Jennifer Sherker, PsyD
Areas of expertise: Amplified Musculoskeletal Pain Syndrome
Locations: Main Building
About Jennifer Sherker, PsyD
Licensed Psychologist
Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychology in Psychiatry, Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania
Awards and Honors
2016, Psychology Internship Training Program Teaching Award
1993-2003, Scholarship &Assistantship, Pepperdine University
1997-1999, Tuition Scholarship & Assistantship, Villanova University
1996, University Student Award for Outstanding Scholarship at the Undergraduate Level, American University
1996, College of Arts & Sciences Award for Outstanding Scholarship at the Undergraduate Level, American University
1996, Summa Cum Laude Graduate, American University
1995, Psi Chi ,American University
1995, Phi Beta Kappa, American University
1993, Golden Key National Honor Society, American University
1993-1996, University Honors Program, American University
1992-1996, Presidential Scholarship, American University
Editorial and Academic Positions
Academic and Institutional Committees
2022-present, Clinical Pathway for Somatic Symptom Related Disorders Core
2022-present, Clinical Pathway for Adolescent Inpatient Withdrawal Core Team
2021-present, Functional Abdominal Pain QI Workgroup, Division of Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition
2020-present, Clinical Care Committee, DCAPBS
2020-present, Infection Prevention Control (IPC) Champion co-lead, DCAPBS
2020-present, Division Governance Task Force, DCAPBS
2020-present, Behavioral Health Safety Committee – Co-Chair, Regulatory Compliance Subcommittee
2019-present, QAPI Sub-Committee of the Hospital Quality Improvement Committee
2019-present, Grand Rounds Planning Committee, DCAPBS
2018-present, Medical Marijuana Consult Committee, DCAPBS
2018-present, Patient Behavioral Events - Employee Safety Committee
2018-present, Behavioral Health Safety Committee, Environment of Care subcommittee
2017-present, Chair’s Initiative on Lupus
2017-present, Suicide Prevention Task Force, DCAPBS
2017-present, Operations and Outcomes Workgroup
2016-present, Co-Chair, DCAPBS Patient Safety Committee, DCAPBS
2016-present, Co-Chair, DCAPBS Quality Improvement Committee, DCAPBS
2015-present, Mind-Body Workgroup Leader, Integrated Health Program Development Committee
2015-present, Psychology Promotion Committee, DCAPBS
2007-present, Training Advisory Committee, DCAPBS
Research Interests
Amplified Musculoskeletal Pain Syndrome (AMPS)
Education & training
Undergraduate Degree
BA in Psychology & Public Communication - American University, Washington, DC
Graduate Degree
PsyD in Clinical Psychology - Pepperdine University, Malibu, CA
MS in Psychology - Villanova University, Psychology, Villanova, PA
Kaiser-Permanente Medical Center, Los Angeles, CA
Postdoctoral Fellow - Children's Hospital of Los Angeles, Los Angeles, aCA
Additional Training
Postbaccalaureate Premedical Program - Bryn Mawr College, Bryn Mawr, PA
Lewcun B, Kennedy TM, Tress J, Miller KA, Sherker J, Sherry DD (2018). Predicting Suicidal Ideation in Adolescents with Chronic Amplified Pain: The Roles of Depression and Pain Duration. Psychological Services, 15(3), 309-315.
Sherry DD, Brake L, Tress JL, Sherker J, Fash K, Ferry K, Weiss PF. (2015). The Treatment of Juvenile Fibromyalgia with an Intensive Physical and Psychosocial Program. Journal of Pediatrics 167(3), 731-737.
Guite, J. W., McCue, R. L., Sherker, J. L., Sherry, D. D., & Rose, J. B. (2011). Relationships among pain, protective parental responses and disability for adolescents with chronic musculoskeletal pain: The mediating role of pain catastrophizing. The Clinical Journal of Pain, 27(9), 775-781.
Guite, J. W., Sherker, J. L., Hernandez, S. V., Sherry, D. D., & Rose, J. B. (2008). Adolescent and parent pain beliefs and readiness to change in the context of an initial multidisciplinary pain clinic consultation: Preliminary findings. The Journal of Pain, 9(4, Supplement 2), P61.
Guite, J. W., Rose, J. B., McCue, R. L., Sherry, D. D., & Sherker, J. L. (2007). Adolescents with chronic musculoskeletal pain: The role of pain catastrophizing, psychological distress, and parental pain reinforcement. The Journal of Pain, 8(4, Supplement 1), S62.
Lectures by Invitation
Sherker JL. “Psychological Management of Amplified Pain in Children,” Keynote Speaker, XXXIII Chilean Congress of Rheumatology. Nov 2021.
Sherker JL. “Pediatric Lupus: Living Your Best Life with Lupus (Part 4)” Invited Webinar Panelist, Tristate Lupus Foundation of America. Co-panelists: Maria Mascarenhas, MD, Austin Dalrymple, MD, and Adraine Mayo. Apr 2021.
Sherker JL. “The Role of Pediatric Psychologists in Clinical Pathway Development and Implementation: The Example of Somatic Symptom and Related Disorders,” Invited Symposium, Virtual Society of Pediatric Psychology Annual Conference. Co-presenters: Emily Mudd, PhD, Kris Kullgren, PhD, and Monica Agoston, PhD. Apr 2021.