David Matthew Biko, MD, MBA
Locations: Main Building
About David Matthew Biko, MD, MBA
Attending Radiologist
Assistant Professor of Radiology, Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania
Diagnostic Radiology – American Board of Radiology
Pediatric Radiology – American Board of Radiology
Awards and Honors
2021, Best Poster Award, North American Society of Cardiovascular Imaging (NASCI) Annual Meeting
2018 & 2019, Caffey Award - Best Clinical Research Paper, Society of Pediatric Radiology Annual Meeting, Nashville, TN
2014, United States Air Force Commendation Medal with One Oak Leaf Cluster, United States Air Force
2013, Teacher of the Year, Diagnostic Imaging, David Grant Medical Center
2012, Captain John Stockel Resident Teacher of the Year, Walter Reed National Military Medical Center
2012, United States Air Force Commendation Medal, United States Air Force
2009, 1st Place Resident Research Day, Pennsylvania Hospital, University of Pennsylvania Health System, Philadelphia, PA
2008, 3rd Place Resident Research Day, Pennsylvania Hospital, University of Pennsylvania Health System, Philadelphia, PA
1998, Donald U. Noblet Prize in Chemical Engineering, Lafayette College, Easton, PA
1998, Maroon Club Male Scholar-Athlete of the Year, Lafayette College, Easton, PA,
1998, Class of 1913 Trophy Male Scholar-Athlete of the Year, Lafayette College, Easton, PA
1998, Patriot League Scholar Athlete of the Year, Men's Outdoor Track, Lafayette College, Easton, PA
1996, Tau Beta Pi National Engineering Honor Society
Leadership and Memberships
Memberships in Professional Organizations
2017-present, European Society of Pediatric Radiology
2017-present, Society of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance
- 2021-present, Pediatric/Congenital Heart Disease Steering Committee
2010-present, Radiological Society of North America
2010-present, North American Society of Cardiovascular Imaging
- 2017-present, Research and Awards Committee
2015-present, American Institute for Radiologic Pathology
2013-present, American Roentgen Ray Society
2010-present, Society for Pediatric Radiology
- 2019-present, Cardiac Imaging Committee, Vice Chair
- 2018-present, Cardiac Imaging Committee
- 2017-present, Thoracic Imaging Committee
2010-present, American College of Radiology
- 2020-present, Writing Committee to revise the ACR-NASCI-SPR Practice Parameter for the Performance and Interpretation of Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
- 2020-present, Writing Committee to revise the ACR-NASCI-SPR Practice Parameter for the Performance and Interpretation of Cardiac Computed Tomography (CT)
- 2016-present, Practice Parameters and Technical Standards Cardiovascular Imaging
Editorial and Academic Positions
Editorial Positions
2012-present, Associate Editor, American Institute of Radiologic Pathology Pediatric Showcase
2021-present, Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance
2021-present, Radiographics
2021-present, Radiology
2021-present, Radiology: Cardiothoracic Imaging
2020-present, European Radiology
2020-present, Radiological Society of North America Case Collection
2018-present, Acta Radiologica
2017-present, Cardiovascular Engineering and Technology
2017-present, American Journal of Roentgenology
2017-present, Pediatric Pulmonology
2016-present, Clinical Imaging
2016-present, American Journal of Cardiology
2016-present, Inflammatory Bowel Diseases
2014-present, Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging
2014-present, Pediatric Radiology
2010-present, Clinical Radiology
2010-present, Academic Radiology
2010-present, Journal of Pediatric Surgery
Academic and Institutional Committees
2016-present, Member, ACR Practice Parameters and Technical Standards Cardiovascular Imaging
Education & training
Graduate Degree
MBA - Penn State University, University Park, PA
Medical Degree
MD - Georgetown University School of Medicine, Washington, DC
Medicine - Washington Hospital Center, Washington, DC
Diagnostic Radiology - Pennsylvania Hospital, University of Pennsylvania Health System, Philadelphia, PA
Pediatric Radiology - The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA
Francavilla ML, Serai SD, Brandon TG, Biko DM, Khrichenko D, Nguyen JC, Xiao R, Chauvin NA, Gendler L, Weiss PF: Feasibility of T2 Mapping of the Sacroiliac Joints in Healthy Control Subjects and Children and Young Adults with Sacroiliitis. ACR Open Rheumatol 4(1): 74-82, Jan 2022 Notes: doi: 10.1002/acr2.11354. Epub 2021 Nov 10.
Francavilla ML, Serai SD, Brandon TG, Biko DM, Khrichenko D, Nguyen JC, Xiao R, Chauvin NA, Gendler L, Weiss PF.: Feasibility of T2 Mapping of the Sacroiliac Joints in Healthy Control Subjects and Children and Young Adults with Sacroiliitis. American College of Radiology Open Rheumatology 4(1): 74-82, Jan 2022 Notes: doi: 10.1002/acr2.11354. Epub 2021 Nov 10.
Smith, C. L., Liu, M., Saravanan, M., Dewitt, A. G., Biko, D. M., Pinto, E. M., Escobar, F. A., Krishnamurthy, G., Brownell, J. N., Mamula, P., Glatz, A. C., Gillespie, M. J., O'Byrne, M. L., Ravishankar, C., Rome, J. J., & Dori, Y: Liver lymphatic anatomy and role in systemic lymphatic disease. European Radiology 32(1): 112-121, Jan 2022 Notes: doi: 10.1007/s00330-021-08098-z. Epub 2021 Jun 24.
ekeler, E., Krishnamurthy, G., Smith, C. L., Escobar, F. A., Pinto, E., Rapp, J. B., Otero, H. J., White, A. M., Dori, Y., & Biko, D. M.: Dynamic contrast-enhanced MR lymphangiography: feasibility of using ferumoxytol in patients with chronic kidney disease. European Radiology Jan 2022 Notes: DOI: 10.1007/s00330-021-08448-x; Online ahead of print as of January 2022.
Karen I. Ramirez-Suarez, Hansel J. Otero, David M. Biko, Yoav Dori, Christopher L. Smith, Chris Feudtner, Ammie M. White: Magnetic resonance lymphangiography in post-Fontan palliation patients with MR non-conditional cardiac electronic devices: An institutional experience. Clinical Imaging Feb 2022 Notes: In press as of March 2022; https://doi.org/10.1016/j.clinimag.2022.02.016.
Lee, E., Biko, D. M., Sherk, W., Masch, W. R., Ladino-Torres, M., & Agarwal, P. P.: Understanding Lymphatic Anatomy and Abnormalities at Imaging. Radiographics: a review publication of the Radiological Society of North America, Inc, 210104 Feb 2022 Notes: Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1148/rg.210104.
Ensar Yekeler, Karen I Ramirez Suarez, Jordan B Rapp, Ammie M White, Hansel J Otero, Kevin K Whitehead, Matthew A Harris, Mark A Fogel, David M Biko, MD : Determination of Contrast Timing by Time-Resolved MR Angiography in Patients with Bidirectional Glenn and Hemi-Fontan Anastomoses. Journal of Computer Assisted Tomography March 2022 Notes: Accepted as of March 2022.
Biko DM, Ramirez-Suarez KI, Barrera CA, Banjaree A, Matsubara D, Kaplan SL, Cohn KA, Rapp JB: Imaging of Children with COVID-19: Experience from a Tertiary Children's Hospital in the United States. Pediatric radiology 51(2): 239-247, Feb 2021.
Nguyen JC, Biko DM, Nguyen MK, Othman S, Weber KL, Ganley TJ, Arkader A : Magnetic resonance imaging features of intra-articular tenosynovial giant cell tumor in children. Pediatric radiology 51(3): 441-449, Mar 2021.
Pinto E, Dori Y, Smith C, DeWitt A, Williams C, Griffis H, Escobar F, Biko DM, Krishnamurthy G, Rome JJ, Glatz AC, Liu M, Ravishankar C, Zhang H, Taha D: Neonatal lymphatic flow disorders: impact of lymphatic imaging and interventions on outcomes. Journal of Perinatology 41(3): 494-501, Mar 2021.
Barreraa CA, Andronikoua S,Tapiab IE, White AM, Biko DM, Rapp JB, Zhu X, Otero HJ: Normal age-related quantitative CT values in the pediatric lung: from the first breath to adulthood. Clinical Imaging 75, Jul 2021.
Beroukhim, R. S., Ghelani, S., Ashwath, R., Balasubramanian, S., Biko, D. M., Buddhe, S., Campbell, M. J., Cross, R., Festa, P., Griffin, L., Grotenhuis, H., Hasbani, K., Hashemi, S., Hegde, S., Hussain, T., Jain, S., Kiaffas, M., Kutty, S., Lam, C. Z., Liberato, G., Geva, T: Accuracy of Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging Diagnosis of Pediatric Cardiac Masses: A Multicenter Study. JACC. Cardiovascular imaging S1936-878X(21): 00563-5, Aug 2021 Notes: DOI: 10.1016/j.jcmg.2021.07.010, Online ahead of print as of December 2021.
Brownell, J. N., Biko, D. M., Mamula, P., Krishnamurthy, G., Escobar, F., Srinivasan, A., Laje, P., Piccoli, D. A., Pinto, E., Smith, C. L., & Dori, Y.: Dynamic Contrast Magnetic Resonance Lymphangiography Localizes Lymphatic Leak to the Duodenum in Protein-losing Enteropathy. Journal of pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition Aug 2021 Notes: DOI: 10.1097/MPG.0000000000003287, Online ahead of print as of December 2021.
Herz, C., Cianciulli, A., Ching, S., Vigil, C., Lasso, A., Nam, H. H., Drouin, S., Biko, D. M., Gillespie, M., Fichtinger, G., & Jolley, M. A.: Open-Source Tool Kit for Interactive Planning of Transcatheter Mitral Valve Replacement Using Multimodality Imaging. Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography: official publication of the American Society of Echocardiography 34(8): 917-920, Aug 2021.
Barrera, C. A., Johnson, A. M., Rychik, J., Biko, D. M., Degenhardt, K., Moldenhauer, J. S., & Victoria, T.: Prognostic value of the nutmeg lung pattern/lymphangiectasia on fetal magnetic resonance imaging. Pediatric radiology 51(10): 1809-1817, Sep 2021.
Cianciulli, A., Lasso, A., Pinter, C., Ching, S., Ghosh, R. M., Chen, T., Herz, C., Vigil, C., Drouin, S., Rogers, L. S., Quartermain, M. D., Biko, D. M., Whitehead, K. K., Fichtinger, G., Gillespie, M. J., & Jolley, M. A: Simulation of Delivery of Clip-Based Therapies Within Multimodality Images to Facilitate Preprocedural Planning. Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography: official publication of the American Society of Echocardiography 34(10): 1111-1114, Oct 2021.
Lemley, B. A., Biko, D. M., Dewitt, A. G., Glatz, A. C., Goldberg, D. J., Saravanan, M., O'Byrne, M. L., Pinto, E., Ravishankar, C., Rome, J. J., Smith, C. L., & Dori, Y.: Intrahepatic Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Lymphangiography: Potential Imaging Signature for Protein-Losing Enteropathy in Congenital Heart Disease. Journal of the American Heart Association 10(19): e021542, Oct 2021 Notes: DOI: 10.1161/JAHA.121.021542.
Francavilla, Michael L; Serai, Suraj; Brandon, Timothy G; Biko, David M; Khrichenko, Dmitry; Nguyen, Jie C; Xiao, Rui; Chauvin N; Gendler, Liya; Weiss, Pamela F: Feasibility of T2 mapping of the sacroiliac joints in healthy controls and children and young adults with sacroiliitis. ACR Open Rheumatology Nov 2021 Notes: DOI: 10.1002/acr2.11354, Online ahead of print as of December 2021.
Brandon, T. G., Xiao, R., Peterson, R. G., Chauvin, N. A., Francavilla, M. L., Biko, D. M., Rumsey, D. G., Stoll, M. L., & Weiss, P. F.: Changes over time in inflammatory and structural lesions at the sacroiliac joint in children with spondyloarthritis exposed and unexposed to tumor necrosis factor inhibitor. Pediatric rheumatology online journal 19(1): 167, Dec 2021 Notes: DOI: 10.1186/s12969-021-00647-6.
Ramirez-Suarez, K. I., Barrera, C. A., Otero, H. J., Biko, D. M., States, L. J., Servaes, S., Zhu, X., Davis, J. C., Piccione, J., & Rapp, J. B. (2021). Pilot Study for comparative assessment of Dual-energy CT and SPECT-CT V/Q scanning for lung perfusion evaluation in infants.: Pilot Study for comparative assessment of Dual-energy CT and SPECT-CT V/Q scanning for lung perfusion evaluation in infants. Pediatric pulmonology December 2021 Notes: Online ahead of print as of January 2022; DOI: 10.1002/ppul.25788.
Shiraga, K., Ozcelik, N., Harris, M. A., Whitehead, K. K., Biko, D. M., Partington, S. L., & Fogel, M.A.: Imposition of Fontan physiology: Effects on strain and global measures of ventricular function. The Journal of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery 162(6): 1813-1822, Dec 2021 Notes: DOI: 10.1016/j.jtcvs.2021.02.034.
Barrera CA, Otero HJ, White AM, Saul D, Biko DM: Image Quality of ECG-Triggered High-Pitch, Dual-Source Computed Tomography Angiography for Cardiovascular Assessment in Children. Current Problems in Diagnostic Radiology 49(1): 23-28, Jan-Feb 2020.
Barrera, C. A., Saul, D., Rapp, J. B., Smith, C. L., White, A. M., Biko, D. M., & Otero, H. J.: Diagnostic performance of CT angiography to detect pulmonary vein stenosis in children. The international journal of cardiovascular imaging 36(1): 141-147, Jan 2020.
Weiss PF, Maksymowych WP, Xiao X, Biko DM, Francavilla ML, Lambert RG, Jaremko JL, Heshin-Bekenstein M, Brandon T, Chauvin NA: Spondyloarthritis Research Consortium of Canada sacroiliac joint inflammation and structural scores: change score reliability and recalibration utility in children. Arthritis Research & Therapy 22(1): 58, Mar 2020 Notes: doi: 10.1186/s13075-020-02157-4.
Cohen SA, Biko DM, Kaplan DL, Barrera CA, Russo ME, Nguyen JC: MRI Findings of Infectious Sacroiliitis in Children: Are There Age-Dependent Differences. American Journal of Roentgenology 214(4): 923-929, Apr 2020 Notes: DOI: 10.2214/AJR.19.22131.
Ghosh, R. M., Griffis, H. M., Glatz, A. C., Rome, J. J., Smith, C. L., Gillespie, M. J., Whitehead, K. K., O'Byrne, M. L., Biko, D. M., Ravishankar, C., Dewitt, A. G., & Dori, Y: Prevalence and Cause of Early Fontan Complications: Does the Lymphatic Circulation Play a Role. Journal of the American Heart Association 9(7): e015318, Apr 2020 Notes: https://doi.org/10.1161/JAHA.119.015318.
Chidambaram AG, Dennis RA, Biko DM, Hook M, Allen J, Rapp JB: Clinical and Radiological Characteristics of E-cigarette or Vaping Product Use Associated Lung Injury. Emergency Radiology Page: 1-7, May 2020 Notes: DOI: 10.1007/s10140-020-01796-z.
Wu KY, Jensen EA, White AM, Wang Y, Biko DM, Nilan K, Fraga MV, Mercer-Rosa L, Zhang H, Kirpalani H: Characterization of Disease Phenotype in Very Preterm Infants with Severe Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 201(11): 1398-1406, Jun 2020 Notes: DOI: 10.1164/rccm.201907-1342OC.
Mejia EJ, Otero H, Smith CL, Shipman M, Liu M, Pinto E, DeWitt A, Rome JJ, Dori Y, Biko DM: A novel imaging technique to determine thoracic duct patency using contrast enhanced ultrasound. Journal of vascular and interventional radiology: JVIR 31(10): 1670-1674, Jul 2020.
Barrera CA, Victoria T, Escobar FA, Krishnamurthy G, Smith CL, Moldenhauer JS, Biko DM: Imaging of fetal lymphangiectasias: prenatal and postnatal imaging
findings. Pediatric radiology 50(13): 1872-1880, Dec 2020 Notes: Doi:
Biko, D. M., Reisen, B., Otero, H. J., Ravishankar, C., Victoria, T., Glatz, A. C., Rome, J. J., & Dori, Y.: Imaging of central lymphatic abnormalities in Noonan syndrome. Pediatric radiology 49(5): 586-592, May 2019.
Biko DM, Dewitt AG, Pinto EM, NP2, Morrison RE, Johnstone JA, Griffis H, O'Byrne ML, Fogel MA, Harris MA, Partington SL, Whitehead KK, Saul D, Goldberg DJ, Rychik J, Glatz AC, Gillespie MJ, Rome JJ, Dori Y: MRI evaluation of Lymphatic Abnormalities in the Neck and Thorax after Fontan surgery: relationship with outcome. Radiology 291(3): 774-780, Jun 2019.
Biko DM, Gaynor JW, Partington SL, Harris MA, Whitehead KK, Trusty P, Yoganathan A, Fogel MA: Relationship of Aortic Stiffness to Exercise and Ventricular Volumes in Single Ventricles. The Annals of Thoracic Surgery 108(2): 574-580, Aug 2019.
Barrera CA, Khrichenko D, Serai SD, Hartung HD, Biko DM, Otero HJ: Biexponential R2* Relaxometry for estimation of liver iron concentration in children: A better fit for high liver iron states. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 50(4): 1191-1198, Oct 2019.
Biko DM, Smith CL, Otero H, Saul D, White A, Dewitt A, Glatz AC, Piccoli D, Mamula P, Rome JJ, Dori Y: Intrahepatic Dynamic Contrast MR Lymphangiography: Initial Experience with a New Technique for the Assessment of Liver Lymphatics. European Radiology 29(10): 5190-5196, Oct 2019.
Barrera CA, White AM, Shepherd AM, Mecca P, Biko DM, Saul D, Otero HJ: Contrast Extravasation using Power Injectors for Contrast-Enhanced Computed Tomography in Children: Frequency and Injury Severity. Academic Radiology 26(12): 1668-1674, Dec 2019.
Weiss PF, Maksymowych WP, Lambert RG, Jaremko JL, Biko DM, Paschke J, Brandon TG, Xiao R, Chauvin NA: Feasibility and reliability of the Spondyloarthritis Research Consortium of Canada sacroiliac joint inflammation score in children. Arthritis Research & Therapy 2018 Notes: [Epub ahead of print]
Biko DM, Reisen B, Otero H, Ravishankar C, Victoria T, Glatz AC, Rome JJ, Dori Y: Imaging of Central Lymphatic Abnormalities in Noonan Syndrome. Pediatric radiology 2018 Notes: [Epub ahead of print]
Barrera CA, Otero HJ, White AM, Saul D, Biko DM: Image Quality of ECG-Triggered High-Pitch, Dual-Source Computed Tomography Angiography for Cardiovascular Assessment in Children. Current Problems in Diagnostic Radiology 2018 Notes: [In press]
Rapp JB, Anupindi SA, Maya CL, Biko DM: Assessment of Normal Jejunum with Diffusion Weighted Imaging on MRE in Children. Pediatric radiology 48(12): 1763-1770, Nov 2018.
Biko DM, Johnstone JA, Dori Y, Victoria T, Oliver ER, Itkin M: Recognition of Neonatal Lymphatic Flow Disorder: Fetal MR Findings and Postnatal MR Lymphangiogram Correlation. Academic Radiology 25(11): 1446-1450, Nov 2018.
Barrera CA, Otero H, White A, Saul D, Biko DM: Depiction of the native coronary arteries during ECG-triggered High-Pitch Dual-Source Coronary Computed Tomography Angiography in children: Determinants of image quality. Clinical Imaging 52: 240-245, Nov-Dec 2018.
Weiss PF, Maksymowych WP, Lambert RG, Jaremko JL, Biko DM, Paschke J, Brandon TG, Xiao R, Chauvin NA: Feasibility and reliability of the Spondyloarthritis Research Consortium of Canada sacroiliac joint structural score in children. The Journal of Rheumatology 45(10): 1411-1417, Oct 2018.
Nelson CE, Chen AE, Bellah RD, Biko DM, Ho-Fung VM, Francavilla ML, Xiao R, Kaplan SL: Ultrasound features of purulent skin and soft tissue infection without abscess. Emergency Radiology 25(5): 505-511, Oct 2018.
Weiss PF, Xiao R, Brandon TG, David Biko DM, Maksymowych WP, Lambert RG, Jaremko JL, Chauvin NA: Radiographs in screening for sacroiliitis in children: what is the value? Arthritis Research & Therapy 20(1): 141, Jul 2018.
Nadolski GJ, Ponce-Dorrego MD, Darge K, Biko DM, Itkin M: Validation of the position of injection needles with contrast-enhanced ultrasound for dynamic contrast-enhanced MR lymphangiography. Journal of vascular and interventional radiology : JVIR 29(7): 1028-1030, Jul 2018.
O'Dell MC, Chauvin NA, Jaramillo D, Biko DM: MR Imaging Features of Cuboid Fractures in Children. Pediatric radiology 48(5): 680-685, May 2018.
Biko DM, Mamula P, Chauvin NA, Anupindi SA: Colonic Strictures in Children and Young Adults with Crohn's Disease: Recognition on MR Enterography. Clinical Imaging 48: 122-126, Mar 2018.
Biko DM, Collins RT, Partington SL, Harris M, Whitehead KK, Keller M, Fogel MA: Magnetic Resonance Myocardial Perfusion Imaging: Safety and Indications in Pediatrics and Young Adults. Pediatric Cardiology 39(2): 275-282, Feb 2018.
Stokes TA, Kuehn D, Hood M, Biko DM, Pavey A, Olsen C, Hunt CE : MRI Correlation with Multiple Anthropometric Measures in Infants Born Preterm. Journal of Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine 10(2): 133-138, Apr 2017.
Rosenbaum DG, Conrad M, Biko DM, Ruchelli E, Kelson J, Anupindi SA: US and MRI predictors of surgical bowel resection in pediatric Crohn disease. Pediatric radiology 47(1): 55-64, Jan 2017.
Weiss PF, Xiao R, Biko DM, Chauvin NA: Sacroiliitis at diagnosis of juvenile spondyloarthritis assessed by radiography, magnetic resonance imaging, and clinical examination. Arthritis care & research 68(2): 187-94. Feb 2016.
Weiss Pamela F, Xiao Rui, Biko David M, Johnson Ann M, Chauvin Nancy A: Detection of Inflammatory Sacroiliitis in Children With Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Is Gadolinium Contrast Enhancement Necessary? Arthritis & rheumatology (Hoboken, N.J.) 67(8): 2250-6, Aug 2015.
Biko DM, Chung C, Hitt DM, Kurio G, Reinhartz O, Chung T: High-resolution coronary MR angiography for evaluation of patients with anomalous coronary arteries: visualization of the intramural segment. Pediatric radiology 45(8): 1146-52, Jul 2015.
Biko DM, McQuillan BF, Jesinger RA, Sherman PM, Borg BD, Lichtenberger JP: Imaging of pediatric pathology during the Iraq and Afghanistan conflicts. Pediatric radiology 45(3): 439-48, Mar 2015.
Min SB, Nylund CM, Abbas MI, Carter M, Olsen CH, Biko DM, Goldman MD: Thickened gastrointestinal wall findings on computed tomography in children: a reason for endoscopy? Journal of pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition 57(3): 305-10, Sep 2013.
Biko DM, Davidson R, Pena A, Jaramillo D: Proximal focal femoral deficiency: evaluation by MR imaging. Pediatric radiology 42(1): 50-6, Jan 2012.
Biko DM, Anupindi SA, Hanhan SB, Blinman T, Markowitz RI: Assessment of recurrent abdominal symptoms after Ladd procedure: clinical and radiographic correlation. Journal of pediatric surgery 46(9): 1720-5, Sep 2011.
Biko DM, Schwartz M, Anupindi SA, Altes TA: Subpleural lung cysts in Down syndrome: prevalence and association with coexisting diagnoses. Pediatric radiology 38(3): 280-4, Mar 2008.
Abstracts (includes Posters and Scientific Presentations)
Shotaro Naganawa, Elizabeth Lee, David Biko, Aparna Joshi, Sowmya Balasubramanian, Prachi Agarwal: Cardiac Disease and Lymphatic Dysfunction. North American Society for Cardiovascular Imaging Annual Meeting, Boston, MA Sep 2021 Notes: Poster presentation; Best poster award.
Ensar Yekeler, Ganesh Krishnamurthy, Christopher L Smith, Fernando A. Escobar, Erin Pinto, Jordan B Rapp, Hansel J Otero, Ammie M White, Yoav Dori, David M Biko: Ferumoxytol-Enhanced Dynamic MR Lymphangiography: A Novel Alternative Methods to Gadolinium-Based Contrast Agents in MR Lymphatic Imaging in Chronic Kidney Disease. International Pediatric Radiology Congress, Rome, Italy (virtual) Oct 2021 Notes: Oral presentation.
Jie C Nguyen, Alyssa Sze, Andressa Guariento, Michael Nguyen, Alexandre Arkader, David Biko: MRI Findings of Proliferative and Inflammatory Synovitis in the Knee in Children: Are There Qualitative and Semi-Quantitative Differences. International Pediatric Radiology Congress, Rome, Italy (virtual) Oct 2021 Notes: Oral presentation.
Jordan B. Rapp, Karen I. Ramirez-Suarez, Hansel J. Otero, Seth Vatsky, Ammie M. White, David M. Biko: Concurrent CT Angiography and Dynamic Airway CT in Children in the Evaluation of Extrinsic Airway Compression. International Pediatric Radiology Congress, Rome, Italy (virtual) Oct 2021 Notes: Oral presentation.
Karen I. Ramirez-Suarez, Christian A. Barrera, Erik A Jensen, Jordan B. Rapp, David M. Biko, Ammie M. White, Hansel J. Otero: Quantitative CT in Infants With Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia Associated with and Without Pulmonary Hypertension. International Pediatric Radiology Congress, Rome, Italy (virtual) Oct 2021 Notes: Oral presentation.
Karen I. Ramirez-Suarez, David M. Biko, Rebecca A. Dennis, Hansel J. Otero, Ammie M. White, Jordan B. Rapp: CT and MRI Findings of Thymic Lymphoid Hyperplasia and Thymoma in Children. International Pediatric Radiology Congress, Rome, Italy (virtual) Oct 2021 Notes: Oral presentation.
Karen I. Ramirez-Suarez, Ensar Yekeler, Suraj D. Serai, Jordan B. Rapp, Sara L. Partington, Matthew A. Harris, Kevin K. Whitehead, Jack Rychik, Mark A. Fogel, David M. Biko: Understanding Fontan Associated Liver Disease (FALD): Correlation of Vascular Flow in the Liver with Fontan Hemodynamics in Children. International Pediatric Radiology Congress, Rome, Italy (virtual) Oct 2021 Notes: Oral presentation.
Rameriz-Suarez KI, Biko DM, Dennis RA, Otero HJ, White AM, Rapp JB: CT and MRI Findings of Lymphoid Thymic Hyperplasia and Thymoma in Children. International Pediatric Radiology Congress, Rome, Italy (virtual) Oct 2021 Notes: Oral presentation.
Andrea L Jones, Brian R White, Reena M Ghosh, Antara Mondal, Steve B Ampah, Deborah Y Ho, David M Biko, Matthew A Harris, Sara Partington, Kevin K Whitehead, Meryl S Cohen, Mark A Fogel: Predicting Biventricular Repair in Common Atrioventricular Canal by Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging: The New Normal? American Heart Association Scientific Sessions (virtual) Nov 2021 Notes: Poster presentation.
Balasubramanian S, Biko DM, Joshi A, Lee E, Ladino-Torres MF, Lu JC, Dorfman AL, Hamman SM, Agarwal P: Evaluation Of Extracardiac Complications Of Fontan Circulation Using Non-invasive Imaging. Radiological Society of North America Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting (virtual) Nov 2021 Notes: Poster presentation; Best poster award.
Mark A Fogel, Elizabeth Donnelly, Ian Crandell, Alex Hanlon, Allie Raevsky, Kevin K Whitehead, Matthew A Harris, Sara Partington, David M Biko, Thomas Flynn, Susan Nicolson, Daniel Licht, Arastoo Vossough: Inverse Relationship Between Cerebral Blood Flow and Systemic to Pulmonary Collateral Flow in Fontans Adjusting for Brain Injury: What Goes up Must Come Down-and Visa Versa. American Heart Association Scientific Sessions (virtual) Nov 2021 Notes: Poster presentation.
Beroukhim RS, Ashwath R, Balasubramanian S, Biko DM, Buddhe S, Cross R, Festa P, Griffin L, Hasbani K, Hashemi S, S Hegde, Hussain MT, Jain S, Kiaffas M, Kutty S, Lam CZ, Liberato G, Merlocco A, Misra N, Mowers K, Muniz JC, Nutting A, Parra DA, Patel JK, Prasad D, Rosental CF, Samyn M, Sleeper LA, Slesnick T, Valsangiacomo E , Geva T: CMR Characteristics of 200 Pediatric Cardiac Masses: Insights from a Multicenter Study. The Society for Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance (SCMR) Annual Scientific Sessions, Orlando, FL Feb 2020 Notes: Oral presentation.
Lemley B, Biko, DM, Dewitt A, Gillespie M, Glatz A, O'Byrne ML, Pinto E, Ravishankar C, Rome JJ, Smith CL, Dori Y.: A potential imaging signature for protein-losing enteropathy on intrahepatic dynamic contrast-enhanced MR lymphangiography in pediatric patients with congenital heart disease. American College of Cardiology/World Congress of Cardiology Scientific Sessions, Chicago, IL Mar 2020 Notes: Poster presentation.
Barrera CA, Andronikou, S, Ignacio T, White A, Biko DM, Otero HJ: Normal age-related quantitative CT values in pediatric lung: From the first breath to adulthood. Society for Pediatric Radiology Annual Meeting & Postgraduate Course, Miami, FL May 2020 Notes: Oral presentation accepted, meeting cancelled due to COVID-19.
Chotzoglou E, Hedrick HL, Rapp JB, Oliver ER, Biko DM, Goldshore MA, Herkert LM, Panitch HB: Mechanical Disadvantage of the Respiratory Pump in Infants with Giant Omphalocele. American Thoracic Society Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA May 2020 Notes: Oral presentation accepted, meeting cancelled due to COVID-19.
Eli-Ali A, Davis JC, Otero HJ, Biko DM, Rapp JB: Tracheobronchomalacia on Dynamic Airway CT: Interreader Reliability. Society for Pediatric Radiology Annual Meeting & Postgraduate Course, Miami, FL May 2020 Notes: Oral presentation accepted, meeting cancelled due to COVID-19.
Gaballah M, Dori Y, Pinto E, Krishnamurthy G, Smith CL, Escobar F, Dewitt A, Taha D, Edgar JC, Otero HJ, Rapp JP, Rome JJ, Biko DM: MR Lymphangiogram Findings in Young Infants with Chylothorax: Do Imaging Findings Correlate with Outcomes. Society for Pediatric Radiology Annual Meeting & Postgraduate Course, Miami, FL May 2020 Notes: Oral presentation accepted, meeting cancelled due to COVID-19.
Hook M, Chidambaram A, Biko DM, Dennis R, Rapp JB: Imaging appearance of vaping-associated pulmonary injury. Society for Pediatric Radiology Annual Meeting & Postgraduate Course, Miami, FL May 2020 Notes: Oral presentation accepted, meeting cancelled due to COVID-19.
Krishnamurthy G, Escobar F, Srinivasan A, Smith CL, Biko DM, Pinto E, Dewitt A, Dori Y: Lymphatic Intervention for Plastic Bronchitis Improves Outcomes in Patents with Congenital Heart Disease. Society for Pediatric Radiology Annual Meeting & Postgraduate Course, Miami, FL May 2020 Notes: Oral presentation accepted, meeting cancelled due to COVID-19.
Krishnamurthy G, Pablo P, Smith, CL, Biko DM, Pinto E, Dewitt A, Escobar F, Srinivasan A, Dori Y: Direct lower thoracic intraosseous glue embolization of thoracic wall lymphatic leak in a patient with general lymphatic abnormality (GLA). Society for Pediatric Radiology Annual Meeting & Postgraduate Course, Miami, FL May 2020 Notes: Poster presentation accepted, meeting cancelled due to COVID-19.
Ntoulia A, Back SJ, Hwang M, Gokli A, Anupindi SA, Biko DM, Srinivasan A, Poznick L, Darge K: Pediatric Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasound: From Head to Toe. Society for Pediatric Radiology Annual Meeting & Postgraduate Course, Miami, FL May 2020 Notes: Poster presentation accepted, meeting cancelled due to COVID-19.
Yuonne T Durand R, Goldberg D, Glatz AC,Rand E, Wilkins B, Witschey W, Dodds K, Russo P, Rychik, J, Biko DM, Cahill AM, Serai S: Biopsy directed 2D MR Elastography of the Liver in Fontan patients: Higher Stiffness not necessarily more Fibrosis. Society for Pediatric Radiology Annual Meeting & Postgraduate Course, Miami, FL May 2020 Notes: Oral presentation accepted, meeting cancelled due to COVID-19.
Rapp JB, Biko DM, El-Ali A, Otero HJ: Dynamic Airway CT in Neonates and Infants: Pearls and Pitfalls. Annual Meeting of the European Society of Paediatric Radiology (ESPR), Marseille, France Jun 2020 Notes: Oral presentation accepted, meeting cancelled due to COVID-19.
Rapp JB, Otero HJ, Servaes S, States L, Barrera CA, Riccione J, Biko DM: Identification of Perfusion Defects with Dual-Energy CTA in the Evaluation of Lung Diseases of Infancy: Initial Experience Comparing to VQ and Surgery. Annual Meeting of the European Society of Paediatric Radiology (ESPR), Marseille, France Jun 2020 Notes: Oral presentation accepted, meeting cancelled due to COVID-19.
Rapp JB, Kaplan SL, Back SJ, Biko DM, Otero HJ: Pediatric Dual-Energy CT Multisystem Applications. Radiological Society of North America Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting (virtual) Nov 2020 Notes: Poster presentation.
Mejia E, Hansel Otero H, Smith CL, Shipman M, Liu M, Pinto E, DeWitt A, Rome JJ, Dori Y, Biko DM: Contrast Enhanced Ultrasound: Can It Replace Conventional Lymphangiography for Determining Thoracic Duct Patency. Children's Hospital of Philadelphia 22nd Annual Update on Pediatric and Congenital Cardiovascular Disease, Huntington Beach, CA Feb 2019 Notes: Poster presentation.
Ozcelik N, Dori Y, Pinto E, Fogel MA, Whitehead KK, Harris MA, Partington SL, RBiko DM: Values of Magnetic Resonance Imaging Techniques in Diagnosing Pericardial Diseases: Teenager with Constrictive Pericarditis with Unusual Presentation of Protein Losing Enteropathy. The Society for Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance (SCMR) Annual Scientific Sessions, Bellevue, WA Feb 2019 Notes: Oral presentation.
Ozcelik N, Harris MA, Partington SL, Kellman P, Fogel MA Zhang X,Xue H, Biko DM, Whitehead KK: Accuracy of real time binning (RT binning) cine images in assessment of ventricular function and mass compared to standard steady state free precession (SSFP) cine images. The Society for Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance (SCMR) Annual Scientific Sessions, Bellevue, WA Feb 2019 Notes: Poster presentation.
Barrera C, Khrichenko D, Serai S, Hartung H, Biko DM, Otero H: Biexponential R2* relaxometry for estimation of liver iron concentration in children: A better fit for high liver iron states. Society for Pediatric Radiology Annual Meeting & Postgraduate Course, San Francisco, CA May 2019 Notes: Oral presentation. 5. Barrera C, Otero H, Rapp; J, David Saul D, White A, Biko DM: Diagnostic performance of CT Angiography to detect pulmonary vein stenosis in children. Society for Pediatric Radiology Annual Meeting & Postgraduate Course, San Francisco, CA May 2019 Notes: Oral presentation.
Barrera CA, Andronikou S, Tapia IE, Saul D, Biko DM, Otero HJ: Quantitative Computed Tomography of Normal Lung Development in Newborn and Infants. Annual Meeting of the European Society of Paediatric Radiology (ESPR), Helsinki, Finland May 2019 Notes: Oral Presentation.
Barrera CA, White AM, Shepherd AM, Mecca P, Biko DM, Saul D, Otero HJ: Contrast Extravasation using Power Injectors for Contrast-Enhanced Computed Tomography in Children: Frequency and Injury Severity. Society for Pediatric Radiology Annual Meeting & Postgraduate Course, San Francisco, CA May 2019 Notes: Oral presentation.
Biko DM, Mejia EJ, Otero H, Smith CL, Shipman M, Liu M, Pinto E, Dewitt AG, Rome JJ, Dori Y: Contrast Enhanced Ultrasound (CEUS) Evaluation of Thoracic Duct Outlet Patency After Percutaneous Injection of Intranodal Contrast. Society for Pediatric Radiology Annual Meeting & Postgraduate Course, San Francisco, CA May 2019 Notes: Oral presentation.
Biko DM, Smith CL, Otero H, Saul D, White A, Liu M, Shipman M, Pinto E, Dewitt A, Rome JJ, Dori Y: Intrahepatic Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MR Lymphangiography: A New Technique for Visualization of the Central Lymphatics. Society for Pediatric Radiology Annual Meeting & Postgraduate Course, San Francisco, CA May 2019 Notes: Oral presentation.
Cohen S, Barrera CA, Biko DM, Saul D, White AM, Otero HJ: Longitudinal Assessment of Imaging Features of Generalized Arterial Calcification of Infancy. Society for Pediatric Radiology Annual Meeting & Postgraduate Course, San Francisco, CA May 2019 Notes: Oral presentation.
Cohen S, Biko DM, Kaplan S, Barrera C, Serai S, Nguyen J: Pediatric Sacroiliac Joint Infection on MRI: Are There Age-Specific Imaging Features. Society for Pediatric Radiology Annual Meeting & Postgraduate Course, San Francisco, CA May 2019 Notes: Poster presentation.
Cort K, Otero H, Barrera C, Pinto E, Morgan T, White A, Saul D, Dori Y, Biko DM: Chest ultrasound for the screening and diagnosis of pulmonary lymphangiectasia. Society for Pediatric Radiology Annual Meeting & Postgraduate Course, San Francisco, CA May 2019 Notes: Oral presentation.
Morgan T, Biko DM, Saul D, White AM: Pulmonary Lymphangiectasia (PL) - Diagnosing with Ultrasound Instead of MRI - A Fresh Perspective. Society for Pediatric Radiology Annual Meeting & Postgraduate Course, San Francisco, CA May 2019 Notes: Oral presentation; Technologist.
Wilson J, Dori Y, Smith CL, Englehardt G, Brazinski B, Mueller M, Allen D, Hoffacker S, Biko DM: MR Imaging of the Forgotten Circulation: Intrahepatic Dynamic Contrast MR Lymphangiography (IH-DCMRL) to Evaluate the Liver and Central Lymphatics. Society for Pediatric Radiology Annual Meeting & Postgraduate Course, San Francisco, CA May 2019 Notes: Oral presentation; Technologist.
Srinivasan A, Escobar F, Krishnamurthy G, Smith CL, Pinto EM, Biko DM, Dori Y: Interventional management of chylous ascites in children: Initial experience. Society for Pediatric Interventional Radiology (SPIR) International Meeting, Amsterdam, Netherlands Oct 2019 Notes: Oral presentation.
Fogel MA, Tran Q, Faerber J, Mondal A, Zhang X, Whitehead KK, Harris MA, Partington S, Biko DM, Laura A Mercer-Rosa LA: Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Predictors of Adverse Outcomes in Tetralogy of Fallot: Lessons From the Single Center Outcomes Study in Tetralogy of Fallot (SCOUT-TOF). American Heart Association Scientific Sessions, Philadelphia, PA Nov 2019 Notes: Oral presentation.
Ghosh R, Whitehead KK, Harris MA, Partington SL, Biko DM, Fogel MA: Where the Fontan Flows: Longitudinal Trends in Flow Through The Palliated Single Ventricle Circulation. American Heart Association Scientific Sessions, Philadelphia, PA Nov 2019 Notes: Poster presentation.
Ozcelik N, Tran QT, Lozano AJ, Hanlon AL, Shiraga K, Partington S, Harris MA, Biko DM, Whitehead KK, Fogel MA: Changes in Cerebral Clood Flow in Relation to Systemic to Pulmonary Collateral Flow as Fontan Patients Age: A Modifiable Risk Factor for Adverse Neurodevelopment. American Heart Association Scientific Sessions, Philadelphia, PA Nov 2019 Notes: Oral presentation.
Shiraga K, Tran Q, Ozcelik N, Harris MA, Whitehead KK, Biko DM, Partington S, Fogel MA: Paradoxical Decrease In Biventricular Strain After Pulmonary Valve Replacement In Patients With Repaired Tetralogy Fallot: Insights From A Longitudinal Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Study. American Heart Association Scientific Sessions, Philadelphia, PA Nov 2019 Notes: Poster presentation.
Shiraga K, Tran Q, Ozcelik N, Harris MA, Whitehead KK, Biko DM, Partington S, Fogel MA: Paradoxical Decrease In Biventricular Strain After Pulmonary Valve Replacement In Patients With Repaired Tetralogy Fallot: Insights From A Longitudinal Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Study. American Heart Association Scientific Sessions, Philadelphia, PA Nov 2019 Notes: Poster presentation.
Balasubramanian S, Joshi A, Biko DM, Lu JC, Ghadimi Mahani M, Dorfman AL, Figueroa CA, Agarwal PP: Advances in Non-invasive Imaging of Patients with Single Ventricles following Fontan Palliation. Radiological Society of North America Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL Dec 2019 Notes: Poster presentation; Cum Laude Aw0ard for Education Exhibit.
Lectures by Invitation
Biko DM. "Vesicoureteral Reflux", American Institute of Radiologic Pathology (virtual). Feb 2022.
Biko DM. "Pediatric Pulmonary Lesions - Case Base Learning", American Institute of Radiologic Pathology (virtual). Feb 2022.
Biko DM. "State of the Art Imaging Techniques for Cardiac and Lymphatic Evaluation," Society for Pediatric Radiology Protocols Course (virtual). Jan 2022.
Biko DM. Friday Case Review Sessions series: "Skeletal Dysplasias", Tikur Anbessa Hospital, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Oct 2021.
Biko DM. "Lymphatic Disease in Acquired Disorders", International Pediatric Radiology Congress, Rome, Italy (virtual). Oct 2021.
Biko DM. "Advanced Imaging of Myocarditis in the Era of COVID-19", 1st Al Qassimi Women's and Children's Hospital International Pediatric Conference, Sharjah, UAE. Oct 2021.
Biko DM. "Vesicoureteral Reflux", American Institute of Radiologic Pathology (virtual). Oct 2021.
Biko DM. "Pediatric Pulmonary Lesions - Case Base Learning", American Institute of Radiologic Pathology (virtual). Oct 2021.
Biko DM. "Vesicoureteral Reflux", American Institute of Radiologic Pathology (virtual). Aug 2021.
Biko DM. "Pediatric Pulmonary Lesions - Case Base Learning", American Institute of Radiologic Pathology (virtual). Aug 2021.
Biko DM. "MRI Evaluation of Single Ventricles", Society of Pediatric Radiology Cardiac MR Course (virtual). Jun 2021.
Biko DM. "Vesicoureteral Reflux", American Institute of Radiologic Pathology (virtual). Apr 2021.
Biko DM. "Pediatric Pulmonary Lesions - Case Base Learning", American Institute of Radiologic Pathology (virtual). Apr 2021.
Biko DM. "Pediatric Pulmonary Lesions - Case Base Learning", American Institute of Radiologic Pathology (virtual). Mar 2021.
Biko DM. "Vesicoureteral Reflux", American Institute of Radiologic Pathology (virtual). Mar 2021.
Biko DM. "Lymphatic Flow Disorders: Evaluation with MR Lymphangiography", 9th SEHA International Radiology Conference, Abu Dhabi, UAE. Feb 2021.
Biko DM. "Tetralogy of Fallot", Society of Pediatric Radiology Cardiac Imaging Webinar Series (virtual). Feb 2021.
Biko DM. "Optimizing Neonatal Cardiac Imaging (CT and MRI)", Society of Pediatric Radiology Neonatal Course (virtual). Jan 2021.
Biko DM. "Vesicoureteral Reflux", American Institute of Radiologic Pathology (virtual). Nov 2020.
Biko DM. "Pediatric Pulmonary Lesions - Case Base Learning", American Institute of Radiologic Pathology (virtual). Nov 2020.
Biko DM. "Vesicoureteral Reflux", American Institute of Radiologic Pathology (virtual). Oct 2020.
Biko DM. "Pediatric Pulmonary Lesions - Case Base Learning", American Institute of Radiologic Pathology (virtual). Oct 2020.
Biko DM. "Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MR Lymphangiography", Society of Pediatric Radiology Body MRI Course (virtual). Sept 2020.
Biko DM. Visiting Professor, "Lymphatic Imaging in Congenital Heart Disease", University of California San Francisco, San Francisco, CA. Sept 2020.
Biko DM. "Intrahepatic MR Lymphangiography", North American Society of Cardiovascular Imaging Annual Meeting (virtual). Sept 2020.
Biko DM. "Vesicoureteral Reflux", American Institute of Radiologic Pathology (virtual). Aug 2020.
Biko DM. "Pediatric Pulmonary Lesions - Case Base Learning", American Institute of Radiologic Pathology (virtual). Aug 2020.
Blumer Steven L, Halabi Safwan S, Biko David M (eds): Pediatric Imaging: A Core Review. Wolters Kluwer 2018.