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Sprains and Strains in Children

<p><blurb></blurb></p> <p>Strains, sprains, and bruises make up the majority of sports injuries. Treatment for a strain or sprain depends on the child's age and the extent of the injury.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>

A Big Breakthrough for Our Tiniest Patients

Apr 25, 2017

A team of researchers at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia has innovated a new womb-like device that may dramatically reduce the effects of prematurity and revolutionize care for these tiny and vulnerable babies.

Make the Diagnosis : Spring 2017

Apr 10, 2017

A 3-year-old girl visits your office for her well-child visit. Initially, she clings to her mother, but as you continue to talk, she climbs down and runs around the exam room, touching everything. What's her diagnosis?

Alumni Notes Spring 2017

Apr 10, 2017

Cindy Christian, MD, Alumni Editor, writes about the Alumni Reception at the Pediatric Academic Societies Annual Meeting and shares exciting updates from former CHOP alumni.

Children’s Doctor News and Updates: Spring 2017

Apr 10, 2017

Read stories of breakthroughs in CHOP's 2016 annual reports and find more information about Dr. Allen's lifetime achievement award, growth failure research, and CHOP's latest collaborations and affiliations.

Neonatal Jaundice: When to Refer

Apr 10, 2017

Newborn jaundice is a common pediatric problem. Most instances are benign, and the challenge for clinicians is to determine when further evaluation is needed.

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