Tricia Bhatti, MD
Areas of expertise: Pathology of the pancreas in disorders of hyperinsulinism
Locations: Main Building
About Tricia Bhatti, MD
Attending Pathologist
Associate Professor of Clinical Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania
Anatomic and Clinical Pathology – American Board of Pathology
Pediatric Pathology – American Board of Pathology
Awards and Honors
2008, Society for Pediatric Pathology, Gordon L. Vawter Pathologist-In-Training Award
2002, Southern Society for Pediatric Research, Clinical Science Young Investigator Award Finalist
2002, Southern Society for Pediatric Research, Travel Award
Leadership and Memberships
Memberships in Professional Organizations
2006-present, Society for Pediatric Pathology
2003-present, United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology
Editorial and Academic Positions
Editorial Positions
Ad-hoc Reviewer
2015-present, Journal of Cutaneous Pathology
2012-present, Modern Pathology
2010-present, Pediatric Hematology and Oncology
Academic and Institutional Committees
2015-present, Member, Graduate Medical Education Committee, The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
2015-present, Pediatric Pathology Fellowship, Co-Director, The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
2015-present, Member, Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine faculty search committee
2015-present, Member, Death Packet/Autopsy and EPIC, The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Research Interests
Congenital hyperinsulinism
Education & training
Medical Degree
MD - Medical College of Georgia, Augusta, GA
Anatomic and Clinical Pathology - The George Washington University Hospital, Washington, DC (Chief Resident)
Pediatric Pathology - The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA
Adzick NS, De Leon DD, States LJ, Lord K, Bhatti TR, Becker SA, Stanley CA. Surgical treatment of congenital hyperinsulinism: Results from 500 pancreatectomies in neonates and children. J Pediatr Surg 2019;54(1):27-32.
Biederman L, Bhatti T, Taylor JA, Rubin AI. Erythematous Nodule on the face of a child: Challenge and answer. Am J Dermatopathol 2018;40(9):e119-e120.
Le Coz C, Nolan BE, Trofa M, Kamsheh AM, Khoka MK, Lakhani SA, Novelli A, Zackai EH, Sullivan KE, Briuglia S, Bhatti TR, Romberg N. Cytotoxic T-lymphocyte-associated protein 4 haploinsufficiency-associated inflammation can occur independently of T-cell hyperproliferation. Front Immunol 2018;9:1715.
Spaccarelli N, Wan J, Yan A, Bhatti T, Rubin AI. Congenital syphilis as a clinical and histopathologic mimic of neonatal lupus. J Cutan Pathol 2018;10:791-3.
MacFarland SP, Duffy KA, Bhatti TR, Bagatell R, Balamuth NJ, Brodeur GM, Ganguly A, Mattei PA, Surrey LF, Balis FM, Kalish JM. Diagnosis of Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome in children presenting with Wilms tumor. Pediatr Blood Cancer 2018;65(10):e27296.
Gibson CE, Boodhansingh KE, Li C, Conlin L, Chen P, Becker SA, Bhatti T, Bamba V, Adzick NS, De Leon DD, Ganguly A, Stanley CA. Congenital hyperinsulinism in infants with Turner Syndrome: Possible association with Monosomy X and KDM6A haploinsufficiency. Horm Res Paeditr 2018;89(6):413-22.
Samuels SL, Surrey LF, Hawkes CP, Amberge M, Mostoufi-Moab S, Langer JE, Adzick NS, Kazahaya K, Bhatti T, Baloch Z, LiVolsi VA, Bauer AJ. Characteristics of follicular variant papillary thyroid carcinoma in a pediatric cohort. J Clin Endocrinology Metab, 2018
Abbott J, Mochel MC, Bhatti T, Low D, Rubin AI. Multiple hybrid cysts in a child: Challenge and Answer. Am J Dermatopathol 2018;40(1)70-71.
Nguyen CV, McMahon PJ, Moshiri AS, Bhatti TR, Rubin AI. Bleeding umbilical papule: Challenge. Am J Dermatopathol 2018 epub ahead of print
MacFarland SP, Mostoufi-Moab S, Zelley K, Mattei PA, States LJ, Bhatti TR, Duffy KA, Brodeur GM, Kalish JM: Management of adrenal masses in patients with Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome. Pediatric Blood Cancer 2017.
Wang L, Kumar S, Dahiya S, Wang F, Wu J, Newick K, Han R, Samanta A, Beier UH, Akimova T, Bhatti TR, Nicholson B, Kodrasov MP, Agarwal S, Sterner DE, Gu W, Weinstock J, Butt TR, Albeida SM, Hancock WW: Ubiquitin-specific protease-7 inhibition impairs Tip60-dependent Foxp3+ T-regulatory cell function and promotes anti-tumor immunity. EBioMedicine 13: 99-112, 2016.
Levine MH, Wang Z, Xiao H, Jiao J, Wang L, Bhatti TR, Hancock WW, Beier UH: Targeting Sirtuin-1 prolongs murine renal allograft survival and function. Kidney Int 89(5): 1016-26, May 2016 Notes: Epub 2016 Mar 16.
Bhatti TR, Ganapathy K, Huppmann AR, Conlin L, Boodhansingh KE, MacMullen C, Becker S, Ernst LM, Adzick NS, Ruchelli ED, Ganguly A, Stanley CA: Histologic and Molecular Profile of Pediatric Insulinomas: Evidence of a Paternal Parent-of-Origin Effect. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. Epub 2016 Jan 12, 101(3): 914-22, Mar 2016.
Gmuca S, Boos MD, Treece A, Narula S, Billinghurst L, Bhatti T, Laje P, Perman MJ, Vossough A, Harding B, Burnham J, Banwell B.: Degos disease mimicking primary vasculitis of the CNS. Neurol Neuroimmunol Neuroinflamm 3(2): e206, Feb 2016.
Kakajiwala A, Bhatti T, Kaplan BS, Ruebner RL, Copelovitch L.: Post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis associated with atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome: to treat or not to treat with eculizumab? Clin Kidney J 9(1): 90-6, Feb 2016 Notes: Epub 2015 Nov 26.
Kalish JM, Boodhansingh KE, Bhatti TR, Ganguly A, Conlin LK, Becker SA, Givler S, Mighion L, Palladino AA, Adzick NS, De León DD, Stanley CA, Deardorff MA: Congenital hyperinsulinism in children with paternal 11p uniparental isodisomy and Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome. J Med Genet 53(1): 53-61, Jan 2016 Notes: Epub 2015 Nov 6.
Kakajiwala A, Meyers KE, Bhatti TR, Kaplan BS: Rapid progression to end-stage renal disease in a child with sporadic ACTN4 mutation. Clinical Kidney Journal Page: 1-7, 2015.
Wang L, Liu Y, Han R, Beier UH, Bhatti TR, Akimova T, Greene MI, Hiebert SW, Hancock WW: FOXP3⺠regulatory T cell development and function require histone/protein deacetylase 3. J Clin Invest 125(8): 1111-23, Aug 2015 Notes: Epub 2015 Aug 3.
Wang H, Guan Y, Kamamercan MA, Ye L, Bhatti T, Becker LB, Baur JA, Sims CA: Resveratrol rescues kidney mitochondrial function following hemorrhagic shock. Shock 44(2): 173-80, Aug 2015.
Mardekian SK, Fortuna D, Nix A, Bhatti T, Wiley CA, Flanders A, Urtecho J, Sloane J, Ahmad J, Curtis MT: Severe human parechovirus type 3 myocarditis and encephalitis in an adolescent with hypogammaglobulinemia. Int J Infect Dis 36: 6-8, Jul 2015 Notes: Epub 2015 May 11.
Liu YH, O'Leary CE, Wang LS, Bhatti TR, Dai N, Kapoor V, Liu P, Mei, J, Guo L, Oliver PM, Albelda SM, Worthen GS: CD11b+Ly6G+ cells inhibit tumor growth by suppressing IL-17 production at early stages of tumorigenesis. OncoImmunology 5(1): e1061175, July 2015.
Dekio F, Bhatti TR, Zhang S, Sullivan KO: Positive Impact of Fungal Histopathology on Immunocompromised Pediatric Patients With Histology-Proven Invasive Fungal Infection. Am J Clin Pathol 144(1): 61-7, Jul 2015.
Beier UH, Angelin A, Akomova T, Wang LQ, Liu Y, Xio H, Koike MA Hancock SA, Bhatti TR, Han R, Jiao J, Veasey, Sims CA, Baur JA, Wallace DC, Hancock WW: Essential role of mitochondrial energy metabolism in Foxp3+ T-regulatory cell function and induction of allograft tolerance. FASEB J 29(6): 2315-26, Jun 2015 Notes: Epub 2015 Feb 13.
Levine MH, Wang Z, Bhatti TR, Wang Y, Aufhauser DD, McNeal S, Liu Y, Cheraghlou S, Han R, Wang L, Hancock WW: Class-specific histone/protein deacetylase inhibition protects against renal ischemia reperfusion injury and fibrosis formation. Am J Transplant 15(4): 965-73, Apr 2015.
Levine M H, Wang Z, Bhatti T R, Wang Y, Aufhauser D D, McNeal S, Liu Y, Cheraghlou S, Han R, Wang L, Hancock W W: Class-specific histone/protein deacetylase inhibition protects against renal ischemia reperfusion injury and fibrosis formation. American journal of transplantation : official journal of the American Society of Transplantation and the American Society of Transplant Surgeons 15(4): 965-73, Apr 2015.
Sgariglia F, Pedrini E, Bradfield JP, Bhatti TR, D'Adamo P, Dormans JP, Gunawardena AT, Hakonarson H, Hecht JT, Sangiorgi L, Pacifici M, Enomoto-Iwamoto M, Grant SF.: The Type 2 Diabetes associated rs7903146 T allele within TCF7L2 is significantly under-represented in Hereditary Multiple Exostoses: Insights into pathogenesis. Bone 72: 123-127, Mar 2015.
Arva NC, Russo PA, Erlichman J, Hancock WW, Haber BA, Bhatti TR.: The inflammatory phenotype of the fibrous plate is distinct from the liver and correlates with clinical outcome in biliary atresia. Pathol Res Pract 211(3): 252-60, Mar 2015.
Akimova T, Xiao H, Liu Y, Bhatti TR, Wang L, Han R, Zacharia K, Hancock WW, Beier UH. Targeting Sirtuin-1 alleviates experimental autoimmune colitis by induction of Foxp3+ T-regulatory cells. Mucosal Immunology, 2014;7(5):1209-20.
Wolf JH, Bhatti TR, Fouraschen S, Chakravorty S, Wang L, Kurian S, Salomon D, Olthoff K, Hancock WW, Levine MH. Heat Shock Protein-70 is required for optimal liver regeneration after partial hepatectomy in mice. Liver Transplantation, 2014;20(3):376-85.
Tornovsky-Babea yS, Dadon D, Ziv O, Tzipilevich E, Kadosh T, Schyr-Ben Haroush R, Hija A, Stolovich-Rain M, Furth-Lavi1J, Granot Z, Porat S, Philipson LH, Herold KC, Bhatti TR, Stanley C, Ashcroft FM, Veld PI, Saada A, Magnuson MA, Glaser B, Dor Y. Type 2 diabetes and congenital hyperinsulinism cause DNA double strand breaks and p53 activity in beta-cells. Cell Metabolism, 2014;19(1):107-21.
Liu Y, Wang LQ, Han R, Beier U, Akimova T, Bhatti TR, Xiao H, Cole P, Brindle P, Hancock WW. Two Histone/Protein Acetyltransferases, CBP and p300, are indispensable for Foxp3+ T-regulatory cell development and function. Molecular and Cell Biology, 2014;34(1):3993-4007.
Vrecenak JD, Pearson EG, Santore MT, Todorow CA, Li H, Radu A, Bhatti TR, Peranteau WH, Johson MP, Flake AW. Stable long-term mixed hematopoietic chimerism achieved in a canine model of allogeneic in utero hematopoietic cell transplantation. Blood, 2014;124(12):1987-95.
Okman JS, Bhatti TR, Jackson OA, Rubin AI. Angiolymphoid hyperplasia with eosinophilia: a previously unreported complication of ear piercing. Pediatric Dermatology, 2014;31(6):738-41.
Kalish JM, Conlin LK, Mostoufi-Moab S, Wilkens AB, Mulchandani S, Zelley K, Kowalski M, Bhatti TR, Russo P, Mattei P, Mackenzie WG, LiVolsi V, Nichols KE, Biegel JA, Spinner NB, Deardorff MA. Hemihyperplasia, bilateral pheochromocytomas, and subtle somatic mosaicism: The importance of detecting low-level uniparental disomy. American Journal of Medical Genetics, 2013; 161(5):993-1001.
Snider KE, Becker S, Boyajian L, Shyng SL, MacMullen C, Hughes N, Ganapathy K, Bhatti T, Stanley CA, Ganguly A. Genotype and phenotype correlation in 417 children with congenital hyperinsulinism. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 2013 Feb;98(2):E355-63.
Liu Y, Wang L, Predina J, Han R, Beier UH, Bhatti TR, Singhal S, Brindle P, Cole PA, Albelda SM, Hancock WW. Inhibition of p300 impairs T-regulatory cell function and increases anti-tumor immunity. Nature Medicine, 2013;19(9):1173-7.
Wang L, Liu Y, Beier UH, Han R, Bhatti TR, Akimova T, Hancock WW. Foxp3+ T regulatory cells require DNA methyltransferase 1 expression to prevent development of lethal autoimmunity. Blood, 2013; 121(18):3631-39.
Sahn B, Blinman TA, Cahill AM, Bhatti TR, Maqbool A, Mamula P, Anupindi SA. Vascular malformation as a cause of occult GI bleeding. Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition. 2013 May 16 (Epub ahead of print).
Morawski PA, Mehra P, Chen C, Bhatti T, Wells AD. Foxp3 stability and function is regulated by cyclin-dependent kinase 2. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2013;288(34):24494-502.
Kalish JM, Conlin LK, Bhatti TR, Dubbs HA, Harris MC, Izumi K, Mostoufi-Moab S, Mulchandani S, Saitta S, State LJ, Swarr DT, Wilkens AB, Zackai EH, Zelley K, Bartolomei MS, Nichols KE, Palladino AA, Spinner NB, Deardorff MA. Clinical features of three girls with mosaic genome-wide paternal uniparental isodisomy. American Journal of Medical Genetics, 2013;161A(8):1929-39.
Laje P, Bhatti TR, Adzick NS. Solid pseudopapillary neoplasm of pancreas in children: A 15-year experience and identification of a unique immunohistochemical marker. Journal of Pediatric Surgery, 2013; 48(10):2054-60.
Frank R, Sadri N, Bhatti TR, Biegel JA, LiVolsi VA, Zhang PJ. Proximal-type epithelioid sarcoma of the head and neck: A study with histochemical and molecular analysis of SMARCB1. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Oncology, 2013; 2(2).
Peranteau WH, Palladino AA, Bhatti TR, Becker SA, States LJ, Stanley CA, Adzick NS. The surgical management of insulinomas in children. Journal of Pediatric Surgery, 2013;48(12):2517-24.
Laje P, Palladino AA, Bhatti TR, Becker SA, States LJ, Stanley CA, Adzick NS. Pancreatic surgery in patients with Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome and hyperinsulinism. Journal of Pediatric Surgery. 2013;48(12):2511-16.
Orenstein JM, Shulman ST, Fox LM, Baker SC, Takahashi M, Bhatti TR, Russo PA, Mierau GW, de Chadarevian JP, Perlman EJ, Trevenen C, Rotta AT, Kalelkar MB, Rowley AH. Three linked vasculopathic processes characterize Kawasaki disease: a light and transmission electron microscopic study. PLoS ONE, 2012; 7(6):e38998.
Beier, U, Wang L, Bhatti TR, Liu Y, Han R, Ge G, Hancock WW. Sirtuin-1 targeting promotes Foxp3+ T-regulatory cell function and prolongs allograft survival. Molecular and Cellular Biology, 2011;31(5):1022-9.
Bhatti TR, Jatla M, Verma R, Bierly P, Russo PA, Ruchelli ED. Lymphocytic Gastritis in Pediatric Celiac Disease. Pediatric and Developmental Pathology, 2011;14(4):203-8.
Khozeimeh N, Bhatti T, Ponsky TA, Cheson BD, Brody F, Lin PP. Primary non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma of the extrahepatic bile duct. J Gastrointestinal Cancer, 2011 (epub ahead of print).
Collins RT II, Bhatti TR, Huff DS, Weinberg PM. Thoracopagus Conjoined Twins. Circulation, 2008;118(14): 1496.
Bhatti TR, Dott M, Yoon PW, Moore CA, Gambrell D, Rasmussen SA. Descriptive Epidemiology of Infantile Cataracts in Metropolitan Atlanta, 1968-1998. Archives of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine, 2003;157(4).
Lectures by Invitation
Bhatti TR. Pathology of Genetic Syndromes of Childhood. Presented at: Thomas Jefferson University; 2016 Mar; Philadelphia, PA.
Bhatti TR. Pathology of Genetic Syndromes of Childhood. Presented at: Pennsylvania Hospital; 2016 Feb; Philadelphia, PA.
Editorials, Reviews, Chapters
Suchi M, Bhatti TR, Ruchelli ED: Pancreatic histopathology of hyperinsulinism. Frontiers in Diabetes: Monogenic Hyperinsulinemic Hypoglycemia Disorders. Stanley CA, De Leon DD (eds.). Basel, Karger, 21: 57-70, 2012.