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Be Prepared for Emergencies: Checklist for Patients with Significant Medical Needs

Be Prepared for Emergencies: Checklist for Patients with Significant Medical Needs

En Español

Many high-risk patients with significant medical needs rely on having electricity to charge their medical equipment or keep medications cold.

To help ensure you are prepared for any emergency that may occur, such as during inclement weather events, the CHOP Home Care team created a check list. Please review the following information to have the proper safety precautions in place. 

Contact Information

  • Keep all emergency telephone numbers easy to find and access. For example, keep a list of numbers for police, ambulance, fire department and electrical company in your phone and somewhere you can easily find them if your phone battery dies.
  • Make sure your Emergency Information Form (EIF) is complete and up to date to facilitate prompt and appropriate emergency care for your child with special healthcare needs. The EIF will ensure that a child's complicated medical history is concisely summarized and available when it is needed most. 


  • Have enough supplies for at least 2 days after the inclement weather event.
  • Make sure you have a backup G tube and/or trach in the home if applicable.


  • Have enough medications for at least 2 days after the inclement weather event.
  • Have a clean cooler available.
  • Have frozen ice packs ready in your freezer at all times.
  • Do not use improperly stored intravenous or injectable medications. Please contact the Home Care Pharmacist with any questions about the storage of IV medications.


  • Charge everything! Ensure every piece of equipment that has an internal battery is plugged in and charged. This includes all backup equipment.
  • For patients on oxygen, make sure you have enough oxygen and back up oxygen for at least 2 days after the inclement weather event.

If at any time you feel your child’s health or care is at risk, please call 911.

If you do not feel you are able to handle the event safely, or if your electrical service is not working, please go outside the affected area or to the nearest emergency room.

If you have any concerns or questions, please contact CHOP Home Care at 800-866-1242.

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