Kevin K. Whitehead, MD, PhD
Locations: Main Building
About Kevin K. Whitehead, MD, PhD
Attending Cardiologist
Associate Professor of Pediatrics, Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania
Pediatric Cardiology – American Board of Pediatrics
Pediatrics – American Board of Pediatrics
Awards and Honors
2008-2013, K23 Early Career Mentored Research Award, NIH, NHLBI
2006, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia Cardiac Center Fellow Grant for investigating new techniques of quantification of mitral regurgitation using 3-D echocardiography and CMR
2005-2007, National Research Service Award, T32-HL07915, Institutional Training Grant Support Recipient, "Training in Molecular Therapeutics for Pediatric Cardiology"
1997, Third Place Award at the Western Pennsylvania American Heart Association Fellows Research Day
1995, Whitaker Biomedical Engineering Foundation Fellowship in Biomedical Engineering Research for the Investigation of the Hemodynamics of Aortopulmonary Shunts
1992, Medical Scientist Training Program award from NIH for pursuit of combined MD, PhD degree
1992, Keck Fellowship for Graduate School Research at University of Pittsburgh
1992, magna cum laude, Duke University
1991, Phi Beta Kappa
1990, Tau Beta Pi Engineering Honor Society
Leadership and Memberships
Memberships in Professional Organizations
2007-present, Society of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance
2005-present, American Heart Association
2003-present, American College of Cardiology
2000-present, American Academy of Pediatrics
Editorial and Academic Positions
Editorial Positions
2011-present, Peer reviewer, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine
2011-present, Peer reviewer, Circulation: Cardiovascular Imaging
2011-present, Peer reviewer, Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance
2010-present, Peer reviewer, Circulation
2009-present, Peer reviewer, Cardiovascular Imaging and Technology
2009-present, Peer reviewer, Pediatric Cardiology
2009-present, Peer reviewer, Congenital Heart Disease
Academic and Institutional Committees
2010-present, Pediatric Cardiology Fellowship Program Interviewer
Education & training
Graduate Degree
PhD in Bioengineering - University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA
Medical Degree
MD - University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, PA
Pediatrics - Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, OH
Cardiology - The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA
Senior Fellow in Cardiac MRI and Imaging - The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA
Fogel Mark A, Trusty Phillip M, Nicolson Susan, Spray Thomas, Gaynor J William, Whitehead Kevin K, Yoganathan Ajit P: Cross-Sectional Magnetic Resonance and Modeling Comparison From Just After Fontan to the Teen Years. The Annals of thoracic surgery 109(2): 574-582, Feb 2020.
Ghosh Reena M, Griffis Heather M, Glatz Andrew C, Rome Jonathan J, Smith Christopher L, Gillespie Matthew J, Whitehead Kevin K, O'Byrne Michael L, Biko David M, Ravishankar Chitra, Dewitt Aaron G, Dori Yoav: Prevalence and Cause of Early Fontan Complications: Does the Lymphatic Circulation Play a Role? Journal of the American Heart Association 9(7): e015318, Apr 2020.
Tang Elaine, Wei Zhenglun Alan, Trusty Phillip M, Whitehead Kevin K, Mirabella Lucia, Veneziani Alessandro, Fogel Mark A, Yoganathan Ajit P: The effect of respiration-driven flow waveforms on hemodynamic metrics used in Fontan surgical planning. Journal of biomechanics 82: 87-95, Jan 2019.
Biko David M, DeWitt Aaron G, Pinto Erin M, Morrison Rodney E, Johnstone Jordan A, Griffis Heather, O'Byrne Michael L, Fogel Mark A, Harris Matthew A, Partington Sara L, Whitehead Kevin K, Saul David, Goldberg David J, Rychik Jack, Glatz Andrew C, Gillespie Matthew J, Rome Jonathan J, Dori Yoav: MRI Evaluation of Lymphatic Abnormalities in the Neck and Thorax after Fontan Surgery: Relationship with Outcome. Radiology Page: 180877, Apr 2019.
Biko David M, Gaynor J William, Partington Sara L, Harris Matthew A, Whitehead Kevin K, Trusty Phillip, Yoganathan Ajit P, Fogel Mark: Relationship of Aortic Stiffness to Exercise and Ventricular Volumes in Single Ventricles. The Annals of thoracic surgery Apr 2019.
Wei Zhenglun Alan, Trusty Phillip M, Zhang Yingnan, Tang Elaine, Whitehead Kevin K, Fogel Mark A, Yoganathan Ajit P: Impact of Free-Breathing Phase-Contrast MRI on Decision-Making in Fontan Surgical Planning. Journal of cardiovascular translational research Nov 2019.
Nguyen KL, Yoshida T, Kathuria-Prakash N, Zaki IH, Varallyay CG, Semple SI, Saouaf R, Rigsby CK, Stoumpos S, Whitehead KK, Griffin LM, Saloner D, Hope MD, Prince MR, Fogel MA, Schiebler ML, Roditi GH, Radjenovic A, Newby DE, Neuwelt EA, Bashir MR, Hu P, Finn JP: Multicenter Safety and Practice for Off-Label Diagnostic Use of Ferumoxytol in MRI. Radiology 293(3): 554-564, December 2019.
Nguyen Kim-Lien, Yoshida Takegawa, Kathuria-Prakash Nikhita, Zaki Islam H, Varallyay Csanad G, Semple Scott I, Saouaf Rola, Rigsby Cynthia K, Stoumpos Sokratis, Whitehead Kevin K, Griffin Lindsay M, Saloner David, Hope Michael D, Prince Martin R, Fogel Mark A, Schiebler Mark L, Roditi Giles H, Radjenovic Aleksandra, Newby David E, Neuwelt Edward A, Bashir Mustafa R, Hu Peng, Finn J Paul: Multicenter Safety and Practice for Off-Label Diagnostic Use of Ferumoxytol in MRI. Radiology 293(3): 554-564, 12 2019.
Biko David M, Collins R Thomas, Partington Sara L, Harris Matthew, Whitehead Kevin K, Keller Marc S, Fogel Mark A: Magnetic Resonance Myocardial Perfusion Imaging: Safety and Indications in Pediatrics and Young Adults. Pediatric cardiology 39(2): 275-282, Feb 2018.
Avitabile Catherine M, Goldberg David J, Leonard Mary B, Wei Zhenglun Alan, Tang Elaine, Paridon Stephen M, Yoganathan Ajit P, Fogel Mark A, Whitehead Kevin K: Leg lean mass correlates with exercise systemic output in young Fontan patients. Heart (British Cardiac Society) 104(8): 680-684, Apr 2018.
Avitabile CM, Harris MA, Doddasomayajula RS, Chopski SG, Gillespie MJ, Dori Y, Glatz AC, Fogel MA, Whitehead KK: Accuracy of Phase Contrast Velocity Mapping Proximal and Distal To Stent Artifact During Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging. American Journal of Cardiology 121(12): 1634-1638, June 2018.
Anwar Shafkat, Harris Matthew A, Whitehead Kevin K, Keller Marc S, Goldmuntz Elizabeth, Fogel Mark A, Mercer-Rosa Laura: The Impact of the Right Ventricular Outflow Tract Patch on Right Ventricular Strain in Tetralogy of Fallot: A Comparison with Valvar Pulmonary Stenosis Utilizing Cardiac Magnetic Resonance. Pediatric cardiology Jan 2017.
Fogel Mark A, Li Christine, Elci Okan U, Pawlowski Tom, Schwab Peter J, Wilson Felice, Nicolson Susan C, Montenegro Lisa M, Diaz Laura, Spray Thomas L, Gaynor J William, Fuller Stephanie, Mascio Christopher, Keller Marc S, Harris Matthew A, Whitehead Kevin K, Bethel Jim, Vossough Arastoo, Licht Daniel J: Neurological Injury and Cerebral Blood Flow in Single Ventricles Throughout Staged Surgical Reconstruction. Circulation 135(7): 671-682, Feb 2017.
Tang Elaine, Wei Zhenglun Alan, Whitehead Kevin K, Khiabani Reza H, Restrepo Maria, Mirabella Lucia, Bethel James, Paridon Stephen M, Marino Bradley S, Fogel Mark A, Yoganathan Ajit P: Effect of Fontan geometry on exercise haemodynamics and its potential implications. Heart (British Cardiac Society) 103(22): 1806-1812, November 2017.
Throckmorton Amy L, Chopski Steven G, Birewar Shravani N, Joa Terence S, Huang Pablo, Whitehead Kevin K, Stevens Randy M, Kresh J Yasha: Vortical flow characteristics of mechanical cavopulmonary assistance: Pre- and post-swirl dynamics. Technology and health care : official journal of the European Society for Engineering and Medicine Page: Epub ahead of print, Mar 2016.
Harris Matthew A, Avitabile Catherine M, Fu Gregory L, Kim Daniel W, Kim Timothy S, Gillespie Matthew J, Keller Marc S, Fogel Mark A, Whitehead Kevin K: Accuracy and Internal Consistency of Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Measuring Branch Pulmonary Artery Flows in Patients With Conotruncal Anomalies and Branch Pulmonary Artery Stents. The American journal of cardiology 117(7): 1160-6, Apr 2016.
Wei Zhenglun, Whitehead Kevin K, Khiabani Reza H, Tree Michael, Tang Elaine, Paridon Stephen M, Fogel Mark A, Yoganathan Ajit P: Respiratory Effects on Fontan Circulation During Rest and Exercise Using Real-Time Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging. The Annals of thoracic surgery 101(5): 1818-1825, May 2016 Notes: co-first author.
Brothers Julie A, Kim Timothy S, Fogel Mark A, Whitehead Kevin K, Morrison Tonia M, Paridon Stephen M, Harris Matthew A: Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging characterizes stenosis, perfusion, and fibrosis preoperatively and postoperatively in children with anomalous coronary arteries. The Journal of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery 152(1): 205-210, Jul 2016.
Avitable CM, Whitehead KK, Fogel MA, Kim DW, Kim TS, Rose JD, Keller MS, Fu GL, Harris MA: Holodiastolic Flow Reversal at the Descending Aorta on Cardiac Magnetic Resonance is Neither Sensitive Nor Specific for Significant Aortic Regurgitation in Patients with Congenital Heart Disease. Pediatr Cardiol 37(7): 1284-9, Oct 2016.
Brothers JA, Whitehead KK, Keller MS, Fogel MA, Paridon SM, Weinberg PM, and Harris MA: Cardiac MRI and CT: differentiation the Normal Ostium and Intraseptal Course from the Slitlike Ostium and Interarterial Course in Anomalous Left Coronary Artery in Children. Am J of Roentgenol 204(1): 104-109, Jan 2015.
Khiabani Reza H, Whitehead Kevin K, Han David, Restrepo Maria, Tang Elaine, Bethel James, Paridon Stephen M, Fogel Mark A, Yoganathan Ajit P: Exercise capacity in single-ventricle patients after Fontan correlates with haemodynamic energy loss in TCPC. Heart (British Cardiac Society) 101(2): 139-143, Jan 2015 Notes: co-first author.
Restrepo M, Tang E, Haggerty CM, Khiabani RH, Bethel J, Valente AM, Whitehead KK, McElhinney DB, Fogel MA, Yoganathan AP: Energetic Implications of Vessel Growth and Flow Changes Over Time in Fontan Patients. Ann Thoracic Surg 99(1): 163-170, Jan 2015.
Avitabile Catherine M, Leonard Mary B, Brodsky Jill L, Whitehead Kevin K, Ravishankar Chitra, Cohen Meryl S, Gaynor J William, Rychik Jack, Goldberg David J: Usefulness of insulinlike growth factor 1 as a marker of heart failure in children and young adults after the fontan palliation procedure. Am J Cardiol 115(6): 816-20, Mar 2015.
Haggerty CM, Whitehead KK, Bethel J, Fogel MA, Yoganathan AP: Relationship of Single Ventricle Filling and Preload to Total Cavopulmonary Connection Hemodynamics. Ann Thoracic Surg 99(3): 911-917, March 2015.
DiMaria MV, Cohen MS, Harris MA, Fogel MA, Whitehead KK: Doppler-derived Flow Pattern in the Descending Aorta Does Not Predict Systemic to Pulmonary Arterial Collateral Flow in Patients with Single Ventricle Palliation: A Cross Sectional Study. World Journal for Pediatric and Congenital Heart Surgery 6(2): 209-214, April 2015.
Shariat Masoud, Mertens Luc, Seed Mike, Grosse-Wortmann Lars, Golding Fraser, Mercer-Rosa Laura, Harris Matthew, Whitehead Kevin K, Li Christine, Fogel Mark A, Yoo Shi-Joon: Utility of Feed-and-Sleep Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance in Young Infants with Complex Cardiovascular Disease. Pediatric cardiology 36(4): 809-12, Apr 2015.
Whitehead KK, Harris MA, Glatz AC, Gillespie MJ, DiMaria MV, Harrison NE, Dori Y, Keller MS, Rome JJ, Fogel MA: Status of Systemic To Pulmonary Arterial Collateral Flow After the Fontan Procedure. Am J Cardiol 115(12): 1739-1745, June 2015.
Harris MA, Whitehead KK, Shin DC, Keller MS, Weinberg PM, Fogel MA: Identifying Abnormal Ostial Morphology in Anomalous Aortic Origin of a Coronary Artery. Ann of Thoracic Surgery 100(1): 174-9, July 2015.
Avitabile Catherine M, Goldberg David J, Zemel Babette S, Brodsky Jill L, Dodds Kathryn, Hayden-Rush Christina, Whitehead Kevin K, Goldmuntz Elizabeth, Rychik Jack, Leonard Mary B: Deficits in bone density and structure in children and young adults following Fontan palliation. Bone 77: 12-6, Aug 2015.
Fogel MA, Li C, Wilson F, Pawlowski T, Nicolson SC, Montenegro LM, Berenstein LD, Spray TL, Gaynor JW, Fuller S, Keller MS, Harris MA, Whitehead KK, Clancy R, Elci O, Bethel J, Vossough A, Licht DJ: Relationship of cerebral blood flow to aortic-to-pulmonary collateral/shunt flow in single ventricles. Heart 101(16): 1325-31, August 2015.
Fogel MA, Pawlowski T, Keller M, Cohen M, Goldmuntz E, Diaz L, Li C, Whitehead KK, Harris MA: The Cardiovascular Effects of Obesity on Ventricular Function and Mass in Patients After Tetralogy of Fallot Repair Utilizing Cardiac Magnetic Resonance. Journal of Pediatrics 167(2): 325-330, August 2015.
Chan SS, *Whitehead KK, Kim T, Fu G, Keller M, Fogel MA, *Harris MA: Repaired Tetralogy of Fallot with Coexisting Unrepaired Partial Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Connection is Associated with Diminished Right Ventricular Ejection Fraction and More Severe Right Ventricular Dilation. Pediatric Radiology 45(10): 1465-1471, Sep 2015 Notes: * co-senior author.
Glatz Andrew C, Harrison Neil, Small Adam J, Dori Yoav, Gillespie Matthew J, Harris Matthew A, Fogel Mark A, Rome Jonathan J, Whitehead Kevin K: Factors associated with systemic to pulmonary arterial collateral flow in single ventricle patients with superior cavopulmonary connections. Heart (British Cardiac Society) 101(22): 1813- 1818, Nov 2015.
Tang E, Restrepo M, Haggerty CM, Mirabella L, Bethel J, Whitehead KK, Fogel MA, Yoganathan AP: Geometric Characterization of Patient-Specific Total Cavopulmonary Connections and Its Relationship to Hemodynamics. JACC: Cardiovascular Imaging 7(3): 215-224, Mar 2014.
Avitabile CM, Whitehead KK, Fogel MA, Mercer-Rosa L: Tricuspid Annular Plane Systolic Excursion Does Not Correlate with Right Ventricular Ejection Fraction in Patients with Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome After Fontan Palliation. Pediatric Cardiology 35(7): 1253-1258, May 2014.
Dori Y, Keller M, Fogel MA, Whitehead KK, Harris MA, Rome JJ, Itkin M: Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Lymphatic Abnormalities After Functional Single Ventricle Palliation Surgery. American Journal of Roentgenology 203(2): 426-431, August 2014.
Haggerty Christopher M, Restrepo Maria, Tang Elaine, de Zélicourt Diane A, Sundareswaran Kartik S, Mirabella Lucia, Bethel James, Whitehead Kevin K, Fogel Mark A, Yoganathan Ajit P: Fontan hemodynamics from 100 patient-specific cardiac magnetic resonance studies: A computational fluid dynamics analysis. The Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 148(4): 1481-9, October 2014.
Abu Hazeem Anas A, Dori Yoav, Whitehead Kevin K, Harris Matthew A, Fogel Mark A, Gillespie Matthew J, Rome Jonathan J, Glatz Andrew C: X-ray magnetic resonance fusion modality may reduce radiation exposure and contrast dose in diagnostic cardiac catheterization of congenital heart disease. Catheterization and cardiovascular interventions : official journal of the Society for Cardiac Angiography & Interventions 84(5): 795-800, Nov 2014.
Avitabile Catherine M, Leonard Mary B, Zemel Babette S, Brodsky Jill L, Lee Dale, Dodds Kathryn, Hayden-Rush Christina, Whitehead Kevin K, Goldmuntz Elizabeth, Paridon Stephen M, Rychik Jack, Goldberg David J: Lean mass deficits, vitamin D status and exercise capacity in children and young adults after Fontan palliation. Heart (British Cardiac Society) 100(21): 1702-1707, Nov 2014.
Fogel Mark A, Pawlowski Tom, Schwab Peter J, Nicolson Susan C, Montenegro Lisa M, Berenstein Laura Diaz, Spray Thomas L, Gaynor J William, Fuller Stephanie, Keller Marc S, Harris Matthew A, Whitehead Kevin K, Vossough Arastoo, Licht Daniel J: Brain Magnetic Resonance Immediately Before Surgery in Single Ventricles and Surgical Postponement. The Annals of thoracic surgery 98(5): 1693-1698, Nov 2014.
Fogel MA, Li C, Nicolson SC, Spray TL, Gaynor JW, Fuller S, Keller MS, Harris MA, Yoganathan AP, Whitehead KK: Comparison by Magnetic Resonance Phase Contrast of Pulse Wave Velocity in Patients with Single Ventricle and Reconstructed Aortas versus Those Without. Am J Cardiol 114(12): 1902-1907, Dec 15 2014.
Dori Yoav, Glatz Andrew C, Hanna Brian D, Gillespie Matthew J, Harris Matthew A, Keller Marc S, Fogel Mark A, Rome Jonathan J, Whitehead Kevin K: Acute Effects of Embolizing Systemic-to-Pulmonary Arterial Collaterals on Blood Flow in Patients With Superior Cavopulmonary Connections: A Pilot Study. Circulation. Cardiovascular interventions 6(1): 101-106, Feb 2013.
Downing Tacy E, Whitehead Kevin K, Dori Yoav, Gillespie Matthew J, Harris Matthew A, Fogel Mark A, Rome Jonathan J, Glatz Andrew C: Accuracy of conventional oximetry for flow estimation in patients with superior cavopulmonary connection: a comparison with phase-contrast cardiac MRI. Circulation. Cardiovascular imaging 6(6): 943-9, Nov 2013 Notes: co-senior author.
Schwartz Matthew C, Rome Jonathan J, Gillespie Matthew J, Whitehead Kevin K, Harris Matthew A, Fogel Mark A, Glatz Andrew C: Relation of left ventricular end diastolic pressure to right ventricular end diastolic volume after operative treatment of tetralogy of fallot. Am J Cardiol 109(3): 417-22, Feb 2012.
Glatz Andrew C, Rome Jonathan J, Small Adam J, Gillespie Matthew J, Dori Yoav, Harris Matthew A, Keller Marc S, Fogel Mark A, Whitehead Kevin K: Systemic to Pulmonary Collateral Flow as Measured by Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging is Associated with Acute Post-Fontan Clinical Outcomes. Circulation. Cardiovascular imaging 5(2): 218-25, Mar 2012.
Fogel MA, Pawlowski TW, Whitehead KK, Harris MA, Keller MS, Glatz AC, Zhu W, Shore D, Diaz LK, Rome JJ: Cardiac Magnetic Resonance and the Need for Routine Cardiac Catheterization in Single Ventricle Patients Prior to Fontan: A Comparison of 3 Groups: Pre-Fontan CMR Versus Cath Evaluation. Journal of the American College of Cardiology 60(12): 1094-102, Sep 2012.
Lin Hung-Yu, Bender Jacob A, Ding Yu, Chung Yiu-Cho, Hinton Alice M, Pennell Michael L, Whitehead Kevin K, Raman Subha V, Simonetti Orlando P: Shared velocity encoding: A method to improve the temporal resolution of phase-contrast velocity measurements. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 68(3): 703-710, Sep 2012.
Dasi LP, Whitehead KK, Pekkan K, Zelicourt D, Sundareswaran K, Kanter K, Fogel MA, and Yoganathan AP: Pulmonary Hepatic Flow Distribution In Total Cavopulmonary Connections: Extra Cardiac vs Intra Cardiac. Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 141(1): 207-214, January 2011.
Harris Matthew A, Whitehead Kevin K, Gillespie Matthew J, Liu Timothy Y, Cosulich Michael T, Shin David C, Goldmuntz Elizabeth, Weinberg Paul M, Fogel Mark A: Differential branch pulmonary artery regurgitant fraction is a function of differential pulmonary arterial anatomy and pulmonary vascular resistance. JACC. Cardiovascular imaging 4(5): 506-13, May 2011.
Dori Yoav, Sarmiento Marily, Glatz Andrew C, Gillespie Matthew J, Jones Virginia M, Harris Matthew A, Whitehead Kevin K, Fogel Mark A, Rome Jonathan J: X-ray Magnetic Resonance Fusion to Internal Markers and Utility in Congenital Heart Disease Catheterization. Circulation. Cardiovascular imaging 4(4): 415-424, July 2011.
Fogel Mark A, Pawlowski Thomas W, Harris Matthew A, Whitehead Kevin K, Keller Marc S, Wilson Justine, Tipton Deanna, Harris Christine: Comparison and usefulness of cardiac magnetic resonance versus computed tomography in infants six months of age or younger with aortic arch anomalies without deep sedation or anesthesia. Am J Cardiol 108(1): 120-5, Jul 2011.2
Dasi Lakshmi P, Krishnankuttyrema Resmi, Kitajima Hiroumi D, Pekkan Kerem, Sundareswaran Kartik S, Fogel Mark, Sharma Shiva, Whitehead KK, Kanter Kirk, Yoganathan Ajit P: Fontan hemodynamics: importance of pulmonary artery diameter. The Journal of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery 137(3): 560-4, Mar 2009.
Whitehead Kevin K, Sundareswaran Kartik S, Parks W James, Harris Matthew A, Yoganathan Ajit P, Fogel Mark A: Blood flow distribution in a large series of patients having the Fontan operation: a cardiac magnetic resonance velocity mapping study. The Journal of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery 138(1): 96-102, Jul 2009.
Whitehead KK, Gillespie MJ, Harris MA, Fogel MA, Rome JJ: Noninvasive quantification of systemic to pulmonary collateral flow: a major source of inefficiency in patients with superior cavopulmonary connections. Circulation: Cardiovascular Imaging 2(5): 405-411, Sep 2009.
Harris MA, Cosulich MT, Gillespie MJ, Whitehead KK, Liu TI, Weinberg PM, Fogel MA: Pre-Fontan cardiac magnetic resonance predicts post-Fontan length of stay and avoids ionizing radiation. The Journal of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery 138(4): 941-947, October 2009.
Kutty S, Whitehead KK, Natarajan S, Harris MA, Wernovsky G, Fogel MA: Qualitative Echocardiographic Assessment of Aortic Valve Regurgitation with Quantitative Cardiac Magnetic Resonance: A Comparative Study. Pediatric cardiology 30(7): 971-977, October 2009.
Sundareswaran Kartik S, Pekkan Kerem, Dasi Lakshmi P, Whitehead Kevin K, Sharma Shiva, Kanter Kirk R, Fogel Mark A, Yoganathan Ajit P: The total cavopulmonary connection resistance: a significant impact on single ventricle hemodynamics at rest and exercise. American journal of physiology. Heart and circulatory physiology 295(6): H2427-35, Dec 2008.
Whitehead KK, Pekkan K, Kitajima HD, Paridon SM, Yoganathan AP, Fogel MA.: Non-linear power loss during exercise in single ventricle patients after the Fontan: insights from computational fluid dynamics. Circulation 116 [suppl I]: I165-I171, Sep 2007.
Harris MA, Weinberg PM, Whitehead KK, Fogel MA.: Usefulness of branch pulmonary artery regurgitant fraction to estimate the relative right and left pulmonary vascular resistances in congenital heart disease. Am J Cardiol 95(12): 1514-1517, June 2005.
Tacy TA, Whitehead KK, Cape EG.: In vitro doppler assessment of pressure gradients across modified Blalock-Taussig shunts. Am J Cardiol 81(10): 1219-1223, May 1998.
Lectures by Invitation
Whitehead KK. "Anatomical and Physiological Assessment of Congenital and Acquired Aortopulmonary Collaterals", 6th International Conference on Clinical and Engineering Frontiers in Pediatric and Congenital Heart Disease, Philadelphia, PA. May 2019.
Whitehead KK. "CMR in Congenital Heart Disease", lecture to radiology residents at Jefferson Hospital, Philadelphia, PA. Apr 2019.
Whitehead KK. "Fontan: Assessment of Anatomy and Physiology by CMR", SCMR, Bellevue, WA. Feb 2019.
Editorials, Reviews, Chapters
Gralewski K, Dori Y, Whitehead KK: Establishing a Cardiovascular Prototyping Service. Rapid Prototyping in Cardiac Disease. Kanwal M. Farooqi (eds.). Springer, Page: 151-157, 2017.
Whitehead KK, Weinberg, PM: Vascular Rings. Pediatric Cardiovascular Medicine. Moller and Hoffman (eds.). Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, 2, March 2012.
Whitehead KK, Ewing SE, Fogel MA: Complex congenital heart disease. Ho and Reddy: Imaging of the Cardiovascular System. Ho and Reddy (eds.). 2010.
Weinberg PM, Whitehead KK: Diseases of the Aorta Including Vascular Rings. Principles and Practice of CMR in Congenital Heart Disease: Form, function and flow. MA Fogel (eds.). Wiley-Blackwell, 2010.