advisory Committee, Psychology Training Program, Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences

Research Interests

Improving equitable access to high quality behavioral health care Tntegrated behavioral health in primary care School mental health Family-school-health system collaboration Assessment and treatment of ADHD and related difficulties

Education & training

Undergraduate Degree

BA in Psychology - Cornell University, New York, NY

Graduate Degree

PhD in School Psychology - Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA
M.Ed. in Human Development - Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA


Clinical Psychology - The May Institute, School Consultation and Positive Schools, Boston, MA


Clinical Psychology - Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Center for Management of ADHD, Philadelphia, PA

Team affiliations

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Shahidullah, J.D., Roberts, H., Parkhurst, J., Ballard, R., Mautone, J.A., & Carlson, J.S.: State of the evidence for use of psychotropic medications in school-age youth. Children 10(9): 1454, August 2023 Notes:

Shahidullah, J.D., Hostutler, C.A., Coker, T.R., Allmon Dixson, A., Okoroji, C., & Mautone, J.A.: Child health equity and primary care. American Psychologist 78(2): 93-106, 2023 Notes:


Groenman, A.P., Hornstra, R., Hoekstra, P.J., Steenhuis, L., Aghebati, A., Boyer, B.E., Buitelaar, J.K., Chronis-Tuscano, A., Daley, D., Dehkordian, P., Dvorsky, M., Franke, N., DuPaul, G.J., Gershy, N., Harvey, E., Hennig, T., Herbert, S., Langberg, J., Mautone, J.A., Mikami, A.Y., Pfiffner, L.J., Power, T.J., Reijneveld, S.A., Schramm, S.A., Schweitzer, J.B., Sibley, M.H., Sonuga-Barke, E., Thompson, C., Thompson, M., Webster-Stratton, C., Xie, Y., Luman, M., van der Oord, S., van den Hoofdakker, B.J.: An Individual Participant Data Meta-analysis: Behavioral Treatments for Children and Adolescents With Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry 61(2): 144-158, 2022 Notes: doi: 10.1016/j.jaac.2021.02.024.

Nissley-Tsiopinis, J., Normand, S., Mautone, J.A., Fogler, J.M., Featherston, M., Power, T.J.: Preparing Families for Evidence-Based Treatment of ADHD: Development ofBootcamp for ADHD. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice 2022 Notes: E-pub ahead of print.

Rutherford, L. E., Hier, B. O., McCurdy, B. L., Mautone, J. A., & Eiraldi, R.: Aspects of school-wide positive behavioral interventions and supports that predict school climate in urban settings. Contemporary School Psychology 2022 Notes: doi: 10.1007/s40688-022-00417-5.


Davis, M., Siegel, J., Becker-Haimes, E.M., Jager-Hyman, S., Beidas, R.S., Young, J.F., Wislocki, K., Futterer, A., Mautone, J.A., Buttenheim, A.M., Mandell, D.S., Marx, D., & Wolk, C.B.: Identifying common and unique barriers and facilitators to implementing evidence-based practices for suicide prevention across primary care and specialty mental health settings. Archives of Suicide Research 2021 Notes:

Groenman, A.P., Hornstra, R., Hoekstra, P.J., Steenhuis, L., Aghebati, A., Boyer, B.E., Buitelaar, J.K., Chronis-Tuscano, A., Daley, D., Dehkordian, P., Dvorsky, M., Franke, N., DuPaul, G.J., Gershy, N., Harvey, E., Hennig, T., Herbert, S., Langberg, J., Mautone, J.A., Mikami, A.Y., Pfiffner, L.J., Power, T.J., Reijneveld, S.A., Schramm, S.A., Schweitzer, J.B., Sibley, M.H., Sonuga-Barke, E., Thompson, C., Thompson, M., Webster-Stratton, C., Xie, Y., Luman, M., van der Oord, S., van den Hoofdakker, B.J.: An Individual Participant Data Meta-analysis: BehavioralTreatments for Children and Adolescents WithAttention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry 2021 Notes: doi: 10.1016/j.jaac.2021.02.024.

Mautone, J.A., Benjamin Wolk, C., Cidav, Z., Davis, M.F., Young, J.F.: Strategic implementation planning for integrated behavioral health services in pediatric primary care. Implementation Research and Practice 2: 1-13, 2021 Notes: DOI: 10.1177/2633489520987558.


Davis, M., Benjamin Wolk, C., Jager-Hyman, S., Beidas, R.S., Young, J.F., Mautone, J.A., Buttenheim, A.M., Mandell, D.S., Volpp, K.G., Wislocki, K., Futterer, A., Marx, D., Dieckmeyer, E.L., Becker-Haimes, E.M.: Implementing Nudges for Suicide Prevention in Real-world Environments: Project INSPIRE Study Protocol. Pilot and Feasibility Studies 6, September 2020 Notes: DOI: 10.1186/s40814-020-00686-y.

Mautone, J.A., Pendergast, L.L., Cassano, M., Blum, N.J., & Power, T.J.: Behavioral health screening: Validation of a strengths-based approach. Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics 41(8): 587-595, October-November 2020.

Eiraldi, R, Khanna, M, Jawad, AF, Power, TJ, Cacia, J, Cabello, B, Schwartz, BS, Swift, L, Kanine, R, Orapallo, A, McCurdy, B, Mautone, JA: Implementation of targeted mental health interventions in urban schools: Preliminary findings on the impact of training strategy on program fidelity. Evidence-based Practice in Child & Adolescent Mental Health 5(4): 437-451, 2020 Notes: doi: 10.1080/23794925.2020.1784056.

Fogler, J.M., Normand, S., O'Dea, N., Mautone, J.A., Featherston, M., Power, T.J., & Nissley-Tsiopinis, J.: Implementing Group Parent Training in Telepsychology: Lessons Learned During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal of Pediatric Psychology 45(9): 983-989, 2020 Notes: doi: 10.1093/jpepsy/jsaa085.

Mautone, JA, Cabello, B, Egan, TE, Rodrigues, NP, Davis, M, Figge, CJ, Jaffe Sass, A, Williamson, AA: Exploring Predictors of Treatment Engagement in Urban Integrated Primary Care. Clinical Practice in Pediatric Psychology 8(3): 228-240, 2020 Notes:; NIHMS1668540.

Swift, LE, Orapallo, A, Kanine, RM, Mautone, JA, Bevans, KB, & Eiraldi R: The Self-Report Coping Measure in an Urban School Sample: Factor Structure and Coping Differences. School Mental Health 12: 99-112, 2020 Notes:


Eiraldi, R., McCurdy, B., Schwartz, B., Benjamin Wolk, C., Abraham, M., Jawad, A. F., Nastasi, B., & Mautone, J.A. : Pilot Study for the Fidelity, Acceptability and Effectiveness of a PBIS Program plus Mental Health Supports in Under-resourced Urban Schools. Psychology in the Schools 56: 1230-1245, 2019 Notes:

Morris, S.H., Nahmias, A., Nissley-Tsiopinis, J., Orapallo, A., Power, T.J., & Mautone, J.A.: Implementation of Family School Success for parents of children with ADHD. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice 26(3): 535-546, 2019 Notes: doi: 10.1016/j.cbpra.2019.03.002.


Eiraldi, R. B., Mautone, J. A., Khanna, M. S., Power, T. J., Orapallo, A., Cacia, J…. & Jawad, A. F.: Group CBT for externalizing disorders in urban schools: Effect of training strategy on treatment fidelity and patient outcomes. Behavior Therapy 49(4): 538-550, January 2018 Notes: DOI:


Booster, G., Mautone, J.A., Nissley-Tsiopinis, J., VanDyke, D., & Power, T.J.: Reductions in negative parenting practices mediate the effect of a family-school intervention for children with ADHD. School Psychology Review  45: 192-208, 2016 Notes: DOI: 10.17105/SPR45-2.192-208.

Koshy, A.J., Mautone, J.A., Pendergast, L.L., Blum, N.J., & Power, T.J.: Validation of the Behavioral Health Checklist in urban and suburban pediatric primary care settings  Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics  37: 132-139, 2016.


Clarke, A. T., Marshall, S. A., Mautone, J. A., Soffer, S. L., Jones, H. A., Costigan, T. E., Patterson, A., Jawad, A. F., & Power, T. J.: Parent attendance and homework adherence predict response to a family-school intervention for children with ADHD. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology 44: 58-67, 2015 Notes: DOI: 10.1037/a0028188

Mautone, J.A., Marcelle, E., Tresco, K.E., Power, T.J.: Assessing the quality of parent-teacher relationships for students with ADHD. Psychology in the Schools 52: 196-207, 2015 Notes: DOI: 10.1002/pits.21817.

Power, T.J., Watkins, M.W., Mautone, J.A., Walcott, C.M., Coutts, M.J., & Sheridan, S.M.: Examining the validity of the Homework Performance Questionnaire: Multi-informant assessment in elementary and middle school. School Psychology Quarterly 30: 260-275, 2015 Notes:


Dawson, A.E., Wymbs, B.T., Marshall, S.A., Mautone, J.A., & Power, T.J.: The role of parental ADHD in sustaining the effects of a family-school intervention for ADHD. Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology  2014 Notes: Advance online publication, DOI: 10.1080/15374416.2014.963858.

Eiraldi, R.B., McCurdy, B., Khanna, M., Mautone, J.A., Jawad, A., Power, T.J., Cidav, Z., Cacia, J., Sugai, G.: A cluster randomized trial to evaluate external support for the implementation of positive behavioral interventions and supports by school personnel. Implementation Science 2014 Notes: DOI: 10.1186/1748-5908-9-12.

Power, T.J., Mautone, J.A., Marshall, S.A., Jones, H.A., Cacia, J., Tresco, K., Cassano, M.C., Jawad, A.F., Guevara, J.P., Blum, N.J.: Feasibility and potential effectiveness of integrated services for children with ADHD in urban primary care practices. Clinical Practice in Pediatric Psychology 2: 412-426, 2014 Notes: DOI:

Walton, J.R., Mautone, J.A., Nissley-Tsiopinis, J., Blum, N.J., Power, T.J.: Correlates of treatment engagement in an ADHD primary-care based intervention for urban families. Journal of Behavioral Health Services and Research 41: 539-547, 2014 Notes: DOI 10.1007/s11414-013-9385-4.


Power, T.J., Koshy, A.J., Watkins, M.W., Cassano, M.C., Wahlberg, A.C., Mautone, J.A., Blum, N.J.: Developmentally and culturally appropriate screening in primary care: Development of the behavioral health checklist. Journal of Pediatric Psychology 38: 1155-1164, 2013 Notes: DOI: 10.1093/jpepsy/jst063.


Mautone, J.A., Marshall, S.A., Costigan, T.E., Clarke, A.T., Power, T.J.: Multidimensional assessment of homework: An analysis of students with ADHD. Journal of Attention Disorders 16: 600-609, 2012 Notes: DOI: 10.1177/1087054711416795.

Mautone, J.A., Marshall, S.A., Sharman, J., Eiraldi, R.B., Jawad, A.F., Power, T. J.: Development of a family-school intervention for young children with ADHD. School Psychology Review 41: 447-466, 2012.

Power, T.J., Mautone, J.A., Soffer, S.L., Clarke, A.T., Marshall, S.A., Sharman, J., Blum, N.J., Glanzman, M., Elia, J., Jawad, A.F.: A family-school intervention for children with ADHD: Results of a randomized clinical trial. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 80: 611-623, 2012 Notes: doi: 10.1037/a0028188.

Schwarz, D.F., O'Sullivan, A.L., Guinn, J., Mautone, J.A., Carlson, E.C., Zhao, H., Zhang, X., Esposito, T.L., Askew, M., Radcliffe, J.: Promoting early intervention through a randomized controlled home visiting program. Journal of Early Intervention 34: 20-39, 2012 Notes: DOI 10.1177/1053815112451849.


Power, T.J., Hughes, C.L., Helwig, J.R., Nissley-Tsiopinis, J., Mautone, J.A., Lavin, H.J.: Getting to first base: Promoting engagement in family-school intervention for children with ADHD in urban, primary care practice. School Mental Health 2: 52-61, 2010.


Manz, P.H., Mautone, J.A., Martin, S.D.: School psychologists' collaborations with families: An exploratory study of the interrelationships of their perceptions of professional efficacy and school climate and demographic and training variables. Journal of Applied School Psychology 25: 47-70, 2009.

Mautone, J.A., DuPaul, G.J., Jitendra, A.K., Tresco, K.E., Vile Junod, R., Volpe, R.J.: The relationship between treatment integrity and acceptability of reading interventions for children with ADHD. Psychology in the Schools 46: 919-931, 2009.

Power, T.J., Soffer, S.L., Mautone, J.A., Costigan, T.E., Jones, H.A., Clarke, A.T., Marshall, S.A.: An analysis of teacher investment in the context of a family-school intervention for children with ADHD. School Mental Health 1: 107-117, 2009.


Power, T.J., Mautone, J.A., Manz, P.H., Frye, L., Blum, N.J.: Managing attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in primary care: A systematic analysis of roles and challenges. Pediatrics 121: e65-e72, 2008.


Power, T.J., Dombrowski, S.C., Watkins, M.W., Mautone, J.A., Eagle, J.W.  : Assessing children's homework performance: Development of multi-dimensional, multi-informant rating scales. Journal of School Psychology 45: 333-348, 2007.


Mautone, J.A., Luiselli, J.K., Handler, M.W.: Improving implementation of classroom instruction through teacher-directed behavioral consultation: A single-case demonstration. International Journal of Behavioral and Consultation Therapy 2: 432-438, 2006.


Mautone, J.A., DuPaul, G.J., Jitendra, A.K.: The effects of computer-assisted instruction on the mathematics performance and classroom behavior of children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Journal of Attention Disorders 9: 301-312, 2005.

Abstracts (includes Posters and Scientific Presentations)


Ryan, S., Power, T. J., Fleming, P. F., Poznanski, B., Pendergast, L., Abikoff, H., Gallagher, R., Nissley-Tsiopinis, J., & Mautone, J. A.: Evaluating the outcomes of organizational skills training programs. Poster presented at the National Association of School Psychologists Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA February 2024.

Ryan, S., Power, T. J., Tremont, K., Cacia J., Poznanski, B., Fleming, P., Nissley-Tsiopinis, J., & Mautone, J. A.: Evaluating academic outcomes: Using grades as an outcome measure. Paper presented at the National Association of School Psychologists Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA February 2024.

Okoroji, C., Poole, L., Williamson, A. A., & Mautone, J. A.: Centering Family and Care Team Voices to Inform Integrated Primary Care Service Delivery. Poster presented at the Society of Pediatric Psychology Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA April 2024.

Rose, M., Davis, M., George-Milford, B., Kolko, D., Mautone, J. A., Radovic, A.: Developing Digital Interventions with Stakeholder Feedback to Reduce Teen Suicide. Poster presented at the 21st Children's Interagency Conference, State College, PA April 2024.


Ryan, S., Fleming, P., Power, T.J., Mautone, J.A., & Nissley-Tsiopinis, J.: Evaluating the Outcomes of Organizational Skills Training Programs for Children. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Association of School Psychologists, Denver, CO February 2023.

Glatts, C., Fleming, P., Poznanski, B., Dickson, S., Libros, S., Franklin Gillette, S., Mautone, J.A., Power, T.J., & Nissley-Tsiopinis, J.: The Link between Engagement and Clinical Factors in Organizational Skills Training Interventions. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Pediatric Academic Societies, Washington, DC. April 2023.

Mautone, J.A., Holdaway, A., Golden, M.E., Wicoff, M.L., Seltzer, M. Stairiker, B., Poznanski, B., Foster, C.S., Schwartz, B.S., & Power, T.J.: Partnership-driven approaches to intervention implementation: Examining the implementation process of behavioral parent training for marginalized youth with ADHD. Poster presented at the Society of Pediatric Psychology Annual Conference, Chicago, IL April 2023.

Wolk, C.B., Davis, M., Becker-Haimes, E., Jager-Hyman, S., Beidas, R.S., Brown, G., Green, K., Young, J.F., Mautone, J.A., & Buttenheim, A.M.: Barriers and facilitators to evidence-based suicide prevention practices among emergency medicine, primary care, and specialty mental health clinicians. Poster presented at the International Summit on Suicide Research, Barcelona, Spain October 2023.

Holdaway, A., Poznanski, B., Scott, C., Kahn-Samuelson, S., Gainey, A., Smith, J., Brown, T., Power, T.J., Mautone, J.A.: Family-reported determinants of engagement in behavioral parent training based in primary care for children with ADHD. In J.A. Mautone & T.J Power (Chairs), Getting and Benefitting from Treatment: Promoting Family Engagement in Evidence-based Treatments for ADHD, Symposium presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Seattle, WA November 2023.

Nissley-Tsiopinis, J., Featherston, M., Normand, S., Mautone, J.A., Fogler, J., Gross, J., Fleming, P., Cleminshaw-Mahan, C., Tremont, K., Jawad, A.F., & Power, T.J.: Engaging families in evidence-based treatment for ADHD: Results from an RCT of the GetReady for ADHD Program. In J.A. Mautone & T.J Power (Chairs), Getting and Benefitting from Treatment: Promoting Family Engagement in Evidence-based Treatments for ADHD, Symposium presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Seattle, WA November 2023.

Nissley-Tsiopinis, J., Poznanski, B., Fleming, P., Meehan, Z., Abikoff, H., Gallagher, R., Ryan, S., Cacia, J., Tremont, K. L., Localio, R., Power, T. J., & Mautone, J. A.: Components of Effective Child Skills Training Intervention: An Organizational Skills Training Exemplar. In J. Nissley-Tsiopinis & T. Power (Chairs), Promoting Success in School: Identifying Key Elements of Effective Skills Training Interventions, Symposium presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Seattle, WA November 2023.


Okoroji, C., Armentrout, D., Jamison, J., Williamson, A.A., & Mautone, J.A.: Perspectives on Barriers and Facilitators to Engagement with Integrated Primary Care. Poster presented at the Society of Pediatric Psychology Annual Conference, Phoenix, AZ April 2022.

Mautone, J.A., Golden, M., Wicoff, M., Soffer, S.L., Miller, K., Schwartz, B.S.: Interprofessional Training for Integrated Pediatric Primary Care Practice in Urban Settings. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Collaborative Family Healthcare Association, Boise, ID October 2022.

Mautone, J.A., Holdaway, A., Poznanski, B., Brown, T., Schwartz, B.S., & Power, T.J.: Community Health Partner-Supported Engagement in Integrated Pediatric Primary Care for Low-Income Families of Youth with ADHD. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Collaborative Family Healthcare Association, Boise, ID. October 2022.

Okoroji, C., Kolsky, R., Williamson, A.A., Mautone, J.A.: Rates of Consultation Requests and Patient Engagement within Pediatric Integrated Primary Care. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Collaborative Family Healthcare Association, Boise, ID October 2022.

Riley A.R., Roberts H.J., Hoffses K.W., Hostutler C.A., O'Dell S.M., Mautone J.A., Parkhurst J.T., Petts R.A., Shahidullah J.D., Young, M.A.: The Pediatric Integrated Primary Care Research Consortium: Establishing cross-institutional research collaboration. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Collaborative Family Healthcare Association, Boise, ID October 2022.


Benjamin Wolk, C., Davis, M., Siegel, J., Becker-Haimes, E., Beidas, R., Wislocki, K., Futterer, A., Young, J.F., Mautone, J.A., & Buttenheim, A.: Barriers and Facilitators to Evidence-Based Suicide Screening, Assessment, and Intervention Implementation across Mental Health Care Settings. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Association of Suicidology, Virtual due to COVID-19 April 2021.

Davis, M., Siegel, J., Becker-Haimes, E., Jager-Hyman, S., Beidas, R.S., Wislocki, K., Futterer, A., Young, J.F., Mautone, J.A., Buttenheim, A.M., & Benjamin Wolk, C.: Barriers and facilitators to evidence-based suicide screening, assessment, and intervention in primary care and specialty mental health settings. In A. Williamson (Chair), Innovative methods to screen for and address common presenting concerns in integrated primary care. Symposium presented at the biennial conference, Developing and Researching Advanced Models of Integrated Primary Care. Virtual meeting. September 2021.

Okoroji, C., Mautone, J.A., & Williamson, A.A.: Soliciting Family, Clinician, and Staff Perspectives on Integrated Behavioral Health Engagement to Address Disparities in Care. Data Blitz presented at the Third Biennial Developing and Researching Advanced Models of Integrated Primary Care Virtual Conference September 2021.

Poznanski, B., Holdaway, A., Casher, L., Ariol, M., Brown T., Schwartz, B.S., Power, T.J., & Mautone, J.A.: Use of community health partners to support family engagement in care for children with ADHD in integrated primary care. In A. Williamson (Chair), Innovative methods to screen for and address common presenting concerns in integrated primary care. Symposium presented at the biennial conference, Developing and Researching Advanced Models of Integrated Primary Care. Virtual meeting. September 2021.

Wicoff, M., Carroll, I., Farrell, C., Mautone, J. A.: Consultation during COVID-19: Virtual warm hand-offs.  Data Blitz presented at the Third Biennial Developing and Researching Advanced Models of Integrated Primary Care Virtual Conference. September 2021.

Hackett, K., Mautone, J. A., & Matone, M.: From Screening to Service: Piloting Integrated Perinatal Mental Health Services for Adolescent Mothers in Pediatric Primary Care. Paper presented at the American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado October 2021.

Holdaway, A.S., Power, T.J., Schwartz, B.S., & Mautone, J.A.: Promoting Home and School Success for Marginalized Families of Youth With ADHD through Virtual Parent Training in Primary Care. In McClain, M. (Chair), Family-School-Medical Tele-Partnerships for Children with Neurodevelopmental Needs. Symposium presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, Virtual Meeting. October 2021.

Okoroji, C., Mautone, J.A., & Williamson, A.A.: Strategies to Enhance Adolescent Engagement in Primary Care Behavioral Health Discussions. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Collaborative Family Healthcare Association, Virtual Conference October 2021.

Prud'Homme-Maisonneuve, A., Nissley-Tsiopinis, J.D., Guiet, J., Leblanc, V., Mautone, J.A., Fogler, J.M., Power, T.J., Normand, S.: Engaging parents in evidence-based treatment of ADHD: A mixed-method open trial of Bootcamp for ADHD. 17th Annual ADHD Conference, Canadian ADHD Resource Alliance. Virtual Meeting. October 2021.

Wicoff, M., Golden, M.E., Rivera-Gonzales, C.D. Okoroji, C., & Mautone, J.A.: Schools, Medicine, and Families - Bridging the Gap. Presentation given at the Annual Conference for the Collaborative Family Healthcare Association, Virtual Meeting. October 2021.

Fleming, P.F., Egan, T., Montalbano, C., Abikoff, H., Gallagher, R., Power, T.J., Mautone, J.A., & Nissley-Tsiopinis, J.: Promoting Equity in Implementation of an Organizational Skills Intervention in Diverse Schools. In J.A. Mautone & T.J. Power (Co-Chairs), Innovations in Service Delivery to Promote Health Equity for Children with ADHD. Symposium Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Behavior and Cognitive Therapies, Virtual conference. November 2021.

Holdaway, A., Schwartz, B.S., Poznanski, B., Power, T.J., & Mautone, J.A.: Supporting Behavioral Parent Training Engagement in Urban Pediatric Primary Care Settings. In J.A. Mautone & T.J. Power (Co-Chairs), Innovations in Service Delivery to Promote Health Equity for Children with ADHD. Symposium Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Behavior and Cognitive Therapies, Virtual conference. November 2021.


Jaffe Sass, A, Cabello, B, Egan, TE, Williamson, AA, Mautone, JA: Treating School Concerns in Integrated Primary Care: The Promising Role of Behavioral Health Providers in Systems-Level Collaboration. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society of Pediatric Psychology Annual Conference (virtual meeting due to COVID-19 pandemic) March 2020.

Fleming, P.F., Montalbano, C., Egan, T., Power, T., Mautone, J.A., Abikoff, H., Gallagher, R., Gross, J.Y., Muir, C., & Nissley-Tsiopinis, J.: Training and Coaching Urban School Staff to Implement a Tier 2 Targeted Early Intervention Organizational Skills Training Program. In Leff, S. (Chair) Using Coaching and Training Models for Implementing School-Based Interventions within Urban Schools. Symposium presented at the 28th Annual Meeting of the Society for Prevention Research, Virtual Conference July 2020.

Fogler, J.M., Normand, S., Power, T.J., Mautone, J.A., Nissley-Tsiopinis, J.D.: Who is Coming to Bootcamp for ADHD?  Parents' Baseline Ratings of the Acceptability of Pharmacological and Psychosocial Treatments for ADHD. In Egan & Nissley-Tsiopinis (Co-chairs), Understanding factors associated with treatment acceptability, preference, and satisfaction for evidence-based treatments. Symposium at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, virtual due to COVID-19 November 2020.

Kanine, R., Cabello, B., Benjamin Wolk, C., Schwartz, B.S., & Mautone, J.A.: Acceptability and feasibility of school-based mental health interventions implementation and research: A qualitative study of school staff perspectives. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, virtual due to COVID-19 November 2020.

Montalbano, C., Fitzpatrick Fleming, P., Egan, T., Power, T.J., Mautone, J.A., Tremont, K.L., Kumar, A., Cacia, J., Brizzolara-Dove, S., & Nissley-Tsiopinis, J.: Academic and Self-Regulatory Functioning of Upper Elementary Students Enrolled in Organizational Skills Training. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, virtual due to COVID-19  November 2020.

Normand, S., Nissley-Tsiopinis, J.D., Guiet, J., LeBlanc, V., Fogler, J.M., Mautone, J.A., & Power, T.J.: Engaging Families in Multimodal Treatment for ADHD: An Open Trial of Bootcamp for ADHD. In J. Nissley-Tsiopinis (Chair), Promoting family engagement in evidence-based treatments for ADHD across diverse populations of children and adolescents. Symposium presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, virtual due to COVID-19 November 2020.

Wislocki, K., Becker-Haimes, E.M., Benjamin Wolk, C., Davis, M., Jager-Hyman, S., Futterer, A., Marx, D., Young, J.F., Mautone, J.A., & Beidas, R.S.: Variability in Attitudes towards Safety Planning Across Provider Type. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, virtual due to COVID-19 November 2020.

Davis, M., Siegel, J., Becker-Haimes, E., Jager-Hyman, S., Beidas, R.S., Wislocki, K., Futterer, A., Young, J.F., Mautone, J.A., Buttenheim, A.M., & Wolk, C.B. : Barriers and facilitators to evidence-based suicide screening, assessment, and intervention in primary care and specialty mental health settings. Poster presented at the Annual Conference on the Science of Dissemination and Implementation in Health, virtual due to COVID-19 December 2020.

Karingula, N, Vo, L, Baber, K, Mautone, JA: Evaluation of Child and Adolescent Tele-psychiatry and Behavioral Health Service. American Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting (accepted; meeting cancelled due to COVID-19) 2020.

Lectures by Invitation


Mautone JA. "Cross systems coordination of care - why bother? And how do we get all stakeholders on the same page?" Presented at the annual meeting of the Collaborative Family Healthcare Association, Boise, ID. Oct 2022.

Mautone JA. "Integrative Behavioral Health Models to Increase Access for Children and Adolescents," PolicyLab Forum 2022: Building New Partnerships, Creating Change, Philadelphia, PA. May 2022.


Mautone JA. "Pediatricians' Roles in Managing ADHD for Children & Adolescents," CHOP Talks Webinar Series, Virtual/Webinar. Dec 2021.

Mautone JA. "Ethical Considerations for the Primary Care Team during the COVID-19 pandemic," Panel Discussion at the Developing and Researching Advanced Models of Integrated Primary Care Biennial Meeting, Virtual Conference. Sept 2021.

Mautone JA. "Supporting Youth Mental Health in Summer Programming," Greater Philadelphia YMCA, Philadelphia, PA. July 2021.

Mautone JA. "Advocating for Student Mental Health During the Pandemic," Pennsylvania State Education Association, Southeast Region, Virtual Meeting. Jan 2021.


Mautone JA. "Engaging families, educators, and primary care providers to reduce services disparities," In J. Young (Chair), Increasing Access to Evidence-based Services in Pediatric Primary Care. Symposium presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, virtual due to COVID-19. Nov 2020.

Mautone JA. "Treatment preferences and satisfaction with psychosocial and pharmacological interventions for ADHD," In Egan and Nissley-Tsiopinis (Co-chairs): Understanding factors associated with treatment acceptability, preference, and satisfaction for evidence-based treatments for elementary aged children. Symposium presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, virtual due to COVID-19. Nov 2020.

Mautone JA. "Schools, medicine, and families: Bridging the gap," Session presented at the Collaborative Family Healthcare Association Annual Conference (Virtual due to COVID-19).Oct 2020.

Mautone JA. "Strategic Implementation Planning for Integrated Behavioral Health Services in Pediatric Primary Care," Session presented at the Collaborative Family Healthcare Association Annual Conference (Virtual due to COVID-19). Oct 2020.

Mautone JA. "Interprofessional practice in integrated primary care: Program development and evaluation," Guest Lecturer, Graduate doctoral seminar in Pediatric Health Psychology, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA. Sept 2020.

Mautone JA. "New guidelines for assessment of and intervention for children and adolescents with ADHD: Implications for primary care practice" Session presented at the 2020 Annual Meeting of the National Association of School Psychologists, Baltimore, MD. Feb 2020.


Power, T. J., Mautone, J. A., & Soffer, S. L.: Family-School Success for Children with ADHD: A Guide for Intervention. Guilford Press May 2024.

Editorials, Reviews, Chapters


Green, C.M., Hostutler, C.A., Lovero, K.L., Mautone, J.A., & Platt, R. : Editorial - Pediatric Integrated Care: From Vision to Practice. Frontiers in Psychiatry 15, June 2024 Notes: DOI: 10.3389/fpsyt.2024.1445148; All authors have contributed equally to this work and share first authorship.


Booster, G.D., Mautone, J.A., Power, T.J., & Eiraldi, R: Implementation toward sustainment of family school partnership programs. Implementing Family-School Partnerships: Student Success in School Psychology Research and Practice. S. A. Garbacz  (eds.). Routledge: New York, NY, 2019.

Mautone, J.A., Booster, G.D., & Ridgard, T.J.: Current practice: Schools versus alternative settings. Introduction to school psychology: Controversies and current practice. M.K. Burns  (eds.). Oxford University Press, New York, NY, Page: 258-273, 2019.

Power, T.J., Mautone, J.A., Blum, N.J., Fiks, A.G., & Guevara, J.P.: Integrated behavioral health: Coordinating psychosocial and pharmacological interventions across family, school, and health systems. School Psychopharmacology: Translating Research into Practice. J.S. Carlson & J.A. Barterian (eds.). Springer, New York, NY, Page: 195-212, 2019 Notes:


Tresco, K.E., Kessler, J.L., & Mautone, J.A.: Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder  Handbook of Social Behavior and Skills in Children  J. Matson  (eds.). Springer, New York, NY, Page: 273-292, 2017 Notes: doi:


Evans, S.W., Owens, J.S., Mautone, J.A., DuPaul, G.D., Power, T.J. : Toward a comprehensive life-course model of care for youth with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Handbook of School Mental Health: Research, Training, Practice, and Policy (2nd ed.)  M.S. Weist, N.A. Lever, C.P. Bradshaw, J.S. Owens  (eds.). Springer, New York, Page: 413-426, 2014.

Mautone, J.A., Carson, K., Power, T.J.: Best practices in linking families and schools to educate children with attention problems  Best Practices in School Psychology (6th ed.)  A. Thomas & P. Harrison  (eds.). National Association of School Psychologists, Bethesda  Page: 519-532, 2014.


Power, T.J., Soffer, S.L., Cassano, M.C., Tresco, K.E., Mautone, J.A. : Integrating pharmacological and psychosocial interventions for ADHD: An evidence-based, participatory approach. Treating Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder  S. Evans & B. Hoza (eds.). Civic Research Institute, New York  Page: 13-1 to 13-19, 2011.


Power, T.J., Jones, H.A., Mautone, J.A., Blum, N.J. : Partnering to Achieve School Success: A collaborative care model of early intervention for attention and behavior problems in urban contexts  Handbook of Youth Prevention Science. B. Doll, W. Pfohl, & J. Yoon (eds.). Routledge, New York, Page: 375-392, 2010.

Power, T.J., Mautone, J.A., Ginsburg-Block, M.: Training school psychologists for prevention and intervention in a three-tier model. Interventions for Achievement and Behavior Problems in a Three-Tier Model Including Response to Intervention. In M.R. Shinn & H.M. Walker  (eds.). National Association of School Psychologists, Bethesda  Page: 151-173, 2010.


Power, T.J., Mautone, J.A. : Best practices for linking families and schools to support children with attention problems. Best Practices in School Psychology (5th ed.)  A. Thomas & J. Grimes  (eds.). National Association of School Psychologists, Bethesda, Page: 839-851, 2008.

Shapiro, E.S., Blom-Hoffman, J., Mautone, J.A.: Pediatric school psychology: Future directions for training school psychologists  Handbook of School Psychology (4th ed.)  T. Gutkin & C. Reynolds (eds.). John Wiley, New York, Page: 708-720, 2008.


DuPaul, G.J., McGoey, K.E., Mautone, J.A. : Pediatric pharmacology and psychopharmacology  Handbook of Pediatric Psychology (3rd ed.)  M.C. Roberts  (eds.). Guilford, New York, Page: 234-250, 2003.

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