Anne M. Ades, MD, MSEd
Areas of expertise: Neonatal-perinatal medicine, Resuscitation of neonates in the delivery room and intensive care units, Care of neonates requiring surgery for congenital anomalies
Locations: Main Building
About Anne M. Ades, MD, MSEd
Anne Ades, MD, MSEd is an attending neonatologist, Medical Co-Director of the Special Delivery Unit Neonatal Service, Director of Neonatal Simulation and Medical Co-Director of the Center for Simulation, Advanced Education and Innovation at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP). Dr. Ades has specific expertise in simulation based medical education. She started the Neonatal Education and Simulation Training (NEST) program.
Dr. Ades also has interests in the delivery room management and resuscitation of newborns with prenatally diagnosed congenital anomalies and in neonates and infants who need resuscitation in the NICU.
Dr. Ades serves as attending neonatologist at CHOP and the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania. She is an NRP instructor. Dr. Ades also previously served as associate medical director of the neonatal/infant intensive care unit at CHOP.
Dr. Ades has been a medical director of the CHOP Center for Simulation, Advanced Education and Innovation since 2019 leading hospital simulation initiatives.
Dr. Ades received her medical degree from Tufts University School of Medicine, Boston, MA. She completed her pediatric residency and neonatal fellowship at Children’s National Medical Center, Washington DC. In 2014, she completed a Masters of Medical Education through the Graduate School of Education at the University of Pennsylvania.
Attending Neonatologist
Professor of Clinical Pediatrics, Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania
Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine – American Board of Pediatrics
Pediatrics – American Board of Pediatrics
Awards and Honors
2022, Philadelphia Magazine's Top Doctors in Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine
2017-2021, Top Doctors, Philadelphia Magazine
2016, Alan R. Cohen Master Clinician Award, The Children's Hospital of PhiladelphiaPediatric Residents Faculty Teaching Honor Roll, The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
2015, Pediatric Residents Faculty Teaching Honor Roll, The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
2012, Recipient of the Istvan Seri Faculty Teaching Award, Perinatal-Neonatal Medicine Fellowship, The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
2010-2015, Top Doctors, Philadelphia Magazine
2009-2013, Pediatric Residents Faculty Teaching Honor Roll, The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
2009, Top Doctors Under 40, Philadelphia Magazine
2005, Pediatric Residents Faculty Teaching Honor Roll, The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
2000, Children's National Medical Center Research Institute, Scientific and Academic Achievement for the Superior Presentation of an Abstract in Clinical Research
1995, Phi Delta Epsilon Fraternity Award, Tufts Medical Alumni Scholarship Award
Leadership and Memberships
Memberships in Professional Organizations
2012-present, International Pediatric Simulation Society
- 2016-present, Education Committee Member
2020-present, National Emergency Airway Registry for Neonates
2020-present, Children's Hospital Neonatal Consortium
- 2020-present, Research Committee
- 2017-present, Co-Chair, Resuscitation Special Interest Group
2020-present, American Pediatric Society
2012-present, Academic Pediatric Association
2011-present, Society for Pediatric Research
2006-present, Society for Simulation in Healthcare
2004-present, American Academy of Pediatrics, Fellow
2001-present, Section of Perinatal Pediatrics
Editorial and Academic Positions
Editorial Positions
2016-present, Reviewer, Archives of Disease in Childhood: Fetal & Neonatal Edition
2015-present, Reviewer, Pediatric Emergency Care
2015-present, Reviewer, JAMA Pediatrics
2014-present, Reviewer, Journal of Perinatology
2010-present, Reviewer, Resuscitation
2009-present, Reviewer, Pediatrics
Academic and Institutional Committees
2021-present, Committee on Applications and Promotions, Department of Pediatrics
2021-present, Codes/Communication Quality Improvement Sub-Committee, Newborn/Infant Intensive Care Unit
2018-present, Education Council
2017-present, Department of Pediatrics Education Committee
2016-present, Department of Pediatrics Advising Program Committee
2009-present, Simulation Operations, Center for Simulation, Advanced Education and Innovation
2007-present, Special Delivery Unit/Newborn/Infant Intensive Care Unit Committee
2006-present, ECMO committee
2002-present, Resuscitation Committee, Executive Committee of the Medical Staff
2002-present, Quality Improvement Steering Committee, Newborn/Infant Intensive Care Unit
Education & training
Graduate Degree
MSEd - University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
Medical Degree
MD - Tufts University School of Medicine, Boston, MA
Pediatrics - Children's National Medical Center, Washington, DC
Pediatrics - Children's National Medical Center, Washington, DC
Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine - Children's National Medical Center, Washington, DC
Yang KC, Hu HH, Ades AM: The Hidden Impact of Neonatology Boot Camp: A Qualitative Study. Simul Healthc February 2022 Notes: doi: 10.1097/SIH.0000000000000639. Epub ahead of print.
Gross I, Clapper T, Ramachandra G, Thomas A, Ades A, Walsh B, Kreuzer F, Elkin R, Wagner M, Whitfill T, Chang T, Duff J, Deutsch E, Loellgen R, Palaganas J, Fayyaz J, Kessler D, Calhoun A: Setting an agenda: Results of a consensus process on research directions in distance simulation. Simul Healthc April 2022 Notes: Online ahead of print.
Ali N, Schierholz E, Reed D, Hightower H, Johnson BA, Gupta R, Gray M, Ades A, Wetzel EA; Children's Hospitals Neonatal Consortium Resuscitation Focus Group: Identifying Gaps in Resuscitation Practices Across Level-IV Neonatal Intensive Care Units. Am J Perinatol June 2022 Notes: doi: 10.1055/a-1863-2312. Epub ahead of print.
Johnston L, Sawyer T, Nishisaki A, Whitfill T, Ades A, French H, Glass K, Dadiz R, Bruno C, Levit O, Auerbach M: Comparison of a dichotomous versus trichotomous checklist for neonatal intubation. BMC Med Educ 22(1): 645, Aug 2022 Notes: doi: 10.1186/s12909-022-03700-4.
Moussa A, Sawyer T, Puia-Dumitrescu M, Foglia EE, Ades A, Napolitano N, Glass KM, Johnston L, Jung P, Singh N, Quek BH, Barry J, Zenge J, DeMeo S, Mehrem AA, Nadkarni V, Nishisaki A; National Emergency Airway Registry for Neonates (NEARNEOS) investigators: Does videolaryngoscopy improve tracheal intubation first attempt success in the NICUs? A report from the NEAR4NEOS. J Perinatol 42(9): 1210-1215, September 2022 Notes: doi: 10.1038/s41372-022-01472-9. Epub 2022 Aug 3.
Wild KT, Mathew L, Hedrick HL, Rintoul NE, Ades A, Soorikian L, Matthews K, Posencheg MA, Kesler E, Van Hoose KT, Panitch HB, Flibotte J, Foglia EE: Respiratory function after birth in infants with congenital diaphragmatic hernia. Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed November 2022 Notes: fetalneonatal-2022-324415. doi: 10.1136/archdischild-2022-324415. Epub ahead of print.
Kishida M, Daly Guris R, Monachino A, Hales R, Benson D, Good G, Hamburger M, Widmeier K, Dove A, Ades A, Nadkarni V, Nishisaki A. Be Prepared; A pediatric simulation center’s early pandemic contributions. Sim Healthcare. 2021
Associations between family presence and neonatal intubation outcomes: a report from the National Emergency Airway Registry for Neonates: NEAR4NEOS. Brei BK, Sawyer T, Umoren R, Gray MM, Krick J, Foglia EE, Ades A, Glass K, Kim JH, Singh N, Jung P, Johnston L, Moussa A, Napolitano N, Barry J, Zenge J, Quek B, DeMeo SD, Shults J, Unrau J, Nadkarni V, Nishisaki A; National Emergency Airway Registry for Neonates (NEAR4NEOS) investigators. Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed. 2021 Jan 21:fetalneonatal-2020-319709. doi: 10.1136/archdischild-2020-319709. Online ahead of print. PMID: 33478956
Umoren RA, Sawyer TL, Ades A, DeMeo S, Foglia EE, Glass K, Gray MM, Barry J, Johnston L, Jung P, Kim JH, Krick J, Moussa A, Mulvey C, Nadkarni V, Napolitano N, Quek BH, Singh N, Zenge JP, Shults J, Nishisaki A; National Emergency Airway Registry for Neonates (NEAR4NEOS) Investigators. Team Stress and Adverse Events during Neonatal Tracheal Intubations: A Report from NEAR4NEOS. Am J Perinatol. 2019 Jul 31. doi: 10.1055/s-0039-1693698. [Epub ahead of print]
Ozawa Y, Ades A. Foglia E. DeMeo S, Barry J, Sawyer T, Nishisaki A for the Near4NEOS Investigators, et al. Premedication with neuromuscular blockade and sedation during neonatal intubation is associated with fewer adverse events. J Perinatol. 2019 Apr 2. doi: 10.1038/s41372-019-0367-0. [Epub ahead of print]
Brady J, Kovatis K, O Apos Dea CL, Gray M, Ades A. What Do NICU Fellows Identify as Important for Achieving Competency in Neonatal Intubation? Neonatology. 2019 Mar 19;116(1):10-16. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 30889585
Sawyer T, Foglia EE, Ades A, Moussa A, Napolitano N, Glass K, Johnston L, Jung P, Singh N, Quek BH, Barry J, Zenge J, DeMeo SD, Brei B, Krick J, Kim JH, Nadkarni V, Nishisaki A. Incidence, impact and indicators of difficult intubations in the neonatal intensive care unit: a report from the National Emergency Airway Registry for Neonates. Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed. 2019 Feb 22;. PMID: 30796059
Sawyer T, Foglia E, Ades A, Moussa A, Napolitano N, Glass K, Johnston L, Jung P, Singh N, Quek B, Nadkarni V, Nishisaki A for the NEAR4NEOS investigators. Incidence and Indicators of Difficult Intubations in the NICU. Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed. Feb. 2019.
Riley JS, Antiel RM, Rintoul NE, Ades AM, Waqar LN, Lin N, Herkert LM, D’Agostino JA, Hoffman C, Peranteau WH, Flake AW, Adzick NS, Hedrick HL: Reduced oxygen concentration for the resuscitation of infants with congenital diaphragmatic hernia. J Perinatology 38:834-843, 2018.
Foglia EE, Ades A, Sawyer T, Glass KM, Singh N, Jung P, Quek BH, Johnston LC, Barry J, Zenge J, Moussa A, Kim JH, DeMeo SD, Napolitano N, Nadkarni V, Nishisaki A; NEAR4NEOS Investigators. Neonatal Intubation Practice and Outcomes: An International Registry Study. Pediatrics. 2018 Dec 11. pii: e20180902. [Epub ahead of print]
Johnston L, Sawyer T, Nishisaki A, Whitfill T, French H, Ades A, INSPIRE Research Network, et al. Neonatal Intubation Competency Assessment Tool: Development and Validation. Acad Pediatr. August 2018.
Pouppirt NR, Nassar R, Napolitano N, Nawab U, Nishisaki A, Nadkarni V, Ades A, Foglia EE. Association Between Video Laryngoscopy and Adverse Tracheal Intubation-Associated Events in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. J Pediatr. 2018 Jul 3. pii: S0022-3476(18)30759-5. doi: 10.1016/j.jpeds.2018.05.046. [Epub ahead of print]
Pouppirt NR, Foglia EE, Ades A. A video is worth a thousand words: innovative uses of videolaryngoscopy. Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed. 2018 May 4. pii: fetalneonatal-2017-314288. doi: 10.1136/archdischild-2017-314288. [Epub ahead of print] No abstract available.
Pouppirt NR, Foglia EE, Ades A. A video is worth a thousand words: innovative uses of videolaryngoscopy. Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed. 2018 May 4;. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 29728413
Niles DE, Cines C, Insley E, Foglia EE, Elci OU, Skåre C, Olasveengen T, Ades A, Posencheg M, Nadkarni VM, Kramer-Johansen J. Incidence and characteristics of positive pressure ventilation delivered to newborns in a US tertiary academic hospital. Resuscitation. 2017 Apr 11. pii: S0300-9572(17)30135-1. [Epub ahead of print]
Foglia E, Ades A, Napolitano N, Leffelman J, Nadkarni V, Nishisaki A.: Factors associated with adverse events during tracheal intubation in the NICU. Neonatology 108: 23-29, 2015.
Sawyer T, French H, Soghier L, Barry J, Johnston L, Anderson J, Ades A. Educational perspectives: Boot camps for neonatal-perinatal medicine fellows. Neoreviews. 2014; 15;e46.
Donoghue A, Ades A, Nishisaki A, Deutch E. Videolaryngoscopy versus Direct Laryngoscopy in Simulated Pediatric Tracheal Intubation. Annals of Emergency Medicine. 61:271-277, 2013.
Donoghue A, Ades A, Nishisaki A, Zhao A, Deutch E. Assessment of Technique During Pediatric Direct Laryngoscopy and Tracheal Intubation: A Simulation-Based Study. Pediatr Emerg Care. 29:440-446, 2013.
Patel J, Ades A, Posencheg M. Proficiency and Retention of Neonatal Resuscitation Skills by Pediatric Residents. Pediatrics. 130:515-521, 2012.
Peterson AL, Quartermain MD, Ades AM, Khalek N, Johnson MP, Rychik J. Impact of mode of delivery on markers of perinatal hemodynamics in infants with hypoplastic left heart syndrome. J Pediatr. 2011 Jul;159(1):64-9. doi: 10.1016/j.jpeds.2011.01.004. Epub 2011 Mar 17.
Ades AM, Dominguez TE, Nicolson SC, Gaynor JW, Spray TL, Wernovsky G, Tabbutt S: Morbidity and mortality after surgery for congenital cardiac disease in the infant born with low weight. Cardiology in the Young 20(1): 8-17, February 2010.
Meyer A, Nadkarni V, Pollock A, Babbs C, Nishisaki A, Braga M, Berg RA, Ades AM: Evaluation of the Neonatal Resuscitation Program's recommended chest compression depth using computerized tomography imaging. Resuscitation 81(5): 544-8, May 2010.
McMahon CJ, Penny DJ, Nelson DP, Ades AM, Al Maskary S, Speer M, Mott A, Price JF, Katkin J, Frased CD, Chang AC.: Preterm infants with Congenital Heart Disease and Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia: postoperative course and outcome after cardiac surgery. Pediatrics 116: 423-430, 2005.
Ades AM, Sable C, Cummings S, Markle B, Martin G.: Echocardiographic Evaluation of Umbilical Venous Catheter Placement. J Perinatol 23: 24-28, 2003.
Hill JM, Ades AM, McCune SK, Sahir, Moody EM, Abebe AT, Crnic LS, Brenneman DE.: Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide in the Brain of a Mouse Model for Down Syndrome. Experimental Neurology 183: 56-65, 2003.
Nelson PG, McCune SK, Ades AM, Nelson KS.: Glial-Neurotrophic Mechanisms in Down Syndrome. J Neural Transm Suppl 61: 85-94, 2001.
Ades AM, Sell JE, Aly H, Sable C.: Early Presentation of a Congenital Coronary Artery Fistula in a neonate. Pediatric Cardiology 21: 275-278, 2000.
Mah SJ, Ades AM, Mir R, Siemens IR, Williamson JR, Fluharty SJ.: Association of Solubilized Phospholipase C in Murine Neuroblastoma N1E-115 Cells. Molecular Pharmacology 42: 435-438, 1992.
Zarahn ED, Ye X, Ades AM, Reagan LP, Fluharty SJ.: Angiotensin Induced Cyclic GMP Production is Mediated by Multiply Receptor Subtypes and Nitric Oxide in N1E-115 Neuroblastoma Cells. Journal of Neurochemistry 58: 1960-1963, 1992.
Abstracts (includes Posters and Scientific Presentations)
Wild T, Mathew L, Hedrick H, Rintoul N, Ades A, Soorikian L, Matthews K, Posencheg M, Kesler E, van Hoose T, Panitch H, Foglia E : Lung Recruitment After Birth in Infants with Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia. Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia International Symposium (CDH), Glasgow, Scotland April 2022 Notes: Platform Presentation.
Wild T, Rintoul N, Hedrick H, Foglia E, Ades A, Herrick H: Delivery Room Resuscitation of Neonates with Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia; Lessons Learned through Video Review. Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia International Symposium (CDH), Glasgow Scotland April 2022 Notes: Platform Presentation.
Heimall L, Barilla-Yetman M, Coldren J, Christ L, Devine M, Duran M, Wilkerson A, Soorikian L, Stuart T, White M, Wild T, Yang K, Young E, Gallagher E, Cestare D, McCray K, Gibbs K, Ades A: Hypothermia Prevention in a Special Delivery Unit. 2022 Children's Hospital Neonatal Consortium Annual Symposium. Indianopolis, IN October 2022 Notes: Poster Presentation.
Wetzel E, Castera M, Gray M, Ades A, Hightower H, Reed D, Schierholz E, Gupta R, Johsnon B, Ali N: Simulation Practices in Quarternary Level Neonatal Intensive Care Units. Pediatric Academic Society (PAS), Virtual April 2021 Notes: Poster Presentation.
Ponnala S, Hales R, Sassano C, Pohl E, Ades A, Won J: Uncovering Barriers to Family Engagement in ICU Room Design Through Human Factors Engineering and Simulation. 21st Triennial Congress of International Ergonomics Association (IEA) June 2021.
Nagar P, Ramachandra G, Kline A, Ades A, Deutsch E, Nadkarni V: Navigating Difficult Times - Virtual Simulation Curriculum Development Training for 3 Low Resource Countries. International Pediatric Simulation Society (IPSSV), virtual September 2021 Notes: Oral presentation.
Wetzel E, Ali N, Castera M, Gary M, Ades A, Hightower H, Reed D, Schierholz E, Gupta R, Johnson B: Simulation Practices in Level IV Neonatal Intensive Care Units. International Pediatric Simulation Society, virtual September 2021 Notes: Poster Presentation.
Finnegan L, Ades A, Rintoul N, Naim M, Brunetti M, Srinivasan L: Early-onset Sepsis and Early Antibiotic Exposure Among Neonates With Complex Congenital Anomalies. American Academy of Pediatrics National Conference, virtual October 2021 Notes: Poster presentation.
Dove A, Hales R, Monachino A, Good G, Ades A, Nishisaki A: "Validity and Efficiency Assessment of the Generic Post Simulation Education Assessment Tool" 20th International Meeting for Simulation in Healthcare (IMSH). San Diego, California January 2020 Notes: Poster Presentation.
Kesman R, Naim M, Rychik J, O'Byrne M, Ades A, Rintoul N: "Associations between Delivery Room Management and Balloon Atrial Septostomy in D-Transposition of the Great Arteries" Cardiology 2020: Annual Update on Pediatric and Congenital Heart Disease, Lake Buena Vista, Florida February 2020 Notes: Poster Presentation.
Herrick H, Zedalis J, Cei B, Murphy S, Napolitano N, Soorikian L, Mathews K, Pouppirt N, Nassar R, Stuart T, Nishisaki A, Foglia E, Ades A, Nawab U: "Following your ABCs Decreases Severe Tracheal Intubation Associated Events" Pediatric Academic Societies (PAS) Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA (Cancelled due to Covid 19) March 2020 Notes: Poster Presentation.
Thomas A, Ma A, Weinberg D, Huber M, Ades A, Rychik J, Foglia E: "Defining Transitional Oxygen Physiology for Newly Born Infants with Cyanotic Congenital Heart Disease" Eastern Society for Pediatric Research, March 2020 (cancelled due to Covid 19) March 2020 Notes: Platform Presentation.
Ahmed M, Sawyer T, Gray M, Brei B, Krick J, Pula-Dumitrescu M, Foglia E, Ades A, Napolitano N, Glass K, Johnston L, Jung P, Singh N, Quek B, Barry J, Zenge J, DeMeo S, Kim J, Tisnic A, Abou, A, Rumpel J, Shults J, Nadkarni V, Nishisaki A: "Does Video Laryngoscopy Improve Tracheal Intubation First Attempt Success in NICUs?" Pediatric Academic Societies (PAS) Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA (Cancelled due to Covid 19)
May 2020 Notes: Platform Presentation.
Evans P, Shults J, Weinberg D, Ades A, Napolitano N, Glass K, Sawyer T, Brei B, Krick J, Moussa A, Verreault A, Hollenberg J, Rumpel J, Mehrem A, Howlett A, McKanna J, Johnston J, Levit O, Nishisaki A, Foglia E: "Establishing Intubation Competency During Neonatal Fellowship Training" Pediatric Academic Societies (PAS) Annual Meeting. Philadelphia, PA (Cancelled due to Covid 19) May 2020 Notes: Poster Presentation.
Gray M, Brei B, Krick J, Sawyer T, Foglia E, Glass K , DeMeo S , Barry J, Kim J, Ades A, Napolitano N, , Johnston L, Moussa A, Jung P, Singh N, Quek B, Abou, A, Zenge J, Tisnic A, , Rumpel J, Shults J, Nadkarni V, Nishisaki A: "Endotracheal Tube Stylet Effect on Intubation Success: A Report From the NEAR4Neos Database" Pediatric Academic Societies (PAS) Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA (Cancelled due to Covid 19) May 2020 Notes: Poster Presentation.
Handley S, Passarella M, Lorch S, Ades A, Raymond T, Foglia E: "Epidemiology and outcomes of infants after cardiopulmonary resuscitation in the neonatal and pediatric intensive care unit in a national registry" Pediatric Academic Societies (PAS) Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA (Cancelled due to Covid 19) May 2020 Notes: Oral Poster Symposia.
Herrick H, Zedalis J, Cei B, Murphy S, Napolitano N, Soorikian L, Mathews K, Pouppirt N, Nassar R, Stuart T, Nishisaki A, Foglia E, Ades A, Nawab U: "Following your ABCs Decreases Severe Tracheal Intubation Associated Events" 2020 Academic Pediatric Association Conference: Advancing Quality Improvement Science for Children's Health Care, Philadelphia, PA (cancelled due to Covid-19) May 2020 Notes: Poster Presentation.
Herrick H, Zedalis J, Cei B, Murphy S, Napolitano N, Soorikian L, Mathews K, Pouppirt N, Nassar R, Stuart T, Nishisaki A, Foglia E, Ades A, Nawab U: "Following your ABCs Decreases Severe Tracheal Intubation Associated Events" Eastern Society for Pediatric Research (cancelled due to Covid 19) May 2020 Notes: Platform Presentation.
Kesman R, Naim M, Rychik J, O'Byrne M, Ades A, Rintoul N.: "Associations between Delivery Room Management and Balloon Atrial Septostomy in D-Transposition of the Great Arteries" Pediatric Academic Societies (PAS) Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA (Cancelled due to Covid 19) May 2020 Notes: Poster Presentation.
Kim M, Ades A, Fuller S, Okunowo O, Rintoul N, Naim M: "Low Birth Weight Neonates Undergoing Cardiac Surgery: Have Outcomes Improved Over Time?" Pediatric Academic Societies (PAS) Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA (Cancelled due to Covid 19) May 2020 Notes: Platform Presentation.
Thomas A, Ma A, Weinberg D, Huber M, Ades A, Rychik J, Foglia E: "Defining Transitional Oxygen Physiology for Newly Born Infants with Cyanotic Congenital Heart Disease" Pediatric Academic Societies (PAS) Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA (Cancelled due to CoVid 19) May 2020 Notes: Poster Presentation.
Lectures by Invitation
Ades A. "Optimal Delivery Room Management of the Newborn with Complex Congenital Heart Disease", 1st International Middle East Fetal-Neonatal Cardiovascular Conference. Abu Dhabi, UAE. Oct 2022.
Ades A. "Innovation in Neonatal Simulation", SIMULUS 7: 7th Annual Conference of PediSTARs on Healthcare Simulation. Jodhpur, India. Sept 2022.
Ades A. "Fetal to Neonatal Care: Navigation the Continuum", Neonatal Grand Rounds, Children's Hospital of Atlanta. May 2022.
Ades A. "Simulation Curriculum Design, Facilitation and Debriefing", Guangzhou Women and Children's Hospital, Virtual. Sept 2021.
Ades A. "Making the delivery room as efficient and safe as an airline cockpit" Workshop on Neonatal Perinatal Practice Strategies. (Virtual). Mar 2021.
Ades A. "Core elements of interprofessional simulation-based education", Korean Society for Simulation in Healthcare, Annual Scientific Meeting (virtual). Nov 2020.
Ades A. "Interdisciplinary ECMO care and team training", 2020 Neonatal-Infant ECMO International, Ghuangzhou Women and Children's Medical Center, Ghuangzhou, China (virtual). Nov 2020.
Ades A. Lecturer, Simulation Scenario Design, CHOP-GWCMC Joint Academic Pediatrician Training Program, virtually. Aug 2020.
Ades A. COVID-19 Preparedness of hospitals: How can Simulation help? The NICU perspective. Practo-Connect (virtual). May 2020.
Ades A. "Neonatal Intubation-getting It Right", Future of Neonatal Care-Advancing the Management of Newborns. 99NIicu. Vienna, Austria. (Cancelled due to CoVid 19). Apr 2020.
Ades A. "Selecting Leadership Styles To Improve Team Performance", 12th Annual International Pediatric Simulation Symposia and Workshops (IPSSW), St. Petersburg, FL. (Cancelled due to CoVid-19). Apr 2020.
Ades A. "Debriefing", 36th Annual ECMO and the Advanced Therapies for Respiratory Failure Simulation Preconference, Keystone, Colorado. Feb 2020.
Ades A. "Journey of Neonatal Simulation: NRP to ECMO." SIMULUS5, Chennai, India. Feb 2020.
Editorials, Reviews, Chapters
Watanabe I, Ades A, Nishisaki A. Tele-Simulation for Healthcare Team and System Improvement. Comprehensive Healthcare Simulation: Improving Healthcare Systems. Springer Nature. Eds: Deutsch E, Perry S, Gurnaney H. 2021
Ades A, Halamek L, Sawyer T. Using Simulation to Improve Neonatal Care. Comprehensive Healthcare Simulation: Improving Healthcare Systems. Springer Nature. Eds: Deutsch E, Perry S, Gurnaney H. 2021
Johnston L, Ades A, Su L, Brediger S, Allan C. : "Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation", Neonatal Simulation: A Practical Guide (First Edition, Chapter 11 American Academy of Pediatrics. Soghier L and Robin B (eds.). May 2021.
Ades A, Bruno C, Johnston L : "Boot Camps", Neonatal Simulation: A Practical Guide (First Edition), Chapter 14. American Academy of Pediatrics. Soghier L and Robin B (eds.). May 2021.
Ades A and Johnston L: Endotracheal Intubation. MacDonald's Atlas of Procedures in Neonatology. Wolters Kluwer, 2020 Notes: 6th Edition, Chapter 38.
White M, Ades A, Shefrin A, Kast S: Task Trainers and Procedural Skills Training. Comprehensive Healthcare Simulation: Pediatric Edition (1st Edition). In Grant V, Cheng A (eds.). Springer, 2016.
Aftab S, Ades A, Reed M.: Imaging of the skeletal system. Imaging of the newborn, (2nd ed). In Kirpalani, Epelman, Mernagh(Eds): (eds.). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge UK, January 2012.
Ades A and Myers M.: Developmental Aspects of Pain. Fetal and Neonatal Physiology, (4th ed). Polin, Fox, Abman (Eds): (eds.). Elsevier Science, Page: 1870-74, 2011.
Wernovsky G, Ades AM, Spray TS.: Management of Congenital Heart Disease in the Low Birth Weight Neonate. In: Avery's Diseases of the Newborn (8th ed, Chapter 59). Taeusch, Ballard, Gleason (eds.). Elsevier Saunders, Philadelphia, PA, Page: 888-895, 2005.
Ades AM, Johnson B, Berger S.: Management of Low Birth Weight Infants with Congenital Heart Disease. Clinics of Perinatology 32: 999-1015, 2005.
Ades AM, Wernovsky G.: Management Considerations and Outcome of Low Birth Weight Infants with Congenital Heart Disease. Neoreviews 6: e332-339, 2005.
Johnson BA, Ades AM.: Delivery Room and Early Postnatal Management of Neonates Who Have Congenital Heart Disease. Clinics of Perinatology 32: 921-946, 2005.
Kaplan J, Ades AM, Rychik J.: Effect of Prenatal Diagnosis on Outcome in Patients with Congenital Heart Disease. Neoreviews 6: e326-331, 2005.