Pierre A. Russo, MD
Areas of expertise: Pediatric liver and gastrointestinal diseases
Locations: Main Building
About Pierre A. Russo, MD
Dr. Russo is staff patholgoist at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. Dr. Russo's main interest is the pathology of hepatobiliary and digestive disorders in children. He has edited a text titled "The Pathology of Pediatric Gastrointestinal and Liver Disease," published by Springer in 2004.
Dr. Russo's research interests in particular include elucidating the mechanisms of cholestasis and understanding bile duct disorders. Additionally, Dr. Russo is the Chair of Pathology Research for The Biliary Atresia Research Consortium.
Staff Pathologist
Professor of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania
Anatomic Pathology – American Board of Pathology
Pediatric Pathology – American Board of Pathology
Awards and Honors
1986, Recipient of best presentation award by a pathologist in training, Annual Meeting, Society for Pediatric Pathology, New Orleans - March
Leadership and Memberships
USCAP: United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology
1986-present, Society for Pediatric Pathology, Member
1997-present, Society for Pediatric Pathology
- Education Committee
2002-present, ChiLDREN - Childhood Liver Disease Research Education Network
- 2002-present, Chair, Pathology Committee
Editorial and Academic Positions
Editorial Positions
2017-present, Editor-in-Chief, Pediatric and Developmental Pathology
2005-present, Pediatric and Developmental Pathology
Academic and Institutional Committees
2007-present, Chair, QC/QA Committee, Division of Anatomic Pathology, CHOP
2006-present, Academic Appointments and Promotions Committee, Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, University of Pennsylvania
2006-present, Claims Review Committee, The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
2002-present, Operative and Invasive Procedures Committee, The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Education & training
Medical Degree
MD - McGill University School of Medicine, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
St. Mary's Hospital, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Anatomic Pathology - McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
General Surgery - McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Pediatric Pathology - Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA
Anatomic Pathology - Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Lages CS, Simmons J, Maddox A, Jones K, Karns R, Sheridan R, Shanmukhappa SK, Mohanty S, Kofron M, Russo P, Wang YH, Chougnet C, Miethke AG: The dendritic cell-T helper 17-macrophage axis controls cholangiocyte injury and disease progression in murine and human biliary atresia. Hepatology. 65(1): 174-188, January 2017.
Surrey L, Russo P, Rychik J, MD, Goldberg DJ, Dodds K,O'Byrne ML, Glatz AC, Rand EB, Lin HC: Prevalence and characterization of fibrosis in surveillance liver biopsies of patients with Fontan circulation. Human Pathology 57: 106-115, November 2016.
Perelygina1 L, Plotkin S, Russo P, Hautala T, F Bonilla F, Ochs H, Joshi A, Routes J, Patel K, Wehr C, Icenogle1 J, Sullivan K: Rubella Persistence in Epidermal Keratinocytes and M2 Macrophages in Patients with Primary Immunodeficiencies. J Allergy Clin Immunol 138(5): 1436-1439, Nov 2016.
Canna SW, Girard C, Malle L, de Jesus A, Romberg N, Kelsen J, Surrey LF, Russo P, Sleight A, Schiffrin E, Gabay C, Goldbach-Mansky R, Behrens EM: Life-threatening NLRC4-associated hyperinflammation successfully treated with IL-18 inhibition. J Allergy Clin Immunol 16: 1352-5, November 2016.
Costa-Reis P, Russo PA, Zhang Z, Colonna L, Maurer K, Gallucci S, Schulz SW, Kiani AN, Petri M, Sullivan KE: The Role of MicroRNAs and Human Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor 2 in Proliferative Lupus Nephritis. Arthritis Rheumatol 67(9): 2415-26, SEP 2015.
Russo, PR: Enteropathies of infancy. Diagnostic Histopathology 21(6): 246-256, June 2015.
Arva NC, Russo PA, Erlichman J, Hancock WW, Haber BA, Bhatti TR: The inflammatory phenotype of the fibrous plate is distinct from the liver and correlates with clinical outcome in biliary atresia. Pathol Res Pract 211(3): 252-60, Mar 2015.
Russo P: Pediatric Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Springer-Verlag. Mamula P, Markowitz J E, Baldassano RN, Grossman AB, Kelsen JR (eds.). Third Edition, June 2017.
Russo P, Ruchelli E, Piccoli DM: Pathology of Pediatric GI and Liver Disease. Springer-Verlag Second Edition, 2014.
Ruso P, Ruchelli E, Piccoli DM: Pathology of Pediatric GI and Liver Disease. Springer-Verlag. Russo P, Ruchelli E, Piccoli DM (eds.). Springer-Verlag, New York, New York 2004.
Editorials, Reviews, Chapters
Russo P: Inherited Intrahepatic Cholestatic Disorders and Disorders of Bilirubin metabolism. Metabolic Diseases. Gilbert-Barness E, Barnes LW and Farrell PM (eds.). Eaton Publishing, Natick, MA, Page: 577-607, 2017.
Russo P: Chapter 14 The Gastrointestinal Tract. Pediatric Pathology. Husain AN, Stoker JT, Dehner LP (eds.). Wolters Kluwer, Page: 581-653, 2016.
Russo, P, Huff, D: Surgical Pathology of the GI Tract, Liver, Biliary Tract and Pancreas. Congenital and Developmental Disorders of the GI Tract. Elsevier. Goldblum J, Crawford J (eds.). Third Edition, 2014.
Russo, P: Surgical Pathology of the GI Tract, Liver, Biliary Tract and Pancreas. GI Tract Pediatric Enteropathies of Infancy and Childhood. Elsevier. Odze, RD , Goldblum J, Crawford J (eds.). Third Edition, 2014.
Saxena R and Russo P: Chapter 13, Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency. Practical Hepatic Pathology. Saxena R, Leslie K O, Wick M R (eds.). Elsevier, Philadelphia, 2011.
Russo P: Chapter 4, Liver. Color Atlas of Fetal and Neonatal Histology. Ernst LM, Ruchelli ED, Huff DS (eds.). Springer, New York, 2011.
Russo P: Chapter 15, Cystic Fibrosis. Practical Hepatic Pathology. Saxena R, Leslie K O, Wick M R (eds.). Elsevier, Philadelphia, SEP 2011.
Russo P: Enteropathies of Infancy. Current Concepts in Pediatric Pathology. Parham, D, Guest Editor, Goldblum, J, Consulting Editor (eds.). 3(3), SEP 2010.
Russo P, Huff D: Chapter 8, Surgical pathology of the GI tract, Liver, Biliary Tract and Pancreas. Congenital and developmental Disorders of the GI tract, Second Edition. Goldblum J and Crawford J (eds.). Elsevier, Page: 145-168, 2009.
Russo P: Chapter 9, Surgical pathology of the GI tract, Liver, Biliary Tract and Pancreas. GI Tract Pediatric Enteropathies of Infancy and Childhood, second edition. Odze RD, Goldblum J and Crawford J (eds.). Elsevier, Page: 169-184, 2009.
Russo P: Chapter 26, Potter's Diseases of the Fetus and Infant. Liver disease, Second edition, Volume 2 Gilbert-Barness E, Kapur R and Oligny L (eds.). Mosby Elsevier, Page: 1207-1280, 2007.
Mitchell GA, Russo PA, Dubois J. Alvarez F: Chapter 29, Tyrosinemia. Tyrosinemia. Liver Disease in Children, Third edition. Suchy FJ, Sokol RJ, Balistreri WF (eds.). Cambridge University Press, 2007.
Piccoli DA and Russo P: Disorders of the Intrahepatic Ducts. Pediatric Gastrointestinal Disease, Chapter 50. Alan Walker, Goulet O, Kleinman RE, Sherman PM, Shneider BL, Sanderson IR, editors, Fourth edition (eds.). BC Decker Inc. Hamilton, Ontario, Page: 1094-1121, 2004.
Mitchell GA, Russo PA, Dubois J. Alvarez F: Tyrosinemia. Liver Disease in Children, Chapter 29. Suchy F (eds.). Mosby-Year Book, Inc, St. Louis, MO, 2nd Edition, Page: 667-686. 2001.
Seidman EG, Russo P: Gastrointestinal Manifestations of HIV Infection and Other Secondary Immunodeficiencies. Pediatric Gastrointestinal Disease. Allan-Walker A, Duric PR, Hamilton JR, Walker-Smith JA, Watkins JB, (eds.). Mosby-Year Book, Inc., 3rd Edition, Page: 548-568, 2000.
Saad F, Russo P, Valiquette L: Chapter 17, in Physiopathologie des maladies du rein et des voices urinaries. Tumuers urologique. Querin S, Valiquette L, eds (eds.). Edisem Maloine, 1999.
Russo P, Valiquette L, Marion A: Anatomie et histology du rein, des voles urinaires et des organs génitaux masculins. Physiopathologie des maladies du rein et des voices urinaires, Chapter 1. Quérin S, Valiquette L, (eds.). Edisem Maloine, 1999.
Querin S, Russo P, Robitaille P, Marion A: Glomérulopathies. Physiopathologie des maladies du rein et des voices urinaries. Quérin S, Valiquette L (eds.). Edisem Maloine, 1999.
Russo P, Doyon J, Sonsino E. Ogier H, Saudubray JM: Inborn Errors of Cobalamin Metabolism and the Hemolytic-Uremic Syndrome In 'Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome and Thrombotic Thrombocytopenia Purpura' Kaplan BS, Trompeter RS, Moake JL, eds. Vol. 10 of the series 'Kidney Disease', Cameron JS, Glassock RJ, Whelton A, series (eds.). Marcel Dekker, Inc, New York. Page: 225-270, 1992.