The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Names New Chief Development Officer
Aug 25, 2016
CHOP has chosen Monica Taylor Lotty as its new executive vice president and chief development officer, following an extensive national search.
<p>Strep throat is an infection of the throat caused by a bacteria called Group A Strep or Streptococcus pyogenes. The bacteria can be spread via airborne droplets or saliva such as when sharing food or drinks.</p>
Aug 25, 2016
CHOP has chosen Monica Taylor Lotty as its new executive vice president and chief development officer, following an extensive national search.
Aug 24, 2016
Most children with uncomplicated OSAS, including obese children, show a marked improvement in the number and severity of obstructive events on PSG following adenotonsillectomy.
Aug 24, 2016
In this case study we discuss the assessment of common sleep problems in adolescents, and explore recommendations for developing good sleep habits.
Aug 24, 2016
This case study explores the symptoms, diagnosis and management of rapid-onset obesity with hypothalamic dysfunction, hypoventilation, and autonomic dysregulation, or ROHHAD.
Aug 23, 2016
Brian Jenssen, MD, reflects on the unique position pediatricians are in to educate and motivate parents to protect their children from secondhand smoke, and shares results from a recent study published in Pediatrics.
Aug 23, 2016
Alumni notes from Summer 2016.
Aug 23, 2016
One year after Zion's hand transplant surgery, Children's Hospital shares an update on his progress.
Aug 23, 2021
Prepare your student for pre-season athletic training with proper conditioning using stretching exercises.
Aug 23, 2016
A 20-month-old previously healthy male presents to primary care with a history of bruising on the extremities, which are appearing without significant trauma, and a spreading pinpoint rash in his diaper creases and belly.
Jun 11, 2021
Bone stress injuries are common overuse injuries that often strike young female athletes, and can take them out of the game, studio or gym for months. Naomi Brown, MD, talks about relative energy deficiency in sport (RED-S) and its connection to stress fractures.