Melissa S. Xanthopoulos, PhD, MS
Locations: Main Building
About Melissa S. Xanthopoulos, PhD, MS
Clinical Psychologist
Research Interests
Implementation and adherence to medical and lifestyle interventions, including non-invasive ventilation, eating habits, physical activity, and sleep
Interactions among psychosocial and physiological factors on health outcome
Assessment and treatment of obesity
Adherence and lifestyle assessment and intervention development for individuals with developmental disabilities
Quality improvement
Program development
Education & training
Undergraduate Degree
BSi in Kinesiology, Minor in Psychology - Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA
Graduate Degree
MS in Clinical Exercise Physiology - East Stroudsburg University, East Stroudsburg, PA
MS in Clinical Psychology - Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA
PhD in Clinical Psychology - Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA
Clinical Psychology Training Consortium - Alpert Medical School of Brown University, Providence, RI
Center for Obesity Research and Education - Temple University, Philadelphia, PA
Xanthopoulos M.S., Bradford R., Gallagher P., Berkowitz R.I., Radcliffe J., Marcus C.L.: Neurobehavioral functioning in adolescents with and without obesity and obstructive sleep apnea. Sleep: 38:401-10, 2015.
Stettler N., Wrotniak B.H., Hill D.L., Kumanyika S.K., Xanthopoulos M.S., Nihtianova S., Shults J., Leff, S.S. Pinto A., Berkowitz R.I., Faith M.S.: Prevention of excess weight gain in paediatric primary care: beverages only or multiple lifestyle factors. The Smart Step Study, a cluster-randomized clinical trial. Pediatric Obesity 10: 267–274, 2015.
Marcus, CL, King MS, and Xanthopoulos MS. (2014). Improving continuous positive airway pressure adherence in children. Sleep Medicine Clinics. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier.
Prashad P.S., Marcus C.L., Maggs J., Stettler N., Cornaglia M.A., Costa P., Puzino K., Xanthopoulos M., Bradford R., Barg F.K.: Investigating reasons for CPAP adherence in adolescents: A qualitative approach. Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine 9: 1303-13, 2013.
Xanthopoulos MS, Moore RH, Wadden TA, Bishop-Gilyard C, Gehrman CA, Berkowitz, RI.: The association between weight loss in caregivers and adolescents in a treatment trial of adolescents with obesity. Journal of Pediatric Psychology 38: 766-74, 2013.
Abrams P, Levitt Katz L, Moore RH, Xanthopoulos MS, Lau J, Berkowitz RI:. Threshold for improvement in insulin sensitivity during an Adolescent Weight Loss Trial. Journal of Pediatrics 163: 785-90, 2013.
Berkowitz R.B., Rukstalis M., Moore R.H., Bishop-Gilyard C., Gehrman C., Cochran W., Louden D., Xanthopoulos M.S., Wadden T.A.: Treatment of adolescent obesity comparing self-guided and group lifestyle modification programs: A potential model for primary care. Journal of Pediatric Psychology 38: 978-86, 2013.
Xanthopoulos MS and Daniels, L. (2012). Coping and Social Support. In: A.M. Nezu, C.M. Nezu, & P.A. Geller, eds. Handbook of Psychology. Vol 9 Health Psychology (pp. 57-78), 2nd ed. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons.