Sophie C. Foss, PhD
About Sophie C. Foss, PhD
Pediatric Neuropsychologist
Awards and Honors
2020, Conference Funding Award, Boston Children’s Hospital Postdoctoral Association
2018, Society for Research in Child Development SECC Dissertation Funding Award
2018, Donald Routh Research and Dissertation Grant
2018, Psi Chi/Mamie Phipps Clark Graduate Research Grant
2018, National Psychologist Trainee Register Credentialing Scholarship
2017, American Psychological Foundation/COGDOP Graduate Research Scholarship
2017, 2018 - Conference Funding Award, Long Island University
2015, National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship, Honorable Mention
2013, National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship, Honorable Mention
2010, University Honors Scholar / Founders’ Day Award, New York University
2010, magna cum laude, New York University
2006-2010, College of Arts & Science Dean’s List (all semesters), New York University
Leadership and Memberships
Memberships in Professional Organizations
American Psychological Association
Society for Research in Child Development
The International Neuropsychological Society
Editorial and Academic Positions
Editorial Positions
Peer reviewer
Child Development
Development and Psychopathology
Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society
Neuropsychology Review
The Clinical Neuropsychologist
Education & training
Undergraduate Degree
BA in Anthropology - New York University, New York, NY
Graduate Degree
PhD in Clinical Psychology - Long Island University, Brooklyn, NY
MA in Psychology - Long Island University, Brooklyn, NY
Pediatric Neuropsychology - Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA
Pediatric Neuropsychology - Boston Children’s Hospital, Boston MA
Clinical Fellowship, Department of Psychiatry - Harvard Medical School, Cambridge, MA
Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental Disability (LEND) Fellowship - Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA
Foss, S., Petty, C. R., Howell, C., Mendonca, J., Bosse, A., Waber, D. P., Wright, R. J., Bosquet Enlow, M. (2022). Associations among maternal lifetime trauma, psychological symptoms in pregnancy, and infant stress reactivity and regulation. Development and Psychopathology, epub ahead of print.
Foss, S., Gustafsson, H. C., Berry, O. J., Werner, E. A., Hipwell, A. E., Peterson, B. S., & Monk, C. (2021). Associations between childhood maltreatment, poor sleep, and prenatal distress in pregnant adolescents. Development and Psychopathology.
Trumpff, C., Sturm, G., Picard, M., Foss, S., Lee, S., Feng, T., Cardenas, A., McCormack, C., Champagne, F. A., & Monk, C. (2021). Added sugar intake during pregnancy: Fetal behavior, birth outcomes, and placental DNA methylation. Developmental Psychobiology, 00, 1-12.
Merz, E. C., Monk, C., Xu, D., Hao, X., Bansal, R., Foss, S., & Peterson, B. (2020). Neonatal brain metabolite concentrations: Associations with age, sex, and developmental outcomes. PLOS ONE, 15(12).
Foss, S., Flanders, T. M., Heuer, G., & Schreiber, J. (2019). Neurobehavioral outcomes of myelomeningocele. Neurosurgical Focus, 47(4), E6.
Padula, A., Monk, C., Brennan, P., Borders, A., Barrett, E. S., McEvoy, C., Foss, S., … & Morello-Frosch, R. (2019). A review of maternal prenatal exposures to environmental chemicals and psychosocial stressors - implications for research on perinatal outcomes in the ECHO Program. The Journal of Perinatology, 40, 10-24.
Merz, E. C., McDonough, L., Huang, Y. L., Foss, S., Werner, E. A., & Monk, C. (2017). The mobile conjugate reinforcement paradigm in a lab setting. Developmental Psychobiology, 59(5), 668-672.
Spann, M., Smerling, J., Gustafsson, H.C., Foss, S., & Monk, C. (2015). Deficient maternal zinc intake - but not stress - is associated with lower fetal heart rate variability. Early Human Development, 91(3), 169-172.
Spann, M., Smerling, J., Gustafsson, H.C., Foss, S., & Monk, C. (2014). Fetal neurobehavioral development and the role of maternal nutrient intake and psychological health. Zero to Three, 34(4), 46-50.
Editorials, Reviews, Chapters
Monk, C., Foss, S., Desai, P., & Glover, V. (2018). Fetal exposure to mother’s distress: New frontiers in research and usefulness of knowledge in daily clinical practice. In R. M. Quatraro & P. Grussu (Eds.), Handbook of Perinatal Clinical Psychology.