Jennifer M. Lynch, MD, PhD
About Jennifer M. Lynch, MD, PhD
Associate Division Chief for Research, Division of Cardiothoracic Anesthesiology
Awards and Honors
2021, First Place, Original Research Oral Presentation at PARRC
2015, Zachary Lederer Memorial Clinical Research Scholarship
2015, The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Outstanding Poster Presentation
2014, Cardiology 2014 Outstanding Investigator of the Year
2014, The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Distinguished Trainee Award
2009, summa cum laude, Emory University
Leadership and Memberships
Memberships in Professional Organizations
American Academy of Pediatrics
Cardiac Neurodevelopmental Outcome Collaborative
Congenital Cardiac Anesthesia Society
- Research Committee Member
Optical Society of America
- Optics and the Brain Committee for the 2022 Biophotonics Congress
Society for Pediatric Anesthesia
Editorial and Academic Positions
Editorial Positions
Journal of Clinical Medicine
American Journal of Physiology-Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology
Journal of Child Science
Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment
Journal of Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine
Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism
Education & training
Graduate Degree
PhD - University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
MS - University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
Medical Degree
MD - New York University School of Medicine, New York, NY
Pediatrics - Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA
Anesthesiology - Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania
Pediatric Cardiac Anesthesia - Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA
Lynch JM, Mavroudis CD, Ko TS, Jacobwitz M, Busch DR, Xiao R, Nicolson SC, Montenegro LM, Gaynor JW, Yodh AG, Licht DJ, Association of ongoing cerebral oxygen extraction during deep hypothermic circulatory arrest with post-operative brain injury. Seminars in Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery. 2021.
Flanders TM, Lang S, Ko TS, Andersen KN, Jahnavi J, Flibotte JJ, Licht DJ, Tasian GE, Stoardi ST, Yodh AG, Lynch JM, Kennedy BC, Storm PB, White BR, Heuer GG, Baker WB. “Optical Detection of Intracranial Pressure with Perfusion Changes in Neonates with Hydrocephalus”. The Journal of Pediatrics. 2021.
Mavroudis CD, Ko TS, Volk LE, Smood B, Morgan RW, Lynch JM, Davarajan M, Boorady TW, Licht DJ, Gaynor JW, Mascio CE, Kilbaugh TJ. “Does supply meet demand? A comparison of perfusion strategies on cerebral metabolism in a neonatal swine model. The Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery. 2020.
Busch DR, Baker WB, Mavroudis CD, Ko TS, Lynch, JM, McCarthy AL, DuPont-Thibodeau G, Buckley EM, Jacobwitz M, Boorady TW, Mensah-Brown K, Connely JT, Yodh AG, Kilbaugh TJ, Licht DJ. “Noninvasive optical measurement of microvascular cerebral hemodynamics and autoregulation in the neonatal ECMO patient“. Pediatric Research. 2020;88:925-933
Ko T, Mavroudis CD, Baker WB, Morano VC, Mensah-Brown K, Boorady TW, Schmidt AL, Lynch JM, Busch DR, Gentile J, Bratinov G, Lin Y, Jeong S, Melchior RW, Rosenthal TM, Shade BC, Schiavo KL, Xiao R, Gaynor JW, Yodh AG, Kilbaugh TJ, Licht DJ. “Non-invasive optical neuromonitoring of the temperature-dependence of cerebral oxygen metabolism during deep hypothermic cardiopulmonary bypass in neonatal swine.” The Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism. 2020;40(1):187-203.
Lynch JM, Ko T, Busch DR, Newland JJ, Winters ME, Mensah-Brown K, Boorady TW, Xiao R, Nicolson SC, Montenegro LM, Gaynor JW, Spray TL, Yodh AG, Naim MY, Licht DJ. “Pre-Operative Cerebral Hemodynamics from Birth to Surgery in Neonates with Critical Congenital Heart Disease.” The Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery. 2018;156(4):1657-1664.
Smith B, Vu E, Kibler K, Rusin CG, Easley RB, Andropolous D, Heinle J, Czosnyka M, Licht DJ, Lynch JM, Brady KM. “Does hypothermia impair cerebrovascular autoregulation in neonates during cardiopulmonary bypass?” Pediatric Anesthesia. 2017;27(9):905-910.
Busch DR, Lynch JM, Winters ME, McCarthy AL, Newland JJ, Ko TK, Cornaglia MA, Radcliffe J, McDonough JM, Samuel J, Matthews E, Xiao R, Yodh AG, Marcus CL, Licht DJ, Tapia IE. “Cerebral Blood Flow Response to Hypercapnia in Children with Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome.” Sleep. 2016;39(1):209-216.
McCarthy AL, Winters ME, Busch DR, Gonzalez-Giraldo E, Ko TS, Lynch JM, Schwab PJ, Xiao R, Buckley EM, Vossough A, Licht DJ. “Scoring system for periventricular leukomalacia in infants with congenital heart disease.” Pediatric Research. 2015;78(3):304-309.
Lynch JM, Buckley EM, Schwab PJ, McCarthy AL, Winters ME, Busch DR, Xiao R, Nicolson SC, Montenegro LM, Fuller S, Gaynor JW, Spray TL, Yodh AG, Naim MY, Licht DJ. “Time to surgery and preoperative cerebral oxygenation predict postoperative ischemic injury in hypoplastic left heart syndrome.” The Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery. 2014;148(5):2181-2188.
Jain V and Buckley EM, Licht DJ, Lynch JM, Schwab PJ, Naim MY, Lavin NA, Nicolson SC, Montenegro LM, Yodh AG, Wehrli FW. “Cerebral Oxygen Metabolism in Neonates with Congenital Heart Disease Quantified by MRI and Optics.” Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism. 2014;34:380-388.
Lynch JM, Buckley EM, Schwab PJ, Busch DR, Hanna BD, Putt ME, Licht DJ, Yodh AG. “Non-invasive optical quantification of cerebral venous oxygen saturation in humans.” Academic Radiology. 2014;21(2):162-167.
Jalali A, Buckley E, Lynch J, Schwab P, Licht D, Natara C. “Prediction of Periventricular Leukomalacia Occurrence in Neonates After Heart Surgery.” IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics. 2013;18(4):1453-1460.
Buckley EM, Naim MY, Lynch JM, Goff DA, Diaz LK, Nicolson SC, Montenegro LM, Lavin NA, Durduran T, Spray TL, Gaynor JW, Putt ME, Yodh AG, Fogel MA, Licht DJ. “Sodium Bicarbonate Causes Dose-Dependent Increases in Cerebral Blood Flow in Infants and Children with Single Ventricle Physiology.” Pediatric Research. 2013;73(5):688-673.
Buckley EM, Lynch JM, Goff DA, Schwab PJ, Baker WB, Durduran T, Busch DR, Nicolson SC, Montenegro LM,, Naim MY, Xiao R, Spray TL, Yodh AG, Gaynor JW, Licht DJ. “Early Post-Operative Changes in Cerebral Oxygen Metabolism Following Neonatal Cardiac Surgery: Effects of Surgical Duration.” The Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery. 2012;145(1):196-205.
Buckley EM, Hance D, Pawlowski T, Lynch JM, Wilson FB, Mesquita RC, Durduran T, Diaz LZ, Putt ME, Licht DJ, Fogel MA, and Yodh AG. “Validation of diffuse correlation spectroscopic measurements of cerebral blood flow using phase encoded velocity mapping MRI.” Journal of Biomedical Optics. 2012;17(3):037007.
Lynch JM and Contijoch F, Pokrajac DD, Maidment ADA, Bakic PR. “Shape analysis of simulated breast anatomical structures.” Presented at SPIE Medical Imaging 2012;Physics of Medical Imaging, San Diego, CA. 2012.
Lynch JM, Cianci GC, and Weeks ER. “Dynamics and structure of an aging binary colloidal glass.” Physical Review E, 2008;78:031410.
Lynch JM et al. “Playing with ridiculously expensive black dust: an exploration into the regime of Buckminsterfullerene surface chemistry.” Journal of the PGSS, 2004;23:61-99.
Lectures by Invitation
Lynch JM. “Monitoring the Vulnerable Period Between Delivery and Surgical Treatment to Improve Neurological Outcomes” – Cardiology 2022: 25th Annual Update on Pediatric and Congenital Cardiovascular Disease, Huntington Beach, CA. Sept. 2, 2022.
Lynch JM. “Diffuse Optics: Shedding Light on Risk for Brain Injury in Congenital Heart Disease” – Texas Children’s Department of Anesthesiology, Perioperative and Pain Medicine PCVA Conference. June 30, 2022.